I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 582: Weird power for you to eat!


The flame column collided with the blade of the lizard king, and sparks flew in all directions. The two sides were deadlocked. The flame did not advance, and the blade of the lizard king did not directly split the flame as usual. .

But as time passed, the lizard king gradually fell into a disadvantage.

No way, who made it in mid-air now.

Although it used its full strength when it took off, it collided with the flame pillars emitted by Xanadu in mid-air and stayed in the air for a long time, but after all, it could not fly, and the world must be managed by the Great God Newton. of.

The lizard dynasty fell back towards the ground, and with the push of Xanadu's flames on it, it did not fall back slowly, and was quickly smashed to the ground.

After reaching the ground, the lizard king and Shanaido stalemate again.

Stepping on the solid ground, the lizard king once again has a place to exert his strength, so now he can show his full strength again.

However, gradually, it was Xanadu's turn to be at a disadvantage, and the fire pillar that Xanadu sprayed became weaker and weaker, and its diameter became smaller and smaller, until it was cut open by the lizard king!

There is no way.

After all, she was not in a full state, and it was quite possible to fight against a lizard king who was in full state with similar strength.

"Lizard King, go!"


The lizard king yelled, seeming to respond to Huazhou, and then flew out again.

"Xanadu, magic shines!"


Xanadu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and then folded his hands together.

This was her last blow, and after this time, her strength was almost gone.


The lizard king appeared in front of Shanaiduo, and the green long blade on his right arm slashed towards Shanaiduo. At the same time, a lot of pink light emerged from Shanaiduo's body. Flower is wrapped in it.

The light soared in an instant, directly engulfing the lizard king.

When the light swallowed the lizard king, the lizard king's leaf blade also chopped over...

First, a dazzling white light flashed, then...


With a loud noise coming from the air, Zhou Jiang, who closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly, turned his head back to look at the place where Shane Duo was before, and saw a large cloud of white mist floating over there, and below Not far away were the lizard king standing with scars all over his body and Shanaido surrounded by white balls.

As soon as Zhou Jiang looked over, the translucent orb that wrapped Xanadu disappeared, and Xanadu was lying motionless on the ground.

"Xanadu loses the ability to fight, the lizard king wins..."

Zhou Jiang looked at Shanaiduo, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

This item is really awesome!

Although Xanadu has lost his fighting ability, but compare the lizard king?

The lizard king is now covered with scars, but Shanaido is different. She has no scars at all. The loss of combat ability is purely physical loss.


It is a life-saving artifact!

What Zhou Jiang has always worried about is that his elves are too fragile and will be killed accidentally. This is all right. With the [airbag], is it not a casual wave to fight the victim? !

No longer need to be as scared as before, this is simply... refreshing!

Of course, now the only [airbag] has been used, it really can't be too arrogant, but it's not a few days this month, will he not let him wave after a few days?

Zhou Jiang took back Xanadu and released the big needle bee. Huazhou also took back the lizard king and released the cunning tengu.

Since it is irregular, even potions can be used, so Huazhou chooses to use potions to restore the lizard king's injury. Of course, this is not without cost, which means that his cunning tengu cannot attack during this period, but can only dodge.

Although not being able to attack may seem like a disadvantage, as long as it is fast and responsive, it is not difficult to avoid attacks.

Of course, the premise is that the speed of Big Needle Bee is not fast...

Although the quality of the cunning tengu is not low, its level is low, only level 73.

Well, the level of the king is not low to tell the truth, but in front of the big needle bee...

The big needle bee takes turns to fight, and can kill two or three elves of this level. Although it is mainly due to strong physical strength, its speed and strength cannot be underestimated.

Otherwise, no matter how much physical strength is, it is impossible to achieve this level.

"Big Needle Bee, come on!"

Zhou Jiang glanced at the Huazhou who was spraying potion on the lizard king, and said nothing.

Zhou Jiang just smiled at the act of making the cunning tengu avoid attack.

The speed of the big needle bee is not covered. Can it run without counterattack and just escape?

He knew that other elves must be faster than Big Needle Bee, but the cunning tengu in front of him can be compared to it. Zhou Jiang will eat it live...

"My Cao!"

Seeing the sly tengu who leaned directly on the mechanism into the ground, Zhou Jiang was really shocked.

This tm forgot that there is still this...

This is too ridiculous...

Zhou Jiang looked at the referee, but the referee shook his head at Zhou Jiang...

Zhou Jiang didn't know what he meant, but it certainly didn't mean that Huazhou fouled.

Big Needle Bee looked back at Zhou Jiang and asked what to do.

This is the first time it has encountered such a thing...

"Fuck, Big Needle Bee, smash it directly!"

Drill underground, shameless? Who is afraid of who, I want to see who can't hold on first!

Although this is different from the actual digging ~www.ltnovel.com~, if the big needle bee force smashes down, the venue will inevitably collapse!

Will the cunning tengu who are underground at that time be spared?

It's good not to be crushed by those steel plates and rocks.

Zhou Jiang sneered. Originally, he had forgotten that there was such a disgusting mechanism, but now it's time to let him replace him with a new one!

Hearing Zhou Jiang's order, Big Needle Bee's eyes lit up, and Hua Zhou, who was spraying potion on the lizard king, changed her face suddenly, and she forgot that there was something else!


As soon as he got up, before he spoke, Big Needle Bee smashed down.

The right arm slammed heavily on the cracked ground everywhere. In an instant, the entire ground shook. This was more than that. The place where the big needle bee hit was directly sunken and gave out a toothy "crunch". --"the sound of……

"Stop! Wait, wait, you..."

Zhou Jiang asked Big Needle Bee to stop first, and looked at Hua Zhou curiously, to see what he wanted to say.

If he said anything to prohibit attacking the venue, Zhou Jiang would not bother to control it.

Allow your technology to hang, but can't you let me attack?

Anyway, before the start of the game, there were no rules, so you can play whatever you want, even if he doesn't stop, he is not wrong.

Even if it was known by other museum owners, Zhou Jiang would not suffer any loss of reputation.


Huazhou looked at the stopped Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang, who was looking at him. He hesitated. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said to the referee: "Now stop using the lizard king's potion!"

The referee nodded to express his understanding, that is to say, next, the cunning tengu can attack! This also means that Huazhou is going to let the cunning tengu come out and get out of the big needle bee, there is no way, who makes Zhou Jiang's big needle bee a freak, not everyone can learn this strange power!

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