I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 584: The mysterious old referee

Regarding Zhou Jiang's question, Hua Zhou didn't say much, but said that he had been busy recently and didn't have time to sleep. Zhou Jiang saw that he didn't want to talk and didn't say much.

Finally, Zhou Jiang left the gym after holding some tree fruit seeds presented by Huazhou's friendship.

Coming to the outside of the gymnasium, Zhou Jiang frowned suddenly. He looked back at the gymnasium and found nothing. Then he got tight and left.

It was still a bit cold outside, he was going back to get under the covers...

Zhou Jiang didn't know. In a certain office above that he didn't see, Huazhou and the referee who had presided over the game stood at that window, watching him until he left.

"How about it, it's been four days, should there be a result? Don't think about it, next time someone will challenge you, but your elf is injured."

The referee with a kind smile on his face slowly left the window, came to the desk, sat down directly on the only office chair, and then began to make tea for himself, as if the owner of this office was him. .

Huazhou didn't respond to the old man's words, trying to look outside with tired eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

I don't know how long it took, Huazhou Chang exhaled and said softly: "What should I do here..."

It seems to be asking the old man, but it also seems to be asking himself.

The old man didn't respond. He still sat quietly on the chair drinking tea, blowing on the cup from time to time to blow away the rising mist.

"Boom boom boom~"

At this time, the door of the room was knocked, Huazhou adjusted his emotions and shouted: "Come in."

The door opened, and the old man sitting in the chair got up, turned his head and said to Huazhou, "Then I will go first, think about it slowly," and then left. The old man walked outside and came in with work clothes in overalls. The staff smiled and greeted and then passed by.

Huazhou didn't look at the old man, he looked at the person who came in and asked, "What's wrong? That's there again?"

"No, it's just that Miss Joey is looking for you for something. She wants you to go to the wizard center."


Huazhou was silent for a while, then nodded, "I see, you go down first."

After speaking, Huazhou sat on the chair where the old man was sitting before, and the staff also nodded and left the room. When leaving, he took the door with him.

The room fell into silence again. Not long after, Huazhou took out a wooden box from the drawer of the desk, and he did not open it. After sitting on a chair for a while, he took it and left the room, leaving only The steaming cup of tea on the table...


Back in the hotel, Zhou Jiang shrank directly onto the bed after taking off his shoes.

Shucked under the covers, Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone and browsed a bunch of messages sent by people after the silence.

Most of them belonged to Zhou Nan. They knew that Zhou Jiang was going to the gym today, so they sent a message directly to ask Zhou Jiang how he was playing.

Zhou Nan and their news, Zhou Jiang thought about it for a moment and typed it out and sent it briefly. Of course, it just said who fought with whom, and then who won, otherwise it would take a long time.

After sending it, Zhou Jiang waited for a while and found that there was no movement before remembering that they should be still on the way, so he withdrew to read the messages sent by other people.

Zhou Jiang took a look and found that there were two other people sending him messages, one was Lu Fei.

Zhou Jiang sent him a message and asked him to call for Li Ruobing’s phone number. I guess I didn’t see it before, but I only replied now. After Zhou Jiang recorded the phone number in his address book, he replied thank you. After reading it for a long time, he found no news. Then he quit.

The last one to message him...

Looking at the familiar new memo name and the unfamiliar profile picture, Zhou Jiang was a little curious, why did she come again?

That's right, the third one is the foreign girl who Zhou Jiang recommended her to choose Fuji Teng Snake long ago.

Before, she thanked and thanked her, and gave the gift. Then the two of them no longer contacted each other. Why are they sending messages now?

Zhou Jiang was slightly curious and clicked in.

[Rich woman]: Little brother, little brother, are you there? (?>?ω?*?)?

[Rich woman]: Little brother, little brother...

Zhou Jiang flipped through it. There were more than a dozen pieces of information. It probably meant that she had come to China and wanted to find him...

When Zhou Jiang lost his cell phone, he turned his face up, put the back of his right hand on his forehead, and sighed silently.

Did Zhou Jiang meet Peach Blossom Luck or Peach Blossom Tribulation?

At the beginning, I just added a lip to the other side, but I didn't expect it to be entangled until now!

And even went directly to Huaxia to find someone...

Do you want to be so aggressive...

For that rich lady, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to meet her.

It makes no sense.

She gave him the impression of being a little frivolous rich girl, this is not the type that Zhou Jiang likes, he likes graceful women.

Moreover, as the saying goes, the easier you get, the less you will cherish. Zhou Jiang did the same. The other party took the initiative to post it. It was not his food. Now it is even more annoying.

As for not finding someone, just be a friend...

Zhou Jiang did not have much desire.

People who gave him a bad first impression, he just passed it, and he didn't care about other things.

And his instinct told him that if he went to meet her, he would definitely get in trouble...he hated trouble the most.

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang decided to leave her alone.

It’s her business whether she comes to China. Anyway, because China is so big and there are so many people, she can’t run into herself. As for finding someone to hack his information, it’s impossible to do it. He is the Alliance Prosecutor. It will be protected by the alliance.

Unless the opponent's family has some strength in the alliance, but this may be very small. She is a foreigner, how could China's alliance have theirs?

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang, who was planning to deal with it coldly, ignored him, and closed his eyes after leaving the phone aside.

He wants to sleep...

It wasn't until the evening that Zhou Jiang woke up, grabbed the phone next to him and took a look. It was already past four in the afternoon.

In winter, the daytime has become shorter, and even though it is past four o'clock now, the room is already a little dark.

After turning on the lights, Zhou Jiang released the elves.

Chanduo may be that the previous battle has not been eased, or that the mutation mentality has changed after the battle has evolved. In short, she has not adhered to him as tightly as before. This made him relieved and also Slightly lost.

After all, he has been single for a long time, and even looks at Qingteng Snake, not to mention the closer Shane Duo...

Although there was a battle before, it didn't have much influence on Shanaido and Big Needle Bee.

The Big Needle Bee has done the finishing work, and it has almost no consumption, and Shanaido’s words are only a long time fighting, and the spirits are lethargic. As for the exhausted physical strength, it is also due to the long-term stay in the poke ball. .

Let them play slowly in the room by themselves, as long as they don't make a big noise. After Zhou Jiang got up, he went to order food.

He just ate at noon and slept, he is also a little hungry now.

After ordering something that looked delicious, Zhou Jiang went to take a bath.

He doesn't plan to go out at night. Now he takes a shower, and he can lie in bed after the meal is delivered to eat. Whenever he gets bored, he just goes to sleep. He will leave this place tomorrow. He doesn't plan to rest anyway. Go to City G early and feel at ease after finishing everything.

After taking a shower, Zhou Jiang wrapped a bath towel and went out to eat.

He was not afraid of the cold when the heating was on in the room, and when he was taking a bath, he let Shanaido help him in when he was taking a shower.

Eating and eating, Zhou Jiang found that the elves seemed to be looking at him, especially Ibrahimovic and Katy Dog. The two little guys were constantly shuttled under his feet and snarled, but they were also snarling from time to time. Look at the meat between the chopsticks in his hand...

I looked at the other elves, and found that they all looked at the meat in their own hands faintly.

Zhou Jiang smiled, took out their exclusive food bowls, and then began to make energy cubes for them.

After making some energy cubes, Zhou Jiang divided all the meat in his bowl among them.

Seeing the hesitant look of Katie Dog, Zhou Jiang smiled and pushed the food bowl in front of it: "Eat, you are welcome, ask me if you are not used to it, go eat the energy cube. "

After speaking, Zhou Jiang nodded to the other elves and motioned to them to start eating.

There are some braised beef in the food bowl in front of each elf, but there are not many other elf food bowls except for Shanaido's bowl.

This is naturally not that Zhou Jiang is partial, but that they are not used to eating human food.

Now they are probably greedy by watching the incense that Zhou Jiang eats, just like a child ~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing the incense of others, they feel that others' food is delicious.

They estimate that this is the case. After they taste it, if they don't like it, then they eat the energy cube. If they think it is more, then Zhou Jiang will not be stingy and continue to give them.

As for why Shanaido gave so much, she would naturally eat it.

This is not the first time that Shanaido has eaten his food. Every time Shanaido has eaten it, and she is very happy to see her. Zhou Jiang naturally thinks she likes it.

Looking at the Katie dog who was carefully sniffing in the food bowl with his head down, Zhou Jiang smiled and sat on the chair to continue eating his own food.

Zhou Jiang, the Katy dog, is no longer worried now. With Ibrahimovic here, he does not need to bring it personally.

Originally, he was a little worried that he wouldn't bring baby elves, but he didn't expect it would be so easy.

After eating, Zhou Jiang played with his mobile phone in the chair, chatted with Zhou Nan and the others before lying on the bed.

As for Shanaido and the others, they all found a place to lie there and rest, only Shanaido...

Since the hotel’s bed is a double bed, it’s very large, so she lay on the other half of Zhou Jing’s not sleeping before, leaning on the pillows, and sleeping soundly with her chest under the quilt. At first glance, it seemed like It’s a person who falls asleep over there. If you don’t know it, you really don’t see it as an elf...

Since Shane Duo exerted a lot of strength in the afternoon game, she was still not in good spirits after returning, so Zhou Jiang did not let her go down, but slightly moved her position to avoid him lying in the hind limbs. Embarrassing.

Although Zhou Jiang said that he saw Shanaiduo's delicate eyebrows, but...

He is a human, and she is an elf!

Well, in the end Zhou Jiang also lay on the bed, without any fluctuations in his heart.

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