I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 545: Poor tyrannosaurus...

Feeling the pulling force from his hand, Zhou Jiang's mouth raised slightly.

Some played!

That's right, Zhou Jiang's purpose of fishing is not other, he is to wrestle with fish!

Of course, he will also use the power of tools.

Although wrestling with Yu felt very interesting, he didn't want to lose.

So this requires strategy and some props.

Strategy... In fact, it is more appropriate to say that it is a strategy.

Although he had fished once in the previous fishing contest, he still has some experience.

After the fish takes the bait, they can't immediately wrestle with the opponent, but need to keep tight and loose, which consumes the fish's physical strength.

Although it may be difficult to consume all the time in the water, he has some time!

And with the help of some small tools, the strength he needs to use will be greatly reduced, so that it can be more durable. It is estimated that after catching a fish, Kirulian will be finished...

Zhou Jiang held the stick in his left hand and kept turning his right hand on the handwheel reel.

As he turned, the fishing line that had been continuously being pulled out instantly stretched straight.

Zhou Jiang skillfully put it down a little slowly, so that the fishing line has a little buffer, and then tightened, then relaxed, tightened, relaxed...

Of course, during this period, Big Needle Bee also has to contribute.

After all, Zhou Jiang was sitting on a surfboard. As long as it was not a small fish and no external force was involved, Zhou Jiang would definitely be dragged away by it.

Fortunately, there are big needle bees.

It held Zhou Jiang's belly, although it would not actively help Zhou Jiang to drag it, but it would stabilize Zhou Jiang's position and prevent him from being dragged away by the bait fish.

In this way, in a loosening and releasing, the fish quickly lost its strength.

Feeling the weakening resistance, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

Sample, isn’t it planted in my hands?

However, Zhou Jiang did not relax, because although the resistance is gradually weakening, it does not mean that it has no resistance.

Still have to grind slowly until it is brought up, then is the time to relax!

Five or six minutes later, the fish was finally broken by Zhou Jiang, and he had no strength.

Zhoujiang fishing is not the fun of getting a bait, but the fun of "training" it!

In fact, after its resistance was getting lower and lower, Zhou Jiang was able to bring it up, but Zhou Jiang was not. He planned to play the fish!

The fish was quickly picked up by him.

This is a big sea fish, as for what fish it is... who knows.

Zhou Jiang didn't like to eat fish, so he didn't know much about fish.

But don’t understand if you don’t understand, it doesn’t matter...

Zhou Jiang let the big needle bee kill the fish.

The big needle bee poked its forehead with a spear, and the fish that was still wagging its tail was completely dead.

Seeing the fish still dripping blood, Zhou Jiang shook his head, washed it in sea water until there was no blood, and then threw it into the space ring.

Although he didn't like eating sea fish, it was his trophy anyway. If he didn't eat it, he could take it back to Zhou Nan and the others!

What if they eat it?

And grilled fish... should be good too, right?

After finishing everything, Zhou Jiang glanced at Kirulian in the distance and saw that she was still standing there quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was a little worried...

Is it going to happen...

Why is it still not good after so long? !

Although a little worried, Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, please wait and see...

Up to an hour!

If it doesn't work for an hour, wake her up and can't let her go.

After making the decision, Zhou Jiang went on to do his own thing, put on the bait, then threw the line and threw it down.

This time, Zhou Jiang didn't use the thing that attracted fish anymore. After all, although the thing was still cheap, for Zhou Jiang, who was an iron cock, it would be best if it could not be used.

And if the previous piece was thrown away, there should be a school of fish gathered in this piece. Although the previous fight with the unknown fish would scare away a bit, there should be some left behind.

After the hook was thrown out, Zhou Jiang sat there quietly and waited.

Other things were impatient, but Zhou was unexpectedly patient at this time...

Sitting there, thinking of nothing, just staring in a daze, and waiting for the fish to take the bait!


I don't know how long I waited, but suddenly, Zhou Jiang felt a movement in the fishing rod in his hand. Before he could react, a huge force came over!

The fishing line was dragged away from the reel, and Zhou Jiang quickly grabbed the reel with his right hand.

After being beaten several times, Zhou Jiang finally caught it, but Zhou Jiang still underestimated the goal this time.

Although Zhou Jiang grasped the handle, the force was so powerful that his hand couldn't hold the reel handle of the reel!

Even if he pressed it firmly, it continued to move towards the front. Fortunately, the strength of the Big Needle Bee was strong enough to stabilize Zhou Jiang's body, otherwise Zhou Jiang would not be gone...

Although the goal was very strong, it made Zhou Jiang's hands hurt, but it also made Zhou Jiang slightly excited.

Are you strong?

Very good, I even got on the bar with you!

With Zhou Jiang's efforts, the huge power from the fishing rod became smaller and smaller, and even... suddenly there was no strength to come from above!

Fortunately, the Big Needle Bee is strong, and at the moment of a short backing, it canceled its successive force and turned to force forward, allowing Zhou Jiang to stay in place.


Seeing the loose fishing line, Zhou Jiang was a little puzzled. Is the line broken? It ran away?

However, before Zhou Jiang said anything, a shadow appeared on the sea not far in front, and then one or two bubbles appeared. Soon, the shadow and bubbles grew bigger and bigger, and finally...


Looking at the angry tyrannosaur with its big mouth open and a familiar transparent fishing line that was reflecting light in the sun hanging from its big mouth, Zhou Jiang finally understood...

Yayah, no wonder the strength is so great, he hasn't gotten the opponent with the reel, if it weren't for the power of the big needle bee, he would have been GG long ago.

Looking at the Tyrannosaurus, Zhou Jiang, instead of being afraid, "suddenly realized."


Just when the tyrannosaurus was about to roar again, a colorless shock wave floated from a distance, and then the tyrannosaurus flew directly!


The Tyrannosaurus screamed, and its body under the water was also directly pulled up and smashed out!


The Tyrannosaurus fell into the water, and waves on the sea surface again.

Big Needle Bee lifted Zhou Jiang slightly to avoid being swayed by the undulating waves.

Zhou Jiang didn't look at the Tyrannosaurus, but at Kirulian's side, only to see that she had recovered sober and was flying towards this side.

"How about, Kirulian, have you discovered or figured it out?"

After Kirulian flew near, Zhou Jiang looked at her and asked.

‘Sorry, no, I just felt something suddenly before, but I was interrupted by this tyrannosaurus...’

As he said, Chirulian raised her little hand, and two shock waves suddenly blasted from her again, and instantly reached the tyrannosaurus who was turning white belly on the sea...


With repeated noises, the Tyrannosaurus was bombarded again.

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus carp scaly shed a lot of scales, even the surrounding waters were stained red by its blood, Zhou Jiang was a little scared, this is revenge...Although he caught it, he was not the one who disturbed her. Right!



But if Kirulian wants to **** herself...

Cough cough, how could it be possible, how could my lovely Kirulian hit me... hehe...hehe...

As if Kirulian glanced at Zhou Jiang, he was shocked instantly...

There is a tyrannosaurus here that is an eye-catcher, and they don’t want to move this guy anymore. Of course, it’s not for other reasons, it’s simply that it will belch after being moved randomly...

Zhou Jiang didn't bother to treat it with therapeutic medicine. Whether he can survive is up to his fate!

The poor Tyrannosaurus, lying there with his white belly turned over, could survive only if he was lucky...

With Kirulian there, there was no need for the big needle bee to fly, and Kirulian left the place directly with the surfboard under Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang didn't let Kirulian fly far either.

After all, I have to try a few more times, that skill.

It didn't take long before Kirulian stopped.

After putting Zhou Jiang a little further away, she brewed again, ready to make moves.

However, unexpectedly, Kirulian was not the same as before. It was brewed for more than two minutes. Now Kirulian was brewed in less than ten seconds, and then the gravitational core was released. .

Zhou Jiang did not have time to be surprised, because the fluctuations caused by the attack made him feel desperate again~www.ltnovel.com~ was "carried" by the big needle bee behind him, and there was the pulling force of the earth bursting star...

Fortunately, what made Zhou Jiang cry and laugh is that the duration of the earth burst into the sky is not long.

If the duration is not long, his suffering will not last long, but if it is fighting, the short time means that the attack effect is not so good...

It can be said that Zhou Jiang now loves and hates it.

But speaking of it, Zhou Jiang really didn't dare to use this skill casually.

In his expectation, this thing is used to demolish the house...

For example, when attacking the Rockets, it's absolutely cool to serve from their base!

After the wind stopped and the waves subsided, Zhou Jiang looked at Kirulian with some curiosity: "How can you make your moves so much faster? This is not double or twice, it is more than ten times!"

'I don't know... I felt a little strange after playing the skill for the first time, as if there was a familiar feeling, thinking there, and then interrupted by the tyrannosaurus, now... how do you say Well, I don’t know why, there is always a kind, familiar feeling...'

Listening to Kirulian's words, Zhou Jiang also fell into thinking.


Perhaps it is because of Kirulian's higher intimacy with gravity?

Talented skills?

Zhou Jiang shook his head and looked up at Kirulian. At this time, Zhou Jiang discovered that after Kirulian's use of the Explosive Sky Star, the level of physical exertion was completely different from the previous ones!

Zhou Jiang still remembers the appearance of Kirulian after the previous attack.

That time, Kirulian's physical strength was obviously consumed a lot, and it should be directly hollowed out. After using the skills, she almost collapsed and flew unsteadily. At that time, he almost had to use the system to restore her strength...

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