
"Who's driving first?"

"Whatever, it's all going to be opened anyway. Which one should you get the one?"

"Open mine first, I'll give you a thorough understanding"

Chen Qizhen said, took her own one in five bags, and then opened it.

After opening the bag, she took out the contents one by one.

Hmm...not much.

After all, it was just ten consecutive victories.

If she continues to play, she will be rewarded if she reaches thirty wins.

There are a total of four items taken out.

Two cards, a bronze medal, and a box.

Well, in the end Chen Qizhen shook the box, and an oversized paper "template" fell out of it...

There is this "template", so this gift bag seems to contain a lot of things. If there is no such thing, it is estimated that this gift bag can be reduced by one-twentieth...



Several people were a little speechless, but Jiang Shui reacted quickly, and quickly made a round of laughter and said to see those rewards.

Chen Qizhen also reacted after some loss of consciousness and nodded with a smile.

Although she felt very light when she was carrying it, she felt a little wrong, but she didn't expect...

Look at the two cards first.

Seeing Chen Qizhen picking up the card and looking at it, Jiang Shui leaned forward with his eyes lightened: "What is it?"

"Not bad, with a bonus of 10,000, two months of high-level elf food."


Everyone was shocked.

I thought that such a little thing should not be worth anything. The estimated bonuses were only a few thousand, but I didn't expect the bonus to be 10,000!

And there are high-level elf food!

Although high-level elf food is not as expensive as energy cubes, it is not cheap anymore. An ordinary elf will eat more than two hundred yuan a day.

For the rewarded elf food, it is considered to be an elf's share.

And that high-level elven food even if you have to eat two hundred a day, one month is six thousand, and two months is 12 thousand!

There are more than 20,000 rewards for winning ten games in a row?

I haven’t looked at the contents of that box. If there is any valuables in it...

And this is just a reward for her winning ten games in a row.

Zhou Jiang and the three of them have five rewards!

Winning 30 games in a row is a third gear, and there are two rewards for winning 20 and 30 games...

Gee, it's a profit!

So much money is enough for them to be smart for a long time.

"Teacher, hurry up, look at the last box!"

Jiang Shui stuck to Chen Qizhen, holding her right hand and shouting excitedly.


"Okay, okay, Jiang Shui has hindered the teacher."

Wang Qingyan sighed and pulled her away.

Among Zhou Jiang's people, it is estimated that only Wang Qingyan and Lu Ran can hold her down. It is really too free...

As for Zhou Nan?


If he didn't help Jiang Shui Zhou Jiang, they would already be thankful.

I don’t know how they talked after he and Xu Feng left. Although they were closer than ordinary friends, they did not look like normal lovers...

But if there is no contradiction, it is better to let the client solve other matters by himself, and other people can't help much.

After Jiang Shui was pulled away, Chen Qizhen didn't sell it. After putting down the two or two cards, she picked up the box.

In the eyes of everyone expecting, the box was slowly opened——



Looking at the things lying quietly inside the box, everyone was speechless.

"I thought it was an evolution stone..."

Before opening it, everyone thought it was an evolution stone. As a result...

A strange thing, like a pendant and a magnifying glass?

"Is this an elf item?"

Lu Ran tilted his head and said.

"Well, it's very likely, this shape...maybe a focus lens?"

"Well, what Zhou Jiang said, it really resembles it."

"It seems possible. Would you like the wizard to try it?"

Everyone talked about it. Finally, Chen Qizhen released a Gotha Duck and let it try.

If it is really the focus mirror of the elven props, although it is not as good as the expected evolution stone, it is not bad.

A general focus lens will cost more than five thousand. This is due to the fact that this thing can also be made manually. If it is replaced with other rare props, it may be hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands...

It's really expensive.

After the Gotha Duck came out, Chen Qizhen explained to it, and everyone expected her to hold the focus mirror and stretch out toward the Gotha Duck.

The difference between elven items and ordinary items is that they can be incorporated into the body, as if they were fused.

Ordinary things can only be carried on the body, and cannot "resonate" with the elves.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, the focus mirror "melted" from the Gotha Duck's chest little by little, and then slowly retracted into the Gotha Duck's body!

"It's really an elf item, so it's not a loss!"

"Well, it's really not a loss. If you don't use the focus lens, you can sell a lot of money."


After reading Chen Qizhen's, then Xu Feng's.

After getting everything out, everyone was not disappointed. After all, it was really like Chen Qizhen said. With her thorough behavior, it is basically impossible to marvel at the lack of things.

The other things of Xu Feng are similar to those of Chen Qizhen, except that the bonus is a little bit less, and the elf food has not changed, but the props are also different. The elf props in Xu Feng's box are a "magnifying glass"!

This magnifying glass is obviously different from the previous piece by Chen Qizhen. I finally found out after going to Du Niang that this thing is an elf prop-a wide-angle lens!

It is similar to the focus lens, but the focus lens improves the "hit point" of the elves, while the wide-angle lens improves the elves' hit rate.

After the two small bags were opened, there was only a big bag for Zhou Jiang and the three of them!

"I'll do it first."

Tian Zhengjie opened the bag as he spoke~www.ltnovel.com~ and then took it out one by one...

Gold, it should be a gold-plated medal, a small statue of the carp king carved from crystal, two cards of the same size, three boxes of the same size, and finally a few elven balls...

Throw away the medals and statues.

Tian Zhengjie looked at the two cards. They are a vouchers with a bonus of 500,000 and a year of high-level Elf Food...

There is no need to look at the pokeballs. They are some rare unopened pokeballs, an overweight ball, a friend ball and three catching tennis balls.

Although it is quite rare, it is a bit worthless compared to other things.

After that, everyone looked at the three boxes!

The boxes of Chen Qizhen and Xu Feng contain elves, but what about the boxes of Tian Zhengjie? ntent

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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