I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 579: New usage of shadow avatar

Huazhou's movements were obvious, Zhou Jiang saw it at a glance.

"I found it? But it is. After all, there is a prior conviction, and it is really abnormal that Xanadu only avoids and does not attack, but I found it when I found it. Anyway, it is almost the same."

"Don't chase, tropical dragon! Attack Xanadu above with the sun's flames!"

Huazhou immediately yelled to the tropical dragon after spotting Xanaduo. Although she couldn't see what Xanaduo was doing, in short, just interrupt it!

The intimacy between the tropical dragon and the Huazhou is not low. As soon as Huazhou's order is called out, the tropical dragon has stopped chasing the five phantoms flying in front of it, and instead directly looked up.

You know, if you change to some elves with low intimacy, your reaction will not be so fast at this time!

They will all subconsciously wonder, look at the five phantoms in front, and then look at their trainer.

This is the disadvantage of lack of tacit understanding, but fortunately, most high-level trainers will not lack tacit understanding and intimacy.

The tropical dragon looked up and saw Shanaido on the ceiling at a glance!

I don't think too much, according to my trainer, opening his mouth is a blaze of sunshine!

The previous piles of phantoms couldn't tell who was the main body. It was too wasteful to use the sun and flames directly, but now it is different. After it has been clarified, it has no scruples.


A golden ball of light formed in the tropical dragon's mouth, and then turned into a beam of light and slammed towards Xanadu.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang didn't worry at all.

Although Xanadu's meditation is not full, it is not bad, and many special attacks have been added.


Xanadu disappeared in place, and then the sun and flames also arrived, hitting the ceiling straight, and with a "bang~", the stone ceiling was blown out of a big hole, exposing the sky outside.

Xanadu reappeared in the air on the field, and the tropical dragon also condensed the sun and flames to bombard it again.

With the blessing of a sunny day and its own proficiency in this skill, the tropical dragon's moves are not unpleasant!

Shanaido, who had just appeared on the field, discovered the golden beam of light flying from the tropical dragon before she could use her unique tricks. She had no choice but to teleport again.

Anyway, her teleportation consumes much less than the sun and flames, and she does not need to use teleportation every time to avoid it. If this continues, the first thing that cannot be supported is the tropical dragon. After all, its characteristics are still consuming it all the time. Physical strength.

"Tropical dragon, photosynthesis!"

Feeling that the energy emitted by the ball of light under the ceiling was getting lower and lower, Huazhou quickly issued an order.

The sunny day is coming to an end, and the tropical dragon's physical strength has also consumed a lot. If you continue to use the sun and flames to catch the agile Xanadu, you should take the time to regain a little physical strength. Otherwise, the tropical dragon may not be able to hold the second shot. It's sunny.

The tropical dragon went to reply, and Shane Duo would naturally not be idle.

Her physical strength is not consumed as fast as the tropical dragon. Although she has less physical strength, she barely consumes much, so she can launch an offensive now!

"Shadow clone!"

This time, Shanaido used her routine!

Once again, counting her, twelve Xanadus surrounded the tropical dragon. At this time, the tropical dragon was still using photosynthesis in the aftermath of a sunny day.

"Jet flames!"


Twelve sturdy flames flew out from the mouths of each Shaneduo and flew toward the tropical dragon.

Halfway through the flame, the tropical dragon finally withdrew from photosynthesis.

Due to his proficiency in the skills, it did not appear to be stiff for too long, and it eased after a little movement.

Looking at the extremely fast red flames, the tropical dragon was not afraid. Under the command of Huazhou, twelve transparent sharp blades flew towards the flames in all directions.

With the shadow clone skill, although it is difficult for other elves to distinguish the true from the false except for some special elves, the false is the false, and the shadow will disappear with a light touch.

Soon, the air slash and the jet flame collided, and the twelve flame pillars, except for a flame from the side, all dissipated under the impact of the air slash.

In the end, the real flame engulfed that little air directly, and then flew straight towards the tropical dragon!

An air slash had no resistance at all in front of the jet flame, and immediately dissipated after being swallowed, but the flame had no effect at all.

However, the purpose of Huazhou and Tropical Dragon is not to stop the flame-throwing attacks, but to find out the true location.

Change injury!

Sun and flames!

The moment the phantoms disappeared, the tropical dragon stared at the location of Xanaduo, ignored the jet flames that it shot over, and prepared to shoot the sun's flames directly at Xanaduo's location.

The flame swallowing directly engulfed the tropical dragon condensing energy. Although the sunny day is about to end, isn't it not over yet? In a sunny day, the flame and grass skills will be strengthened, and Shanaiduo cannot attack. weak……


The tropical dragon eats pain. Although it is psychologically prepared, it is really painful!

Due to its characteristics, the tropical dragon is very heat-sensitive. It will begin to reduce its physical strength when exposed to a bright sunny day, let alone directly hit by the jet flame that has increased damage, although it has been prepared before. But it really hurts!

Even with the source protection, Xanadu also has the source in the flame, and it hurts to almost dissipate the accumulated energy.

"Tropical dragon, hold on, come on!"

At the critical moment, the tropical dragon heard the sound of Huazhou, his heart slammed, and fully energized the energy in the body, even taking out the source of protecting itself and injecting it into the attack.


The stout golden beam of light flew directly towards the direction of the flame, and instantly, the flame was blasted directly from the middle!

It didn't stop there, the sun's blaze blasted the flame and pushed straight toward the opposite side, and then slammed into Shanaido.


At this time, Huazhou's expression on his face was a solid smile, but his eyes opened wide again, an unbelievable look, which looked a little strange.

As for the reason that caused him to be in such a situation, he was naturally in Shanaiduo.

The flames of sunlight that flew away with the jet of flames should have directly hit Xanadu, and the battle ended, but...

The flames of sunlight passed through her body!

It doesn't dissipate directly like the previous phantom, but it's not an entity!

The flames of the tropical dragon’s sunlight passed through Shanaiduo’s body and blasted straight on the far wall. A large hole was punched in the wall. There were even some rocks that were melted by the high temperature into lava flowing slowly, but...

But Shane Duo escaped? !

Not only was Huazhou dumbfounded, but even the tropical dragon was dumbfounded.

At this time, the sunny day above the ceiling has disappeared, but the pain on its body at this time has not disappeared.

It was hit by the blazing flame head-on, especially in the end it took away the source of the defensive body surface and injected it into the attack. It was already burned by the flame, but the result of the expensive exchange was that it was also stunned?

Where is Xanadu?

How did she hide it? !

The sun flames and jet flames oppose each other, which means that the opposite Xanadu is indeed the main body, but...

Why is it okay to hit Xanadu head-on? And the attack still passed directly through her body, like a phantom? !

At this time, whether it is a flower boat or a tropical dragon, one person and one elf have grown up, and their thoughts are in confusion.

Zhou Jiang put his hands on his chest, glanced at the twelve Shanaduo, and smiled slightly.

When the sun and flames rushed up against the jet flame, Xanadu was indeed correct, but when the eyes and flames rushed to the second half of a certain distance, Xanadu decisively ran away.

The teleportation disappeared in place, and then left a shadow in the same place, and spent a small amount of energy and thought to continue to maintain the appearance of spraying flames to confuse the opposite.

The shadow created by the shadow clone, to put it bluntly, was created by the elves with energy.

In fact, they don’t exist at all ~www.ltnovel.com~, they are not touchable, they can be regarded as holographic projections, but maintaining them requires energy, and generally consumes a lot...so most The elves will give up the phantom when necessary, such as when hit by an attack.

After all, it has been seen through, and in that position, even if it is left, it will not have any effect, and it will be a waste of energy.

Perhaps this is a misunderstanding. Sometimes, if you spend a little more energy, you can actually get a bigger harvest.

Although I don’t know why everyone is like this, Zhou Jiang estimates that it should be the first person who discovered the shadow clone to do this. Most of the people in the future will follow the predecessors and will rarely explore, so that’s why. Up.

Of course, this is not to say that everyone is like this, and there are many people who are actively exploring, but the shadow clone is really inconspicuous among the many skills, and their usage is not wrong now, plus there are not many elves learned, nor is it Attack skills...

Over time it was so.

In fact, compared to attacking skills, those auxiliary and status skills are really awesome, and there is room for mining, just like Zhou Jiang's shadow clone now.

But no matter what, Shanaido won this round now!

Speaking of which, thanks to the opponent's rigid thinking.

Looking at the performance on the other side, Zhou Jiang could guess that Huazhou probably wanted the tropical dragon to resist this, and then used the sun flame to directly maimed Xanadu, and then used the sunny day and then used photosynthesis to return blood.

In this way, there is no loss.

Shanaido itself is recognized as crispy, so he doesn't worry that Shanaido will be able to fight again after a hit, but...

But how Shannaiduo flashed fast!

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