"Hey... I didn't expect a person to be really uncomfortable..."

Looking at the faint clouds outside the window, Zhou Jiang was a little emotional.

That's right, in the end he got on the plane alone, and Zhou Nan and the others went on missions with Zhang Ning and the five others.

Although he proposed this proposal and it is indeed a good way, he still feels a little uncomfortable...

What should I say.

He is the kind who says no, but at the bottom of his heart he still wants to be valued by others.

For example, this time, in his heart, he still hopes that everyone will go together. Even if he puts forward an idea, he hopes that they will refute and want to go with himself...

Yes, he is Meng Sao!

But forget it.

It’s good for one person to have one person.

Although group travel is lively and not boring, it is troublesome.

It's hard to walk when there are too many people, and it's hard to bring the team.

Especially for people like Zhou Jiang who value the thoughts and opinions of others, they must first consider the thoughts and feelings of others when doing anything.

To be honest, this is a bit tiring.

There will be no so much trouble for one person, anytime, anywhere.

Go where you want to go, do what you want, there is no restriction at all.

And to be honest, Zhou Nan and the others are basically a burden to him now.

With them, the help for Zhou Jiang is completely useless except for chatting with him to relieve boredom and cooking....

And for chatting to relieve boredom, is Zhou Jiang necessary?

It's really boring, just throw out Kirulian and chat with her, and for those meals, since he has the space ring, he is no longer afraid of not having enough food outside.

The food filled with the space ring is enough for him to eat for several months, maybe half a year.

However, the friend does not depend on what the other person can give him.

Although he doesn't know where this meaning is, it does not prevent him from looking for it.

He is now like a careless person, looking for the fun of life.

But having said so much, in a word, it is-my friend, that is what Zhou Jiang needs, but he hasn't found the fun in it yet. Although he will continue this way, it is better to separate during this time.

He also needs to think alone.


Eight hours passed and finally reached the city.

Listening to the voice of the stewardess on the radio, Zhou Jiang tightened the down jacket on his body, then put on a backpack and followed the people off the plane. After exiting the passage, he continued to follow the large group out of the airport, out of the airport, and gave Zhou Nan and the others in the group. After reporting safety, he went to the wizard center according to the map.

It's almost nine o'clock in the evening now, and I hope there are rooms in the wizard center.

If it is not there, then he can only go to the hotel next to him. Zhou Jiang closed his hands and sighed with his mouth. Then he looked outside and sighed.

Really cold……

It’s been an hour since we arrived at the Elf Center. It was around ten o’clock in the evening. In the countryside, everyone had already gotten under the covers. In the city, this was the beginning of night life. Although it was winter, people outside were also A lot.

The wizard center is always open.

Zhou Jiang arrived at the wizard center, and the light inside was still on the cold concrete floor in front.

At the front desk, Miss Joey and Geely Egg were sitting there, and beside the lobby were many men and women. Most of them were trainers. They were bored in the room at night and couldn't sleep, so they all ran out to chat and beat up. Up.

Chatting with colleagues and spanking can also increase knowledge. If you are lucky, you can find a like-minded partner, travel together or recognize each other, remember each other, and then you will be comfortable.

Fortunately, the wizard center has heating, otherwise even if there are gains, not many people will stay here.

Zhou Jiang entered from the main entrance, the door opened automatically and came in with a cold color. A bunch of people looked over, but soon turned around. Miss Joey and He Ji Lidan were staring at the computer placed in front of her, and Zhou Jiang came in. I didn't even look at it.

Unexpectedly, the moment Zhou Jiang came over, she stood up and greeted Zhou Jiang with a smile. There was no flaw, as if it was not her who was watching the show without raising her head...

"Hello, do you need any help?"

With that said, Miss Joey looked at Zhou Jiang curiously, and beside her, the Auspicious Egg was also holding a small hand, shouting "ki~ki~".

Miss Joey’s voice is very gentle and beautiful, and when she is talking, she looks at each other intently, and her soft face makes people unable to raise any bad thoughts.

Looking at Miss Joey, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched, but he asked politely, "Ms. Joey, is there any room available? I want to stay." Then Zhou Jiang handed over the student ID.

"Please wait a moment, let me check."

Miss Joey took a look at the student ID, nodded, and then began to check it.

"There are rooms."

After speaking, Miss Joey opened the drawer, looked at it for a while, and then turned out a room card and handed it over, "The room number is 482. From here, turn left and turn right and you can see it."

"Thank you."

Zhou Jiang took the room card with both hands, thanked him, and left, while Miss Joey smiled and watched Zhou Jiang left before sitting down and continuing to watch the unknown drama. Geely Egg was also sitting on the small bench against Joey. Miss continue to watch together.

Zhou Jiang’s arrival and departure were not noticed by anyone except Miss Joey. Of course, except for the moment when the cold wind blew in...

Going all the way, looking at the house number, walked for about three minutes, finally found the room.

The room is a single room, not big, but not small.

After Zhou Jiang entered, he turned on the air conditioner, then threw his backpack away and threw himself on the bed.

After a short rest, Cirulian Ibrahimovic and Katie were released.

The caty dog ​​has passed its juvenile period long ago, and the water mixed with royal jelly does not need to be eaten. It can eat energy cubes normally. However, after experiencing beach relaxation, now he and Ibrahimovic have not adjusted, a bit crazy, basic Jiang had to let them out to play last week.

Let them go and fight, and then took out the food in the ring.

Yellow braised beef rice.

Zhou Jiang likes the yellow stew series very much, but if you eat too much, you will feel a smell of chicken, but beef is different.

The only drawback is that it is expensive, but is it expensive to Zhou Jiang?

He took out the machine, the tree fruit, and asked Kirulian to make the energy cube, while he unpacked the takeaway package, and then took out the phone from his pocket.

Well, Kirulian has become Zhou Jiang's right-hand man now, and Zhou Jiang will leave everything to her if Zhou Jiang can save... and it's still the kind without salary...

Fortunately, this does not count as child labor, and there is no labor bureau to tell her, otherwise Zhou Jiang will definitely eat some free lunch.

The chat history on one page of the lock screen of the mobile phone is the "expedition team", which is a group created with Zhou Nan and Wang Qingyan, and there are only ten of them.

Zhou Jiang opened it and took a look. The previous message was from Zhou Nan and the others, asking about what happened to Zhou Jiang, while the latter was that they were telling Zhou Jiang about the situation there.

They and Zhang Ning's 14 people are now on their way to K City.

They are in the forest now, and there are several photos taken below.

Well, they are on the official road, that is, the road, which is different from the way they came before, but their side...

How should I put it, because it is next to the official road, there must be few trees, but it looks much better than the place where they walked before.

After filling a bite of beef and then taking a big mouthful of rice into his mouth, Zhou Jiang pulled down the message bar again, and the following words were all Zhou Nan's complaints.

After leaving Zhou Jiang, Zhou Nan found out that their snacks were gone!

After hurriedly browsing through to the bottom, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly after reading the news.

Finally, after thinking about it, I took a photo of the braised beef in my hand and sent it over.

Shaking his head and throwing the phone on the bed, Zhou Jiang continued to wipe out the food.

Although I ate on the plane, but now I am hungry again!

Eat early and go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow to go to N City by car.

From city to city n, if you want to go by car, you need to transfer to city w and then transfer to city n.

A round trip journey may take three to four days...

Really suffer.

This time is really desperate.

After he finished his meal, the elves all finished the meal early and returned to the poke ball.

The others that were not released, especially the big elves, came out to eat one by one. After all, the room is so big. If they come out together, I am afraid they will not be crowded. Fortunately, they are also used to this way...

After taking a rest, I took a shower, leaning on the bed and playing with my phone after the shower.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought of that ga Dajia, went to the post bar and searched for keywords, and indeed one of the hottest posts popped up.

Smiling, Zhou Jiang clicked in.

Looking at it roughly, the information in it was sent by one of the three reporters. The location of the photo was obvious.

In a large number of photos, Zhou Jiang also saw a few photos of them in the lens, but fortunately, it is only a profile or back, and the profile is not Zhou Jiang's profile...

Zhou Jiang also took a look at the following comment, and it was all speculation about this wizard.

Anyway, guess what.

For example, the relationship with Dajia... Is Dajia an evolutionary type, a degenerate type, or another kind of spirit?

In addition to those, there are guessing names...

But how do they guess the name?

Zhou Jiang was a little confused~www.ltnovel.com~ After simply flipping through the comments, Zhou Jiang quit the post, went to Weibo, found the official Weibo of Tokiwadai, clicked on the follow, and looked under it. I pulled it casually and found that there was no news about Ga Dajia. Zhou Jiang knew that they were still discussing and did not make a decision.

As for what is being discussed?

Zhou Jiang guessed it was the name...

After all, the preliminary results are now available, and they can be unveiled after ga Dajia's name. As for the subsequent research on whether there is an evolutionary relationship, that is the next stage.

And now that there is no news, it is obvious that there is no discussion about the name.

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang quit Weibo, looked at the mobile phone desktop, and flipped left and right subconsciously. After a while, he came back to his senses, gave a wry smile, and then glanced at the Katy dog ​​and the dog cuddling on the chair next to him. Ibrahimovic shook his head and lay down.

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