"Good job, take the dragon~"

   Seeing Chenglong solved the opponent without injury, Shui smiled softly and praised it.


   Hearing his master's praise, Chenglong's happy eyes narrowed.

   Although this is not the first time it has been praised, it will be happy every time.

   It is so simple...

   Shui looked at the fallen super armor softly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

   Seriously, she was a little worried before.

  Of course, she is not worried about not being able to beat it, but worried that she might kill the super armor...

   The reason why Chenglong has been dragged to the present is because he can't use force and can only slowly wear away the opponent's physical strength.

   This is a new elf, but it can't be killed.

   However, after it came out, it attacked fiercely. It couldn't stop, so it could only let Chenglong grind slowly.

   Fortunately, the result was not bad. Although it took some time, the opponent was successfully ground to death, and the opponent only suffered a shot of water gun and one hand was frozen, and it did not cause much damage.

   Must fight, can’t use anesthetics or something to knock it down?

  Of course, but for creatures like elves, whether it was before or now, as long as they don’t overturn the opponent head-on, the opponent will not be convinced...

   If you use anesthetic gas to stun the opponent, unless you don't want the opponent to cooperate with the research, otherwise there will be a battle.

   Then it's better to come and fight from the beginning.

   Although it is an ancient elf, fight against it a few times to let them disperse, and then they will gradually be convinced. These are all talks of experience!

   Chenglong decided the victory and defeat, and the people watching from the outside immediately noticed it. Several assistants in white coats who were watching here walked towards the six doctors who were still discussing.

   Now that the Super Big One has been subdued, the doctors need to prepare for the next stage.

   When reminded, the six doctors stood up to prepare for the next stage of research.

   When they were in the past, they also called four or five assistants to go with them, and then they will have to operate with more people.

   Well, please introduce the structure of this laboratory in detail.

   This room is rectangular, and there are only two large pieces of glass used for isolation, perpendicular to the smaller rectangle formed by the two sides on the left and above.

   said that the white dot is a large rectangle set a small rectangle, the upper left corner of the small rectangle is attached to the upper left corner of the large rectangle!

   Now Dr. Wu and the others are inside this "large rectangle", and on the left side outside the "small rectangle", there are many assistants, researchers, and a large number of machines.

   And Zhou Jiang and the others are standing in the middle, on the right of Dr. Wu and the others, the door of the room is behind them.

   Walking along the glass on the right of Zhou Jiang, there was a turning point, and they could walk inside. Not far from there was a door on the glass. The doctors entered and exited from there before.

   After the door, continue to move forward, there are a bunch of machines over there. First release https://https://

   As for the small room surrounded by glass, there are also some machines inside.

   In addition to the machine that resurrected the fossil elves, Zhou Jiang knew one or two machines. Those were the most common machines for healing elves and machines for measuring.

   When passing by Zhou Jiang and the others, the five doctors and their assistants went over first, and Dr. Wu stayed and introduced them to Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Nan and the others asked some questions. Most of them were guessing about the elves. Dr. Wu just answered vaguely, saying that it was the result of the measurement afterwards, and finally greeted everyone and left and went to talk to the doctors, The assistants went on to work together.

   Zhou Nan and their guesses, assumptions, and the like, Dr. Wu did not affirm or deny them. After waiting for the results of the research, they stopped discussing now, but watched the doctors' fiddling.

   The super big armor has been newly released by the water softly and got onto a machine like a bed, which is used to measure some data of the elves.

   Such as height and weight.

   You have to ask why you didn’t have to fight arrogantly before?

   I said to let the elves get angry...

   Only fist-to-flesh fighting can make them enjoyable. If the power of thought passes directly, then does it still need to fight? Isn't this the same as using technology or direct hypnosis...

  In the small room partitioned by glass, the water was soft and gentle and Dajia stayed in it, and Chenglong was also taken back by her.

   The doctors were outside, using the walkie-talkie to let the water gently command the ground to carry the super armor and put it on top of the machines one by one, and then they stayed outside constantly controlling the remote control,

   Measurement experiments are boring, especially for spectators.

   It is the process of the super-large armor being constantly carried, and then turning on the machine arbitrarily, the doctor outside remotely controls the process.

  The PhDs they are working on are really interested in the data, but they are just bored.

   At the beginning, there was some excitement and excitement when watching the resurrection of the elves. Later, I also watched the battle with gusto, and discussed what an elves were from time to time, and now...


   I stopped discussing, and I was fine.

   Jiang Shui, who can't stay free, got close to Xiao Ai, wanting to get some interesting information from her.

   Zhou Jiang watched them discussing over there. He didn't participate, so he just stood and watched. More than ten minutes later, Dr. Wu came over. He thought he had some good news to tell them, but he didn't expect to come to "catch people"...

   According to her words, the research may take a long time, so they can go outside to rest, and the meal has arrived, they can go to eat...

   Okay, after listening to her, everyone has no reason to stay.

   After all, it is really boring to see them exploring the data like this!

   The three reporters were the first to leave.

   They have already got the things they want at this stage, and it’s useless to continue to stay now. It's better to go out and post what they have at hand.

   As for the final result?

   Didn’t you hear Dr. Wu say that it will take at least a long time...

   Can you come back then?

   Of course, it doesn’t matter if it’s true, after all, are they reporters?

   "Let's go, let's go to eat, the doctors are also hungry."

   Xiao Ai said to several people.

   Everyone nodded, and then all walked outside.

   A group of seventeen people walked outside one after another, including Zhou Jia. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Originally Zhou Jia didn't want to leave, but Jiang Shui and the others took a few steps, and after Shui Qingrou also signaled her to leave here, she did not resist and followed.

   Five minutes later, they left the laboratory building.

   Today is Monday, so the students are also in class, and it happens to be lunch time...

   Zhou Jiang sighed slightly when he looked at the students who were almost full of long lines outside but were not blocked.

   He seemed to see how he was in school in his previous life...

   In high school, I finished morning exercises, lunch break, dinner, dinner, and evening self-study.

   These stages are all people!

   There was a long queue.

  After seeing this scene for a long time, I really feel a little subtle.

   Sure enough, it’s not the cafeteria or dormitory that represents the school, but the students who line up at a certain time!

   Looking at so many people outside, Xiao Ai turned around and said to them: "Let’s go, let’s go here, let’s go to the exclusive staff canteen."

   "Exclusive staff canteen?"

Xiao Ai nodded: "Well, it's a place dedicated to providing food for the doctors and the assistants. Because the doctors and the others are doing experiments, the school built a canteen next to it to provide meals for the doctors and the others. Normally we go there. Pack them over there and take them back for the doctors to eat."


   After listening to Xiao Ai's explanation, Zhou Jiang has no fas to say.

   This is a rich school...

   Will the doctors come out to eat during the experiment?

   No, not really.

   They will ask their assistants to buy food and pack them back.

   What is the point of building a special canteen nearby like this?

   You can go to the unified canteen to eat when you are not doing the experiment, and the faculty canteen can also be used, but when doing the experiment, they will not come out to eat when they are busy...

   So this is completely useless!

   Well, the hard words are also useful.

   As the distance gets closer, the time for the assistants to run back and forth is shorter, and the time for the doctors to be hungry is shorter.

   After all, they are doctors, so it should be taken care of.

  Although he found an excuse for them, Zhou Jiang still shook his head secretly.

   Really rich...

   Corruption, corruption!

   Zhou Jiang was full of emotion, but Chen Jie and the others were a little excited.

   After asking the river water, I realized that this canteen is a well-known building in Tokipandai.

   Those who can eat here are either the doctors or the assistants.

   At least they must be the people brought by the doctors~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, even the teachers who teach cannot enter...

  It can be said that among them, being able to go in and eat a meal is a kind of show-off capital...


   Although Zhou Jiang is puzzled, he respects him and doesn't think much.

   entered the canteen, Zhou Jiang and the others followed Xiao Ai, and they got the meal smoothly. Xiao Ai asked Zhou Jiang and the others to eat first, while she herself wanted to take the meal back.

Finally, Zhou Jiang and the others helped her take it back together, and their food was also brought there. They went back to the laboratory and gave the food to the doctors. They went outside to find a place to cook and ate it. There are also many assistants here who are eating on the chairs. They all delivered the food like Zhou Jiang and they came out to eat.

   After eating, the doctors and the others are still studying, Zhou Jiang and the others followed Chen Jie and the others to visit the school.

   Zhou Jia didn't come this time, and Shui Gentle didn't force her to follow.

   When they went out, they were already in class. Zhou Jiang was still wondering why they didn’t go to class. Later I learned that they had skipped class today...

   After visiting the three campuses of junior high school, high school and university, it was already past four in the afternoon...

   Just when they were about to return, Lu Ran's cell phone rang!

   picked it up and saw that it was a call from Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai didn’t come before, so she went to work as an assistant for Dr. Wu. With five “locals” Chen Jie, she naturally didn’t need her to do the hospitality task, so she stayed with the doctor to do research. .

   And she is calling now...

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