I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 569: News from Li Ruobing


   Zhou Jiang rubbed his eyes and looked over again, and found that it was really Kairos...

   Zhou Jiang has nothing to say and can only call 666.

Kairos, of course, knows that there are many versions of the name "Pokemon" in the previous life, such as Pokémon, Pokemon, and so on, and there are one or two new names for elves. ?

   is like a big one, later renamed Kairos, and Chenglong also has an alias called Laplace.

   Although he also likes elves, he doesn't like the names after the revision. He always calls the elves according to the first generation he saw when he was a child.

   Seriously, Zhou Jiang was really confused about this name.

   Is this interference from the will of the universe?

   After a wave of frantic complaints, Zhou Jiang shook his head and turned off the phone. He was too lazy to watch it. It was a bit disgusting to watch, and also watched what should be watched, and didn't bother to care about other things.

   Just when he was about to put the phone back in his pocket, the phone rang.

   Zhou Jiang bounced around and found that it was actually the news from Li Ruobing!

   Well, fortunately, he has a note "Flying Gymnasium Li Ruobing", otherwise he really can't remember who Li Ruobing is...

   ahem, although it is a bit ruthless to say so, but really, he almost forgot that there is such a person.

   Zhou Jiang opened the screen, entered the chat interface, and found that the other party had sent a picture, and before he zoomed in, another message was sent.

   [Li Ruobing]: Is the person here you? I hope you will answer truthfully, I am very anxious here.


   Zhou Jiang frowned and clicked on the picture above.

   The picture is blurry, but something can still be seen.

  On the battlefield, the back of a man, the man is wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, the other is nothing.

   Even though there is only such a little news, Zhou Jiang can still tell that the person in the picture is him!

  Although his appearance is different from his previous life, after all, after living with this body for so long, how could he still be unfamiliar with himself?

   Even if it is from behind, he can see it.

   And the clothes and pants of the person in the photo were taken off last night and left unwashed. They are still in his backpack...

   Just... where was this shot? Why doesn't he remember having been to this place...

   Naturally, there are more than this information in the photo. There are still some people standing in the "distance" inside, obviously watching, but he can't remember where he played such open-air battles, and there are still many people watching.

   After buying this dress, apart from some games, he seems to have only played with Zhou Nan, but there is no such scene in his memory...

   And what does she mean by sending this picture?

   Something happened?

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought of the domestic animation "convex hero" he had seen in his previous life.

The protagonist in    seems to be divided into two individuals after crossing...

   seems to be like this, he forgot to be specific.

   If the person inside is another clone-like individual after he crossed over...

   Zhou Jiang frowned tightly, feeling in big trouble...

   Can't think of anything, Zhou Jiang thought for a while and thought it would be better to admit it. After all, Li Ruobing is also a "owner" and shouldn't harm him.

   [Zhou Jiang]: Yes, it's me, what's wrong?

   [Li Ruobing]: Is it really you? ! Really, really, really?

   As soon as Zhou Jiang sent a message, the opposite person came back in seconds, and look at this sentence...

Is    a pleasant surprise? Or is it "sad" in disbelief?

   Zhou Jiang hesitated, then typed and sent it.

   [Zhou Jiang]: Yes, what happened?

After    was finished, Zhou Jiang's heart was raised.

   What he fears most is that it is really his clone, and that clone did things like murder and arson.

   If it is really like that, he will be over, and there will be absolutely no place in human society.

   If you don’t say anything, you can’t figure out if he did it. Even if you figure it out, if you don’t arrest him, what do the ordinary people think of him?

   After all, with the same face, they are not afraid that "Zhou Jiang" will suddenly violently hurt people?

   At that time, Zhou Jiang is afraid that everyone will call it...

   [Li Ruobing]: Can I ask you something!

   [Zhou Jiang]:?

  This... The topic changes quickly, why come to beg me again...

   Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

   Before he could ask why, another message was sent from the other side.

   [Li Ruobing]: Hmm... The video that was circulated on the Internet about Bibi Bird using flame jets, is it yours?


   Zhou Jiang was surprised when he saw Li Ruobing's message.

what? ! How could I not know the popular videos circulating on the Internet? !

   ahem, okay, the focus is no longer on this, the focus should be on Nubuat Bird.

   As the saying goes, it is just between one thought.

   There was no news at all before, so based on his guess, there were a lot of possibilities. He even thought of the worst possibility of destroying the clone.

   And now...

   Li Ruobing, the master of the flying department gymnasium, plus the fire-breathing Bibi Bird?

   If he doesn't understand this, then he is really an idiot.

   Although he can't remember where he was wearing that suit to compete with birds, there is still a high possibility that the person in the photo is him, um, 99.9%...

And Li Ruobing sent an inquiry. It is estimated that I want Zhou Jiang’s Bibi Niao to teach her. After all, Bibi Niao is impossible to learn to spray flames according to common sense, but the video is available, and there are indeed flames. Bibi Niao, then their normal "indigenous" must not think about whether the other party is the protagonist or whether there is a system modification, but how to learn this trick!

   If there is a case, then they must go back and try, and if their own attempts fail, then they will find the trainer who can shoot flames.

   And now... he was found!

   [Zhou Jiang]: Yes!

  All the questions are clear, but this is only Zhou Jiang's own guessing brain supplement, maybe there are other possibilities that are also uncertain.

   [Zhou Jiang]: Do you want to learn? Can teach you!

  [Li Ruobing]: Can you jjsdkf?

  【Li Ruobing】:……

   [Li Ruobing]: The one above doesn’t count, wait, can you really teach me? !

   Seeing that the excited words on the opposite side were not typed, Zhou Jiang laughed dumbly.

   I didn't expect that the skills I learned at the beginning would be so useful. Now it's good, it can be completely tied to the flying gymnasium.

  Although the relationship was good before, but the other party only helped him before. Such a relationship made him very worried.

Although I don’t know where I’ve heard a sentence, “It’s not the people you usually help that will help you in times of crisis, but the people who have helped you usually”, but Zhou Jiang still feels in his heart that the people he has helped feel safe. ...

   Perhaps this is also caused by his personality. He is the kind. If others have helped him, he will find a way to help the person who goes back, so he subconsciously feels that he has helped others and others will also help him.

  Although Zhou Jiang didn’t know how others’ elves could learn how to spray flames, but this does not hinder his own good, right?

  【Zhou Jiang】: Of course!

[Zhou Jiang]: If you want that elf to learn, you can send it over. Normally, you can learn it in a month. Of course, now I’m in a hurry, you know, I want to challenge the gym, so it’s possible if I teach it. It will take a while.

   [Li Ruobing]: No problem! thank you very much!

   [Zhou Jiang]: It’s okay, the train I’m on is coming to the station, I will look for you when I have time.

   [Li Ruobing]: Yeah!

   After the chat, looking at the phone, Zhou Jiang wanted to laugh a little.

   I did not expect Li Ruobing to be like this on the Internet.

   Although it is said that there will be a big gap between the Internet and the reality, but I did not expect that some iceberg Gao Lengyu sisters are online...

and many more……

   Zhou Jiang's smile gradually solidified, his brows frowned slightly.

   Is this really Li Ruobing?

   Past life hacking is also very common. Although the world has never heard of it, it is 80% possible?

   And... Maybe who took her cell phone and sent the message?

   "Luoying Station, it's here, please get off passengers with their luggage and prepare to get off, please get off and then on the train..."

   "Luoying Station..."

   The bulletin of the train sounded, interrupting Zhou Jiang's thinking.

   Looking at the green grassland flying past the window, Zhou Jiang sighed and turned off his cell phone.

  Is it right? Just wait for a phone call and ask.

   Although he and Li Ruobing exchanged this contact information ~www.ltnovel.com~, they didn't have the phone number.

After   , just ask Fan Tianlei for a call from Li Ruobing, or contact Lu Ran and ask her brother Lu Fei for a call.

   In short, there is still a way. For now, let's get off the car first.

   sat with a backpack on his back for a while. After the train started to slow down, Zhou Jiang got up and walked towards the back door of this carriage.

   There are also people who want to get off in the back car, but not many, only three.

   Soon, the moving car stopped. After the door opened, Zhou Jiang followed the three people in front of him and walked out. Although he has never been here, he can still follow people.

   Anyway, everyone has the same purpose, they are all out of the station, after all, there is nothing else here.

After leaving the station, Zhou Jiang found a security uncle and asked and took a taxi to the destination. This is Luoying Station. If you want to go to N City, you can only take a bus to the most western city in China. .

  Because of the heavy wind and sand over there, and there are sandstorms from time to time, the railway has not been opened to that side. If you want to go there, you can only use a bus.

   and it takes more than a day to take the fastest bus, really...

   If it's not for good physical fitness, I'm afraid I really can't stand it.

After taking a taxi for less than half an hour, I arrived at the passenger transport center. After buying a ticket at the counter, Zhou Jiang went in directly. Of course, after entering the parking lot, Zhou Jiang did not get in the car directly, but looked for The elves were released in a relatively empty place.

   They haven't eaten lunch yet...Although they can resist hunger in the pokeball, they still need to be fed if they have time.

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