I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 523: Envy to the plasmolysis




"Hiss...wait, don't "hiss", it's just a sun stone...haha, right, isn't it a sun stone...haha~haha..."

"...It's over, another crazy one"

"Tsk tut, poor fellow, to prevent infection to others, bury it."

"Well, bury it!"

"Ha..." Wang Qingyan sighed helplessly as she looked at the four boys who were fighting.

They are all prospective college students, can't they be more stable!

"Well, you guys, stop making trouble, we're going to open the second box."

Under Teacher Lu Ran's reminder, the four of them instantly returned to their original serious state, staring at the box Tian Zhengjie was holding.


Tian Zhengjie yelled, then opened the box directly.

"Spoon?...I'll go, bend the spoon?!"

"Really! Is it really a bending spoon?"

"Is it so awesome?!"


Looking at the very ordinary-looking spoon lying quietly in the box, several people became excited after being silent for a while.

As I said before, the items carried by the elves are also rare and common.

Like the wide-angle lens and focus lens before, the props that can be artificially produced are naturally not rare, and like this kind of bending soup spoon, it can be produced by powerful super-power elves afterwards.

A powerful super-power elves, but at least the level of the king is required!

Moreover, the production process is also very complicated, requiring superpowers and origins for production, and long-term warming, so it will take a long time.

It takes a long time to put a super-powered elf of the heavenly king level at home to make props. It also takes several weeks and several months. Who can stand this?

An elf of the heavenly king level, or a super power system, just put it aside and let it spend a lot of time making a prop?

Since no one did it, or few people did it, most of the bending spoons that can be used are unearthed in the ruins.

As for the spoon in Hu Di's hand...

Unfortunately, that is not an orthodox wizard item.

The orthodox elven props can be "fused" with the elves and can be incorporated into the body, and an elven can only carry one, and the soup spoon in Hu Di's hand can only be regarded as an extra prop carried by the elves.

This kind of prop is the same as the Mega Evolution Stone that Zhou Jiang gave to the Big Needle Bee. It can carry multiple, but it will not blend into the body and can only be carried on the surface of the body.

"What is the market price of the bending spoon?"

"one million?"




Everyone sighed. After a visual impact, Tian Zhengjie opened the last box.

Lying in the box was almost as everyone thought, two pieces of jade.

"Skill jade, there is a note below, see what skill it is?"

"Well, let me see... The Mind Hammer and Water Cannon are both very powerful skills!"

Well, now everyone can be treated calmly.

After all, except for those rare and complex skills, most of the skill jade can be mastered through exercise, and compared with the previous ones, the impact level is not enough.

The two gift boxes of Zhou Jiang and Lu Ran who watched Tian Zhengjie also opened one after another.

Lu Ran opened first, and the other things were the same, except that the evolution stone and the wizard items and skill jade had changed a little.

But they are all valuable things, and the price is similar to Tian Zhengjie's things.

And when it was Zhou Jiang's turn...


How should I put it, there was a little accident...

Zhou Jiang actually took out three more boxes in that bag than they did!

Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie each have three boxes, but Zhou Jiang actually has six here? !

At this moment, the visual impact came.

After finally calming down, after opening the box, several people shut down...

Two evolution stones, two elves, five skill jade...

Although the quantity was large, the quality was not bad, which almost did not envy Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie to the point where the quality wall was separated.

The box was opened, and the emotion was over, and then it was distributed.

For tasks or rewards that everyone usually gets together, except for half of the money to be confiscated, the other things belong to the owner.

As far as money is concerned, their bonuses, five people add up to 1.7 million, plus they don’t need elf food coupons, just sell them to others like the rewards they got before, so that they can almost have two Millions, half of them are taken by oneself and there are more than one million...

It was really enough for them to be happily chic for a while.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang is not interested in these rewards at all.

He already had the elven props, whether it was the Big Needle Bee or Kirulian, he changed them.

The props produced by the system are naturally not comparable to those of ordinary props in this world. It is also a bending spoon. The bending spoon produced by the system is at least 30% more than the bending spoon in this world. Attributes……

As for the evolutionary stone~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang is a must.

Although the evolution stone purchased by the system is a bit higher than these two stones, he has nothing the elves need, and there are two stones lying in his backpack...

However, although these things were of no use to Zhou Jiang, he did not say what he thought of giving them or changing them into money and then partly confiscating them.

After all, let’s not talk about elf balls, as for elf props, it is impossible for Zhou Jiang to sell it?

It's not that Zhou Jiang is reluctant, but what would Zhou Nan think?

Zhou Jiang never said about the elves. After all, these things are really rare, and he has all the elves? There is still a lot, enough to sell?

If you talk about the ruins again, you really won’t be able to round it...

Not only is it the same with the elf props, the evolution stone, the two most expensive things can’t be sold, so it’s still not for sale, and now the finances are enough, so he just threw the things into the backpack, if there is no money in the future. Right...

And in the future, give gifts or something, maybe they can also be given as gifts?

After finishing things, it was almost five o'clock, and it was time to finish eating.

A few people who just made a lot of money in order to reward themselves, went down to eat a special meal.

After eating for nearly an hour, they all returned to the room with their big bellies.

Returned to Zhou Jiang's room and simply rested. After a while, everyone went back to their own room.

By now, the rain is almost small, and it is estimated that it will stop tomorrow. Even if it does not stop, as long as it is not as big as today, they will bear it and pass.

After all, in the wild, they did not know how many downpours they also came over. What a light rain is.

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