Early the next morning, Zhou Jiang packed up and went out.

After leaving the room, I even paid for the broken chair.

Called a car, Zhou Jiang asked his master to send him to W city.

He didn't want to take the bus anymore.

It's okay if the road is smooth, but after driving for a while, there are some potholes and bumps, and the speed is very fast...He just didn't want to experience it again anyway.

At the beginning, the driver master was still unwilling, until Zhou Jiang said that the price could be increased by 30%.

Although this trip can be regarded as heavy bleeding, but he does not regret it.

Now that you have a heavy bleeding, it’s better to regret that your stomach is pushed out after getting on the bus?

And in a word, the Lord is not bad for money!

November is two days away, and the deadline for registration for the league competition is November 15, 17 days, enough for him.

So when they went back, Zhou Jiang and others did not walk the same way when they came.

That road can almost be said to be used by the bus. Although it is in the distance, due to unknown reasons, it is often windy and sandy. City N and City W have transplanted trees there, but they can’t survive. I heard that the paving was not made due to various reasons.

However, although there is no construction there, other roads are still being built.

There are indeed several roads that have been repaired in cities N and W. Although the distance to bypass the forest is much longer than the original one, it is at least a concrete road, which is much easier to walk.

It is said that the road between N city and P city is also being built, and the cave is already being built. I don’t know if it is true.

But these have nothing to do with him. He won't come here in the future except this time.

Anyway, there is no fun place, Huaxia is so big, is it bad to go to other places?

After driving and stopping all the way, Zhou Jiang had been walking for three days before reaching W city. It was already night there. After bidding farewell to the driver who had been with him for more than three days, Zhou Jiang went directly to the hotel.

November 1st...

Lying on the big hotel bed, Zhou Jiang was slightly in a trance until he fell asleep in a daze.

It was already the next day when he woke up, he was lying on the bed well, covered with quilt, and next to him was Xanadu...

He was not surprised at this, he was almost used to it.

He was in the car before, and every time he woke up from sleep at night, he hugged Xanadu...

Although the driver's eyes looked at him a little uncomfortable, but...

But sleeping with Xanadu is really comfortable!

Soft, soft...

At first, it was only Zhou Jiang that Shanaiduo ran out after she fell asleep. Later, Zhou Jiang took her out and took her to sleep.

Of course, Zhou Jiang didn't have any extra bad thoughts about this, just using her as a pillow.

After all, I have slept with Laluras before, and I often slept with anime pillows in my previous life.

According to Zhou Jiang's character, if he really has any bad thoughts, he will not be able to pass this level.

Do you expect people who dare not even hold a woman's hand to hold a "heterosexual" with a strange mind?

Anyway, Zhou Jiang will not have any bad ideas.

On the contrary, after sleeping with Xanadu, he slept more peacefully...

In the early morning, some of the other elves that came out were still sleeping, even Xanadu.

Zhou Jiang didn't make much movement either. He just took the phone on the bedside table next to him.

If you wake up and can't get up, then you can only play with your mobile phone.

Look through the posts, look at the news and the like.

As for the game...Forget it, I hope that the game in this world is not as good as his own development.

Of course, what he said about development is just to talk to game companies about ideas and so on and let them do it.

Nothing else is a problem, just money...

Judging by the savings he has now, it is still too difficult to make a game, much worse.

But it doesn't matter, he has already decided, to get the energy cube automatic production machine out and tie it to Joey's house.

Will the money come in a steady stream by then?

Although this machine can't make high-end energy cubes, not everyone can make high-end energy cubes!

This thing is already very awesome to make medium-sized ones. After all, in this world, even the low-level energy cubes are high-end materials.

It can only be said that the development of this world is not good enough.

In his impression, it is very common for people who can make energy cubes in the animation without mentioning a lot of them, and the ordinary elf food made is not as unbearable as this world.

The sprite food in the animation is also very nutritious and great. It is estimated to be similar to the energy cube made by the machine he uses now, let alone the energy cube inside.

It is said that there is a certain energy block in it, one piece can feed a kabi beast, one can imagine how high the energy is.

Zhou Jiang estimated that it should be an intermediate or advanced machine in the system...

Pulled away.

Zhou Jiang flipped through his phone and suddenly found a familiar black man on the picture of a piece of news.

He said he was an acquaintance, but he was actually not sure. After all, he looked the same from other races except for the yellow race.

But curiously, he clicked in and took a look.

Three minutes later, he was slightly moved after reading the news.

What the news said was that in city V last week, there was an accident on Qiulin Road. When a little boy was walking on the road, he was almost hit by an out of control car.

According to the original trajectory, the little boy will go to see Arceus, but at a critical moment, he was rescued by a black foreign student who swooped in. Although the little boy was saved, the foreign student suffered extensive bruises on his arm due to the swoop. His bones are also a bit misplaced, and he is currently hospitalized, but there is no danger, but he needs to rest.

The black man was really an acquaintance, he was the partner of Zhou Jiang when he played against the Tower. He had forgotten his name, but he remembered it again after reading the news, Ax.

There is also an interview with Aix and a video of the interview below.

Zhou Jiang didn't watch the video, because from the text, you can see that Aix really is Aix, full of philosophy.

Although it is much better for his senses, but for philosophy...

Think about it and forget it. Although Zhou Jiang has posted and saved a lot of the "King" emoticon in his previous life, he has never encountered it in reality. Since he met Aix, he I am a little afraid of philosophy.

Sure enough, this is not something ordinary people can play, he is just an ordinary person...

Turning off the news, Zhou Jiang silently recited Aix's name in his heart.

He has good senses to him now. He sacrificed his life to save people. The content of the interviews after saving people is also very optimistic and positive, which is different from most blacks in his impression.

Although he hates black people, it's just because there are too many negative news about black people exposed in the previous life, and he can't tell who is good and who is bad, plus 90% (he guessed) are like that. Yes, so he doesn't like them.

But are there any good people among black people?


He remembers a person, his name is forgotten, but he still remembers his deeds.

After the black man studied Chinese medicine in China, he still worked as a doctor in Sichuan for more than 30 years. To this kind of person, Zhou Jiang couldn't raise any disrespect, even because there were more than 90% black people for comparison. , He admired the doctor even more.

Of course, in his previous life, he had read the comments of many people who hacked him, and he had forgotten how to say it specifically, but he didn't care about it.

He will not chase people blindly or curse people blindly.

His good feelings for people are hidden in his heart and will not show it. Even when he makes comments, he will add words like "I think".

Anyway, he felt from the information he knew that the black doctor was a good man.

After turning off the news about Aix, Zhou Jiang continued to search for other interesting news.

I just found some lace news, mostly related to stars and coaches.

The words of celebrities are normal. Zhou Jiang has watched too much in the previous life, and now I don’t even bother to click in ~www.ltnovel.com~ Anyway, most of them are hype, and he can't meet it, and it has nothing to do with him.

As for the coach, he is somewhat interested.

I clicked in and read some, and found that the title "coach" was originally given to the person who opened the wizard skill training center.

Elves are indispensable to people in this world.

No matter what you do and want to be famous, you have to compete with others. How to compete?

Combat power and expressive power are all needed, and combat power is the most important thing. Combat power can't be ignored in anything. Even the magnificent competition also considers combat ability, let alone other competitions.

The most intuitive performance of combat effectiveness is nothing more than level, skill, and tactics.

The tactics depend on the individual, and it is not easy to improve. If the level is required, day-to-day training is required. This trainer can do it himself, and then the most critical skill.

Skills are not something anyone can teach. Apart from skill jade, only the elves can comprehend them or rely on others to teach them.

What if some trainers can't teach?

It doesn't matter, there is a market if there is demand.

Many high-level trainers don't like to go to work normally after they don't want to be a trainer, and they don't like to go to work normally, or if they can't work, they will choose to open a shop related to elves.

And teaching elves skills is the best choice. After all, everyone needs skills, and after a long time of teaching, they can make enough money. They basically belong to the type that eats three years after opening.

As long as there is a rare or powerful mass skill to impart experience, then money will continue to flow in.

Popular skills, that is, most elves can learn, and with rare or powerful, then a trainer has six or more elves...

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