Zhou Jiang and others hurried back to the laboratory.

   Although they don't have a card, Xiao Ai is already waiting for them at the door.

   Jiangshui wanted to ask her if there was a result, but Xiao Ai said, "Quickly come in" to push her back.

   After swiping in, everyone followed Xiao Ai and walked quickly inside.

  Wearing slightly high-heeled shoes, Xiao Ai made a "spin~" sound on the floor.

  Along the way, no one asked, questions, curiosity, etc. were held in their hearts.

   Finally, when I arrived at the familiar room, the journey during that period originally took only two or three minutes to arrive. As a result, due to various problems, it was almost like a year.

   The door of the room is open, and they can see the contents of the room after turning the corner.

   just across from there, there are a few familiar back figures.

   The three previous reporters and Zhou Jia, next to them are a group of people in white coats...

   The three reporters and Zhou Jia and Zhou Jiang can recognize them, but the assistants or doctors are powerless. They are all in white coats. Who can tell?

   Not to mention them, it is estimated that Zhou Jiang would not recognize the three doctors except Dr. Wu... His face blindness is a bit serious.

   As long as it is someone who is not interested in knowing, he can't remember the other person's face...

   After everyone went in, the few people who stood there and looked around the glass side subconsciously looked back, and when they saw Zhou Jiang and the others, they turned their heads again.

   After a few people went in, they found a small crowded place and "lied down" to look there.


  ? ? ?

   Zhou Jiang was a little puzzled.

   There is nothing in it... He thought that the results have already come out, but he didn't expect it to be "almost"?

  In the isolated glass room, it is still a super big armor, with Hudi and water softly inside.

   But unlike before, Shui Gentle didn't stand anymore, instead sat down on a chair beside him to rest.

   The same thing is that Hu Di still sits cross-legged, motionless. Super Big Jia was still in a coma, lying on a strange machine that Zhou Jiang hadn't seen before. It also had a pile of things connected to wires like suction cups on its body.

   Zhou Jiang couldn't name this thing, but he roughly knew its purpose.

   It seems to be connected to the body to detect the reaction and state of the organs in the body?

   Although there was a sense of inexplicable loss, Zhou Jiang was too embarrassed to say anything when seeing so many people waiting, so he stood there quietly, waiting for the doctors to complete the experiment and explore.

   Zhou Jiang wanted to take a look at the doctor and the others, but what he saw through the glass were a bunch of assistants in white coats.

   There are so many people here. They probably came in later, probably from other research rooms. Hearing that the stuff was done here, they ran over to watch.

   As for why they don't do experiments, there are no restrictions, Zhou Jiang is puzzled, and there is no need to understand.

   I glanced at nothing and saw nothing, Zhou Jiang gave up his heart, just stay honestly.

   He can only pray that it won’t be too long. After too long, he may not be able to stand.

   didn't know how long it had passed, and a "done!" echoed in the silent room except for the soft noise of the machine.

   The voice contained excitement, eagerness and exhaustion.

   Of course, it doesn’t matter to Zhou Jiang.

   He, who was thinking about it, was startled by the sound, and then he thought of the meaning of the sound.


   Finished the data? !

   Before I could think much, three reporters not far away rushed toward them first, then turned and ran toward the doctor and the others.

   Driven by them, other graduate students and assistants also gathered around, hoping to know the answer as soon as possible.

   After all, this can be said to be a historic moment!

   Undiscovered elves!

   Well, soon, those who were surrounding them were all driven to both sides, and then the doctors and the others walked over with the hard drive.

   "Doctor, how is it?"

   Seeing them coming, Xiao Ai walked up and asked.

   Dr. Wu stopped, handed the hard drive in his hand to one of the doctors, and then let them leave.

   The other doctors and the assistants who were holding things left here, and Dr. Wu explained.

   "Dr. Wu, may I ask..."

   "Dr. Wu..."


   The three reporters squeezed quickly, they squeezed to the front, and kept asking Dr. Wu, even Xiao Ai was squeezed out...

Seeing that the graduate students who were originally going to leave slowly stopped, looking towards them, there was a tendency to gather more and more. Dr. Wu quickly called to stop the three reporters who were still asking questions, saying that the information was in the other doctors’ hands. Bian, asked them to interview them, and then asked Zhou Jiang to leave here.

   This is really not a place to talk, you can't leave without leaving...

   The graduate students were not very familiar with Dr. Wu before, so they didn't ask any questions and planned to leave. If the reporters continued to pester and she answered, it would be difficult to do it later.

   Please don't let a few people come out and ask, it will be hard to leave if you want to leave.

   left here, they went to Dr. Wu's own research room together.

   There is no one in Dr. Wu's research room, so I can explain it to them.

   After sitting down there, Xiao Ai went to make tea, and Dr. Wu told the people who were sitting next to her and watching her about the research situation there.

   Xiao Ai's words, although they were making tea, they were listening to Dr. Wu with their ears upright.

"Based on systematic research and analysis, we have determined that this wizard is closely related to Dajia. It was not detected when it was still fossilized just because its genetic factor structure is somewhat different. It is different from Dajia. The similarity reached 80%, and 20% was different, so it was not detected."

   Everyone nodded, then Jiang Shui asked, "In other words, is this really an evolution of Dajia?"

   As a result, Dr. Wu took a sip of the tea that Xiao Ai handed over, then nodded and shook his head. Everyone who was watching was taken aback, nodded and shook his head? What does it mean.

"It’s hard to say whether it’s the evolutionary form of Dajia or the degenerate form. Although we all tend to be evolutionary, there is no other evidence that this is an evolutionary form. After all, science is strictly forbidden. Now we can only say that there is evolution between them. Relationship." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Everyone nodded clearly.


   Although it looks very similar and has similar genes, it seems to be more powerful than Dajia, but if there is no other conclusive evidence to prove it, then no matter how similar it is, it cannot be said to be an evolutionary type of Dajia.

  What if it is a degenerate form?

what? You said that other evolutions have become stronger, but why has it evolved to become weaker?

   What kind of wonder is it?

   So this matter is basically not over yet, there is still a finishing touch-discover the secret of evolution!

   As long as you discover the secret of Dajia or the evolution of the elves, then everything is complete.

   "Doctor Doctor, have you confirmed the name of this new wizard?"

   Hearing Zhou Nan's question, everyone was energetic, and they all looked at Dr. Wu with piercing eyes.

   This can be said to be the most critical thing, confirm the name of the newly discovered wizard~

   Dr. Wu put down the teacup and shook his head: "The name has not been decided yet, this needs to be discussed. But even if it is decided, it will only be temporary. In the future, if there is an introduction from any ruins, the name will be used."

   After hearing Dr. Wu's words, everyone nodded.


  The names of many elves are also determined by archeology from the excavations in the ruins.

   As for the names of the popular elves...

   Elves have existed since ancient times. They have always played an important role in the human community. How could the names of those common elves be unknown?

   It is like those rare elves that the ordinary people don't know because of the ancient system, and those popular ones have been passed down to the present.

After   , everyone chatted here until Zhou Nan’s stomach screamed...

   "It's too early, let's go eat."

   Seeing Zhou Nan's embarrassment, Dr. Wu smiled softly and said, then looked at everyone.

   Everyone will naturally not object, and it is indeed not too early now. Although it is very interesting to hear Dr. Wu say that some things related to elves are very interesting and can increase the knowledge and experience, it is a rare thing, but you still have to eat.

   Since Dr. Wu finished his experiment, there is no need to go back to the laboratory to eat. A group of 17 people ate together, which is really spectacular...

   The two long tables before and after are full of people...

After eating, everyone was walking on the playground. When the walk was halfway, Dr. Wu called and said that he was busy, so he took Xiao Ai and left, leaving Zhou Jiang and his party for 15 people. First release https://https://

   Looking at Dr. Wu and Xiao Ai who left in a hurry, Zhou Jiang sighed with emotion: "You look so busy..."

   Seriously~www.ltnovel.com~ He really admires these people.

   Basically, it can be said that there is no time to rest. What is it that supports them?


   But they are not short of money... Is it really fun?

   Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, the others nodded.

   After they disappeared from the crowd walking on the playground, they turned their heads and continued to walk.

   An hour later, they separated.

   Chen Jie and the others have tasks tomorrow, so they have to go back today to make preparations and go to bed early. After they left, Zhou Jiang and the others lost the desire to continue walking, and then they went back to the dormitory.

   After each went back to the dormitory, Zhou Jiang took a shower and lay down on the bed, picked up his mobile phone and started playing.

   Suddenly, Zhou Nan spoke: "Shall we leave tomorrow? Or continue to stay here?"

   Zhou Nan asked Zhou Jiang, and Xu Feng also looked over.

Zhou Jiang put down his mobile phone and thought about it. Indeed, the matter is basically over, and the Super Big One has already come out. It is estimated that some simple information will be posted on the official Weibo of Tokiwadai. They have studied how to evolve, they can't stay, the secret of evolution, this is not easy to study, research for decades, hundreds of years are common.

   After thinking it through, Zhou Jiang replied: "Ask them, if they have things left, they can stay for a while, if there are nothing more, let's go."

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