ten minutes later……

Zhou Jiang and the others went to the entrance to find Zhou Nan and the others after eating.

As a result, after waiting, they discovered that Zhou Nan and Jiang Shui were looking at them with bad looks...

Zhou Jiang turned his head slightly and said, "Uh...what? Teacher Lu Ran and the others must be anxious? Let's go back soon.



Zhou Nan and Jiang Shui sneered together, but they didn't say anything. Zhou Jiang rolled his eyes as they watched.

In order to give you a chance to live alone, we "worked hard", but you still don't appreciate it?

Really are……

"Okay, okay, Teacher Lu Ran and the others are really going to be hungry, let's go back soon."

At the critical moment, Wang Qingyan was reliable, and she stabilized the river as soon as she came forward.

Jiang Shui snorted, turned his head slightly, and nodded, but...

With sharp eyes, Zhou Jiang still saw the slight blush on her face!

Zhou Jiang suddenly realized.

Let me just say, how can this kind of "good people and good things" mess up?

It turned out to be two arrogant!

After the matter was "solved", the few people stopped delaying. After all, if they waited any longer, Lu Ran and the others would really starve to death...

It's just that Zhou Jiang rolled his eyes to Zhou Nan's thumbs that were secretly compared to them. He is so scared now, will he have it in the future?

"By the way, what have you all bought?"

As they walked, Zhou Jiang suddenly asked them curiously.

Tian Zhengjie's food was bought by Chen Yongan, Lu Ran's words were bought by Xu Feng, and Chen Qizhen's food was bought by Jiangshui.

The things Xu Feng and Chen Qizhen bought Zhou Jiang had seen, and they were all placed in white plastic bags. As for what they were, I couldn't see them.

Jiang Shui was carrying a transparent bag, but it looked like a lunch box inside, and he didn't know what was inside.

"Huh?" Chen Yongan was taken aback for a moment and then said: "Oh, I bought yellow braised chicken. Teacher, he prefers to eat yellow braised chicken."

"Mine is ordinary fried rice, I don't know if she will eat..."

"Mine is chicken pot rice."

Well, the fried rice was brought by Xu Feng...

Zhou Jiang nodded without saying anything.

After all, he was just a little curious.

After returning home, Jiang Shui and Xu Feng went directly to Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen, while the rest of Zhou Jiang and the others were watching the game from Tian Zhengjie.

"By the way, I wanted to ask before, where did Teacher Tian come from Calio... why haven't you seen it before?"

Zhou Jiang had noticed this Lucario before, but he had forgotten to ask Chen Yongan and them. Now that he came back, he naturally wanted to ask.

Zhou Jiang's problem is also Zhou Nan's problem.

Although they didn't ask, they were curious.

Zhou Jiang hadn't seen it, nor had they seen it.

As for human words, they are all curious, it's just a difference whether they will tell.

If Zhou Jiang didn't ask, they might not say it, but if Zhou Jiang asked, then they would certainly listen carefully.

Standing under the ring, Chen Yongan smiled when he heard Zhou Jiang’s question: "This can’t be said. Teacher Tian said it’s a secret, so I can’t tell you. If you want to know, you can just ask him. Try, maybe Teacher Tian would say it?"


Several people rolled their eyes, but they didn't care.

Let's not talk about it, anyway, this curiosity is just a small curiosity, even if you don't know it, it doesn't matter, it has no effect on them.

Chen Yongan used to hand over the food to Tian Zhengjie and asked how long the opponent would have to fight, while Zhou Jiang and the others watched from below.

"How is it, how long will it be?"

After Chen Yongan came back, Zhou Nan asked him first.

"The teacher said he has won 18 sets, and there are two games to play."

Zhou Jiang nodded.

Just like what he thought, Zhou Jiang, because of his deceptive appearance and the big needle bee, many people were caught by fishing, so the speed of the attack was fast, but Tian Zhengjie and the others were different. Lucario, super strong, super rare spirit!

When others see this elf at once, they will definitely hesitate whether they should go to the game.

Just as a few people were waiting, Jiang Shui and Chen Qizhen came over.

Zhou Jiang and the others were surprised that she finished the game so soon, but they found out after asking that she had won 16 games in a row and knelt.

Also, her elves are not much capable of fighting, so it is very difficult to defeat them. Although the elves are strong, they can't show their strength!

There is no shortage of opponents here. Although most of them are chickens, there are also many elite level trainers.

I just didn’t expect that elite high-level trainers also have...

After Chen Qizhen greeted them and went to the cafeteria for dinner, Zhou Jiang and the others continued to watch the game here.

When Tian Zhengjie's last twentieth game had just ended, Lu Ran and Xu Feng returned together.

This time is just right, everyone is done, you can go to rest first.

Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie had finished their meals, and their lunch boxes were thrown into the trash can. After that, they went out to find Chen Qizhen.

After Chen Qizhen went to the restaurant before, she posted a picture of where she was sitting. A few people only need to compare the shops nearby.

When they found Chen Qizhen, she had almost eaten ~ www.ltnovel.com~ just looking at the empty bowl on the table...

Well, Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie can't stand it again.

The food they ate was only six to seven percent full. Now that they saw the food Chen Qizhen ate, they couldn't help but want to eat it.

Zhou Jiang and the others looked at each other, a little helpless.

After shrugging, several people also went looking for food.

I can’t eat the staple food, but the snacks are okay, like fried beef patties, kebabs, etc...

Otherwise, what should they do, they can't watch Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie put poison on them?

Even though they have eaten it, it is too much for one to watch others eat delicious food.


"By the way, Zhou Jiang, you said that the boss here is looking for you... Is there anything he wants to do with you?"

Several people were sitting together, Zhou Nan was holding his mobile phone, and suddenly, he raised his head and asked Zhou Jiang, who was eating a big skewers.


Zhou Jiang swallowed the meat in his mouth, looked at Zhou Nan, and said, "Oh, you said that, it's nothing, that is, the boss is looking for someone, so I asked if I want to take a task. I thought it was too difficult and I refused. "

Zhou Nan nodded and said nothing, and continued to play with his mobile phone, while the others continued to eat.

Zhou Nan bought things, but he ate too fast...

Helplessly, he is too full now, and he can't eat anymore, so he can only use his mobile phone to distract himself from seeing Zhou Jiang and the others.

It took more than ten minutes before they finished eating.

After eating, Lu Ran and the others needed to treat the elves.

Both Tian Zhengjie and Lu Ran have won 20 games in a row. As long as they win 10 games in a row, the reward will be handed over!

And to be on the safe side, it's better to systematically restore the elves' physical strength.

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