"Guru~ Guru..."

"Hoo~ I'm saved..."

Zhou Nan was leaning on the chair and panting constantly, like that, the more embarrassed it would be.

"Hehe, you can live by eating faster, and you can live well~" Jiang Shui said coldly, looking at him.

"Don't dare, don't dare, I really almost died..." Zhou Nan waved his hands feebly, looking collapsed.

"It's really freaking, see if you dare to eat so fast next time, but I think Younger Brother, you're not bad?" Jiang Shui looked at Chen Yongan, and Chen Yongan trembled with fright.

"Then what, this is an accident, hehe, accident, I ate well..." As he said, he sipped the sandwich in his hand.

"Hmph, you boys, you always have to do something to remember!"

After listening to Jiang Shui, Zhou Jiang immediately stopped doing it.

"It's too much to say that. Don't kill everyone in one stroke. Look at me, Xu Feng, and Teacher Tian. Only these two guys can be so skinny."

Lu Ran swallowed the sandwich in his mouth: "Are you embarrassed to say Zhou Nan and the others? Who dared to travel alone? Huh? Who was it?!"

"...Cough cough." Zhou Jiang was embarrassed and speechless...

"Yes, Mr. Lu Ran is right. Zhou Jiang is ashamed to say that what you did at the beginning is much more dangerous than ours. We just choke at the most. You really have to work hard. Right!"

"Huh? You are ashamed to say that you are comparable to Zhou Jiang's? Do you want to be the first trainer to be choked to death and want to talk today?" Jiang Shui saw that Zhou Nan was not introspective, but actually returned To compare with Zhou Jiang, suddenly angry.

If she was choked to death, her face would be thrown in.

Eating too fast and choking to death...hehe...hehe...

"Uh...I'm reflecting..." Facing the river, Zhou Nan's voice suddenly disappeared, shrinking his neck and speaking weakly.

"Well, Jiang Shui, don't be angry. This time I taught him a lesson. Next time he will not dare. Let's eat, eat. After dinner, we will accompany Zhou Jiang to challenge the gym. "Wang Qingyan took Jiang Shui's hand on one side to calm her down.

"Humph!" Jiang Shui snorted coldly, staring at Zhou Nan before continuing to eat.

From beginning to end, Xu Feng and Tian Zhengjie didn't say a word.

"Ah, why is it gone?!"

"Hehe, of course it was eaten by us when you were arguing." Xu Feng glanced at Zhou Nan, then took out the diameter and wiped his mouth: "I'm full, I'm full, I'm going to rest~"


"Here~" Looking at Zhou Nan's pitiful expression, Zhou Jiang lost a "Jenny Turtle" over.

"Jenny Turtle, it's still the little fire dragon delicious..."

"Tsk, do you want love, don't pull it down, bring it!"

"Don't don't, I'll eat, I can't eat it~"

"Huh~ don't talk to me in that disgusting tone, go find your Jiangshui girlfriend!"

Seeing Zhou Nan looking towards him, Jiang Shui's eyes widened: "Don't, you don't come over and talk to me like this, be careful I just throw you out!"

Zhou Nan looked back at Zhou Jiang with a "pitiful" face.

"Fuck off! Eat your meal!"

Zhou Jiang choked with the disgusting expression, and when he saw it, he threw a "little fire dragon" over and then left.

At the table, Zhou Nan was left eating alone.

On the bed, Wang Qingyan and Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen were looking at the Katy Dog. Although the little guy has not much hair, there are not many. The whole elf is fluffy, lying on his back in bed and sleeping, his belly rising with his breath. It's pretty cute.

This room is a triple room with three beds. It can be regarded as Zhou Jiang, Xu Feng and Zhou Nan’s rooms. The girls occupied Zhou Jiang’s bed. Zhou Nan’s bed was seated by Tian Zhengjie and Chen Yongan. Zhou Jiang could only go. Xu Feng is sitting there.

Xu Feng sat on his bed and looked at the computer, moving his fingers from time to time.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Jiang leaned over and asked.

"Oh, I read the news about what happened before K city."

With that, Xu Feng turned his notebook to Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang lowered his head and watched slowly. After three minutes, he had read everything. The whole news was praised by the Union prosecutors, and all good things were collected.

Yes, after all, everyone was rescued unscathed, and the whole incident was summed up and lost the shops and stores. Nothing else was lost. The alliance also caught a lot of big fish. The base that Zhou Jiang had discovered before was also completely destroyed. Smashed.

Although the Rockets were broadcasting the battle of Zhou Jiang and the others, their voices directly crooked to Zhou Jiang...

After the entire battle, Zhou Jiang performed very well. If the protagonist is Zhang Kai as the highest commander, then Zhou Jiang is an important supporting role, and the degree of importance is still not much different from that of the protagonist.

Zhou Jiang's young appearance and powerful elves are very eye-catching, especially the big needle bee and flying mantis fighting side by side ~ www.ltnovel.com~ super handsome!

Moreover, there was also a time when Zhou Jiang caught the unscrupulous reporter. At that time, Zhou Jiang was on camera for the first time except when the duo came in.

Although the result is like this, it is very eye-catching. The cool handsomeness is also mixed with the element of funny comparison, which can make people remember him at once, and the funny ratio when dividing the cake later... and the superb strength behind. Elf, Zhou Jiang has completely grabbed the spotlight...

The final result was that although the team leader was Zhang Kai and Miss Junsha, Zhou Jiang's popularity exploded directly.

"You are also a celebrity now, do you want to sign me?" Seeing Zhou Jiang finished reading, Xu Feng said to Zhou Jiang with a smile.

"Come on, it's a celebrity. You can forget me in two seconds, right?" Zhou Jiang waved his hand with a look of disgust: "But I think, maybe I will be famous after I finish participating in this league competition? "

"Aren't you famous long ago..." Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jiang speechlessly: "One of the college league champions, if you didn't know where you went after the game and didn't accept the interview, let us replace it. I guess It’s hard for you to go to the streets, but no..."

"Wait!" Zhou Jiang widened his eyes and looked at Xu Feng with a ghostly expression: "What are you talking about?! Interview? Did you give me a substitute?"

"That's right." Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jiang with a strange look: "Didn't you ask Zhou Nan to let us take the interview instead of you?"

Zhou Jiang's voice from this side caught their attention, and they looked towards this side.

Chen Yongan was not sitting on Zhou Nan’s bed at this time, but next to Zhou Nan who was eating, and saw him stabbing Zhou Nan with his elbow: "Huh? How did I feel murderous... Fatty, me Seeing your Yintang go dark, this is a big omen!"

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