Zhou Jiang, who looked at the phone sideways, felt a little sore in his shoulders and turned around before realizing that Xanadu didn't know when he woke up, so he kept looking at himself.

Fortunately, he was also used to it. When he woke up before, Xanadu was mostly staring at him. At first, he was a little uncomfortable, and was even taken aback. As time passed, he felt that way.

"Woke up?"



Looking at Shanaido with a gentle smile, Zhou Jiang was still a little uncomfortable.

I always feel something is wrong, but I can't tell.

He was now a little confused about what Shanaido was like to him.

He still yelled at Shanaido to like himself at first, but...

Like it or like it, all his elves like him...Big Sting Bee likes him, Katie Dog likes him, which elves don’t?

But there are many kinds of likes. Due to the poison of the book, Zhou Jiang almost became that kind of YY before, but...

But look now...

How to put it, there is a feeling that he can't tell, anyway, he is a little confused now.

Zhou Jiang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Katie Dog.

With the sound of "Snee", many elves lying on their stomachs in the room also woke up. Suddenly, the room that had been cold before was full of life.

There are yawning sounds everywhere.

Zhou Jiang sighed, smiled and glanced at the Caty Dog, who was shaking his head and rubbing his nose with his paw, then lifted the quilt and prepared to get up.

It was estimated that Xanadu moved him into the quilt last night. He didn't wear pajamas, but he didn't sleep naked. He wore some thin short sleeves that he wore during the day.

I'm used to the days when I wear clothes to sleep in the wild. I really feel uncomfortable to sleep without clothes, especially in winter. In winter, he won't take off his clothes and go to bed anyway.

Others said that wearing clothes to sleep will get cold the next day, but he still feels cold off.

After all, you have to wear it the next day after you take off your clothes. The temperature when you wear it is really hard to hold, but the clothes you wear are different. If you are not naked, some clothes are naturally not very cold when you get up. Put on the coat directly, it's perfect!

Of course, if there is heating, it is another matter.

When Zhou Jiang got dressed, the elves were already fully awake, and they greeted Zhou Jiang with vigor, and Zhou Jiang responded one by one. This was one of the few time for the team to communicate.

After all, Zhou Jiang is also a person who doesn't understand human relationships and the world, and can't speak. Although he is very good to his elves, it is really embarrassing for him to take the initiative to find topics.

After finishing everything, Zhou Jiang took out the machine and the tree fruit to let the bed-made Xanadu to make physical objects for them, while Zhou Jiang went to wash, and when they came back, they were ready to eat.

Zhou Jiang took out a lot of food from the ring and asked the interested elves to take some, and he also ate it.

After eating three meat buns and a cup of soy milk, the elves also finished eating. After greeted them and took them back, Zhou Jiang got up and left.

Today, I have to go back to M city by train, and then fly to G city.

Lu Ran and the others are still working on the task at this time. It seems that there is a problem with an alliance poverty alleviation project. The contracted orchard will always have mysterious elves stealing food and destroying it at night, and their task is to watch the night for the orchard. And grab each other.

Of course, Lu Ran and the others were also involved in this task. It is said that the people who originally found Tokubantai had to recruit people. They all had posting tasks in the wizard center and other places, so Lu Ran and the others were also recruited. Now, the rewards are quite impressive, plus they are fine, so they will follow along to do the task.

However, according to the complaints of Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan in the group, they have not caught the target yet, and they have not even touched the shadow.

Of course, this is not because the mysterious elf didn’t come out, but it’s too cunning. The orchard over there is very big and huge. Counting Lu Ran and the others, there are a total of more than 30 people patrolling the orchard. Keep it, and the mysterious elf picks no one's place or comes to steal and destroy it when no one is.

In addition, the locations they were looking for were those with weak patrol personnel, such as Lu Ran who had never encountered them.

But even if it is weak, it is very cautious. Once a person comes over, it will run away and can't catch up with it. It doesn't even know what it looks like, only a bunch of shadows...

But it's okay, it's only the next day, maybe they can succeed?

And Zhou Jiang also has some expectations, the mysterious elf...

I'm really curious to think about it...

But even if he is curious, he can’t help it. He can only understand from the photos sent by Zhou Nan and the others. When he visits City G, he doesn’t know when, and they are not in City G, but are approaching H The forest of the city, um, is in the direction of K city.

If Zhou Jiang wanted to find them, he could actually fly directly to J city, then H city, and then he could go to them, but he didn’t know when he arrived in J city. At that time, it was really day lily. It's cold, what else is he going to do, might as well go directly to G city.

When they finish the task, they will go directly to City H and then to City G. It's almost just right, it's perfect!

After leaving the room, I took a taxi and went to the station. For the ticket, Zhou Jiang planned to buy it when he arrived at the station.

More than eight o'clock is the time to go to work. Although many people are engaged in elf-related occupations, more people are working in the same ordinary work as in the previous life. They go to work at eight or nine in the morning and six or seven in the afternoon. It's normal to go after work.

On the road, as expected by Zhou Jiang, there was a traffic jam...

Fortunately, he didn't buy a ticket, so he didn't rush. It didn't matter if he took his time.

However, compared to Zhou Jiang's relaxation, the driver's master was a little angry, but he was just a taxi driver, no matter how angry he was, the anger could only be turned into a long sigh.

Zhou Jiang leaned against the window and looked at the trainers who ran by on prescribed elves from time to time, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

His Katy dog ​​is still too young. Even if it is well developed, the exercise intensity is not low, but it is still a young elf after all. Although it can evolve by giving it the Fire Stone, it is too wasteful. Although he could use the system to add points to it, Zhou Jiang still didn't want to do it.

But it’s coming soon. The Katy dog ​​is going through its juvenile period. As long as it passes the juvenile period, then it can be trained with higher intensity. When the time comes, let it go out and find one. Forests and the like, specifically grade it.

I still don't believe it, can I still ride you?

At that time, the tall and mighty wind speed dog rides out, absolutely pulling the wind!

The wind speed dog in this world is like a limited edition supercar of the previous life, and the ability to attract eyes is definitely one of the existence!

Maybe you can put a bottle or two of pulsation on the wind speed dog's head then...


Finally, walking and stopping along the way, finally reached the station.

Although it was over 8.50, there were not many people in the station.

However, there is still a line to buy tickets. There are more than a dozen people in front of him. Zhou Jiang didn't want to line up anymore, so he took out his mobile phone and bought tickets online.

I was afraid of traffic jams if I didn’t buy them before, but now I’m at the station and there’s no problem.

The last bus that was not driven was at nine o’clock, but it’s now more than 8:50, so the tickets for that bus are no longer on sale. I have no choice but to buy one at 9:30. .

The waiting hall was quite empty. After entering the waiting hall, Zhou Jiang found a place where he could see the display screen and sat down.

Looking at it, many people released small elves to play with them. Zhou Jiang thought about it and released Ibrahimovic.

It's boring to be idle anyway, it's better to make fun of Ibrahimovic, just to pass the time.

When Zhou Jiang released the Ibrahimovic here, the eyes of the surrounding people were attracted, and even Zhou Jiang used his peripheral vision to see a little boy pointing at Zhou Jiang and talking to his mother.

Needless to say, Ibrahimovic's eye-catching ability is beyond doubt.

It's a pity that there is no little Lolita here, otherwise Zhou Jiang would let Ibrahimovic go up and sell cute to please her and then let her sell cute to please herself.


forget it……

The man doesn't like it.

Women's clothing won't work either!

It's a pity that there is no little loli~www.ltnovel.com~ The mood of teasing Ibrahimovic has faded a lot, he is such a sullen person...

Almost everything is done to pretend to be coercive and to attract attention.

But even if there is no Lori's attention, Zhou Jiang is still very happy with Ibrahimovic's hair...

Although it's not a cat, it's a fox, but...but it's really comfortable!

It didn't take long to get into the station.

Asking Ibrahimovic to lie on his shoulders not to move, Zhou Jiang then took up his backpack and walked away.

When passing the security check, the security guard standing there glanced at Ibrahimovic and didn't say anything. After all, this is a common thing and there is no need to make a fuss.

After waiting at the platform for six or seven minutes, the train arrived late. After getting on the train and sitting down in position, Zhou Jiang went to rest.

This time the position was still by the window, and there was still no one beside him.

There are not many people in this carriage, and many places are empty.

Zhou Jiang didn't think too much. After putting down his backpack, he stroked Ibrahimovic who was lying on his thigh, put on headphones and closed his eyes against the window.

He felt that maybe the idea of ​​the game could be done?

Not to mention making money, always let him pass the time in his free time, right?

He didn't want to play "Elves GO" for a long time, and he didn't like moba games like "Elves League" either...

Anyway, he knows a lot of people now, and his family is rich. What kind of gamers should he know?

When the time comes, let them develop some mobile games from previous lives, such as FGO, Jianniang, and so on. Are they afraid to panic when they are idle?

But speaking of this, he thought of Mr. Chen in the medieval hotel before.

He seemed to say that he would give him some gratitude, and his family is also very awesome, do you want him to help make a game?

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