I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 578: The correct usage of shadow clone

Suddenly there was a new memory, and Shanaido was not surprised. After all, they had experienced many such things and they were almost used to it.

At most, he was surprised, and then he calmed down.

After the tropical dragon came out, Huazhou immediately gave the order, which was almost as Zhou Jiang expected, it was a sunny day!

Zhou Jiang didn't shout either, and Shanaido knew what to do when he thought about it.

The proficiency level of the tropical dragon's sunny day is indeed very high, and it quickly condenses and then launches, which is even higher than the proficiency of Zhoujiang's Qingteng snake.

However, after it launched the bright light ball, Shanaido's freezing light also arrived.

Although Huazhou was a little surprised that Shanaido could use the freezing light, but he was not too surprised.

After all, human beings haven't fully understood this mysterious creature, what happened to Xanadu with freezing light?

He hasn't heard of it. Maybe it's just that he sees less, maybe he can learn through hard work, maybe he is not an expert in this field, so naturally he doesn't know much.

And even experts dare not pat their chests to make sure.

If they say that they have never seen Xanadu before, and hear others say that Xanadu can use freezing light, they will definitely be opposed and skeptical, but if they see it with their own eyes, it will be different and they will only find ways to do it. Research.

The main reason is that elves are too mysterious, and humans know too little about them.

No way, that's the reason.

Just like in previous lives, there are so many cultural relics and inventions in ancient China. Scientists and experts must not believe it before they can be proved by science, but when they really see the real thing, it is different.

The tropical dragon was not surprised by the freezing light.

It is used to it.

Almost every time it is used in a sunny day, it will be attacked from the opposite side. Of course, sometimes it can escape when the enemy does not react, but most of it will be hit.

It's almost used to it, and it's ready to be beaten every time it goes to war.

But even though it is ready, it doesn't mean it will accept the move for no reason.

There must be some counterattack.

It’s okay to at least weaken some of the damage, otherwise it’s so painful...

Air cut!

Several transparent wind blades flew towards the freezing light in front, but because it was a hastily formed attack, plus the power of the two abilities of its own, there was a deviation. After colliding with the freezing light, Air Slash was hit. Broken, and then the freezing light that lost most of its power also flew over and landed on the tropical dragon.

The "resistance" of tropical dragons is still very high.

Although the freezing light was weakened a lot, it was double restrained anyway, and it was still painful to the thief when hitting it, but the tropical dragon didn't say anything, so it carried it down.

Fortunately, it did not trigger frost, and was not frostbitten.

Although the odds are not high, but if you really get frostbite, then it's over.

Although he won't be crushed and hit directly and GG directly, but he will definitely fall into a disadvantage.

After the tropical dragon underwent the attack, a blaze of sunlight flew towards Xanadu.

In a sunny day, the sun's flames are very fast. If it is an ordinary elf, it may be directly attacked, but Shanaido is different. She has been paying attention to the tropical dragon before, just to prevent its sudden sun flame.

After all, it is a beam of light skills, and the speed is still very fast, at least faster than spraying flames, plus the amount of this skill, plus the blessing of sunny days, one accident is the end of GG.

Shanaido controlled her figure to lean down, and the sun and flames flew past her.

Even so, the high temperature still injured Shanaido's arm.

‘Xanadu, use the shadow clone and then move to it in an instant to use self-healing and meditation! ’

"Xanadu, the shadow clone!"

The call was made to Huazhou and the tropical dragon, and it played a deceptive role. This routine is very powerful. After all, the other party can't read his mind. I don't know Zhou Jiang's true purpose. Once he gets the wrong information, then It is very likely to step into a deadly danger.

The tactic developed by the shadow clone and then flashed by himself was actually even more powerful when used on Shanaido.

Real and real, real and real.

With teleportation, Xanadu could completely hide in the shadows, completely unable to tell who was the real and who was the fake, and it was impossible to guard against.

And when necessary, her body can also stay away from the battlefield, go to it like a big needle bee and then charge up a sneak attack.

Of course, under the clear sky, Shanaiduo couldn't leave too far, after all, the shadow was too big, and if it was too far away from the large army, it would suddenly be exposed. (Check it, the shadow clone has a shadow.)

But perhaps it is possible to come up with a trick, let the false clone run far away, and make the enemy mistakenly think that it is the real one who is hiding...

Soldiers who, deception also.

Although Zhou Jiang had never read the art of war, nor had he led the troops to fight the war, he still had a good hand for the Yin people.

Xanadu used the shadow avatar to separate twelve shadows, surrounding the tropical dragon in the middle.

"Tropical dragon, magic leaf!"

The magic leaf trick can be said to be a must-have skill. The reason is that it is actually using mental power to control the leaf to track the enemy. To put it bluntly, it is like Xanadu using his mind to control objects and then hit people...

The difference in energy at the time of difference.

The magic leaf is a leaf made of energy, and then uses mental power to control the attack. The mental power actually only plays a role in guiding the direction, and the attack still needs the leaf to do it.

However, Shanaido used his mind to control the object to smash it, mainly through the potential energy of the object's rapid movement and superpower.

To deal with magic leaves, super power elves are actually very simple, as long as you use your thought force to overwhelm the opponent's mental power attached to the magic leaves.

It may not be possible for other elves, even super-power elves are not easy to handle, a little complicated, but for Shanaido, this is still easy.

After a thought, the magic leaves that scattered in all directions and flew toward the shadows changed their owners, and the magic leaves also adjusted their direction and flew toward the tropical dragon.

Since this magic leaf was not used by Shanaiduo's deity, it was not easy to control at the beginning. After more than ten leaves were lost during the seizure of sovereignty, they were officially controlled. Therefore, the original more than twenty leaves are now only There are nearly ten pieces left.

Looking at the rapidly returning magic leaf, the tropical dragon frowned.

This is the first time it has been robbed of control, and it feels a little uncomfortable.

But if it’s uncomfortable, you have to bear it. This is still fighting. How can you be distracted?


Behind him, the four plantain leaf-like wings flapped, and the transparent air blade flew towards the magic leaves flying in all directions.


After the two skills collided, they exploded, but the number of air blades was still greater, so some of the remaining air blades penetrated the smoke generated during the explosion, and flew toward the silhouettes.

Shanaiduo naturally wouldn't let the clone be broken so quickly.

She is now on top of a clone, plus it is attached to the ceiling, so the effect is not big, the shadow is almost not illuminated, and the ceiling is high, the flower boat is completely invisible if you don’t look carefully, and the tropical dragon’s attention The strength is all on the body, and naturally there is no time to take care of it.

Shanaido now mainly uses meditation to improve her special attack. Although she can't improve much, she can go a little bit.

The gap between her and the tropical dragon is a bit big. If you go head-to-head, you will definitely suffer. The previous magic leaf was also due to her profound knowledge and the fact that the opponent was unprepared to achieve results. If she did it again, she would have nothing to do.

She didn't even think about protecting the twelve avatars below, she only needed to delay it.

After she finishes meditation, let's start the "Shadow Killing Array" again!

But now, if you can protect it or you need to protect it, you can't let it be killed for no reason, right?

Under the control of Shanaido, the shadow retreated far away, but because she was meditating, she moved a bit slower, and a shadow was hung up, flickered directly and then dissipated.

Shanaido is now on top, and the shadow can't make a substantial attack, so she can't directly attack, to prevent exposure, she can only control the shadow to rush forward.

Of course, this is just pretending, in order to let the tropical dragon continue to attack, so that she can let the shadow dodge.

As long as you don’t stay there, it’s not easy to expose.

Fortunately, the tropical dragon is still relatively "on the road", um, it's just a bit too enthusiastic...

Seeing its wings flapping, the frantic wind hit the shadows. Shanaido had no room to react to it, and the five shadows dissipated directly...

Counting the previous ones, it was half gone now, and Shanaido quickly scattered the rest of the shadows.

Huazhou frowned slightly, feeling something wrong.

No way~www.ltnovel.com~ It would be too abrupt if Xanaduo didn't attack, after all, she was a long-range attack, and if it were Big Needle Bee, then everything was easy to say.

However, the focus between the two is different.

A melee and a long attack, the form of expression is completely different. The Big Needle Bee uses the clone to hide in the sky to open the buff for itself, while Xanadu is playing the phantom array of virtual reality and phantom, by constantly changing attacks in the shadows. Confused the enemy.

Now Xanadu uses the big needle bee set, naturally, it will not last long.

Fortunately, she doesn't need to delay for long. Although the skill of meditation is not very useful to her and can't increase the special attack value too much, she still needs to restore her mental power through meditation.

Over time, the proficiency of this trick has also increased. Although it is not comparable to the specially trained skills used in combat, it is not weak.

Huazhou looked at Shanaiduo's clone who was running away separately, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became. It was weird!

Suddenly, he thought of something and then suddenly raised his head and looked towards the ceiling. Although a sunny day was making it difficult for him to open his eyes, he squinted his eyes to look hard, and blocked his right hand slightly, and found out. A faint figure on the ceiling!

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