Although it was raining heavily outside, it did not prevent them from healing the elves.

Each wizard center has a wizard ball transmission device, and some are some distance from the wizard center, but where the wizard battle activities are held, in order to allow the players' elves to heal as soon as possible, staff will be sent to the wizard center. Register.

What to register?

Naturally, it is the temporary use right of the wizard transfer device after registration.

The sprite transmission device is very expensive, except for the sprite center and some individual places, there are no other places.

As for what I said before, used to store extra pokeballs in Zhou Jiang's house, that is a simplified and simplified version.

That thing can only receive the poke ball, and it can only receive the poke ball passed by a specific thing, as if bound.

The one in the wizard center can be transmitted in both directions, and everyone can use it, much better than the one used at home.

Now there is also an application for the use of the wizard teleportation device. A few people only need to go to a specific location, fill out the form, and hand the wizard ball to the staff.

At that time, the staff will send the elves to the elves center, and then the staff waiting in the elves center will receive the elves, and then hand them to Miss Joey for processing.

After the elves recover, they will have text messages or direct phone calls for the mobile number they filled in, which can be said to be very convenient.

Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee was not tired from the previous battle, and he didn't need to fight later, so he didn't pass Big Needle Bee to Lu Ran and the others.

After the elf passed, they returned to the room first.

After all, it is a healing spirit. It will take time for the spirit to recover. It will take at least an hour. There is no place to sit there, so a few people went back to the room.

In the room, of course everyone plays their own roles.

Chen Yongan and Zhou Nan and Tian Zhengjie are playing games, Xu Feng is reading, Zhou Jiang is posting it, and the girls are chatting and don’t know anything...

An hour passed quickly, and after receiving the text message on Lu Ran's mobile phone, everyone went out again.

Back at the venue, Tian Zhengjie and Lu Ran both went back to the ring where they had previously played. The rest of the team also lost once. They didn't want to fight anymore, so they were ready to take a look.

Since a bunch of them watched the game on Tian Zhengjie's side, they are now going to watch Lu Ran's game. Since there is no one on Tian Zhengjie's side, Chen Yongan stayed.

"Huh? That was Zhou Jiang's previous ring, right? You won't fight?"

As he walked, suddenly Jiang Shui asked Zhou Jiang.

Hearing Jiang Shui's words, everyone stopped, and subconsciously looked in the direction of Jiang Shui's finger. It was indeed the ring that Zhou Jiang had fought before...

Afterwards, they all looked at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang looked at the curious people, slightly surprised: "Huh? Didn't I tell you?"


Several people looked dumbfounded.

Jiang Shui: "Did you say anything?"

Zhou Nan nodded affirmatively.

"Um... well." Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and found that he really didn't seem to say anything...

He touched the back of his neck with his right hand, and then Zhou Jiang said, "Didn’t I say that I was called away by the boss here? I had won 20 games at that time. Although I didn’t take the boss’s task, we, uh, …It’s nice to get along with each other. After a little accident, he and I changed our contact information and came back..."

"Wait, does it matter whether you fight or not?"

Suddenly, Zhou Nan interrupted Zhou Jiang.


Zhou Jiang waved his hand disgustingly: "Don't worry! I was just about to talk about it... Then the boss said that I am strong and I can definitely win the next one, so he directly rewarded me with 30 consecutive wins. It's..."



"I'm going, why are you so lucky!"

"It's all OK?"

After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, everyone was moved.

I can't accept it...

"Have you seen anything in it? Is it good? Is there an evolution stone? Is there a skill jade? There is..."

Seeing Zhou Nan, who was constantly leaning towards him and spitting stars flying around, Zhou Jiang slapped his head to the side.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang, the spit star child, could never stand it.

Zhou Jiang has some cleanliness, but his cleanliness focuses on things related to the mouth.

Like saliva...

He feels sick even when kissing indirectly, so he never eats what others have eaten. Of course, as long as he doesn't know it, even if he eats it, there is nothing wrong with it. The main reason is that he cannot accept it psychologically.

Once accepted, it doesn't matter.

such as.

The Huaxia family is a dish. Everyone uses chopsticks to pick it up. This can also be said to be an indirect kiss, but Zhou Jiang doesn’t feel uncomfortable with this, but he can’t accept the taste of using his chopsticks to pick up the dishes. In the mouth of others!

After pressing Zhou Nan back, Zhou Jiang said: "I haven't seen anything yet, let's watch it later, shouldn't I go to the game now?"


It is indeed necessary to put Lu Ran and the others in the first place.

Ignoring the resentful Zhou Nan, a few people and Lu Ran walked towards the distant ring.

After arriving at the ring, the spectators who were watching below instantly recognized Lu Ran. After all, most of the people still here are watching Lu Ran's game.

In an instant, they gave up a passage for them to pass.

There are still two people on the stage playing, Lu Ran is not in a hurry, she will go to the game after they finish.

The game ended quickly, because the battle was almost over when they arrived here.

After the battle was over, the referee didn't have Dobby, and directly asked if anyone came up to compete.

Of course, although I said it was a question, I did see what Lu Ran said.

Naturally, he, the referee, wants Lu Ran to come up to the game After all, Lu Ran is the one who brought him a large bonus!

After Lu Ran wins ten more games in a row, his 30-game winning streak will be lost!

Lu Ran didn't sell Guanzi, so he went straight up.

The current challenger should be a newcomer. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and dares to whistle to Lu Ran!

Zhou Jiang in the audience and the old audience were shocked.



Zhou Jiang looked at the man sympathetically and shook his head regretfully.

When he was traveling, he heard Zhou Nan talk about some rumors about Lu Ran. He heard that she once beat a gangster who molested their school girl classmates into the hospital...

Well, that little **** is not one person, but three people, and Lu Ran didn't use a genie, but just went straight up to fight like she herself...

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