At this time, on the beach imitating the vacation developed in S city in the distance...

Many people who were originally basking in the sun or playing in the water are standing on the beach at this time, and many people form a small group, not knowing what they are watching.

At this time, Lu Ran and the others had already cleaned up, the dishes were all washed, and the garbage was put in the bag to wait for the unified disposal. They are now like everyone else, standing together on the beach. Let the waves continue to beat their feet.

Among them, Lu Ran was holding a telescope in both hands and was constantly looking at the distance.

Not long after, Lu Ran put down the binoculars and shook his sore hands.

She had just put down the spectacles, and the people around her asked in a rush.

"Can Teacher Lu Ran see clearly over there?"

"How about it, Teacher Lu Ran, did Zhou Jiang make it?"

"Is that really Zhou Jiang?"


"Okay, okay!" Lu Ran sighed a little tired as he looked at the girls babbling around him: "The distance is too far, you can't see clearly, you can take a look."

With that, she raised her hand and motioned for them to come over and get the telescope.

Just as Lu Ran raised his hand, he didn't know which girl it was, and he walked by the telescope, so that the other outstretched hands were stuck in the air.

"Wow! As expected of the rivers and lakes, the speed is so fast!" Wang Qingyan was shocked as she watched the rivers with a telescope grinning.

After getting along for so long, it was the first time she saw Jiang Shui's hand speed so fast...

"Hey, I have been staring at the telescope in the teacher's hand, can you please!" Jiang Shui couldn't wait to raise the telescope to his eyes, and then closed his left eye and looked at it with his right eye.

Looking at the river, the people standing in front of her scattered one after another, giving her space to look past, and Lu Ran took this opportunity to withdraw from the encirclement of the women.

Anyway, but they still looked at her a little jealously, they were also curious, they wanted to see it too!

Behind the eight girls are Zhou Nan and the three of them.

A few of them stood behind them, although they wanted to see, but they couldn't hold back their faces.

The main reason is the five girls who just met.

If they were not there, a few of them would definitely have to "grab" it, and now there are five of them, they are really embarrassed to rob with them in order to "shape" their image.

Of course, although they have to pretend, this is not to say that they like who of them, but that men will pretend to be in front of the opposite sex, especially the unfamiliar opposite sex...

"How is it? Have you seen anything?"

Chen Jie is very familiar, and she has been acquainted with Jiang Shui and others in a short period of time. At this time, she stood beside Jiang Shui and asked curiously.

"I can't see..." Jiangshui telescope did not take down, moved the telescope a few times to the left and right, and still found nothing. She paused and said, "Maybe it was not made by Zhou Jiang?"

As soon as Jiang Shui’s voice fell, Zhou Nan, who had not spoken behind, said: “It’s impossible, it’s impossible. I know that fellow Zhou Jiang best. He just talked to Kirulian, and then took her and Big Needle. There is definitely something important about the bee going out, I see, this must be his newly created skill again!"

I have to say that Zhou Nan still knows Zhou Jiang very well.

Although I knew my ex, I guessed it right this time...

Five or six minutes later, Jiang Shui put down the telescope, and her hands were sore...

"No, I can't, I can't find it, come on..."

Jiang Shui was a little desperate, his arm was sore, but he found nothing.

After passing the binoculars down, she also retired. Now, she knows the pain of Teacher Lu Ran...

Because Jiang Shui and Lu Ran’s "records" were in front, the other girls didn’t keep watching for a long time. The telescopes kept passing through in their hands. You watch for a minute, I watch for a minute...

Finally, it passed, and it reached Zhou Nan and the others.

The women did not find Zhou Jiang after watching for a long time, and they were too lazy to watch. They all sat next to them, preparing to wait for Zhou Jiang to come back to satisfy their curiosity.

After the telescope passed, Zhou Nan and their eyes gestured to each other, and Zhou Nan got on first.

Zhou Nan tightened the telescope in his hand and smiled.

Look at the Lord to find you out!

Thinking about it, he didn't have any ink stains, and put the telescope directly in front of his eyes...


Looking at the figure in the telescope, Zhou Nan was excited: "I'm going, I saw it, I saw Zhou Jiang!"


Wei Wei yelled twice with excitement. After waiting for a while, Zhou Nan found that there was no movement behind him, a little confused.

What's wrong with everyone?

Didn’t you still look for Zhou Jiang just now... Now that he found it, no one came to see him?

Then, before he could be overwhelmed, he felt a surge of power from the spectacles in his hand, and in an instant, the telescope covering his right eye was taken down.

"Okay, okay, when Zhou Jiang saw it, of course we knew that we weren't blind. Would you look forward?"

The telescope was taken down, and before Zhou Nan could speak, he heard Xu Feng's voice.

Zhou Nan subconsciously turned his head that had just turned to Xu Feng to look ahead and found that Zhou Jiang, who was being carried by Kirulian's mind, was flying towards this side against the surface of the water...


Zhou Nan felt very embarrassed, very embarrassed, embarrassed in capitals!

But fortunately, now Jiang Shui and others are not looking at him, but staring directly at Zhou Jiang and Cirulian who fly over.


Six or seven minutes later, the earth-burst star finally stopped. Of course, stopping does not mean the end.

This time, the water ball formed by the water drawn by the earth-explosive star was not compressed into a lens like the previous one, and still maintained the posture of the water itself.

But even so, but the water polo is too big.

Zhou Jiang would not visually estimate the size of things from far away, but even so, he knew that this water polo was big or small!


With a loud noise and the waves surging, Big Needle Bee quickly took Zhou Jiang up a little...

Although the distance was hundreds of meters, the waves came over.

Fortunately, there was only one wave. After hiding, there was nothing behind.

After the wave passed, Zhou Jiang looked at the sea below, slightly amazed: "Hi~ This power... is very powerful!"

The waves coming from such a far place are still so high, the volume of the water polo is conceivable. If it is changed to a rock, it may be smaller, but it is strong enough, right?

This thing, to demolish a small building complex, is it not easy?

Bumblebee and Kirulian did not speak.

In this way, Zhou Jiang and the two of them waited here for a while before turning around and flying towards the beach.

Well, at this time, Kirulian's mental power was almost restored, so the task of carrying Zhou Jiangfei was naturally handed over to her, and Big Needle Bee was taken away by Zhou Jiang.

‘Master, there are a lot of people on the beach ahead looking towards this side. It may be caused by our experimental skills just now. What should I do? ’

After flying a little distance, Kirulian suddenly slowed down and adjusted the flying height, and now they were almost flying close to the water.


Listening to Kirulian’s words, Zhou Jiang thought for a while and replied: “Let’s dive into the sea first. The place where we stayed before is on the far side. There are not many people paying attention. When we are almost there. Fly up again."

Kirulian nodded, and then led Zhou Jiang directly to the sink, before being submerged by the sea.

Because of the power of mind, Zhou Jiang does not need to bring diving equipment. As for how to breathe when wrapped in power of mind...

How did Jiang know this week that he would not have superpowers...

After flying under the sea for a period of time, the sky was finally seen again.

Although his whole body was covered by Nian Li, in the sea water, the sound of "gurgling~" was always in his ears, Gao Zhou Jiang was a little impatient.

It was finally out now, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.


Seeing Lu Ran and the others standing on the beach in front of them, Zhou Jiang was a little Why are you all watching...

He was gradually approached by Cirulian, and they slowly walked forward on the river on the beach and surrounded him.

Finally, Zhou Jiang flew over there, looking at the people staring at him, Zhou Jiang swallowed, and he was about to tell Cirulian not to let her go, but he didn’t say it yet. It was placed on the ground by Ciruli...

Zhou Jiang, who had landed, was instantly surrounded by the six girls. As for why there are six?

Because Bai Ya and Qian Jiajia are embarrassed to come...

Seeing all the girls babbling around him, Zhou Jiang felt his heads big in an instant.

Especially Jiang Shui and Chen Jie.

The two are like a chemical reaction together, so lively!

Originally, Jiang Shui was cheerful enough, but after being with Chen Jie, he became more cheerful in an instant. He dared to do everything and ask anything.

Among the six people, Jiang Shui and Chen Jie are the most ferocious...

The two people surrounded him, stupefied to make him unable to speak, and there were four young girls surrounding them...

Zhou Jiang glanced slightly at Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui, a little surprised.

Except for Jiang Shui and Chen Jie, that Zhang Ning and Luo Minxu are fine, he doesn't understand, but what is the matter with you two?

Isn’t your two people shy and calm and indifferent?

Why did you follow me around? !

The two of you are set apart!

"Okay, okay! You guys, let Zhou Jiang come out, and ask questions slowly. It's not that there is no time."

When Zhou Jiang was in distress, Lu Ran stood up.

Chen Jie and Jiang Shui stopped when they saw Lu Ran coming. After a sound of "Oh", they stepped back slightly with Zhang Ning and Zhou Jiang to come out.

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