"Here, the swarm badge!"

Taking the badge from Fan Tianlei, Zhou Jiangdao thanked him, and then put the badge in the badge box.

"By the way, I don't know if it's convenient or not, I..."

"Since you know it's inconvenient, don't ask."

"..." Fan Tianlei was stunned.

"Ahem, kidding, just ask, I will try to answer your question."


Fan Tianlei was silent for a while before speaking, "Can I know how you usually train Big Needle Bee?"

"That's it?!"

Zhou Jiang looked at him in surprise, he thought he was going to ask him about cheating space.

Although he had used it once before, Zhou Jiang didn't think they would know this skill.

He learned from Lu Ran and the Internet that this world of fraud space does not seem to have appeared before?

Lu Ran and the others have never heard of it. No information can be found on the Internet. Even if you enter "fraud space", they are all irrelevant things. What pops up is "XXX guy was defrauded and lost XXX", "Pokeball space developed by XXX" ..."

Anyway, it's a bunch of things with the words "fraud" and "space", as for the connection...

Zhou Jiang didn't find it.

Zhou Jiang guessed that this might be the reason that no one had seen this skill before, and he used this skill twice in the gymnasium competition. People who didn't know the effect of the skill were naturally curious and surprised by the weird effect.

It was used twice, and the news between the museum owners was circulating, so Zhou Jiang felt that he was going to ask about the fraud space, and the result...

As a result, I thought about how to answer your question. You asked me this ghost question? !

"Uh... sorry, I was abrupt, I..."

"Um, it's okay, I want to go to other things." Zhou Jiang said quickly, and then told him his daily training plan for Big Needle Bee.

Of course, there are two sets of training programs, one is for the time when the load was previously carried, and the other is the current one after the load is cancelled.

Fan Tianlei was a little confused: "That's it?"

"Um~ that's all, what's the matter?"

"..." Fan Tianlei nodded, seemingly understandable: "Then I will try again..."

Zhou Nan and the others came over, said hello to Fan Tianlei, and then looked at Zhou Jiang: "The gym is over, when shall we leave for S city?"

"City S? Are you going to City S?! Don't you go to City G to challenge the gym?"

A few people looked at Fan Tianlei, and Zhou Jiang nodded: "Fight, but we have changed our route. We have to go to S city to play and relax, and then fly to M city. As for G city, I thought about it. Go back and challenge again. When the time comes, you can go to V City and wait."

"..." Fan Tianlei nodded: "That's all right, but if you are going to S city, can you help me with something? Of course, you will be paid."

"Um, whatever the reward..."

"That won't work. I was also a trainer. Although the task was much harder than you do now, I also know the difficulty of the trainer. Since it is a "task", the reward is also needed. Don't worry. There will be too many, I can’t afford to give too much, hahaha~"

"Well..." Zhou Jiang looked at Lu Ran and the others, then nodded.

Afterwards, Zhou Jiang and the others followed Fan Tianlei towards the Botanical Garden.

Even the walkers and visitors, they walked for more than an hour to reach their destination.

During the period, a few people saw many plants here that they had never seen or heard of. Many of them were plants that had been extinct in ancient times. According to Fan Tianlei, these were all resurrected from fossils. Based on technology...

To be honest, Zhou Jiang really suspects that he is not the owner of the so-called insect system Daoguan museum but the grass-based Daoguan museum...

Although insects and plants are inseparable, but your botanical garden...

Zhou Jiang was a little bit dare to imagine that if the owner of the insect system hall opened a botanical garden, what would the owner of the grass hall hall open?


The entire botanical garden is very large, and from time to time a few people also meet the staff who are taking tourists to visit the botanical garden.

Finally, they went to watch some games in the venue.

This botanical garden is really big. They saw three of them in Zhou Jiang, the venue of the competition. That is not the venue where he played against Fan Tianlei before...

Finally, there was enough shopping. They came to the innermost office room of the Botanical Garden, and Fan Tianlei took out a package.

"Here, that's it. Although it's not something fragile inside, I still hope you handle it with care. After all, it will be a little troublesome if it is damaged."

Zhou Jiang nodded and took the package: "Don't worry, it won't be broken, but who should I give this thing to?"

Fan Tianlei nodded, and found a wrinkled business card from the drawer of the desk...

"The woman above is called Xia Yuan. She works as a research professor in Tokiwadai. Just call her when you get there, and I will notify her then."

Zhou Jiang took the business card, looked at it, nodded and stuffed it into his pocket~www.ltnovel.com~ Okay, I see, is there any time limit? "

"The time doesn't matter, it can be delivered within a month. I believe you won't arrive there after a month?"

Zhou Jiang nodded: "Then it will be fine, then we will leave."

"Well, I still have things to work on, I will let Xiao Qian take you out." With that, Fan Tianlei took out an intercom.

Within five minutes, a man in uniform pushed the door in.


"Well, here it is? I still have things to be busy, so please take my friends out."


The man responded, and then briefly introduced himself to several people.

After getting acquainted briefly, everyone greeted Fan Tianlei and followed the employee named Xiao Qian and walked outside.

Along the way, they were not on the road that Fan Tianlei took them, so they saw a lot of strange plants, but because they were not familiar with them, they didn't rush to ask questions.

Ten minutes later, a few people finally came outside.

After bidding farewell to Xiao Qian, a few people went to the mall for shopping.

They will leave for City S tomorrow. Although they are going by train instead of walking, no matter what, it is the kingly way to make up for the consumed resources as soon as possible.

Previously, because they had to challenge the gymnasium and they didn't go anywhere, it was okay to postpone it, but if it's over now, then only go shopping to make them "happy".

It was past six o'clock in the afternoon to return to the wizard center.

Because of the geographical location, although most of October has passed, it is still a bit bright after six o'clock.

I went back to the wizard center for dinner, and after playing casually for a while, a few people fell asleep...

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