I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 602: I helped the master ceiling in the morning and went to buy materials at noon, so late.

"What happened?" Zhou Jiang walked in and asked, looking at the customer service lady who hadn't seen it before.

Zhou Jiang's anxious voice turned and looked over.

The person speaking to the customer service girl was a middle-aged man with a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, plus that burly figure, and the tone of voice he had heard before. Zhou Jiang was convinced that this was a "northern man"...

Of course, don't tell me whether it is Northeast, just say he is like it.

"Ah, the curator!"

After seeing the incoming person, the girl at the front desk couldn't help but yelled, then bowed slightly to Zhou Jiang and looked at the big man, and said slightly nervously: "He...he is..."

"Are you the master of the museum?" The big man walked up to Zhou Jiang in a few steps, frowning at Zhou Jiang, "Master Lu abdicated?!"

With that said, the big man looked incredible.


Zhou Jiang was slightly taken aback.

Is this an acquaintance?

Could it be that Lu Feihang came to do the work?

To be honest, before entering the door, he anticipated three situations.

One: He is here to challenge.

Two: He is a relative of the sister at the front desk, but he is a gambler, and then comes to borrow money.

Three: He has friends here, so he has to come to him.

Don't ask Zhou Jianger how he thought of it, he didn't know, this thought popped out in his mind...

But I didn't expect that he would meet the master Lu Feihang.

But... Zhou Jiang is a little bit puzzled. If he knew him, why would he be stopped here by this customer service girl? Moreover, looking at their posture, it seems that the stalemate is not at once, right?

"You are here to find the master Lu, he is not here, I am the acting master, if you have anything to do..."

"Okay, let's fight!" Zhou Jiang was interrupted before he finished speaking.

Zhou Jiang looked at the big man in a daze, "???"

The big man didn't care about the other things, he just looked at Zhou Jiang with some excitement, "Although he is the acting owner, but it is also the owner, so I don't have to run! Since I am the owner, then come and fight with me!"


Zhou Jiang was silent, so this was not an acquaintance of the owner, who came to him, but came to challenge?

Zhou Jiang thought for a moment, then nodded, "Well, since it's a challenge, I can't escape as the agent of the museum, but before you challenged me, did you qualify for the challenge?"

"Hey~" The big man straightened up when he heard the words, and patted his chest with a cool smile: "Don't worry, I'll take it, here."

With that, the big man took out a badge from his pocket.

The badge is made of iron. This is the badge of this ordinary gym.

Of course, this is not a commemorative badge for winning the museum owner, but a badge obtained after winning the battle against the apprentices.

After winning the apprentice, you can get this kind of ordinary iron badge. If you want to challenge the owner, you need to use this as a voucher. If you fail to challenge the owner, the badge will be returned. You can challenge it next time. If you win If it does, it will be directly "upgraded" to a silver commemorative badge.

According to the regulations, ordinary badge holders can challenge the museum owner twice. If the challenge fails, they must wait two more years before challenging the apprentice before they can compete with the museum owner. This is to prevent everyone from constantly using the museum. Protection measures for this "copy" of the master.

After all, the commemorative badge is still very high. If there are no restrictions, then the people who come to challenge will definitely be a honeycomb.

After all, it is not difficult to win the apprentices. There will definitely be a bunch of people holding the pavilion master elves in frequent battles and falling for the benefit of fishermen.

Zhou Jiang didn’t take it to see, nor asked the customer service girl to check how many times he had challenged him. He just nodded and replied, “In that case, come here at one o’clock in the afternoon. My elf is tired and needs to rest and prepare. ."

"it is good!"

The big man nodded, looked at Zhou Jiang meaningfully and said, "That's fine, then I'll go back and wait, don't let me down when that happens~"


Zhou Jiang narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

After watching the big man leave, Zhou Jiang smiled at the nervous customer service girl and then went in.

Zhou Jiang thought while walking.

By the way, is this person the owner to test me...

Otherwise, at this time, why would anyone come to challenge the gym...

It's almost the league competition, he really doesn't know, besides him, who else wants to challenge the gym...

I can't tolerate him not thinking that way. After all, he was fighting along the way, and basically there was no one to fight the apprentice, let alone directly challenge the owner...

Perhaps it is really concerned about the "tester" that Lu Feihang found?

Although Zhou Jiang didn't know what was the point of doing this if that was the case, he didn't need to think so much at all.

After all, he doesn't know why Lu Feihang wants him to be the acting curator...

Zhou Jiang asked Dahan to go back for this reason.

He doesn't know if the other party is a "tester", but as long as Zhou Jiang is perfect, won't it be?

There is no difficulty anyway, he just needs to play hard.

Although the big needle bees just started training them, Zhou Jiang still wanted them to rest before going to the fight just in case.

Still not careless, after all, what if the car overturns...

It doesn't matter if you win or lose, but he is still greedy for the points and the original fragments.

In the three training rooms, Zhou Jiang walked over and recovered all the elves.

Although the battle basically only requires the big needle bee Shanaido and the barely capable Menas, but just in case, it is better to bring other elves.

And if the big needle bees are taken back, the other elves will not take them back, and continue to take others to practice? It will inevitably be a bit biased, so it's better to take it all back. In this case, the possibility of complaints and dissatisfaction will be much smaller.

After all, don’t worry about worries and inequality, this thing, no matter where it is, as long as it’s not a utopia or a group like humans, then this theorem will always be useful!

No one complained about Zhou Jiang taking back the wizard.

One is that they dare not show it, and the other is that at this stage, they are actually able to train themselves for a while after being separated from Zhou Jiang's elves.

In addition, Zhou Jiang still had a "Challenge Owner's Challenge" to play, which made them excited.

The news of the agent owner should not be spread, so after excluding those who "steal the chicken" while the real owner is away, those who come to challenge the owner at this time are most likely the king of heaven, and there are Certainly of strength.

Although they don't think Zhou Jiang can win in their hearts, they are still very excited.

Whether you can win is one thing, and whether there are games to watch is another thing!

And as the saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

The skills they learned here in Zhou Jiang, can't they just be able to see the actual effect from Zhou Jiang's next battle?

Although the skills vary with the elves' strength, release, use, etc., they can still easily see how they are.

After all, they are all elite-level trainers. Most of them have been trainers for five or six years. If you can't see this, then die...

They didn't use the external plug-in like Zhou Jiang to climb up, but they climbed up step by step!

The trainer's knowledge and foundation are much stronger than Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang relied on the strength of the elves and some simple understandings of elves in the previous life. If you compare the general elves of the trainer, survival in the wild, analysis of herbs, etc., etc., complex and huge knowledge. , Then Zhou Jiang must be incomparable to those high school students who have not graduated yet.

And maybe he can't even compare to some junior high school students...

After all, they have been learning since childhood!

Starting from kindergarten, children will come into contact with the docile elves of very relatives specially tamed by the Alliance, so that children can have a good impression of elves from an early age and begin to understand them gradually.

When they enter elementary school, the children will start to learn professional knowledge.

The primary school curriculum is very simple.

Chinese, mathematics, physical education, these three subjects are regarded as main subjects, and other simple wizard knowledge, music, etc. are regarded as minor subjects.

As for the simple knowledge of elves, they are all learning the basics of some basics, such as attributes and other things.

No matter when and what the world, Mandarin and mathematical operations are necessary, so you must start from elementary school, and if you want to be a trainer in physical education, you must have a strong body, so this is the most important lesson in the curriculum. .

In Zhou Jiang's previous life, Chinese and mathematics courses robbed physical education. This world?

It doesn't exist. It's good that physical education doesn't dominate Chinese and mathematics.

Once the school organizes to go to work in the countryside and other places or camp outside the city, the Chinese and mathematics will be cold when the physical education class can be made up at the end.

In this world, when in school, foreign languages ​​are not set up in the main class, and in China, there is no such thing as an English course below high school.

When I was in elementary school, I majored in Chinese, mathematics, and physical education. Even after the beginning of junior high school, the knowledge of elves and physical education became the only main subjects.

The number of languages ​​has become a side course.

After all, this world still depends on the strength of the elves after all.

Demand determines the market.

Language and mathematics is enough as long as you are not illiterate, unless you choose your direction after entering high school, otherwise, you can put it away.

In high school, although the foreign language course has been added, it is still optional.

Most people don't know how to go abroad, so it's better to learn more about elves.

After learning English, you can be a translator if you learn it well. Although it is also a popular profession, it is far behind the wizard trainer. After all, the profession of translator is popular because of the trainer.

Many senior trainers do not speak foreign languages, so if you want to go abroad to participate in competitions, you need to use translators. For this simple reason, translators are popular. Otherwise, how could it become popular?

In this world, it revolves around elves.

Talented people will definitely not miss being an elf trainer. Others who are not talented also want to be rich, because they can become trainers only when they are rich!

As for those who work part-time, unless they are the senior management of a large company, that's it. Otherwise, their money can't even cultivate elves, so they can only live the lives of ordinary people.

May I ask, who is really willing to be an ordinary person instead of an elf?

Especially this world.

Go to games, play leagues, go on TV.

Isn't this cool? !

(Don't doubt the water, pave the way behind)


Although Zhou Jiang took back the elves and let them rest, the apprentices still let their elves continue to train.

The elves of Zhou Jiang, who should be taught, are almost done.

Practice if you can remember, practice more if you can’t remember.

Moreover, they are now practicing on their own, and when they find out the shortcomings, they can still let Zhou Jiang continue to give pointers after finishing the afternoon.

If they pass this village, there will be no store, so they cherish this world exceptionally.

The trainers sent their mouths and the elves snapped their feet.

They were laughing and playing with mobile phones, and the elves were training hard and thinking about their own shortcomings. They were using their hands and brains...

Until 12:40 in the afternoon.

Zhou Jiang was waiting for the arrival of the big man at the venue specially used by the museum owner, and the apprentices were already ready, all sitting in the upper rows of auditoriums watching.

The venue dedicated to the owner of the museum is different. The materials used in the venue are all high-end goods. Even the place to watch the game is unusually large, and there are seats...

At about 12:50, the big man came.

The referee is Mr. Fei, who has always been the "Queen Referee" of the museum owner.

Although the master Lu Feihang is not here, he still wants to come.

Mr. Fei was wearing a referee uniform with a red and a green flag in his hand. He looked at the two of them, "Are you ready for both sides?"

"All right."

"no problem."

Zhou Jiang and Dahan both responded.

"Very good, then the next battle, initiated by the challenger Huang Bingqi against the museum owner Zhou Jiang, with the commemorative badge of the gymnasium as a bet, the rules of the game are as follows. The game is conducted in 6V6 between both sides. During the battle, the challenger can change the elves. It cannot be replaced, the space range of the battle is..."

Zhou Jiang glanced at the big man, but he did not expect his name to be Huang Bingqi.

After Mr. Fei read the rules, Zhou Jiang and Huang Bingqi took out the pokeball and held them in their hands at the same time.

The rules of the game didn't say who would play the elves first, so it is assumed that both sides play at the same time.

Everyone still has this kind of tacit understanding. The two threw the poke ball at the same time, the two poke **** exploded in the air, and the two elves appeared on the field.

Zhou Jiang's elves are still the same ~www.ltnovel.com~ The head of the line is the big needle bee.

Shanaiduo used her once after evolving to its final form before, but Zhou Jiang still felt that Big Needle Bee used her to make it easy.

After all, after getting used to using it for the first time, I am really not used to using Xanadu...

As for the elf facing Huang Bingqi, it is a strange force.

Hmm... After seeing Huang Bingqi's expression, Zhou Jiang understood what he was thinking.

Go to the ordinary gymnasium, use the fighting spirit, and then see the flying needle bee...

He definitely wanted to do it through attribute restraint, but he didn't expect that Zhou Jiang, the agent of the pavilion owner, didn't need to use a normal system...


"Fuck! Why can you use insect-type elves in normal gymnasiums!" Huang Bingqi shouted with an incredible expression looking at the big needle bee flying in the air.

Zhou Jiang smiled slightly: "Because I am Xinyue 3~"

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