"This is the training room. The apprentices usually train here. The ordinary ground station is nearby, so it is convenient for others to challenge."

Followed Mr. Fei downstairs, and then didn't know how to turn, and he came to a passageway.

Looking in the direction pointed by Mr. Fei, Zhou Jiang could see the observation platform far away inside.

"Are you going to have a look, by the way, familiar with the apprentices?" Mr. Fei asked, looking at Zhou Jiang.

"Familiarity... it's fine, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Zhou Jiang thought for a while and agreed with his opinion.

With his secretary here, shouldn't those apprentices jump too much?

In this way, some conflicts can be avoided. Although he is not afraid of conflicts, just pull a Liwei, but he doesn't want to be troublesome. It can be simple and simple.

As long as he doesn't jump out to do things, then he doesn't care, even if they are lazy in the training afterwards, he won't manage too seriously.

It's too much trouble after all.

Of course, if someone is looking for something, then he doesn't mind the trouble.

It's still very comfortable to slap your face.

Zhou Jiang and Mr. Fei walked inside together, and after walking through the passage, they could see the entire training ground.

Inside is a kind of charity similar to a basketball hall, but the area is larger than that of a basketball hall. Some simple facilities are similar to those seen in Tokiwadai, but in terms of types and quantities, there is no Tokiwadai. There are more over there.

Slightly raised his head and glanced at the opposite side, no one on the viewing platform was there.

Yes, the people who can come here are all insiders. The tube platform is made of simple steel fences, and there is no place to sit. Why don't they come here to look down?

There are some bench seats down there.

The Naguan platform itself is not for them to go up and watch in normal times, but when there are some small conflicts, the two fight below, and others go to the tube platform above to watch the show.

When they entered, many of the apprentices who had trained the elves on the field saw them. After looking at them, some went back to command the elves, and some kept looking at them. Of course, people don't dare to look at it blatantly, and there are also people who secretly look over.

"These people want me to teach?"

After scanning around, Zhou Jiang looked at Mr. Fei and asked.

Mr. Fei nodded, "You only need to give them some indicative commands. Of course, it would be better to be able to teach them individually."


Zhou Jiang probably counted, there are almost fifty apprentices here...

"All the apprentices are here?"

"No, this is only a quarter. More than half of the apprentices have gone out to do tasks, and some are in other places, and other venues are training by themselves."


Zhou Jiang was silent.

One quarter, that is, nearly two hundred people...


He can only hope that the half who went out to do the task will not come back, more than a hundred people.

Of course, if you "look down" on him, it would be more comfortable not to train.

"Do you need me to call them to get to know them? Get to know them first, and you can start tomorrow."

Zhou Jiang thought for a while and shook his head, "Forget it, just let them train. These apprentices are in groups, right? I will join the group to chat."

Zhou Jiang felt that if they were training so seriously, it would be better not to disturb them. what? Is he scared? ! Nonsense! How could he Zhou Jiang be afraid? Just over fifty people... more than fifty...

In the end, they still didn't bother them, and instead left here.

Following Mr. Fei, Zhou Jiang's eyes were a little loose, he was thinking, his brain was turning wildly!

‘I’m not afraid, I just suddenly thought of a more relaxing way! There is still one day left today. As the acting master of the library, there must be a secret that cannot be hidden among those people! There will surely be gossip, let them discuss and understand me in one day. By tomorrow, even some people with a stubborn brain will learn more about me during discussions with their peers, so they won't come out to find faults... it's perfect! I am a genius! ! ’

‘Well, it’s just that some areas need to be improved, if they don’t discuss what I should do... It seems that after the end, I will ask Luo Ya to spread the news, but I don’t know if she wants to...’

"Eh~! Really, there is an agency chief here? Really or fake."

"Of course it's true. I heard it from Xiaoli's friends. It's absolutely true!"

"Well, what about the acting director? Isn't he handsome? Do you have a girlfriend? What is the relationship with our director? I heard..."

Turning the corner, Zhou Jiang saw two girls sitting on the chairs next to the beverage vending machine in the corridor in front of them. They were just discussing topics...

Zhou Jiang is a little embarrassed, this is too fast!

Dog day, just now I was worried that no one knew that I was here, and I wanted Luo Ya to deliberately spread it. As a result, after such a short time, the news came here? !

Wouldn't everyone know it now?

And... Nima's, what the **** is going to be discussed later!

Corrupted inexplicably? !

What the hell, I haven't done anything yet...Is my reputation going bad?

"...Well, yeah!"

Mr. Fei was also a little embarrassed. The two female apprentices discussed what was really... insulting!

Especially, Zhou Jiang himself was here, and he happened to be heard!

It's... it hurts your face!


In an instant, the scene fell silent, and the expressions of the two female apprentices who were sitting there laughing and talking with drinks changed suddenly.

"...Fee...Good Mr. Fei! Good Mr. Owner! I...Let's go busy!!"

One of the girls with short hair and ears, who had been the main seller of corruption before, pulled another girl with shoulder-length hair and ran away.

I really didn't look at it...

After the two girls left, Zhou Jiang and Mr. Fei still stood there, without speaking.


Mr. Fei opened his mouth and turned to look at Zhou Jiang, but he stopped before he finished speaking. Finally, he gave a long sigh and patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder, "Look a little bit..."


Zhou Jiang looked at Mr. Fei speechlessly. Are you comforting me?


Zhou Jiang followed Mr. Fei for more than two hours, and finally transferred the entire gym, of course, including those parts of the living quarters.

When they were turning around, they didn't stay too much time anywhere. Mr. Fei just explained to Zhou Jiang what it was for, and Zhou Jiang also remembered it for a while and left there.

It’s worth mentioning that in the process of getting acquainted, they can meet female students and ordinary workers from time to time along the way. Of course, there are also many male students, but in comparison, there are no women. Come a lot.

Every time they met, they would say hello to Mr. Fei and Zhou Jiang. Needless to say, they said that Zhou Jiang must be the "host of the museum". As for the corrupt content, they have not heard it. Perhaps the two students told others about them. Encounter, so they restrained a little, of course, there may be not many rotten women, but Zhou Jiang prefers the former.

After all, Mr. Fei’s previously uncomfortable comfort to him...

He is indeed a person with a story...

"Okay, after the visit, I believe you have some understanding of this place? There is still more than half a day, it should be enough for you to understand this place. I hope that tomorrow you can manage this gym and bring new things to this gym. Vitality."

I talked to Zhou Jiang about Chase. Basically, he said that he was optimistic about him and let him work hard, then he left.

His documents haven't been corrected yet, and it is time he has desperately squeezed out to bring Zhou Jiang out to familiarize himself with the gym.


When leaving, Mr. Fei looked at Zhou Jiang meaningfully and said, "Tomorrow, you have to be prepared~"

Unknown Zhou Jiang watched Mr. Fei leave. After thinking about it for a while, he didn't think about it, so he didn't think about it. After a long breath, he sat on the bench.

Leaning on the chair, he was slightly confused.

What a fun day...

Originally came to play the gym, but somehow became the acting master.

Fortunately, Mr. Fei is a good person, or looks like a good person.

To be honest, he had been thinking about it before, for example, he would take this opportunity to take advantage of his agency owner ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then he would take the opportunity to go to the top and so on...

Of course, this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen.

After all, this is just the master of the gymnasium, even if he did that, he would be abolished under the order of the Alliance, and this is a world where strength is respected.

To be the master of the museum, you must first have the strength of the king of heaven. With this strength, you need to grab someone else's gym? Can’t you drive one yourself...

All in all, he has a very good sense of Secretary Fei when he walks down the road. He deserves to be a man who can be a secretary. He has two brushes!

With force at the waist, he got up slightly, glanced at the girls who gathered together not far away to talk and laugh, but their eyes floated from time to time, Zhou Jiang sighed and got up from the chair.

After buying a bottle of Bingkuo on the vending machine next to him, Zhou Jiang walked towards the training ground.

Since there is nothing to do anyway, it is better to see how the apprentices are trained.

After walking around for about ten minutes, he finally found the training room following the map on the wall.

Fortunately, I consciously went to the places I had walked by rote before, otherwise I would really make a joke.

No way, Lu Chi is so embarrassed. Fortunately, his Lu Chi attributes are not very serious. Using his brain, he can still find the right way by following the map.

Of course, the premise is to find the map again after walking a certain distance or take the map with a mobile phone before, otherwise he will get lost again...

When he arrived in the previous training hall, he had just entered, and several students who were close to him found him. After finding that Mr. Fei was no longer by Zhou Jiang, those people stared at him directly.



Isn’t training an elf business? Isn’t it enough for the trainer to be responsible for talking? How should I look at it?

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