On the field, the smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the giant pincer mantis and the panting big needle bee that have lost their fighting ability inside.

Previously, after the giant pincer mantis was hit on the ground, Zhou Jiang glanced at the system and let the big needle bee go into the smoke and fight with it.

Zhou Jiang didn't need to look at the system to know that the Giant Claw Mantis would never lose its fighting ability.

After all, the Giant Claw Mantis's defense is still very good, and it used the left clamp to resist the attack of the Big Needle Bee before, plus it is still full of energy.

In order not to waste time and energy, Zhou Jiang didn't want the big needle bee to be smashed, and he started close combat directly!

Anyway, seeing and hearing color is the same as there is and not for the big needle bee. It only needs to pay attention to physical strength. The big needle bee without much physical strength cannot fight for a long time and drive the view and hearing color. After all, open the view and hearing color. Then if you fight, your physical strength will pass faster.

So the fastest and safest way is to go directly into the smoke and start to dry!

The giant pincer mantis does not have any other perception skills. In the smoke and dust, as long as the big needle bee deliberately suppresses the other party and makes the smoke and dust again from time to time, then this giant pincer mantis can be said to be safe to eat!

The final result was similar to what Zhou Jiang thought.

The big needle bee pressed the giant pincer mantis in the dust. The giant pincer mantis wanted to blow away the smoke, but the big needle bee did not give it a chance. Once it was distracted to disperse it, the big needle bee could give it a fatal blow .

The attack power of the Big Needle Bee is not a joke, there is no defense to take a blow, it can't stand it.

It was hit by a shot accidentally on it before, and now its arm hurts and cannot be used. If it comes again, it won't be able to fight back even if the smoke blows away.

Therefore, the giant pincer mantis can only passively defend against the attack of the big needle bee. The field of view is narrow, and the arm is still broken. The strength is not as great as the big needle bee, and the speed is not as fast as the big needle bee...

When it has been completely suppressed, where does it have the opportunity to fight back?

Fortunately, it also has insect attributes, and the fighting element damages the insect element half, otherwise its steel attributes can kill it...

Of course, even though it is dead now, it also consumes more physical strength that is not much of the needle bee, which is not bad.

At this level of stamina, the big needle bee probably won't be able to beat the next elf.

But if you can still look at luck if the king is a beginner, it won't be a good thing for an intermediate.

"Come back, giant pincer praying mantis..." Fan Tianlei felt helpless.

If you fight with Big Needle Bee, unless it is faster than the opponent's speed, you really won't be able to touch it.

The needle bee itself is extremely fast and powerful, if the power is stronger than it, the needle bee will also have that magical way of avoiding...

Even with special attacks, the speed of the Big Needle Bee is not slow!

His Vulcan's ultra-fast jet flames can't hit the opponent, let alone other things.

The only way he can win is to suppress the opponent in speed...

Or come to a turret output?

But the output of the turrets is not reliable. The so-called turrets are large elves with strong long-range attack power, slow speed, and strong defense to some extent.

Such as the frog flower, water arrow turtle, etc., can be used as a turret character.

The power of the turret character lies in its large size, sufficient physical strength, and high skill intensity. The launch speed and striking area with a little training skill are very strong.

However, if you really face the big needle bee...

Fan Tianlei glanced at the existence that was even smaller than the normal big needle bee, a little speechless.

If you don’t consider the original aura that it emits, and people who don’t know it, you will definitely think that this big needle bee is a stunted existence, which is a little smaller than the normal big needle bee. This is not What is dysplasia?

However, who would have thought that just such a big needle bee could hang two or three of their younger generation's elves at the level of the king?

Taking a deep breath, Fan Tianlei let go of the idea of ​​defeating him.

Is it worthy of being a baptized elf from the ruins...

Ruins...Should I return the gymnasium to my dad and try to travel again?

Suddenly, the heart that had been traveling for many years was buried, and at this moment, it suddenly throbbed again.

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that this idea is very good, very good. If you persuade those guys to go together...

"Ahem, um... Although there is no referee in this game, don't you hurry up? If you don't send the elf, my big sting bee's stamina will be fully restored."

"Uh...Ahahaha, I'm sorry, I remembered something that was delayed." Fan Tianlei was taken aback, and then he remembered that he was still on the playing field, and suddenly touched the top of his head in embarrassment: "Go, rain Winged moth!"

"Rain-winged moth..." Zhou Jiang murmured as he watched the moths with fierce eyes on the wings.

If you talk about other elves, Zhou Jiang might still be a little bit ignorant, but the rain wing moth is different. Zhou Jiang had specifically looked for some information about it in his previous life.

He has forgotten the others, but he remembers the only one, rain-winged moths are afraid of rain!

Although this thing will also release water skills, but it is afraid of rain...

If the wings get wet in the rain~www.ltnovel.com~ then it can’t fly. This is based on the information he found in the previous life. In the real world, although the inability to fly may be exaggerated, Zhou Jiang thinks it has wings. It should be very difficult to fly after being wet by rain.

Isn't this a gift for Zhou Jiang!

Although the elves could not be replaced, according to Zhou Jiang's estimation, the Big Needle Bee is going to kneel, and after Big Needle Bee kneels, he can release Menus.

Meinas is absolutely restrained by the blood mother!

One trick to beg the rain to go down, it will become a rookie.

If the rain doesn't come out, there are still hard vortex water blades!

The huge amount of water produced by the hard vortex water blade, once the rain wing moth is involved, it will be the end of GG after it comes out.

And whether it can come out after entering is a question...

But this is not something Zhou Jiang needs to devote great attention to now.

This rain wing moth is only in the early days of the king of heaven, and it is only seventy-one. It is considered to have just stepped into the door of the king, and it is still a role for the big needle bee.

As long as the Big Needle Bee be careful, and then seize the opportunity to give it a hard shot, then there is a chance to kill the opponent.

And as long as the big needle bee uses the residual heat to kill the rain wing moth, then where does he need to think about how to use Menus to abuse each other?

"Rain wing moth, sweet smell!"

"Big Needle Bee, tear up the opening, and be careful not to **** that thing in!"

Sweet smell.

State-based skills. After the elves use this skill, the elves recruited in the game will reduce the evasion rate, and in the real world, Zhou Jiang estimates that the effect is similar.

Of course, the effect is that there is this effect, and the evasion rate will indeed be reduced, but...will it appear more than this effect in actual combat? !

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