I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 524: Go to District 13


Zhou Jiang was the first to wake up the next morning. After waking up, he opened the curtains and looked out the window. He found that the rain had already stopped, and there was a shallow wet mark on the road. There is no puddle either.

After checking the phone time, Zhou Jiang lay back down again when he found that it was still early.

The most wonderful thing in the world is to fall back to sleep.

When I was awake, I thought about that feeling but I couldn't feel it, but when I just woke up and was in a daze, the feeling of ecstasy was really cool!

It's more comfortable than the moment before entering the sage mode~

And this still has no side effects. After all, to enter the sage mode, you need to consume the nutrition fast line, and the feeling of returning to the cage is different. Apart from a waste of time, there is no other impact.

Of course, sometimes time can be more important than Nutrition Express...

Around seven o'clock, Zhou Jiang only woke up after hearing the sound of meaning. After opening his eyes, he found that Zhou Nan and the others were already up on the bed next door and were wearing clothes.

After yawning, Zhou Jiang also got up.

Although Zhou Jiang was a three-minute enthusiast and couldn't calm down and do something, his determination at the beginning was very sufficient.

For example, when it comes to getting up, he only has something to do, so he never sleeps!

Even if he is not full and sleepy, he can still get up.

And Zhou Jiang is sleeping quite well now.

Just after wearing them, Xu Feng walked out of the bathroom, then greeted him and began to organize things.

After Zhou Jiang got dressed, Zhou Nan still got it there...

After looking at him, Zhou Jiang went to the bathroom to wash.


After eight o'clock, everyone went to the hall to check out.

According to the map, they came to the bus station. After more than an hour of bus ride, they arrived at the big beach that they were fascinated by.

But now they are not going there to play.

To go to the artificial island where Tokiwadai is located, you have to take a boat from a pier on this beach to there. Of course, it doesn't take long, it only takes an hour or two to get there.

Coming to the big beach, facing the scorching sun, watching the handsome men and women who are constantly playing on the beach, everyone's mood improved unconsciously.

But business matters, business matters!

If you are on the beach, you can still play when you come back. Now you are not in a rush to complete the commission first.

And that Tokiwadai is a famous noble girls' school, they are also very curious.

After all, when it comes to nobility, everyone can always think of elegance.

Among the people, even Chen Qizhen, the one who has taught the longest time and has brought the most students, has never been there. No one talked to them about what happened there, so everyone was even more curious.

After walking along the beach for half an hour, everyone finally saw the pier in the distance. There were a lot of speedboats parked there, all of them small boats, but not a single big boat.

Everyone went in, and after a brief exchange with the store, they rented a speedboat.

That's right, this is not a dock dedicated to carrying passengers, but renting speedboats for tourists to play.

To reach the artificial island called the Thirteenth District, you can only rent a boat here and go there by yourself. Of course, sometimes people will come here to solicit customers, but they just didn't meet them.

I rented a speedboat here. After getting on the island, just park the speedboat at the branch over there.

After handing in the speedboat, the branch over there can delete their rental records, and the return is the same, rent it over there, and return it here.

This was the first time Zhou Jiang took the speedboat, so he was still very curious, but in less than half an hour, he was a little embarrassed.

It's so boring, except for water, there is water all around here, it's endless.

I thought there would be some elves swimming around, but in the end I didn’t even see a carp king...

Finally, it was really boring, Zhou Jiang released Menas...

Due to its high strength, the speed in the water is faster than that of these speedboats, and there are some diving things in Zhou Jiang’s backpack, so after the equipment is equipped, he directly asks Meinus to take him into the sink. To the bottom of the sea.

On the speedboat, Zhou Nan and the others looked enviously at the place where Zhou Jiang, who was constantly thrown away by them, dived into the water.

They are also very boring... They also seem to be diving...

Unfortunately, their water elves do not move fast...

Even Chen Qizhen's Gotha Duck is just as fast as a speedboat. If you take a person, you can't even think about chasing the speedboat.

Zhoujiang's Menas is super fast, so he can swim with a speedboat under the water.

Zhou Jiang should have been suffering from deep sea phobia, but it is estimated that the experience of escaping from the bottom of the sea through the place where Guoguo had been encountered before made Zhou Jiang no longer afraid.

Menas did not swim very deep, so the surrounding area was transparent. Through the diving goggles, Zhou Jiang could see the swimming fish and the elves that were constantly swimming in the distance.

Because Menus swims very fast, even if some wild elves are curious and want to come closer, because the speed can't catch up, there are no elves around Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang was tied to his waist with a rope under the water, and then he was pulled by Menas, so his hand was free. He was using the camera to take pictures continuously.

Although Menus swims very fast, many bubbles are blocked...

Within five minutes, Zhou Jiang was a little tired.

It was a novel look before, but that's it after seeing more...

However, watching Menas is still a bit unhappy, so Zhou Jiang didn't say anything.

After all, this is the first time that it has come to such a wide place to swim freely, right?

ten minutes later……

Zhou Jiang is completely tired of this, after all, Zhou Jiang is a layman who doesn't appreciate any scenery.

There is no way, Zhou Jiang can only let Menus go up. If Menus hasn't swim enough, then he can be replaced. Anyway, none of the above nine will refuse, right?

Meinas was indeed still not enjoying himself, but Zhou Jiang let it go up and it still went up obediently.

After surfaced, Zhou Jiang asked them to slow down.

After Zhou Jiang climbed up ~www.ltnovel.com~ he looked at them panting: "Menus is not happy yet, any of you want to play below?"


Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, everyone who was about to say something sour and froze for a while, and then became excited, even Tian Zhengjie, who was sailing, was a little eager to try.


He glanced at the steering wheel in his hand and sighed.

No way, he will open here, for everyone’s safety, this drudgery can only be left to him...

Tian Zhengjie was lost here, Zhou Nan and the others did explode. Everyone was clamoring to go down to play. In the end, they had no choice but to draw lots.

Looking at the people who were about to grab the lottery, Zhou Jiang caught a glimpse of your Tian Zhengjie over there. He was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Do you want Teacher Tian to come? If you drive a speedboat, I will let Kirulian learn it." ntent

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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