I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 544: Earth bursts into the sky!

The skill of Earth Explosion Star is indeed a bit awesome.

No, Kirulian has been brewing for a minute now.

You know, this is Kirulian whose attack strength is about the same as that of the heavenly king!

She has to brew for more than a minute like this, what about other elves with weaker levels?

Zhou Jiang couldn't imagine.

And... it hasn't been brewed for more than a minute...

One minute seems to be very short, but now Zhou Jiang feels that it is too long.

After waiting for a minute, Zhou Jiang's heart was a little broken.

It hasn’t been brewed for such a long time, is this trick really difficult...

When you look at people's circles, they just let go...

In Zhou Jiang's heart, he counted every second, and finally, at two minutes and five seconds, Kirulian finally moved!

She saw her closed eyes suddenly opened, and her folded hands opened quickly, and then the two small hands moved forward--

From Zhou Jiang's point of view, a small black ball flew out of Cirulian's palm, and then stopped on the sea before flying far.


After the little black ball came out, the scene was very quiet for a while, the sea was not sucked over, let alone the sea, even the wind and waves on the sea did not change...

Zhou Jiang is a little confused, what's the situation?

Not only Zhou Jiang, but Chirulian and Big Needle Bee are also dumbfounded.

But Kirulian was a little more dazed, and there was a lot of inexplicable feelings in the heart of Big Needle Bee's words...


Just when Zhou Jiang opened his mouth to ask Kirulian what's going on, suddenly, wind and waves on the sea suddenly rose!

Zhou Jiang just opened his mouth, before he had time to speak, he fell off the surfboard by the strong wind...

The big needle bee was the fastest to react to the abnormal protrusion, and saw its wings vibrated suddenly, and then directly inserted the double needle directly into Zhou Jiang's armpit, and then Zhou Jiang was taken by it to fly.

Of course, Zhou Jiang was brought up by the Big Stinger Bee, but the surfboard suffered.

The surfboard and a large amount of sea water are constantly rushing towards the black ball, and the sea water is continuously compressed and compressed under the power of the black ball, and then compressed until it becomes a blue and white solid!

Then the surfboard was also sucked over there at this time...


Although the wind blew in Zhou Jiang’s ears, his ears were all "huhuhu~" and "huhuhu~" sounds, but he still heard that the surfboard collapsed because of being overwhelmed. the sound of!

Zhou Jiang is now being held on his stomach by the big needle bee. It can be said that it is very safe. The only trouble is that the big needle bee does this. Only the upper body of Zhou Jiang is stable, and the lower body, especially the legs, are all facing there. The growing water polo went there, so it looked a little funny.

But funny is a little funny, but there is no danger.

The Big Needle Bee remained still in this suction even with Zhou Jiang.

Although this is the result of the minimal power of the Earth-Blasting Star used by Kirulian, it cannot conceal the fact that Big Needle Bee is super powerful.

Abruptly, Kirulian appeared next to Zhou Jiang and Big Needle Bee, but Zhou Jiang and Big Needle Bee were not surprised. They just glanced at her, then stopped responding, and continued to look at the person who was not far away. The ball made up of the sea water that the earth burst into the sky.

Kirulian didn't say anything, just standing there quietly, she was thinking.

She didn't come here before because she was observing the power of that skill and so on.

She always feels that there is something wrong with the skills that were issued...

Obviously I didn't feel this way before...

Maybe it is the problem of this skill?


This is a skill that was activated based on the "knowledge" from the owner in my mind...

but why……

The explosion of the sky star lasted for a short time, less than two minutes before it ended.

After the skill was over, the sea surface suddenly stopped wind and waves, and a small ball with a roughly half-meter radius suspended in the air also fell down. There was a "plop~" sound.

Zhou Jiang didn't care about the ball.

It's no use...

Except for the poor surfboard he had just exchanged, it was all sea water.

The earth exploded and the stars stopped. After the ocean current calmed down, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and let the Big Needle Bee put him down.

After all, it is still a bit uncomfortable to be strangled with a hard spear by a big needle bee.

Fortunately, the impact of this earth explosion star is not large, and the ocean soon calms down. What should be done before is still what happened now.

Kirulian was silent over there, thinking, Zhou Jiang had discovered it a long time ago, so he didn't say anything. After he got into the water, he took out a surfboard...

After all, although the system is sometimes pitted, the convenience is indeed convenient.

One point can be exchanged for a surfboard...

Even if you don’t have any money, you can sell surfboards cheaply and you can eat and wear!

Continuing to sit on the surfboard, Zhou Jiang looked at the place where the ball lock, which had been condensed from water, had fallen before, and was a little surprised.

Kirulian is still thinking, and Zhou Jiang is still in a trance over there. The two elves are one, but the big needle bee is still in the state now. Take a look at Zhou Jiang and look at Kirulian...

In the end, Big Needle Bee might feel tired too and stopped directly on the surfboard Zhou Jiang was sitting on.

This surfboard is still very big, although Zhou Jiang sat on it and sank a little, but Big Needle Bee was not afraid of it.

When it reaches this level, water doesn't matter, and it's not a waste wood rain wing moth.

The special wings of the rain wing moth can't fly with water, but it is different. It has little effect, just a little uncomfortable.

Not long after, Zhou Jiang woke up, glanced at Kirulian who was still thinking, but still did not say aloud.

He wasn't sure what Kirulian was doing, but at least he didn't think about it...

He was afraid that she would be interrupted by herself thinking of something important, so he just waited.

Anyway, there is time, it's only about a little bit now.

As for the importance of what Kirulian thought...

Zhou Jiang said he would not doubt.

For the elves, Zhou Jiang was in awe.

Even the green caterpillar!

With a mind that is not weak, with extraordinary powers beyond human beings, how can Zhou Jiang be qualified to look down on them?

Even though he is so powerful now, he still knows how this came about.

System, wizard.

Without these two, would you want to cultivate an elf based on your half-hearted knowledge and understanding of the elves in the past life?

I'm afraid I want to eat peaches!

He didn't even remember the characteristics of many popular elves, let alone other things. What is the use of that knowledge?

Maybe you can use the Ibrahimovic team to pretend to be forced?

And after that? I'll get another Menus...

Well, if there is no system, then it is probably not bad. After all, I was lucky to get a golden-quality ugly fish. At that time, there was a system and I couldn't look down on it. If there was no system at that time, I guess he could fly. wave.


Is that his own?

Although it is said that as a traverser, doing this kind of thing is shameless, and he will not feel guilty or the like, but he does not think it is "his" thing.

And because of this, I don’t think I’m great and look down on others.

As the saying goes, the three heads have ordered Zhuge Liang, not to mention Kirulian who is not weaker than ordinary people.

And now, 80% of Kirulian's thinking is still about skills and combat.

These are naturally their expertise as elves.

I don’t know how long sitting on the surfboard, Zhou Jiang gradually started to feel a little bored after he recovered, and then he thought of an interesting note-fishing!

After he came back, he took them out of the space ring and put them into the backpack. Now the backpack is still there, so it's boring now, so he just came fishing directly.

After all, the only interesting game he can think of at sea is fishing.

Of course, although fishing is fishing, fishing is not for everyone.

After all, there are not fish everywhere.

After a wave of terrorist attacks by Kirulian before, and now there are fish schools here, Zhou Jiang would dare to take his own...


If there is, there will be chanting, and if there is, it will just catch it!

However, Zhou Jiang felt that there were no schools of fish here, so he cheated a little bit and got some small things from the system~www.ltnovel.com~ Three points for some small things, sprinkled in the water, can attract a certain range of fish .

In order to prevent the water elves from being attracted to the battle that caused Kirulian to be disturbed, Zhou Jiang asked Big Needle Bee to take him a little further away from Kirulian.

After feeling that it was almost the same, Zhou Jiang put in the fish version of the computer accessories that had been replaced from the system.

The thing was like a biscuit. It was square and orange. Zhou Jiang gently threw it to a place about one meter away. Then the biscuit sank slowly and was sinking. In the process of going down, it gradually melted.

It's just that after it melted, the waters didn't change color. It was still blue and blue, which made Zhou Jiang a little confused, wondering if he bought a fake medicine, right?

Shouldn't this kind of colored medicine change the color of the surrounding sea water after it is dissolved?

Although it will not be wide-ranging and the time will not last long, but it will not change at all, right?

Unless it doesn't melt... But the introduction of the medicine is that this thing melted in the water, and he was throwing it out, watching it slowly melt after falling into the water...

Of course, after a daze, he stopped thinking.

The fake medicine is fake medicine. Throw out the hook first.

If it is a fake medicine, buy another one, after all, there is no shortage of points!

Of course, although there is no shortage, but if it is really a fake medicine, then the systematic horse will die!

As a system, can you do things like selling fake drugs?

Or sell to the host?

Fortunately, the system horse is still alive.

The hook thrown off by Zhou Jiang was bitten by something so quickly!

He also didn't expect that after adding a piece of braised pork with something from the system, the effect would be so amazing!

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