"You are leaving now? Don't keep it?"

   Looking at fifteen people with backpacks preparing to leave, Xiao Ai tried to stay.

   Lu Ran waved his hand, "No, I've been here for a few days, and it's time to get on the road. I will trouble you to take care of it these days."

   Xiao Ai nodded, and after chatting for a while, everyone parted.

   Although it hasn’t been long since I’ve been in contact, I’m a familiar person anyway, so Xiao Ai wants to stay, but it’s okay if it fails. After all, I’m not familiar with it.

   After Xiao Ai left, there were only ten of Zhou Jiang and five of them, Chen Jie.

   "Hey, it's a pity, it's not the same way..." Looking at Zhou Jiang and others, Chen Jie was a little lost.

   They went out to do the task, and Zhou Jiang and the others also wanted to leave here, but they were different.

   They are going to K city, while Zhou Jiang and the others are going to N city.

   Except for a short distance to S city on the same road, the back will be separated.

   After they go to S city, they have to fly to M city, and then go to N city to find the grass club.

  It's a thousand miles away...

   But speaking of it, it is really a luxury for Zhou Jiang to play this gym.

   Fly over by plane and hit a gymnasium...

   But there is no way, who will let the last relatively weak gym on the farthest side...

   He now has six badges. As long as he hits the grass type and then comes back to hit the normal type, it will be OK. Now it seems that there is not enough time, and there is still some plenty?

The    League Tournament time is mid-to-late November, and it’s only October 23rd, a month’s time.

   He flies to M City and takes a car to N City. If there is no accident, he will return after playing the gymnasium. It will take a week at most?

  Fly from M city and then to G city, there will be more than two weeks after the gymnasium, which is perfect!

   After sighing, they set off together.

   I want to rent a speedboat by the sea when I go to S city. I still have some time now. If I can get together and talk, I just want to talk a little bit more. After that, I won’t have a chance, I can only chat online.


   arrived in S city, return the speedboat.

   Since arriving in S city, the atmosphere in the whole team has been a bit wrong and depressing!

   Especially Chen Jie and Jiang Shui.

   How lively they usually are, now they are depressed and sad.

   The two of them, because of their similar personalities, hobbies, etc., developed into good girlfriends in a short period of time, which is why they can get together.

   I'm going to separate now...seriously, both of them are very sad.

  Although the others are okay, their emotions are over there, Zhou Jiang and the others will inevitably be infected, so that’s how it is now.

   I returned the speedboat, and after that, I prepared to buy a ticket and set off...

   Somewhere in a small park, in a large pavilion, they were sitting there.

   This is going to part ways...

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought of something, and asked Zhang Ning, the elder sister who was sitting across from him, "By the way, where are you going to do the task?"

  Although they know they are going to K city, the final destination is not necessarily there, maybe they have to go to other places?

   Hearing Zhou Jiang's question, everyone was taken aback, and they all looked over.

   Zhang Ning thought for a while and hesitated, "Shall we go to K city?"

   She wondered if they hadn’t said where they were going before?

   Otherwise, why did Zhou Jiang ask so...

   "No." Zhou Jiang waved his hand quickly: "I mean, don't you go to other places except K city? You don't go to other places after you finish the mission? Go back to Tokipantai?"


   Regarding Zhou Jiang’s question, everyone present was a little confused. Is there any intention to ask this question at this time?

"Yeah..." Zhang Ning frowned slightly, thinking about it with some concentration, and then said: "Well, maybe... It depends on the scope of our task. The school wants us to come here to find someone, and then Follow the other party’s request, but I don’t know where the scope is."

   "Then do you go straight back after finishing the task? Or can you stay outside?"

   "...I can stay outside for a while, but not too long."

   Zhou Jiang nodded in satisfaction: "Then, can I go to N city by myself, you guys get together first?"




  As soon as Zhou Jiang's words fell, the pot exploded in an instant, and even the three former teachers, Lu Ran and the others, looked at Zhou Jiang in surprise.

   Zhou Nan spoke first, and said eagerly: "No... I said Zhou Jiang, don't you have Watt in your head? Are you going alone?"

   He thinks that Zhou Jiang decided to go alone, and let them travel with them so as not to make them sad apart, but...the new 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Zhou Nan is also unfamiliar with them!

  Compared with them, he and Zhou Jiang are more sad, right?

   And they travel together. One is to see more local customs and people, and the other is to accompany Zhou Jiang to the gym and travel.

   After all, he can't keep up with Zhou Jiang's pace. He can only hope to witness it on the way Zhou Jiang hits the Taoist Gymnasium, but you Zhou Jiang said let us follow others?

   Are you kidding me? !

   Other people also frowned.

   Xu Feng lifted his glasses. He was still quite sane, but he was still a little puzzled when looking at Zhou Jiang, "What's wrong? Suddenly I want to go alone."

  Others, Chen Yongan, Jiang Shui, these two familiar people also asked Zhou Jiang. Although the others did not ask, they all looked at him in surprise.

"Ahem." Zhou Jiang gave a dry cough, and then looked at them, "You also know the travel plan below, right? I fly from S city to M city and then take a car to N city, and then fly back to M city. City G."

   At this point, Zhou Jiang glanced at the expressions of all of them. They were still confused. Then he sighed, "If we go together, how much will it cost?"



   Zhou Nan instantly turned into a black greeting emoticon, and looked at Zhou Jiang with a look of incomprehension, "Huh? Are you just for this?!"

Zhou Jiang nodded, "Isn't this enough? It's a good deal. It takes more than 600 to get a student ID by plane from S city to M city, and more than 200 from M city to N city by car. It takes more than 1,000 to fly to City G."

   Said this, Zhou Jiang paused, and glanced at everyone present.

   And everyone in the room also understood what he meant.

   It would cost two thousand for a trip alone, and twenty thousand for ten of them!

   This is a big expense.

   Everyone bears two thousand yuan, how many tasks can be done to earn it back?

what? There are thousands of tasks for one task, why is it not enough?

   Do you want money for the wizard potion? Do I need money for food along the way? These two things are enough to drag them down, and there are still some "debts" on them. After all, space backpacks are not cheap. They can buy them purely with alliance discounts and alliance "loans."

  Although elves food can eat tree fruits, but a lot of tree fruits don’t need money?

   is just cheaper than buying the ingredients directly to make the elves rations, but it still costs money!

  Every time they do the task, except for the expenses above and the purchase of other miscellaneous things, the money they can keep is not much. Two thousand yuan is really a lot of money.

   As for the prize money obtained in the previous competition, that can't be moved randomly. First release https://https://

   To watch him play together, spend 20,000?

   Zhou Jiang is reluctant to bear it.

   It didn’t take long anyway, it was a little more than a week at most, why can’t it be like being separated for a while?

   Really treat money not money!


   Zhou Nan wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.

  All of you present here are actually only him, Chen Yongan, Li Linghui and Wang Qingyan who are short of money.

   The others are the rich and thieves, Jiang Shui?

   In order to keep her simple, her family will give her a lot of money every month. She raises two elves and does tasks with them. How can they be short of money, just four of them...

Although Zhou Nan has money in his family, he is not embarrassed to be a trainer. Although they were short of money before, they have never been anxious for money. Even if they want to buy Moonstone, it is only Wei Wei is a little tangled,

   And now...

   He wanted to say that this little money is nothing, but...

   He really has no money, and even if he can pull down his face and ask the family for money, what about Chen Yongan and the others?

   They really have no money, and the family is also an ordinary family, you let them follow you to spend more than two thousand unjust money?

   Do you lend them or just help them pay?

   Then they will want it too!

   For the first time, he felt that he had no money and really fucked.

He wanted to buy the Moonstone before. He was rich, but he didn’t want to use it. So he was not so pessimistic. He just wanted to earn the Moonstone by his own efforts, but the momentum was in his heart. Even if he didn’t make money, he It can also be obtained from home, so he is not nervous about money.

   because he has a way out!

   And now... in terms of money, for Chen Yongan and the others, he really has nothing to do!

   Chen Yongan also knew that now they were "stuck". He just said, "I want to...", and was interrupted by Zhou Jiang.

"It’s a full budget. I’ll go back and forth there for only one week or seven days. It’s okay for you to be near G city? Even in K city, you can go to J city and then go directly to G city. Is it time to reunite again?"

   "And if you follow me to N City, you will not see much either in the car or on the way to the car? It might as well be separated for a while."


   Zhou Nan and the others are silent~www.ltnovel.com~Lu Ran and the others are also a little surprised at first, but then they continue to be expressionless.

   No matter what decision they make, they will not interfere with them.

   This is their choice.

   Zhou Jiang saw that they had nothing to say, so he said: "Since there is no objection, let's do this first?"

   Xu Feng sighed and nodded slightly: "Indeed, this is the best way. It only takes a week. Everyone can afford it."

  Except for Xu Feng's response, which is considered support, everyone else is a little uncomfortable.

   Jiangshui felt that he did this because of his separate performance, while Chen Yongan and Wang Qingyan felt that they were dragging their feet...

   Originally, only Chen Jie and Jiang Shui were uncomfortable, but now it is a bunch of people who are uncomfortable...

   Although it was a bit uncomfortable to separate them from Zhang Ning, it was just that.

   And now? Zhou Jiang is a teammate who has traveled with them for so long! Moreover, the reason for the separation was that they were "pulling their hind legs", so now, the team was suddenly covered with clouds...

   Lu Ran and the three of them looked at each other, feeling a little helpless, this team...not easy to take!

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