I'm exhausted... I dismantled the computer in the morning and cleaned the computer until it was over 11 o'clock. The food was not eaten yet, so the decorator came, and hurriedly ate the food to help put some materials upstairs, my mom. , Almost unsure of exhaustion, now his hands and legs are still shaking...


"Just now, shoot flames!"

The seed machine gun cannot be used all the time. The lizard king uses the seed machine gun while running and uses other skills. It can be said to be very, very powerful. It can be said that it is not strong if you can persist here. However, since it is persistence, then There will always be times when Zhou Jiang can't hold on, betting that the opponent will jump up and cancel the seed machine gun when he wants to attack.

After all, the speed of the lizard king is obvious to all, and it itself has confidence in its own speed and strength, so at the moment of taking off, it will definitely try to stop unnecessary consumption and concentrate all its energy on the next knife.

The advantage of the lizard king lies in its speed and strength.

The blade on its arm is extremely hard, and when the lizard was from the forest, the main attack method was slashing with the blade in its hand. It can be said that this is its must kill method. Fighting and fighting until now, the lizard king Yes, you can be confident, its slash is super strong!

The lizard king is confident that he can use the leaf blade to solve Xanadu, and Xanadu is also confident that the next blow will kill the lizard king!

The moment the lizard king took off, the scattered seeds flying towards Xanadu stopped, and then the blade on its right arm also lit up. Not only that, it is estimated that this time the lizard king also used his full strength. The blade blade above suddenly became more than one meter in length. Although it was made of energy, you would know it by looking at it. This should not be underestimated.

The lizard king made a move, and Shanaido wouldn't just stay like that.

The golden orange blazing flames flew toward the lizard king.

Due to the entrapment of the origin, the central part of the flame has changed from kumquat to golden yellow, and the temperature is even as high as thousands!

The magma is only about a thousand in temperature, and the power of Xanadu's full-fledged flame jet is actually comparable to magma, which is not terrifying!

Once the lizard king is hit unsuspectingly, the consequences are not a joke.

Of course, Xanadu is similar.

After the lizard king's knife came down, Xanadu might have to finish playing, and if it hits head-on, the death might be even worse.

After all, Shanaiduo's true level has not reached the heavenly king, and his defense hasn't improved.

The lizard king of the heavenly king level, after counting the origin, he hacked a crispy elf that was about to be an elite middle-level...

I'm afraid it's not going to be cut in half!

Zhou Jiang would naturally not let this happen.

Shanaido is his sweetheart, how could she take such a big risk?

Of course, it's almost impossible to cut in half or something.

Maybe it's the rules of the world, or some reason.

Anyway, this kind of brutal and inhuman thing will hardly happen to elves. When they are hit by a skill and suffer fatal damage, the elves themselves will enter a strange state, which can be regarded as magic. When the girl transformed, she was in an invincible state.

Of course, that kind of time is very short, and if the attack continues, then the elf will really die.

But at that level, the lizard king will naturally not be able to feel it. The elves enter the "invincible" time, and humans cannot detect it, so the elves are different.

This is a game, the lizard king can't hurt the killer, after all, it's out of the life of the elf, it and its trainer can't eat it.

Of course, this is the last and last act of helplessness. Whether to live or not depends entirely on the feelings of others.

Zhou Jiang would not rely on such things to ensure the safety of Xanadu.

After all, who knows what will happen then?

And Xanadu was beaten to that state. What if the doctor is not good enough?

Even if it can be cured, it still hurts!

Zhou Jiang couldn't bear to let Shane Duo suffer that kind of pain.

Zhou Jiang's real hole cards were actually obtained from the system.

This is what he accidentally discovered when he came to this gym and was sitting in the car while looking through the system.

[Airbag]: After the exchange, the elves will be equipped automatically. After the equipment is equipped, the elves will be judged when they are attacked. It is determined that the equipped elves cannot be defended, and they will be automatically activated when they face death threats. The energy shield that exists for three seconds of attack, the shield cannot be cancelled by itself. When the shield appears, the elves will lose all their energy and fall into a coma. Each Elf can only carry one airbag, and the airbag does not conflict with Elf equipment. Only one coin can be exchanged per month, and no exchange will not be accumulated.

Uh... it's this tricky thing.

Look at this introduction, it's like the game king I played when I was a kid...

But this is not the point, the point is that this thing is really expensive!

One cost 3000 points!

Zhou Jiang thought that the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods. He felt that the selling was so expensive and there were limitations, and the effect was definitely excellent, so he bought one, and now it is because of this that Xanadu is tough.

Experiment is essential!

Shanaido and the Lizard King are tough, basically there is no danger. If there is danger, this prop is also there. Although the effect is not clear to what extent, the introduction on the system should not be wrong.

After all, so far, this system has not pitted him on major issues ~www.ltnovel.com~ so he is at ease about this.

Even in the face of danger, Zhou Jiang still has a lot of points left, and he can change a resurrection block or vitality fragment.

This is an artifact of "life and death"!

Although these two items are a little cheap, Zhou Jiang feels a bit unsure about it, but the effect should not be too bad. He still feels that the system should be trusted.

In short, Zhou Jiang expected that no major accidents would happen before Xanadu did this, and the journey of being a trainer was full of dangers, whether it was a trainer or an elf.

At the earliest time, he had a big needle bee in his hand and dared to roam alone, but now he is completely worthy of this problem.


On the court, the air was a little anxious.

In a daze, the lizard king collided with Shanaido's flames.

Regarding the oncoming flame, the lizard king was not afraid.

It has fought until now, and the fire elves it has encountered are unknown.

It is a melee elf, different from the Overlord Flower.

Overlord Flower is a direct and long-range attack. It is estimated that there is no big ordeal on the way, so it can't handle the wildfire before.

The lizard king is different.

As a melee elf, what if you want to kill someone?

Can only rush up!

When rushing up, it won’t stand on the other side and will attack, but it needs to use flexible posture to quickly dodge the attack. Of course, many times it can’t get past it. What should I do then? do?

Only use the knife in your hand to open up a path!

Flames, water jets, electricity, clods...

What is it that it hasn't cut?

Anything that obstructs it and prevents it from advancing will be torn apart by it!

This time will be no exception!

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