"A new look."

The effect of the skill is to clear its own negative states such as poisoning and burns, but Menus doesn't know if this skill has affinity or something. Anyway, with this skill, he can quickly master it.

Skill proficiency is divided into learning, mastering, proficiency, and success.

After the skills exchanged by the system are used, the proficiency is directly "mastery", and now Menus's mastery of the "renewed" skill can be said to have reached the peak-Dacheng!

The use of skills can not only get rid of the negative state that exists on your own body, but also restore some injuries.

Maybe this is talent...

Those skills of Zhou Jiang's other elves are still at that level.

Basically, it has not been promoted.

Only the "renewal" of Menus rose sharply...

After being baptized with a "renewed look", Menus returned to full state, and looked at Heracross who was spraying curry sticks at the waterspout, Menus smiled slightly.


A stream of water that was compressed to the extreme shot towards Heracross.

This is the water breaking wave, or it can be said that the water gun is compressed to the extreme.

The compression skills are not that good. If you can do it easily, isn't this a bad street...

Skill compression can make the power of skills stronger, but how difficult is it?

Compression skills also need wizard talent!

If you don’t have talent or ordinary elves, if you have this time to play compression skills, is it not good to go for running and exercise?

As for the improvement of skills, the old fritters among the trainers are doing it.

The elves themselves have reached a certain level, and there is not much gain from training the elves. That's when they start to transform and compress their skills.

Of course... it's another matter if it's related...

If you know a good trainer, you can let their elves teach your elves, but most people's interpersonal relationships are actually average, and they only know people of the same age.

And Zhou Jiang had no teacher around at the beginning, and he was not sure about the elf skills, so he changed Minus to such a skill.

The water is broken!

The skill in Naruto compresses the water flow, and then sprays it out like a knife, cutting everything open.

The slender water flow flew toward Heracross, who was still jetting energy. When passing by the first waterspout, the powerful suction had no effect on the water flow that Menus shot this time.

The water still shot straight towards Heracross!

You know, the hard vortex water blade that was sent for the second time was also affected more or less when it was in the javelin state, changing the direction of the attack, and now the water is broken...


A big tree that was uprooted by a waterspout flew towards the waterspout. When it hit the water that broke across there, everyone heard a very comfortable sound, and then the big tree fell into two halves... …

Fan Tianlei's pupils shrank and shouted to Heracross: "Heracross, get away!"


Heracross was also desperate.

It has finally finished spraying the energy of the destruction and death light, and the huge waterspout was directly shrunk under its destruction and death light. Now its volume is estimated to be only one-sixth of its original size. The size of one...

At this time, its crisis of being swept away has been lifted, but...

Thinking back to the big tree that looked like butter cut by a hot knife, Heracross was full of despair.

After the destruction of death light is used, there is a serious freezing time. Heracross has a strong body and high level, so the freezing time is a little less, but it also has four or five seconds!

Is four or five seconds too much time?

not much.


A lot!

And this is not the worst, what makes it most desperate is that Minas's move is so fast!

Even if it hasn't fallen into a frozen time, it feels that it can't escape this trick...


Just when Heracross was thinking about it, Menus' attack came!

In the crowd's nervous eyes, the slender water directly hit Heracros!

Everyone dare not look down on this slender water flow, just because of its speed and power, everyone has seen it. Although the tree is fragile, it is cut open like tofu. It is also a powerful attack or flying mantis. Caused by weapons.

Like the water gun used by Menus...

Who dares to underestimate that power?

In the eyes of everyone, Heracross raised his hands, the two white nails of the worm's claws crossed each other, and then the water flow from the front impacted each other!

Amazingly, Heracross actually blocked it!

Although being impacted by the powerful water current, Heracross's body was constantly retreating, and even the ground was plowed out of two obvious pits, but this was also prevented!

"Minus, increase firepower output!"

Zhou Jiang looked at Heracross, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He also didn't expect that Heracross could be blocked like this!

Your claws are made of alloy?

It would not be uncommon for him to be blocked by his big needle bee like this. After all, the big needle bee’s spear cost a lot of points to get, and as a result, a Heracross is so vigorous?

One of Menus's proud tricks is so blocked, it is naturally unwilling.

The original stamina was instantly thrown into the battle by it, and the small water flow grew slightly, and this was not the main thing, the main thing was that the flow of the water flowed faster!

If the water current is to form effective lethality, then the two must be the same.

Speed, volume!

literal meaning.

The speed and volume of water flow.

Now both are accounted for, but the water flow is only a little bit higher, and the water flow itself is not much, the water flow can be said to be negligible.

If one is negligible, what about the flow rate of the water?

Unlike the water flow, the flow velocity of this water flow itself is very fast, and now it has been increased, then the damage will explode directly.

No, Heracross, who could only barely hold on, was directly headed out by Menus’s blow~www.ltnovel.com~!

This is the end of the matter?

Of course not.

At the moment of being pushed out, Heracross's claws were flicked away, and the water still shot straight ahead...


A familiar crisp sounded, Zhou Jiang fixed his eyes, and Heracross's waist was cut out!


Heracross roared, and the energy of her whole body was mobilized!

At this time, Heracross finally recovered from the rigidity that destroyed the death light!

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