I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 469: Severely damaged site...


The big needle bee swept over with a shot, and directly blasted the giant pincer mantis that was spinning around in a circle!

When it flew out, the giant pincer mantis was still doing a sword dance, even if it flew towards the distance, it still did not stop.

Just when the big needle bee was about to catch up to make up the knife, the sword dance of the giant pincer mantis was also done!


The giant pincer mantis stopped spinning, and a burst of white gas surged around the whole body, and the two giant pincers glowing red flashed a terrifying light.

"Good! Giant Claw Mantis, Bullet Punch!"


The giant pincers mantis stepped on the ground to stabilize its backing body, then leaned forward and kicked hard! Instantly transformed into a bullet, disappeared from the spot and suddenly rushed towards the big needle bee.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the giant pincer mantis, and reminded the big needle bee: "Big needle bee, pay attention."

The characteristic of this giant pincer mantis is a technical master, and the effect is to increase the damage of skills whose damage does not reach "60" by half.

The damage of bullet punch is "40", and half of it is "60".

Coupled with the speed of bullet punches, it is absolutely uncomfortable to get a hit.

The Big Needle Bee nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the giant pincer mantis flying towards it seriously.


The Big Needle Bee saw the timing, and his body slightly deflected, and the giant pincer mantis turned into bullets passed directly past it.

The big needle bee will naturally not just let it go.

Turning around quickly, then the spear smashed towards the giant pincer mantis with a mighty force.

The situation looks very dangerous, but for the giant pincer mantis, this is just a small test.

Its right clamp is turned into a "bullet" and it is pressed in front, while the left clamp is free, and it can be used to resist it at this time.

The Giant Pliers Mantis turned over slightly, so that he could turn his pliers to the direction of the big needle bee's gun and let his strength be better.



With a loud noise, the giant pincer mantis bowed its body, and it hit the ground directly when it was going to shoot forward.

It underestimates the strange power of the Big Needle Bee.

Before it was in the sword dance, although the Big Needle Bee also used strange power, it did not use much power due to various relationships. This time it was different. It was prepared and the inertia after the body rotated to swing the gun...

That super power directly smashed it from mid-air...


The ground that was already torn apart was severely traumatized again...

Although the site was blocked by the splashing smoke and dust, everyone knew that this site would not be repaired due to major repairs...

This needs to be rebuilt directly...

"Tsk tusk, it's so pitiful, a training venue costs at least 10 million, right?" Zhou Nan touched his chin and smiled.

Xu Feng shook his head: "More than that, the quality of this site is good, at least 15 million yuan. Although the following is not broken and does not need to be completely rebuilt, it will cost four or five million yuan. If Sun Hua, the protective machine, can't escape more than ten million..."

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's only the third elf now. If you continue to fight, it is estimated that the whole will be scrapped."


"Venue Destroyer..."

Zhou Nan and the others sighed, while Fan Tianlei was a little bit eager to cry.

I knew I would not be lazy and go straight to the training ground of the heavenly king...

Now this training ground is a training ground that can resist attacks below the quasi-Uranus level, but this ground is really not enough to see in front of the strange power of the Big Needle Bee...

It was cracked in three or two times, and the entire layer of skin on the top was useless, and it was not easy to repair, and if it continued like this, it is estimated that the foundation under this ground will be damaged...

Why was he lazy and greedy and effortless in the first place...

Although the alliance will give out funds every year, this battle is his own mistake... Obviously he wants to bring Zhou Jiang to the venue that is dedicated to the battle against the elf of the heavenly king. In order to save time...

It is his problem, so the Alliance will not reimburse him, that is to say, he needs to pay for the maintenance of this land...


Being abused and losing money... How unlucky is this? !

Thinking about it, Fan Tianlei slammed towards Zhou Jiang.

Damn, what are you doing so hard for Big Needle Bee!

Zhou Jiang didn't see Fan Tianlei's eyes, but even if he saw it, he wouldn't take it seriously.

Anyway, this money is just a small thing to him, isn't it?

And he is a challenger, and he does not need compensation~

Gymnasium trainers are really profitable professions, and those who can become gymnasium trainers, as long as they are not just opened gyms or other accidents, otherwise they will not be short of money.

Just hire some apprentices and you will get a lot of money.

The most important thing in China is rich people.

Although the world depends on strength and money, in China, relationships and circles are the real good things.

China has a large population, and there is never a shortage of wealthy "nouveau riche". They want to enter the upper circle~www.ltnovel.com~The quickest way is to have power!

As long as the children and grandchildren have good talents and the elves have the strength, then it is possible for them to talk to the people above, and how to improve their strength?


All kinds of medicinal materials, props, tree fruits, food, wound medicine.

These things can be bought with money, and the only difficulty is teaching.

Who will teach you?

Even if high-level trainers can be found in the market to teach them, they will generally not be taught for a long time, because those high-level trainers basically need to spend money to buy some props and so on to do these things. .

They are looking forward to reaching the champion level of the heavenly king, so after they got the money and bought what they wanted, they all slipped into the forest to practice.

Want to hire a high-level trainer who teaches all the year round?


Although there are, but rarely encountered.

Unless you have any great kindness to him.

At this time, the gymnasium trainer was highlighted.

Does the gym trainer have time?


They have reached the strength of a quasi-king to a heavenly king, and they can’t leave the gym for a long time when they train the elves. They basically train in the gym. As long as they become apprentices in that gym, then they can be next to the master. Watching training or begging him for guidance.

Although you need to pay a lot of money to be an apprentice, and you have to do some hard work and other training every day, what does it have to do with the guidance of the master?

Of course, apprentices do not necessarily have to spend money, and there are also some things that are pleasing to the eyes of the owner, who can become apprentices, but this also requires luck...

After all, not everyone can make the owner feel good and want to train him, right?

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