"Go, go, what a bad omen is not bad, I don't think you are wearing underwear!" Zhou Nan looked at Chen Yongan with disgust, but suddenly, he felt something wrong, and turned his head to look at Zhou Jiang and Xu. Peak here.

"What's the matter, look at me like that?"

"I told you that I didn't want to interview?"

"Yes, you didn't say you don't want to interview at the beginning..."

"... Did I say that?"


"..." Looking at Zhou Nan with a certain face, Zhou Jiang was shaken.

He naturally knows who he is.

Two words-Mensao!

If there is any interview, Zhou Jiang would definitely want to go, but he is afraid of making a mistake or showing something wrong, so he will hesitate.

In the face of this situation, Zhou Jiang's rational choice was not to go, although he wanted to go.

But as long as someone pulls him and begs him...

Zhou Jiang couldn't remember the scene at that time, but if it was really like this, could it really be rejected by himself?

Very possible!


Now Zhou Jiang really regrets his death. If he really accepted the interview at the beginning, then he would become a star and famous?

Someone came to him to sign? Got a fan? Can you sink powder?

Now there is nothing...

Without positive media interviews, it would be difficult to see Zhou Jiang clearly through the game video alone. After all, the game is basically taking pictures of the elves. Whoever has nothing to do is to take pictures of the elf and the trainer, even if the trainer has some shots, but It will not be too much, and the position estimate cannot be too much anticipated.

Regret! It's really regretful that the intestines are blue.

"Didn't you say that you hate being followed and interviewed by others? You said that you are like a little fire monkey raised in captivity."



"Before... how long ago?"

"Huh? You asked me this. How can I remember it... at least four or five years have passed..."


Zhou Jiang fell on the bed all at once.


Don't you kid know that people can change? ! Can't you come and ask me!

"What's wrong with him?" Chen Yongan asked, looking at Zhou Jiang who was lying on the bed.

"do not know……"

"Sa~ who knows..."

Zhou Nan and Xu Feng both shrugged their shoulders, and then went to do their own things. Zhou Nan continued to eat, and Xu Feng continued to browse the news.

Seeing the "farce" ended, Wang Qingyan, Chen Yongan and others also went on their own.

The five daughters of Wang Qingyan continued to poke the sleeping cute catty dog ​​again and again, while Chen Yongan returned to the bed and discussed something with Tian Zhengjie again.

If someone in Zhou Jiang listened carefully to their conversation, they would know what they were going to do. Last night, Tian Zhengjie and Chen Yongan decided to create their own skills just like Zhou Jiang...

Now, they are discussing the characteristics of some skills and possible extensions.

After Zhou Nan finished eating, he put the "Little Fire Dragon" and "Jenny Turtle" who had been Tao Kong away, and then put them on the table.

This is what Zhou Jiang requested, he is a bit "collective"...

After washing, Zhou Jiang will put in everything that can be put in, and in the wild, this thing can also be used as a kettle, how convenient!

Okay, they also bring the kettle...

After Zhou Nan finished eating, she went to wash her hands, and then picked up her mobile phone and started charging...

The mobile version of "Elves Alliance", "Elf Glory", is now completely popular, and he just likes this game, so he basically starts playing when he is free.

Zhou Jiang "faded" for a while and got up. Seeing that the nine people were doing their own things, he had no choice but to roll over and let his face face the ceiling. Then he lay there and closed his eyes.

I feel full and want to sleep...


I don't know how long it took, Zhou Jiang dumbly heard someone talking.

"Leave now?"

"It's almost time, but Zhou Jiang is still sleeping, why not wait?"

Zhou Jiang opened his eyes in a daze, got up and looked at the few people sitting on the chairs nearby, yawning: "...ha~ did you call me?"

"I finally woke up, go to challenge the gym? It's two o'clock in the afternoon, right?" Zhou Nan said.

"Huh? Is it two o'clock? I slept for so long..."

Zhou Jiang pondered for a while, then nodded: "Okay, wait for me to wash my face."

With that, Zhou Jiang got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

When they came out, they were all ready.

After changing their shoes at the door, they went out.

The gymnasium in City I is an insect gymnasium, not far from the spirit center, and it can be reached quickly even on foot.

The owner of the Insect System Gymnasium is Fan Tianlei, and the face spirit is Vulcan Moth.

Vulcan moths are rare elves that go hand in hand with quasi-gods.

Although it is an insect type, it also has a fire attribute. Only flying, rock, and water systems are restrained. Even the dragon type has a double restraint relationship with it.

And its race value is not low, reaching five hundred and fifty. Although it looks five points lower than the wind speed dog, in the real world, the Vulcan moth may be blessed or something~www.ltnovel.com~ In short, it is very Very awesome.

And Zhou Jiang didn't know where he saw it. It was said in the second or first novel that the Vulcan moth can incubate eggs, reducing the time for the eggs to hatch, and improving the aptitude of the elves.

All in all, the Vulcan moth is a very awesome and rare elf!

To be honest, Zhou Jiang is still a bit greedy for the Vulcan moth, but now he hasn't even got the most wanted Lucario, and Zhou Jiang doesn't want any Vulcan moth anymore.

When he came to the gate of the gymnasium shown on the map, Zhou Jiang looked at the sign on it, a little speechless.

"Botanical Garden"... I don't know, I thought it was a grass system...

Fan Tianlei estimated that he had also explained to the ticket sales lady at the front desk. As soon as Zhou Jiang asked, the other party immediately contacted the owner of the museum, and then they were taken by a female staff member to the place where they wanted to compete.

Except for the first two games of Zhou Jiang, the following games are basically played in places where no one is watching. Even if there are unexpected differences, it is also the owner who is too lazy to change places...

The staff took Zhou Jiang and the others to a large botanical garden. Except for the cobblestone path they were walking on, they were surrounded by tall trees and various flowers and plants.


After turning a corner, the staff stopped.

A few people from Zhou Jiang saw that there was a somewhat open field in front, but there were a lot of trees planted on the field. On the opposite side stood a man wearing yellow beach clothes and big sunglasses.

"Yo! It's finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Fan Tianlei took off his sunglasses and hung them in his chest pocket, and laughed loudly.

"Well, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long, but I won't let the game go."

"Hahaha, of course, come on!"


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