Super Giant Armor is also fierce, so he rushed up against the freezing rays of the dragon. Fortunately, he was able to hide in time, but his arm was iced. If his wings were iced, he fell in love directly.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Although Ride Dragon is Shun Fat's freezing light, but this skill depends on who uses it!

Frozen light can be said to be the natural skill of dragon-riding. This skill itself has high damage and low consumption. In addition, dragon-riding is an ice attribute. It is a perfect fit. It is impossible not to practice soft water, so Shunfa does not have much power. influences.

   And judging from the speed and accuracy of its launch, this move must be its useful move, or its signature skill.

   Someone might say, ‘Signature skill...I use this every time, can I change to a better skill! 'some type of.


  What is the signature skill?

   Isn't this the most powerful skill or the skill that the elves are best at?

   Can such skills be weak?

Like now, the freezing light itself is powerful, plus it is used more and skilled, that "proficiency" is not a blow, it is estimated that there is a "master", even if there is no "master", it is also "proficient" "That's it.

   Although the super armor dodged a bit, its arm was still wiped, and at the moment it was wiped, its arm was completely frozen!

   This is still Chenglong deliberately biased, if it proves that the attack passes, maybe it will go in second?

   However, this does not make the Super Armor back down. This guy is obviously a ruthless character, ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself!

   was injured?

   It's okay, go back!

Before he became a fossil, this guy was obviously a ruthless character at the hegemony level. He had just been resurrected and was weak, but he dared to rush to do it directly in the face of a dragon that was more powerful than himself. Its level is bold enough to rise up, obviously not a small role.

   Although Mang and Yong are almost the same, one is weak and has no brain, and the other is powerful.

   In addition to the super-evolved state of this super big armor, Zhou Jiang guessed that it used to be a role like a territorial overlord.

  On the court, Chenglong and Super Big One played very well.

After being frozen with an arm, the super armor rushed directly to Chenglong's body, and then the two on top of the head were more frightening compared to before the evolution. The large clip covered with spikes directly pointed towards Chenglong's neck clip. Past!

   Compared to before the evolution, the thorns on the top of Super Armor’s head are sharper and more prominent!

Originally, the spikes on the big horns on the head of the big armor were not very prominent. If they were clamped, they would be pierced at best, but if the neck was clamped by this kind of big clamp, the spikes would take less than a second. Will pierce the neck! Moreover, the characteristic of the super armor is flying skin, which can damage the skills whose attributes are general attributes finally used. This way, it is enough to directly clamp the head of the prey!

  Of course, it’s hard to happen in reality, unless the gap between the elves is too big, otherwise they won’t be caught easily.

  Even if it is clamped, it can get out quickly. After all, its strength is almost the same. Its super large armor can pinch the opponent's neck, but the distance so close to the opponent can't bring it fatal injury?

   Once the opponent is not killed all of a sudden, then the super big armor may also be cold.

   And what is the situation now?

   That super big armor is like crazy, completely ignoring the consequences of not killing the opponent if he tries so hard.

   Maybe in its eyes only rush and rush?

   Of course, these are things that Zhou Nan didn't know.

Due to the extremely fast flying speed of the super armor, and so far, its offensive has not stopped for a while, resulting in them still not seeing what the resurrected spirit looks like, so now they even have these basic information Do not know at all.

   They only know that the resurrected elves are so fierce...

   Indeed, fierce is indeed fierce.

   hitting on an empty stomach until now, there is no pause, this girl, who is not fierce?

   "The King of Water, it's up to you!"

   Dr. Wu, she and the other two doctors have opened the door to exit from the inside.

   They don't have elves. If they are caught by the super armor, it will be troublesome.

   As for the soft water?

   Where does she need them to worry...

   If the working king can't even handle this, then she will really be blind to her position.

   Although they stayed inside and the water was gentle enough to protect them, they came out in order not to cause her trouble.

   Anyway, I am not in a hurry at this time.

There are hundreds of fossil elves resurrected here before they stepped forward. After all, the Tokiwadai laboratory dare not say that other technologies such as fossil research and the resurrection of fossil elves are among the best in the world. One of the reasons why Fan Tianlei sent the fossils here.

   One is strong and the other is close.

   Of course, being strong is the main thing. After all, if the strength is not strong, what use is it?

   After Dr. Wu and the others came out, the three reporters leaned forward to ask some questions.

   Two male doctors stayed behind and explained to three reporters, while Dr. Wu walked towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

   Just when Xiao Ai was about to greet her, footsteps came from behind Zhou Jiang and the others.

   Dr. Wu looked at Zhou Jiang and they said, "How about it, did you find it?"

   Of course, they knew that it was not with them, but with the owner of the footsteps behind them.

   "Well, I finally found it, but if you can remember it."

   The voice is pretty good. If you don’t look at people's fantasy, you would think it is a beautiful royal sister. Then Zhou Jiang and the others turned and looked at...

   really is a beautiful royal sister!


Then the two women in white lab coats who were controlled by the machine on the other side of them also stood up and walked over. Dr. Wu also walked over at this time, and the four women took what they had brought with them. Read the information.

   Seeing that Dr. Wu had serious things to discuss, Xiao Ai turned around and stood with Zhou Jiang and the others.

   Zhou Jiang, when they saw them getting information and discussing things, they stopped paying attention and continued to watch the battle in the glass.

   But speaking of it, the sound insulation of this glass is really good. After closing the door and playing for a long time, they heard some small movements, and now Dr. Wu and the others immediately overwhelmed those sounds when they were discussing.

   Over there, the two doctors who were talking to the three reporters also looked at the information with Dr. Wu and the others, and the discussion went, while the reporters continued to film the battle between Chenglong and the super armor.

   Now, in the high-intensity battle, the super armor can no longer hold it, and the speed is much slower, and even now it is vaguely able to see its body in the battle.

Super Big Armor itself is very exhausted because it has just been resurrected, so its combat effectiveness is greatly weakened. The battle basically relies on brute force, and the skills are rarely released. Before, it was able to rely on momentum and will. Now it is completely virtual. Now, if you wait a while, it won’t even have the strength to fly...

   At this time, the appearance of the super big armor is actually all over the eyes.

After all, until now, no matter how hard it is to fight, the Super Armor can never fight without rest. When it stopped, the reporters had captured its appearance, and Zhou Nan and the others could see the Super Armor clearly. Looks like! New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Is this what the new elf looks like... This should be the evolution of Dajia?"

   Looking at the super big armor that stopped there to gasp, Xu Feng raised his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and frowned slightly and said in a low voice.

   This super big Jia, to be honest, looks so much like Da Jia!

   Except for a few more things and changes in some parts, this elf and Dajia are really exactly the same.

The most obvious difference between    is the pair of wings behind it!

   Dajia doesn't have wings, and now that elf's wings are still powerful.

Yellowish orange, transparent thin wings, behind the wings are two buckler-like armor blocking them, and on the buckler, two sharp bone spurs connected to the thin wings stand there. .

When    was flying, there were only two thin wings flapping over there, and the two buckler-shaped shells remained intact to protect the thin wings.

In addition to the most obvious changes in the wings, there are also the big horns on the top of the head. This is too obvious. The horns of this new elf are much larger than those of the big armor, and it is also much scarier. No one wants to try to be caught in this thing. .

   Except for these two, the others have not changed much.

   The arms have changed a little bit, the legs may have wings, so they have also changed. The legs are no longer facing downwards and used to stand, it is more like it has become an arm, or straight forward...

   "It should be... the two are so similar, but I don't know if we can find a way to evolve. Maybe we have to have specific props like Menus?"

This is what Zhou Nan He hasn't read the secret post of Menas evolution on the post bar, and the news has not been published yet. It is estimated that it is still brewing, at most one or two days. The secret of Nath's evolution is probably known all over the world.

Xu Feng and Zhou Nan started the topic, and the others joined in and chatted. Even Chen Jie and the others were also added due to Jiang Shui and Chen Jie. Zhou Jiang, the only person in the know The side silently watched them speculate there.

   Although Zhou Jiang knew it, he was too lazy to say it, it was no good to say it, and even if it was good he didn’t bother to say...

   Let them guess slowly.

   Zhou Jiang glanced at them, whose voice was lowered but still able to talk, and then looked at Dajia and Chenglong.

  Winner...come out!

   Big One lost, it was a complete loss.

   But this is what everyone expected.

   After all, this is the working king, which one is weak?

   And the big one is not online, how could it be possible to beat Chenglong...

Although the purpose of riding a dragon is to finish the physical strength of the big armor, it can't hurt the opponent too much, so it basically does not attack, but passively defends with iron head skills, but the gap between the two is really too big. .

   Dajia is estimated to be able to use half of its strength, it is not bad, then it will be in a state of residual blood, and no one can beat...

   Fortunately, the battle is now over.

   After taking the dragon to consume it almost, a powerful water gun passed by and took the opponent away, causing it to faint directly to the ground.

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