I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 500: Water released? No, the plot kills!

The speed of the iron face ninja is very fast!

Fan Tianlei is very confident in it.

As long as Kirulian propped up the shield to try to block the attack of the Iron Face Ninja, then the battle is over!

After the iron face ninja penetrated the shield, he would inevitably stun Kirulian, and the subsequent series of combos would definitely make Kirulian unable to react even to the reaction to GG!

Fan Tianlei almost couldn't help laughing, he had already thought of Zhou Jiang's astonished expression by then.

Hahaha, relieve your breath!

The more he thought about it, the happier Fan Tianlei was, and he almost didn't laugh.


Feeling the weird sight from the other side, Zhou Jiang was a little uncomfortable, but also a little inexplicable.

He was a little afraid to look at Fan Tianlei, because his expression was really...

It's really hard to say...

"Chirulian, Shadow Ball!"

Black mist is up!

Zhou Jiang has already figured out a solution to the opposite.

First, let the black fog support for a period of time, and then directly cheat the space!

Are you fast?

Sorry, taste the speed of my short legs, tender and weak~

"Huh? Want to be hypnotized?"

Fan Tianlei thought a little while watching the black fog left after the shadow ball exploded after being avoided by the iron-faced ninja.

"If you are hypnotized, it's really troublesome..."

"Iron Mask Ninja, be careful and move at high speed!"


The Iron Face Ninja was taken aback, then nodded, his body was surrounded by white light, and then quickly turned around Cirulian on the field.

Although the iron-faced ninja didn't know why Fan Tianlei wouldn't let it attack directly, it was his elf, and he only needed to execute his instructions to bring him victory.

The airflow driven by the high-speed movement directly twisted the sparse black mist, exposing the Kirulian inside.


It's strange, why doesn't she move Kirulian?

Although a little strange, the Iron Mask Ninja didn't do anything, just continued to fly around her.


Looking at Kirulian, Fan Tianlei frowned slightly.

He was thinking...

Don't know why, he always has a bad feeling.

Obviously it should be a very stable game...

Did I forget something? Or is there something I overlooked?

and many more! Kirulian...

I remember... as if...

What is coming?

What did you forget...

It should be something very important... remember it soon... remember it!

Fan Tianlei, you can do it!


Seeing the iron-faced ninja who circled the circle and didn't attack and Fan Tianlei who was "in a daze," Zhou Jiang was stunned, and then decisively let Chirulian start to accumulate energy.

It's okay not to attack...Although it is not covered by the black fog, it does not hurt. Anyway, using the fraud space is only a momentary matter. The trouble is the preliminary preparations.

When preparing for work, as long as it is controlled properly, there will be no exposure or manifestation of energy.

And now Fan Tianlei is in a daze, and the iron-faced ninja is not attacking, isn't this just for her!


Just wait for a minute or so, and Kirulian will be able to display the fraud space perfectly.

It's really a free opportunity!

If it were the previous plan, Kirulian would take more than 20 seconds, but the size and influence of the fraud space on display are limited. Now it’s fine. People will directly give you time to let you open up. If Zhou Jiang is not sure , Then really be a fool.

Zhou Jiang counted while looking at the white aperture surrounding Cirulian.

Why count?

He didn't know... subconsciously counted...

Zhou Jiang was accumulating energy easily and happily, while Fan Tianlei...

The iron-faced ninja is still flying, Fan Tianlei is also thinking.

The iron-faced ninja is okay. It itself flies at a high speed. It moves at a high speed. Although it lasts for a long time, it will not consume too much as long as the speed is not up. So it does not feel too tired yet. Fan Tianlei...

Fan Tianlei really wanted to break his mind. Now all the distracting thoughts in his mind were thrown away, and he was now thinking about the "important things" that he had forgotten.

Although he was very distressed and his mind was about to explode, he still did not give up. He kept analyzing from the bodies of Iron Ninja and Kirulian, trying to remember something...


"Fuck! Iron-faced ninja, attack Kirulian with all his strength!"


The iron-faced ninja who was already impatient in the enclave had a meal, and then flew towards Cirulian suddenly.

At that speed, it is estimated that you can reach her in less than three seconds, right?


Zhou Jiang shook his head slightly.

Judging from the feeling passed by Kirulian, she hadn't fully brewed the fraud space yet.

But it’s okay. If there is no, there will be no. After so long, it is enough!

The iron-faced ninja flew towards Cirulian, and Cirulian raised his head calmly, and then a burst of dark energy centered on Cirulian and moved in a square shape that was invisible to the naked eye. The speed spread away.

In a trance, a rectangular dark "box" appeared on the field, and then the box disappeared...

"...¥&#¥%" Fan Tianlei wanted to curse.

Ya ya yeah!

It's hard to remember that Zhou Jiang's Kirulian still uses the extremely rare fraud space, but in the end he used it? !


Did you hear that, MMP!

After the "~www.ltnovel.com~box" on the field disappeared, it instantly became weird.

The iron-faced ninja keeps rushing towards Kirulian, but that speed...

Can't flatter me.

Although it is slow, it can magically fly in the air!

Newton:? ? ?


Zhou Nan: "Wow! It's that trick again, called... what is it called?"

Xu Feng: "Idiot, that's a fraud space! Zhou Jiang didn't talk about it for long, did you forget?"

Zhou Nan: "Ahem...force majeure, force majeure..."


‘Hypnotism! ’


Kirulian nodded, and then moved to the front of the iron ninja in an instant, and then the powerful hypnotism was activated!

Since it was a command issued by the mind link, neither the Iron Face Ninja nor Fan Tianlei knew about it.

I don’t know, there is no defense, and the speed of Kirulian’s teleportation is very fast...

Very well, the Iron Mask Ninja was successfully recruited...


Seeing the iron-faced ninja who fell straight down, Fan Tianlei also gave up, and swallowed all the words he shouted.

It's GG, so I hope...

If he didn't hesitate at first and let the Iron Face Ninja attack directly...

Obviously the advantage... Obviously the iron-faced ninja restrained her, but...why...


The helplessness finally turned into a sad sigh.

Well, under Kirulian’s ghost-cooking version of the food dream, the iron-faced ninja successfully managed to pass two waves of GG...

"It's finally over. It's been a long time." Zhou Nan rubbed his sore thighs and sighed.

When I watched the game before, I didn’t think that after the game, all these troublesome things came over...

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