
Heracross's wings vibrated and flew slowly, before landing on the ground.

With a cut in the side, Heracross is now uncomfortable.

Fortunately, its wings are contained in an armor-like shell. Only when it is about to fly, it will open the shell and extend its wings to fly.

If its wings were on the outside, the one shot of Menus just now would be enough to cause its wings to be seriously injured and then unable to fly.

Although there was a gap in the side of the waist now, it was a bit painful, but the blood was stopped by the source and it was not bad.

"Heracross, avoid the back corner of the current!"


Heracross glanced at the stream of water that was shooting towards this side, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Just now the current passed by it, and the armor that made it proud was cut out a big hole.

Even its paws strengthened by the medicine are now aching due to resisting the impact of the water flow. It is estimated that only the big horns on the top of its head can be safely carried down all over the body.

Heracross's wings vibrated and flew directly into the sky after avoiding the sweeping water current.

After seeing Heracros dodging, Menus also stopped panting.

Its previous full output was quite tiring.

And now Heracross has also flew up, and some of them are not good enough to fight, so it's better to stop attacking and rest.

Anyway, Heracross's fighting methods are all close combat. If he wants to hit Menus, he must come and fight. At that time, Menus's water break can be used.

The distance is far, even if the skill speed is fast, the opponent can easily avoid it, how close?

At close range, the speed of the water breaking waves is hard to avoid even the big needle bee, let alone Heracross, who is not good at speed.

Once it gets close, it is definitely it that suffers!

And Menus doesn’t talk about water breaking, doesn’t that hard vortex water blade still exist?

Although it can only barely use one shot with its current physical strength, as long as it takes a break, it is enough to cooperate with the water break to get the Heracross!

The two previous hard vortex water blades, one was almost destroyed by Heracross, and slowly became smaller together with the other one sent earlier. Now that they have become mini-tornadoes, they continue to slow down on the field. Slowly getting smaller...

Menus is now accumulating power.

It was waiting for Heracross to fly over.

Once Heracross enters its range, it will attack it with the hard vortex water blade mercilessly!

Heracross also knew that Menus would wait for it to pass and then attack again, but it wouldn't work if it didn't pass...

It was injured, and if they were all resting, Menus must have recovered quickly.

Now Menus doesn't have much physical strength to hit it so far, and it would be bad if Menus' physical strength recovered.

And if it doesn't pass, will Menus not come over?

Approaching slowly, it will always push it to the corner.

You can't hide for a lifetime, only offense is the best defense!

If it drags on, it will be the only one that will lose in the end, and if you take a fight, then it is still unknown who wins and loses!

After making up his mind, Heracross's eyes became firm.

The small translucent wings flapped constantly, and then rushed straight towards Menus.

Although Fan Tianlei said that he didn't care about winning or losing, he was still nervous now looking at Heracross.

You must hide it!

Now, all he can do is pray for Heracross.

Or, to bring spiritual power to Heracross?

Cough, fog and fog...


Fan Tianlei prayed with honey over there, but Menas started to attack!

Now, Heracross is only more than 20 meters away from Menas. This range is enough!

Meenas opened his mouth, and the ice-blue light ball in his mouth instantly turned into a javelin-like appearance, and the ice-blue angular javelin cut through the air and flew directly towards Heracross.

Heracross looked at the icy blue "Javelin" with a flash of madness in her eyes.

Don't look at it a bit dull on the outside, it's really crazy, even it feels scared!

The trajectory of the "Javelin" is easy to observe. Although the speed is a bit faster, it can still see the trajectory with full concentration.

It is not difficult to avoid, the only difficulty is how to avoid the waterspout behind!

After the waterspout was raised, it definitely could not continue to fly in the air.

It must be unable to resist the suction in the air, it can only go to the ground.

And it has to find a way to attack Menus.

When it hasn’t been in front of Meinas, Meinas will definitely attack it, and it can only resist, even if it gets injured, it will survive it, and then rush to it with its proud big horns. attack!

Heracross, who was thinking about everything, gritted his teeth and the wings vibrated faster.

It has to hide closer to Menus while it can still fly.

When in the air, it has a wide range of avoidance, be careful, and the probability of being shot will be lower. If it goes to the ground, it will definitely be injured.

Although it is ready for injury, if it can't be injured, who wants to be injured?

In order to hurry up and fly a little longer, it also fights.

Save time, it doesn't plan to fly a little farther, just spot the trajectory of the "Javelin" flying, and then wipe it and fly over!

Zhou Jiang was taken aback: "Fuck! Is it so hanging?"

Because the speed was too fast, in his eyes, Heracross passed directly through the "Javelin".

Of course, he knew the reason for this phenomenon, after all, he had experienced a lot of this matter.

What surprised him was not that Heracross passed through the "Javelin", but it had this vision and guts!

You know, if this one is not good, just gg!

If you are lucky, you will lose your ability to fight, you will almost miss some parts of your body, and you will be worse... Directly report from Aster Tower...

So, are all the elves so brave now?

Do you dare to fight for your life in just one battle?

Tut tut...

After passing the "javelin" that heralded death, Heracross continued to rush toward Menus.

Meenas squinted his eyes and recovered silently~www.ltnovel.com~ It still has a "protection", even if Heracross's face bursts out, it is not afraid, as long as it recovers a little after the protection, then it is over Up.


Really, the hard water blade was given for nothing?

This time it was also injected with a large amount of energy and origin of Menas, and because of the distance, it controlled it for a short burst time...


"Heracross, land now!"

Looking at the waterspout that exploded behind Heracross, Fan Tianlei's heart instantly lifted...

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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