I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 590: Out of expectation

"It's alright, I won't ask, you can take me to the secretary of the museum owner."


Seeing the girl whose face changed slightly, Zhou Jiang raised his brows slightly.

This guy, sure enough, did something...he is obviously pretty. Tsk tut, beautiful lady Qingben, how can you be a thief...

"Come on, I don't know this place, you lead the way."


The girl nodded, took off the sign hanging on her neck and was about to go outside, but suddenly reacted and hesitated: "But here..."

Zhou Jiang took a look and realized that this is the place where the front desk sells tickets. Naturally, there can be no one.

"Then let the other staff members come here first, and you will take me to the secretary first."

Seeing that Zhou Jiang, the prospective agent museum owner, said so, the girl could only nod her head, and then took out an intercom from the drawer and started talking.

"Well, there should be nothing else? Let's go."

Seeing her finished yelling, Zhou Jiang said.

The girl nodded and walked out of the counter, Zhou Jiang followed.

The two walked inside one after another.

Go inside from here, there are three directions to go.

Just pass the glass door directly in front, and there are also two doors on the left and right.

The direction in front is to go to the gallery. When Zhou Jiang came here before, those who queued to buy tickets followed the staff to go inside.

Zhou Jiang followed the girl in front and walked towards the door on the left.

That door is also a glass door, through the glass you can see the corridors, some doors, and some fern vegetation.

Follow her to turn right, turn right, turn left, and then take the elevator. After walking for about five minutes, the girl in front suddenly stopped.


Zhou Jiang asked subconsciously.

The girl turned around and lowered her head slightly and eagerly said, "I was wrong. Can you forgive me once? I promise I won't do it again. Even if my salary is deducted, can you not fire me..."


"You tell me first, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the girl's pitiful appearance, she felt a little softhearted, but she didn't directly forgive her.

Something went wrong the first time he became the acting museum owner. How can this be tolerated?

It's okay for small things, he doesn't care, big things, interrupt, what should I do.

But seeing her now, her attitude of admitting mistakes should be considered good, right? It doesn't look like acting. He said that his tolerance might relax her a little.

But we still need to know what she did. Although she should not be corrupt or anything, but...what if? Asking is still necessary.

"I... play on my phone when I shouldn't work..."


Listening to the sister's words, Zhou Jiang almost staggered.

I thought you embezzled a few tickets when you sold the tickets, but you fucking, what you worry about is that you play with your phone when no one comes to buy the tickets?

Zhou Jiang may not be the boss. He was also a member of many wage earners in his previous life. Anyway, he didn't think there was anything wrong with playing mobile phones in her previous situation.

Although it is not good and correct, it is not bad either.

After all, there was no one, and after Zhou Jiang passed by, she could immediately turn off the phone and entertain him with a smile.

He didn't count this matter at all!

The girl lowered her head and dared not look at Zhou Jiang's face. After seeing Zhou Jiang's movements, her head lowered and her eyes closed because of tension and fear.

Zhou Jiang looked helplessly at the girl who bowed his head and sincerely apologized. He was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Okay, okay, raise your head, it’s okay, it’s not good to play with your mobile phone, just pay attention next time, don’t care."

Zhou Jiang stepped forward to support her shoulders and pulled her up, then comforted.

He is not so accustomed to being bent over and "begging" him, waiting for his ruling.

"No... are you okay... won't you punish me and fire me?"

The girl was pulled up by Zhou Jiang and asked timidly.

"Why do you think so?" Zhou Jiang looked at her curiously.

Is this world so "innocent"?

But it seems that even Zhou Nan and Xu Feng don't think it would be a big mistake to play with their mobile phones in their spare time at work.

Or is this girl's brain circuit somewhat novel?

"I heard... the three fires of the new official..." The girl lowered her head again to look towards the ground, and her tone of voice became lighter and lighter. In the end, if it weren't quiet enough here, he might still listen. Less than...

Zhou Jiang shook his head and looked at her speechlessly.

The new official of Shentema took office with three fires.

He is just an agent.

It's not that he became the owner of the museum.

He only needs to maintain the current situation during the agency period and keep the city from chaos. He doesn't need to think much about the internal situation.

Even if someone is corrupt, so what.

The loss was not his money anyway...

He only needs to maintain his current appearance. Even if the corrupt person has the ability, he can't reuse the other person after he knows that the other person is corrupt.

"Okay, I forgive you, just pay attention next time. Okay, let's not talk about this, this matter is over, you quickly take me to the secretary, I have to hand over."


When Zhou Jiang said that this incident had passed, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the front desk salary here is not high, but the win is decent and stable!

How awesome is it to work in a shop opened by the owner of the city gym?

Well, it's not very awesome.

But she seems to be very strong anyway.

That's why she was afraid of being fired. Such a good job is hard to find.

"By the way, you don't know my name yet, my name is Luo Ya, please advise!"

Knowing that she would not be retired, Luo Ya changed in an instant after the incident. She was still quiet and trembling before, but now she is more generous.

Zhou Jiang stretched out his hand and shook her, "Zhou Jiang, it's nice to meet you."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, take me and take me..."

After shaking his hand, Zhou Jiang, who was smiling, immediately changed his face and asked her to take him there quickly.

It's really... he is about to be anxious to death by her...

Following Luo Ya, they arrived at their destination in less than a minute.


Well, this is an office.

"That's it inside?"

Zhou Jiang asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Luo Ya nodded, then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

With the sound of a slightly serious male voice, Luo Ya opened the door.

Zhou Jiang was still a little surprised, male voice... Is the secretary male? He thought the secretary was a woman...

After all, secretary secretary, secretary has something to do...cough cough.

After Luo Ya walked in, Zhou Jiang saw the man sitting behind the desk inside.

He was wearing a black uniform and his hair was not long, but he didn't look up, so it was hard to see him clearly.

"Is there a problem?"

"Mr. Fei, this one came here with a letter from the owner of the museum, saying that he is the agent owner..."

"Acting pavilion owner?!"

In an instant, Mr. Fei, who was lowering his head to correct the document, raised his head and looked here.

"The agent of the pavilion...Oh, I see, you can do it first."

Luo Ya nodded, then leaned slightly behind and left, closing the door when she left.

"Hello, this is Fei Qingyu, you can call me Mr. Fei or Secretary Fei." Mr. Fei walked to Zhou Jiang and stretched out his hand.

Zhou Jiang hurriedly stretched out his hand and shook him, then said: "Hello, Mr. Fei, this is Zhou Jiang, and I have taken up the task to become the acting museum owner."

The two parties briefly shook their hands and then broke up. Mr. Fei said, "Sorry, can you show me the exhibits?"

"of course."

Zhou Jiang handed him the letter in his hand.

After taking a look at it in person, Mr. Fei nodded, "Yes, this is it."

After receiving the letter, Mr. Fei changed it to Zhou Jiang, "In the next time, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the working environment here. Today I will take you to familiarize yourself with it. It is not included in working hours. It will start tomorrow. Forget it, within three days, you will take care of the entire gym."

"..." Zhou Jiang was a little panicked. What kind of situation is this different from what he thought...

After receiving the task and seeing the detailed explanation of the task follow-up, he thought he could let the secretary do a lot of work, but I did it all? !

Even those documents...

Zhou Jiang's face was a little pale, he was very empty...

He has never been a manager before, and he has no idea what to do~www.ltnovel.com~ Fuck!

"That...I will do it all?" Zhou Jiang asked cautiously.

"That's right." Mr. Fei nodded, just looking at Zhou Jiang's eyes a little strange, why suddenly it was like this...


Zhou Jiang was silent.

He regretted it.

This work can't be done. I originally thought that he could send his hands to do things. He only needs to make some simple decisions or take the lead as a representative of combat power.


He just wanted to ask, is it too late to regret now...

This is really not a human thing!

Perhaps after seeing Zhou Jiang’s troubles, Mr. Fei said, “Of course, you don’t need to correct documents and the like. I will do all the documents. You only need to pay attention to other things. I will talk later. Bring you familiar and familiar."


After hearing what he said, Zhou Jiang took a long breath and relaxed, but his eyes looked a little unfriendly at Mr. Fei.

Damn you, talk about such an important thing earlier!

I have to worry about it for a long time!

"Now I'll take you to visit, get to know this place, you can get familiar with it after visiting early."

Mr. Fei looked at Zhou Jiang and asked his opinion.

"I'm fine, trouble you." Zhou Jiang nodded in response.

"It's okay." Mr. Fei took the lead and walked out, followed by Zhou Jiang.

"Let's go to the training first and then take a look at that place. After all, your main job is to train apprentices."


Zhou Jiang was silent, really...

The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

I thought it would be nice to let them do the training casually, but now you tell me that my main job is to train those apprentices? !

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