I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 546: Fully burst into the sky!

Zhou Jiang looked at Kirulian and asked, "How well do you control the skill of Earth Explosion Sky Star? Would you like to try your best?"

To be honest, now that Kirulian's physical consumption with this trick has been greatly reduced, he really wants to see it.

It will be spectacular to burst into the sky with all your strength, right?

Maybe it’s not just water that will be sucked in by the time, even those fishes and elves will be sucked in by it?

If this is a bit larger, and if you **** in more elves, maybe you can get a lot of points?

If you think about it this way, it seems very profitable!

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although Zhou Jiang still has a lot of points, he is a real money fan!

And it still exists like a hamster.

For good things, Zhou Jiang will subconsciously leave some...

For example, points, Zhou Jiang, unless it is a critical moment, otherwise it will not be used up. If the universal points are replaced with skills or modified cards, it is better to keep them in hand.

The Big Needle Bee can be comparable to the high-end Uranus, which is probably the limit.

I heard that the difference between the king of heaven and the champion is not so big, Zhou Jiang thinks that the difference is estimated to be the use of the source.

The origin of his big needle bee is still in the early stage of the king, if he wants to reach the championship...

Hey, I don't know when it will be.

As for increasing attribute points to be equal to the champion...


Estimated to be unrealistic.

Since he knew the origin, he felt more and more powerful.

Although the power of the quasi-day kings and the early days of the kings is not so obvious, but in this case, it is also very troublesome for Kirulian to deal with those elves.

This is due to the fact that Kirulian has a bunch of perverted skills plus a powerful super power system.

If you change to something else...

Don't even think about it!

Just say that Minas in Zhou Jiang's hands is all right.

Although it is the third strongest in Zhou Jiang's hands, it has also learned its origins, its skills are also powerful, and its special attacks are comparable to those of the first rank of Heavenly Kings.

But if it is really one-on-one, such as Menus and Menus playing.

Zhou Jiang’s Manas, who played the real first-level Heavenly King, had the same skills. Two elves against waves, then Zhou Jiang’s one would definitely be defeated, and it might still be the one who could not fight back. Kind.


Obviously, the special attack is the same as the primary level of the king, and it may even be slightly more faint, but why is it completely defeated against waves?

Yes, it is due to the efficacy of the source.

Meinas relies on this "inferior quality", the origin of the time and the ineffectiveness to contend with the early days of the king, and the special attack must at least reach the level of the middle of the king!

According to the fantasy world, this thing of Yuanyuan is an indispensable thing for higher-order battles!

'Let me try! ’

As for Zhou Jiang's ideas, Kirulian also had some ideas.

And, to be honest, she really wants to try it too!

Seeing her consent, Zhou Jiang nodded, "Be careful. I can't regain your strength if you are far away. If you think your strength is running out, just throw it out and don't get hurt."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang asked Big Needle Bee to take him away from here.

The smallest power of the Earth Explosion Sky Star is amazingly powerful, if you go all out...

He is afraid that a few lives are not enough to die...

After retreating about a hundred meters, Zhou Jiang felt a little uneasy, so he let Big Needle Bee continue to retreat.

If you step back, you can't see clearly, nothing else, but if the distance is too close...

This is not just for fun.

Although there is a big needle bee, Zhou Jiang feels at ease, but what if?

After retreating another fifty meters, Cirulian almost stopped seeing Zhou Jiang.

Two spotting telescopes were replaced, one for Zhou Jiang and one for Big Needle.

Although its hand cannot hold a spear, it can be held there with two spears...

Of course, if the Big Needle Bee can be seen, the premise is that the wind and waves will not reach or become smaller after reaching this side.

Otherwise, how dare Zhou Jiang, it is too late to protect the big needle bee...

Although they are far away, the hearts are still connected together. Although the "signal" is not good, the sounds coming from both sides are somewhat intermittent...

‘Okay, we can start! ’

After giving instructions to Kirulian, Zhou Jiang sat on the surfboard and raised the telescope.



Kirulian, who had received Zhou Jiang's order, began to accumulate energy after a light groan.

This time it was different from before. Before, it was only a simple accumulation of energy, no matter how much you could accumulate, as long as the skills were used, but now it is different.

Now she needs to concentrate all her energy on the gathering of energy!

In order to maximize the power of the skills, she can't be sloppy at all and must do her best!

Except for the most basic energy to maintain the flight, all the others were transferred by him. After the operation of the inexplicable route, all the energy was converted.

Soon, a black energy ball condensed in her palm.

But this time she didn't launch it, but continued to hold it in her hand and continued to pour energy into it!

The speed of the formation of small **** is still relatively fast, but the infusion of energy...

This is really in trouble, and Kirulian did not expect that after the energy ball was created, it would require so much energy to continue to expand it!

To make the ball bigger, I didn't expect that the energy consumed would at least be comparable to the energy she used to create the ball...

Feeling the rapid loss of physical strength, Kirulian frowned slightly.

She found that if this goes on, it will be difficult for her to expand the sky-explosive star to too large in the end.

The gravitational point produced by the previous earth-burst star seemed to be only the size of a table tennis ball. She originally wanted to get it the size of a football this time, but she did not expect it to be so difficult!

Two minutes later, Kirulian's face was slightly hard to look.

Her stamina is running out!

Glancing at the direction Zhou Jiang was in, Kirulian curled his lips slightly.

I originally wanted to perform in front of Zhou Jiang, but I didn't expect it to be...

Some frustrated Kirulian pushed with both hands, and flew out in an instant according to the gravitational nucleus that he could not bear. At the moment of flying out, the surrounding wind was strong, and the sea water was once again taken away by the strong suction, constantly moving towards it. Convergence.

At the moment the gravitational nucleus was thrown out, Kirulian directly used teleportation.

She didn't run out of energy and used her place to burst into the sky.

She is not stupid, she used her life-saving physical strength to show her performance.

Although there is still a little physical strength, it is not enough to support her teleporting to Zhou Jiang, but being able to teleport more than fifty meters is already full, so let's fly slowly.

The Earth-Blasting Sky Star's current power hasn't been fully utilized yet, in this short period of time, she was far away from there.


Zhou Jiang is here.

The moment Kirulian threw the gravitational core, he became nervous.

He has to observe it earnestly, remembering the power of the starburst.

After all, this is a super hole card, right?

The Big Needle Bee flies by Zhou Jiang. Although it is also watching the scene there with a telescope, most of its mind is still on Zhou Jiang.

As long as there is a situation on Zhou Jiang, it can immediately drop its telescope and protect Zhou Jiang.

The strap of the telescope is hung around its neck, and it doesn't need to worry about such small things as the telescope is lost.


The impact of the earth's explosion of the heavenly stars spread to Zhou Jiang's side.

The earth burst into the sky like a vortex, and the sea water constantly rushed towards that side. Zhou Jiang was sitting on the surfboard, and naturally he was taken to run.

At this time, Big Needle Bee decisively dropped the telescope and grabbed Zhou Jiang.

Although it is also curious about the situation opposite, in its heart, Zhou Jiang's safety is always the first!

As for the problem of sight, Kirulian didn't notice Zhou Jiang when he was next to Zhou Jiang. It was because she had spoken to Zhou Jiang to find out that she was back...

"It's okay, take your time, you still have plenty of room for growth, don't worry."

Looking at Kirulian who was a little depressed, Zhou Jiang comforted.

This is only half a year of traveling.

In less than a year, Kirulian's level has reached level 38 from the original level five, which is already very fast.

In fact, the main reason for being so fast is that the level of the enemies in the battle is very high~www.ltnovel.com~ Like now, they are all fighting against the master of the gymnasium. It is impossible to justify this level.

If one of the other people's elves can reach level 30, it will be the top tier.

Like Xu Feng, his elves eat well, and they have only reached level 30, and the elves of other powerful people are hovering at level 27 or 8.

However, Zhou Jiang's elves not only eat better than Xu Feng's elves, but they also have very powerful opponents.

Now even senior elites are not in their eyes...

After modification, even the fire dinosaurs can be longer and shorter than the high-level elites. Among the elves of Zhoujiang, because the tall sting bee has the highest combat power ceiling, the fire dinosaurs can now Only the Heavenly King level is in my eyes...

The words of the quasi heavenly king, they are not very concerned, because that is their goal to surpass!

Sooner or later they will climb up on the corpse of the quasi-kingdom...

Regarding Zhou Jiang's safety, Kirulian nodded without showing any expression.

She was depressed not because of her lack of strength, but because she did not perform well in front of him!


Forget it……

Kirulian sighed slightly in her heart, then eliminated distracting thoughts and connected with Zhou Jiang.

When Zhou Jiang saw that Kirulian had no emotions, he nodded with satisfaction and continued to observe the distant earth bursting stars.

Although Kirulian came back, she was tired and couldn't take Zhou Jiangfei with her in a short time, so it was Big Needle Bee who gave Zhou Jiang a firm hold.

Zhou Jiang is looking vigorously here, but he still doesn't know how much trouble their experiment has caused the people on the beach over there...

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