Now that Heracross looks shaky, it is estimated to be supported by great will before it reaches the bottom. I am afraid that it will fall after this is over, right?

As long as Menus opened the protection, after the time passed, he would naturally win. There was no need to work hard.

"Heracross, hold on, feint!"


Feint? !

He knew about pretending to attack Zhou Jiang, and it was precisely because he knew the effect of this trick that he panicked!

This Nima's, this is the ability to break defenses!

Before Zhou Jiang could remind Menus, Heracross had already appeared in front of Menus' emerald green protective cover.

Although there is no blizzard's attack now, the previous attack still made Heracross straight.

Now that it can stand and launch an attack is already doing its best.



A crisp sound of glass breaking came into Zhou Jiang's ears.

I saw that among the green fragments in the sky, the big horns of Heracles glowing with black light slammed into Menus!

Menus is also dumbfounded now.

Little knowledge, never seen a feint, naturally I don't know the effect of this skill.

Since it learned to protect this magical skill, this was the first time it was shattered to protect it, and Zhou Jiang hadn't reminded it, so it was straightforward.



The attack power of the feint attack is not high, and the damage value is only "30". However, at this time, Menus is in a state of exhaustion, and the defense is not high. Even if the elf is also in a state of exhaustion, it will be hit Can't stand it.

After a scream, Menus was directly knocked out, and his eyes popped up when he flew out.

Fortunately, Heracross also had no strength, so Menus was not hurt much.

Seeing Menus who flew out and fell to the ground, Heracross smiled slightly, breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell down too.

At this time, the hail on the field just disappeared, and Fan Tianlei took Heracross.

"You did a good job, go and rest~"

Touching Heracross's Elf Ball, Fan Tianlei said softly.

Although the insect elves are weak, he has never looked down upon them or even hated them.

Although they are weak and small, they have a heart and will that are far stronger than ordinary elves!

Zhou Jiang had also taken back Menus and sighed.

Seriously, Menus is already very good to be able to take Heracross away.

Although it has advantages in attack, Menas is indeed weaker than it.

The strength of Menus is probably above the quasi-king of the heavens and below the heavenly king, it is very profitable to be able to trade Heracros.

The original goal was for Menus to solve an opponent. Although he has died now, the goal has been achieved. For the last remaining elf, his Kirulian is estimated to be able to solve it. Isn’t this a good ending? ?

Anyway, the best outcome is that Menus kills Heracross, and then it can no longer fight for the next, the ending is similar, but now Menus loses the ability to fight.


The game is still going on, the next is the last game.

Two people threw the elven ball at the same time, two white lights exploded in the air, and then both figures floated in the air.

The yellow head has a black stripe between the eyes and a small circle in the middle of the stripe. The body is black, with gray forelegs and two pairs of wings

Looking at the elf on the opposite side, Zhou Jiang murmured: "Is the iron-faced ninja..."

The race value of the Iron Face Ninja was only four hundred fifty-six, but Zhou Jiang did not dare to underestimate it.

The speed race value is as high as one hundred and sixty, and there is nothing higher than it, right?


Moreover, its attack is not weak, reaching ninety points. It can be said that this kind of clan value is allocated where it should be.

Although defense and physical strength are weak, what does that matter?

As long as you kill the opponent, the opponent can't hit me!

A well-trained ninja, as long as the elves with super hard skin are not encountered, others can tear out a hole for the other side!

But encountering Kirulian is a big trouble for it.

high speed?

Kirulian was able to spread his thoughts all over the venue, and every move of it could be seen by Kirulian.

Although Kirulian's reaction may be slower, she still teleports!

There is instant movement, even if the reaction is slower, you can avoid it.

Zhou Jiang read the introduction of the Iron Mask Ninja once, and finally stayed for a while at the characteristics.

The Iron Face Ninja has two characteristics, one ordinary and one hidden.

The ordinary feature is acceleration, a very powerful feature, the speed will become faster and faster as the battle time goes by during the battle!

And now the characteristic of this iron-faced ninja is-penetration...

The penetration feature is the hidden feature of the Iron Face Ninja. Its effect is to allow the Iron Face Ninja to directly pass through those light walls, protection and other skills when attacking, and directly attack the body.

In the game, it can also penetrate the double...

Of course it can't penetrate in the real world as a substitute. After all, this is not a game. After the substitute comes out, its opponent is no longer in the position of the substitute. What is the use of such penetration?

In the real world, although you can't penetrate the double, there are other effects that are not a loss.

Still a powerful feature.

Especially when facing Kirulian...

The tortoise shell is completely useless...

After Kirulian came out, he connected with Zhou Jiang, so Zhou Jiang directly told her what he saw and asked her to pay more attention.

If you don’t know the other party’s characteristics and foolishly use the reflecting wall to resist, then it’s really bad. Just the small body of Kirulian, that little physical strength, it is estimated that Kirulian will kneel...

At that time, I am afraid that it will not even be necessary for self-recovery...

"Is it really Kirulian...huh, can you win this time?"

Fan Tianlei smiled slightly when he saw the elves flying in the sky.

What is the feeling of Zhou Jiang's Kirulian to everyone?


There is an endless shield!

The skills of the light wall and the reflective wall were simply easy to grasp for her.

These shields are really a big trouble for other elves, but for the iron ninja with penetrating characteristics...

And what is the most important thing?

The other party doesn't know!

Iron-faced ninjas are relatively rare in the first place, and there are still hidden characteristics. He feels that Zhou Jiang, a trainer who just came out of Novice Village, does not know the characteristics of his iron-faced ninjas.

After all, this feature is unknown to most old fried dough sticks.

And once Zhou Jiang and Kirulian don't know what the characteristics of the Iron Face Ninja are, how will Kirulian fight according to habits?

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