N City...

   stepped off the bus, feeling the cold wind blowing on his face, Zhou Jiang shivered slightly.

   tightening his coat tightly, Zhou Jiang followed the crowd and walked outside.

   It is the end of October, but the weather is not so good.

   The temperature in City N is similar to that in City M before. It is two to three degrees Celsius, which is deadly.

   If in a previous life, there would still be more than twenty degrees at this time.

  Out of the passenger transportation center, Zhou Jiang was a little bit emotional looking at the people who were picked up by acquaintances. Sure enough, there are people who can do things well...

   After waiting in the cold wind for more than 20 minutes, the taxi called finally came.

  Although his body is not very cold due to the existence of that special scarf, his exposed face cannot be avoided...

   After a cold wind for more than 20 minutes, the skin on my cheeks started to rise...

   This time, Zhou Jiang does not plan to live in the wizard center.

  Reward yourself, stay in a star hotel!

   Although the environment here is not very good, the development is not bad due to the existence of gymnasiums. Star-rated hotels still exist.

   Zhou Jiang estimated that he would stay here for two days, at most three days, so it’s fine to stay for a while.

   The driver's eldest brother is different from the one he met before. He doesn't talk to Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang is someone else, especially if a stranger doesn't talk to him, he doesn't talk, so the inside of the car looks a little deserted.

   Inside the car, the air conditioner is not turned on, the music is not turned on, and only the sound of the car driving on the asphalt road is heard.

   Zhou Jiang put on his headphones and leaned against the door, wandering into the sky, until the driver called him to wake him.

Looking at the tall buildings outside the window, Zhou Jiang nodded, and didn't care if he was dragged around the long road. After all, he was not familiar with it. Even if he went around the long road, he didn’t know... After paying the money quickly, He got out of the car and left.

   The driver's master sent him directly to the hotel entrance, so he didn't need to look for him. After tightening his coat, Zhou Jiang went into the hotel.

   Passed the automatic door, walked into the hall, a rush of heat rushed over, but fortunately he didn't wear glasses.

   "Hello, do you need any help?"

   "Open a room for me." As he said, Zhou Jiang handed over his ID card.

   "Please put it away, your room is Room 302, please take this way to the elevator."

   "Thank you."

   After retrieving the ID card and room card, Zhou Jiang followed her previous fingerprints and got on the elevator.

   The rooms in star hotels are indeed different, at least better than those in the Fairy Center.

   After entering the room, Zhou Jiang turned on the air conditioner and then took a shower. I have been in the car before. Although I was lying down, I was so tired because of the car.

   He will take a shower and then sleep.

   It's around ten o'clock in the morning. After sleeping, I will go to the gym after lunch. I can only hope that the master of the gym is at home.

   After taking a shower, Zhou Jiang released the small elves like Katy Dog.

   Of course, it is said that the size of the big Zhoujiang is only the Tyrannosaurus ironclad that meets the requirements, but there is another elf that stays in the elf ball with it because of its own reasons. It is a fire dinosaur.

   The flame on the tail of the fire dinosaur is not a display. It can really burn things. If you let it out and accidentally burn things, it will be him who will take care of it.

  Because the room is huge, except for the two, other elves can come out and move around.

   Let them play by themselves, don't make a lot of noise, and then Zhou Jiang fell on the bed.

   What can be more enjoyable than lying on a soft and comfortable bed when you are tired?


Sure enough, star-rated hotels are different. There is no peculiar smell on the bed. The quilt is full of the smell of sunlight, which makes him comfortable on his stomach. Other places of accommodation, namely the wizard center, can give him this feeling, but the wizard center The bed is not so soft...

   Soon, Zhou Jiang fell asleep while lying on the bed blowing the hot air from the air conditioner.

Although the elves came out, they didn’t play around because of Zhou Jiang’s instructions and he was asleep. Even the Katy Dog and Ibrahimovic were quietly lying on the floor, snuggling to sleep. .

   The two little guys, due to their size and age, have been getting closer and closer recently. They almost have to sleep together when they fall asleep. If they weren’t both males, I might not know when they lay an egg...

The choices of other elves are similar to them. Bibi flies to the chair and stands on the backrest to doze, the ghost stone floats casually, the big needle bee lies on the table and rests, and the ivy snake and the Menus are lying in the week. Jiang's bedside.

   Seeing that all the friends found a place to rest, Kirulian's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and then flew towards Zhou Jiang's bed.

   gently lifted the quilt that was spread on the other side of the bed, and then Kirulian squeezed in.


   "Woo Mi~"


  Cirulian's behavior, except for the two silly things, Katie Dog and Ibrahimovic, the other elves found out, and they all looked at Cirulian with shock.

   But after the awkward force, Ivy Snake and Menus stopped doing it. I have never slept with the master before, but you who came in later wanted to sneak away? !

  Especially the Ivy Snake, it almost couldn't hold back a flying leaf storm.


   Kirulian groaned softly, and then a purple light burst into his eyes. In an instant, the Ivy Snake and Menus who raised their heads by the bed were surrounded by purple light, and their entire body was pressed down uncontrollably...


  Bibi Bird, Ghost Stone and Big Needle Bee looked at each other, suddenly felt a bad feeling, and decided that it was better to close your eyes.

  The Ivy Snake and Menus controlled by Kirulian are naturally unwilling, but the two elves want to resist but they have no strength...

   This time, Kirulian was a bit serious, and even the Minas who used the original source could not get rid of it.

   After doing all this, Kirulian ignored them and turned his gaze to Zhou Jiang, who was lying there, facing her.

   Kirulian slowly leaned in until Zhou Jiang's breath hit her face.

   I don't know what Kirulian thought of, the whole face was flushed red, and even the power of thinking controlling Menus and Qingteng was almost unstable.

After being struggled by Menus for a while, Kirulian recovered and continued to strengthen her mind to ensure that they would not disturb her. Then she slightly extended her right hand and gently placed it on the hair above Zhou Jiang’s ear. Stroking.

   Because she was afraid of disturbing Zhou Jiang, she moved very gently, like a wife stroking her lover’s head...


   Suddenly, a gleam of white light appeared from Kirulian on the bed, but the white light came and went fast, and disappeared as soon as it came out.

   However, the follow-up effects of white light still exist.

   The three elves, such as the big needle bee, who closed their eyes and closed their eyes, opened their eyes and looked at them instantly, and Menus and Ivy Snake also broke through the blockade and got up and looked at Kirulian angrily.

   Even Zhou Jiang, who was sleeping on the bed with his eyes closed, was slightly awake by the sudden white light.


In an instant, Cirulian disappeared from the bed, and then came to the side to float there, and then a fierce and uncontrollable white light suddenly bloomed from her. At this moment, even the sleeping Ibrahimovic and Katy dog ​​were found With changes, Zhou Jiang also woke up with a frown.


   Feeling the dazzling white light, Zhou Jiang tried to open his eyes with difficulty, but it was a bit difficult, even if he covered his eyes with his hands.

   Fortunately, the white light comes quickly and goes quickly.

   Before Zhou Jiang put down his hand to react, a heavy object fell on her.


   "Uh...huh?! Xanadu?"

   The white light disappeared, Zhou Jiang put down his hand, and slightly got up to look at the brand-new spirit Xanadu, who was lying on his body and hugging him, a little dazed.

   What's wrong with this?

   Not to mention Zhou Jiang's dumbfounded, even other elves are dumbfounded.

  Especially Ivy Snake and Menus.

   Looking at Xanadu who was holding Zhou Jiang's waist through the quilt, the two elves couldn't say anything.

   "Eh~! How did you evolve Shanaido?"

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang didn't know whether his brain twitched or what he was doing. He finally returned to normal. He sat up abruptly and looked a little excited when he was shot out and lying on the bed.

   has evolved!

   There is a big difference between Kirulian and Xanadu.

   Xanadu of the same level can slap Cirulian, this is the hardware gap.

   Kirulian itself was already very hungry, and now it directly evolved into Xanadu. I'm afraid it's not God? !

   And what is the most important thing?

   The most important thing is that Xanadu may be able to use the source!

   There are more than two hundred original fragments left in Zhoujiang's backpack. Why? Isn't it reserved for other elves?

   These are good, another one can use the original source!

   Although it takes three hundred primordial fragments to reach the elementary level of the heavenly king, the quasi-tenant level is enough for her now!

   Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang was also excited, and directly synthesized an Essence Orb, and then used it.

  Sure enough~www.ltnovel.com~ The option of Shanado on the panel has changed to color, and it is no longer gray as before.

   Without any hesitation, I gave it to Shanaido to use it decisively!


   Shannaduo just wanted to reply to Zhou Jiang's previous question, but suddenly felt something stuffed in his body.

   hot... crispy...


  In an instant, Xanadu's eyes were blurred...


   Hearing Shanaiduo’s delicate voice, Zhou Jiang almost couldn't hold it, but thanks to her voice, Zhou Jiang was able to regain his consciousness and carefully observe her appearance at this time.

   is still the long golden hair dyed by the system, and the body skin is still green.

Shanaido itself is a shining elf, and her skin and hair were originally blue, but Zhou Jiang used the system to put a "film" on her. With this layer of film, Shanaido's skin became like a normal elf. Green, the hair turned golden.

   There is no way, Shanaido was exposed when she was still Laroulas, and in the end she became green and blond to cover her original appearance.

After all, it was still weak at the time. Even if there were rare elves, they were still shining. Who wouldn’t be jealous. At that time, for the sake of low-key and self-preservation, they could only “dye”. There are almost no people with blue hair and blue skin, and even if they do, they will think they have read or remembered wrong.

   It's just now... Zhou Jiang looked at Shanaiduo, his thoughts drifted a bit far away.

   Do you want to change it back?

   After all, his strength now is not afraid of others coming to grab it.

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