I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 601: Gradually dull follow-up


After seeing Zhou Jiang leaving in the video, Mr. Fei also turned off the monitor with a slight smile.

For this result, he can say that he has already guessed it, after all, the strength gap is there.

There is only one thing he did not expect, and that is the process of development.

Originally, he thought there might be a conflict, so he stayed here and stared, so that he could rush to deal with it as soon as possible, but...

Although no sound can be heard, it seems from the image that they should have come out very well. Although not friendly, the distance is far from conflict...

Mr. Fei was a little puzzled.

Li Han is not impulsive? !

Is this still him?

Or maybe someone told him before?

In an instant, a shadow flashed in Mr. Fei's mind.

Mr. Fei furrowed his brows slightly and nodded clearly, "That's why, I said that the kid has such a good temper, and the task that should be completed the day after tomorrow was completed and returned today. It turned out to be her... "


Zhou Jiang turned around and returned to the first training room, which was the team that Bibi Niao was leading.

When he returned there, the apprentices had already trained with Bibi Bird.

In fact, when he went to the last training room to release Shanaido and the others, they were already waiting there. Zhou Jiang had released Bibi Bird before, and when he left, the apprentices on the viewing platform began to come down.

Zhou Jiang simply swept around and found that Li Han and the three of them had already left and were no longer in this room.

Zhou Jiang came to him to sit down in his exclusive position, and then the three Qian Long walked over.

"Fuck, boss, you are too strong!"

The sound comes first before the person arrives.

Zhou Jiang turned his head and found that it was Qian Long and the others, and then looked at Bibi Niao and the others again.

"All right." Zhou Jiang replied lightly.

It's not that he is cold and pretending, but that he really feels indifferent.

Although the strength of Li Han's circle bear is clearly beyond the strength that an average elite high-level trainer should have, for him, that strength is really...the same as if it were not.

According to what Qian Long told Zhou Jiang before, Li Han's circle bear is his strongest elf.

But for Zhou Jiang, this is still too much.

There are two generals, Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo, and ordinary house spirits or trainers can no longer enter his eyes.

For Zhou Jiang now, perhaps the museum owners can be regarded as powerful enemies.

And even if it is the owner of the museum, Zhou Jiang has basically beat them up until now. Although he is attacking the weak, he is the owner of the museum no matter how weak it is, the weakest, not long after he took office. Li Ruobing has the strength of a heavenly king, let alone other people.

The three younger brothers sat down and saw that Zhou Jiang didn't care too much about the victory over Li Han. They didn't look happy at all. They looked at each other, a little confused.

"Boss, what are you... Are you worried about other people?"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang frowned slightly and turned his head to look at Chen Jiahui.

Seeing Zhou Jiang’s expression, Chen Jiahui was overjoyed and quickly said, "Boss, don’t worry, other people probably won’t challenge you anymore. Brother Li is so strong and defeated by yours, even if the others are similar in strength. Someone will come back tomorrow and will not challenge you. As for the brothers and sisters who are much more powerful than Brother Li, they will not be able to come back in a short time!"

After that, Chen Jiahui looked at Zhou Jiang with an inviting look, hoping for Zhou Jiang’s affirmation. Of course, if he could hear Zhou Jiang say, "Release the rest of the elves, I will teach you!" That would be even better...


Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Jiahui calmly.

He was only thinking about when Zhou Nan and the others would arrive, but he came up to Barabala and talked a lot.

Moreover, looking at him like that, he seems to be asking for credit and petting?

"Old... boss?" Chen Jiahui was a little embarrassed.

It would be uncomfortable for anyone to be stared at this way, let alone being stared at by someone he needs to "fuck up".

"Nothing, I'll go around."

Zhou Jiang breathed out, then got up and left here.

Zhou Jiang's situation here did not attract the attention of others.

Although the other apprentices wouldn't come over to chat with Zhou Jiang, but they knew Zhou Jiang's attitude towards Qian Long and them also knew that Zhou Jiang was also an easygoing person.

After a day of contact, they are now letting go, sitting together, chatting and chatting, playing with mobile phones.

"This...what's going on?" Chen Jiahui looked at Qian Long and Zhang Nian with some embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Nianbai gave him a glance.

"This...how do I know this!" Chen Jiahui scratched his head, embarrassed that he "smashed up" the matter, and the temperature of his whole person rose.

"Hey...you are so smart." Qian Long sighed helplessly and patted his shoulder. "You said you, why did you say that in front of the boss? It seems that the boss is afraid of the seniors. And even if you are really afraid, you can't say it face-to-face, so bluntly... Now it's all right..."

After speaking, Qian Long sighed again.


Chen Jiahui smiled bitterly and scratched his head, a little at a loss.

Although he usually has a lot of sorrows, it is only when he talks to acquaintances. In fact, he is still quite introverted and shy.

As for the sense that he can give Zhou Jiang "the chat box can't be closed", it is purely because Qianlong and Zhang Nian are here together.

That's right, all three of these dogs know and are friends.

Qian Long and the two brought him, and there was a "courage" companion, he naturally came here without fear, so he also gave Zhou Jiang a very outgoing feeling.

"What about then?"

Looking at Chen Jiahui, who was a little nervous, Zhang Nian thought for a while and said, "Forget it, just pay attention next time. When the boss comes back, we will change the subject, say more good things, and try to make him happy. Even if he can't get any benefits now. , At least let him remember our third brother~"

Qian Long looked solemn and nodded.

Chen Jiahui also began to nod slightly.


Zhou Jiang is really going to check the status of the elves.

After he left the training room where Bibi Bird was, he came to the training ground where Big Stingle Bee and Tyrannosaurus Ironclad were located.

However, what he didn't expect was that Li Han was discovered here!

He was sitting on the edge, although he was also sitting with some apprentices, but he was in the outlying area, so Zhou Jiang found him at a glance.

Zhou Jiang looked towards the middle of the training ground, and at a glance he spotted his elves-the ring bear!

The circle bear is still very conspicuous. It is learning the strange power skills with the big needle bee. Although the previous battle did not cause it to suffer any serious injuries, it also lost a lot of physical strength.

As for Zhou Jiang's ability to see each other at a glance, it is naturally that its appearance is too eye-catching.

Not to mention the tall stature. Although the wounds pierced by the gravel caused by the previous battle have healed, the patches of black hair cannot be dealt with in a short time.

Zhou Jiang retracted his gaze, but found that Li Han in the distance was waving to his side...

Zhou Jiang hesitated for a while, and then waved his hand.

The other party took the initiative to say hello. Although you are unfamiliar, you can't be too indifferent, right? At any rate, pretend to be pretended.

Seeing Zhou Jiang waved hello, Li Han got up and walked over.

Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, but he hesitated and walked towards him.

Seriously, he doesn't want to communicate with them...

Network, connections, etc.

To be honest, he lacks what is lacking, but what is lacking is not their potential stock...

And it may not be accurate to say that they are potential stocks.

Although his strength is good, he is a little older, if he is a year or two younger, then Zhou Jiang might be interested in them.

And even if it is a potential stock, what Zhou Jiang needs is the potential stock of the children of the big family...

To put it bluntly, what he needs is a backer with strength now, not waiting for the other party to grow up.

growing up? Who is better than a systematic one?

Explode them in minutes!

"Hello, Master, meet again, I am Li Han!"

"..." Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly, but he still stretched out his hand and shook him, "Hello, this is Zhou Jiang."

In other words, is he "recognizing counsel"?

"Sorry, I used to treat a gentleman like a villain before. You are capable and capable..."


Zhou Jiang always looked at Li Han with a smile, but what he said, his left ear went in and out of his right ear.

It sounds so disturbing...

But I have to say that Li Han, a big guy, can't see it, so he talks a lot.

Zhou Jiang didn't say a word, he just said a lot.

He has forgotten how Zhou Jiang left there. When he recovered, he had already left the training room...

He looked back at Li Han among the many apprentices in the training room in a daze.

Standing in place for a while, Zhou Jiang left here in a daze.

Although he didn't know what happened before, he still didn't understand after thinking about it.

It's not a big deal anyway.

He didn't have any impression, indicating that nothing major happened when he was inside. It is estimated that Li Han was talking there by himself. As for he did not answer, it is estimated that there was only "um, ah" or something like that.

He also didn't want to explore what was going on, as long as there were no major issues, such as promised something, he didn't bother to care.

Zhou Jiang shook his head and walked straight to Shanaido and the others.

Sure enough, Ye Jiu and Chen Ting were also there on Shanaiduo's side.

The hoops can continue to train, let alone Menus.

It just consumes a lot of physical strength, so let Shanaido heal the fluctuation with a single shot.

Healing fluctuations is still strong, the milkman's ability is very good, not only can heal wounds, but also can restore a little physical strength to the elves.

Zhou Jiang glanced briefly and found that there was an extra Geng Ghost on the ghost system, but Zhou Jiang hadn't found anyone in the other teams.

After all, so many elves, as long as they are not rare, how can he remember?

If there are more ghosts and super powers, it's okay to say, there are more other attributes, and I can't see it at all...

Zhou Jiang walked in. Chen Ting saw Zhou Jiang coming, her eyes lit up, Limala walked over Ye Jiu.

Seeing Chen Ting and Ye Jiu walking towards him, Zhou Jiang sighed in his heart, and could only pray that they were not like Li Han.


The day of hard training just passed.

As usual, Zhou Jiang massaged the elves and lay on the bed after taking a shower.

He was holding the claw machine and chatting with Zhou Nan in the group.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Zhou Jiang threw the phone aside, and then turned off the lights to go to bed.

He almost knew the news about Zhou Nan and them now.

If they are going to arrive here in G City now, it is probably the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow will be his last day as the agent.

Just after finishing the task, I joined them.

"Xanadu, tomorrow you help me take the big needle bees to train."

‘Well, it’s okay, but master, are you okay? Shanaiduo, who was lying on the other side of the bed, turned over and asked Zhou Jiang.

Although she was connected to Zhou Jiang by a heart link and could speak as long as she felt the heart, she still wanted to look at Zhou Jiang.

"Hey..." Zhou Jiang sighed. "Miss Joey called in the afternoon to ask about my situation. If she doesn't go back and "check in", Miss Joey will log out the room I opened in the Wizard Center. ..."

For the existence of Xanadu, Zhou Jiang has now fully adapted to it.

Without treating her as a "woman", Zhou Jiang still had no discomfort facing her.

The bed in this room that Mr. Fei gave him is quite big, enough to sleep two people. In a relatively small place, Zhou Jiang likes to sleep with a "pillow". As for this larger double bed, Zhou Jiang still likes to sleep alone. ~www.ltnovel.com~ So Xanadu did not turn into a pillow, but fell asleep on the other half.

‘Oh, don’t worry, leave it to me! ’

"Well, trouble you." Zhou Jiang smiled, turned over and looked at Shanaiduo.

Although she couldn't see her specific appearance in the dark, Zhou Jiang still wanted to see her.

After chatting with Xanadu for a while...

"Go to bed, get up early to work tomorrow..."

After shouting, Zhou Jiang turned his back to Shanaido and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Although he woke up every morning holding Xanadu, he still had to sleep with his back to her before going to bed.

The corner of Shanaiduo's mouth raised slightly, and after regaining his power, he closed his eyes gently.


Early the next morning, Xanadu took Zhou Jiang's elves to train, and Zhou Jiang went to the elves center to "check in".

After all, if he doesn't "check in", he will have no place to live tomorrow and will have to open the room again.

And it might leave a bad impression in Miss Joey's heart. This is not what he wants. He also wants to cooperate with the Joey family...

Everything went well. After the "sign-in" was completed, when he returned to the gym, he found something wrong...

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