I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 603: The battle begins, Shawarang!

"Come back, weird power!"

Huang Bingqi's face twitched slightly, and he whispered softly, "Don't think that I can't help it if it's not a normal type, it's just a big needle bee!"

"Go, Shawarang!"

Shawarang has a strange appearance, brown all over, and some khaki. The whole looks like Xing Tian with his head beheaded...

Its hands and feet each have a spring shape, which is very flexible and can be freely stretched. There is no mouth, the eyes are very deep, the edges are black, and the pupils are white, which looks a little scary. There is a hard yellow object on the inside of each foot.

And interestingly, Shawarang is all male!

Its degenerate Bal Lang has three evolutionary types, the ghost of boxing Abby Lang, the ghost of kicking Shawarang, and a Kobo Lang who Zhou Jiang doesn't know what title...

By chance in the previous life, Zhou Jiang found the information of one of them on Baidu. The gender column actually read "XXX only has males, and there is no corresponding female Pokémon paired with it"!

Feeling interesting, he went to find the other three, and found out that the four elves, including Bal Lang, were all male...

So the question is, how did the male Bal Lang family reproduce...



Zhou Jiang shifted his gaze from Shawarang to Huang Bingqi, and raised his brows, "Just a big needle bee? Tsk tusk~"

Zhou Jiang shook his head and sighed: "I hope you can say it so hard by then..."

"Big Needle Bee, point the gun!"

Since he changed the elves, he didn't need to wait for him to attack first, and planned to give him some color.

Zhou Jiang heard Huang Bingqi's "sarcasm", and there was no reason why the more sensitive Big Needle Bee couldn't hear it.

Although it is now very Buddhist, it has nothing to pursue other than to become stronger and bring victory to Zhou Jiang, but it is still a bit angry to be ridiculed by it.

Moreover, Zhou Jiang also let it do it directly, so it has "full firepower"!


A sonic boom appeared behind Big Needle Bee, and in a blink of an eye, Big Needle Bee appeared in front of Shawarang.

Since it flew straight forward with a spear, and the speed is extremely fast, from where it was originally standing to where it is now, an awl-shaped storm wave appeared in an instant, and the squally wind was raging around. Floating, smoke and dust flew up suddenly.

Shawarang is not low-level, he is about to reach the middle rank of the king.

Although the Big Needle Bee is fast, it is impossible to fight with all its strength after all, unless it is fighting against the elves that are also very strong in the high-order or middle-order of the king, otherwise it will basically not use its full strength.

After all, if you accidentally killed the opposite side, it would be terrible.

Even if it is not killed, but it is not good to destroy the bones and internal organs on the other side.

It’s okay if the bone is broken, as long as it is not crushing, it can be recovered, if the internal organs are broken, then the game is over, then the vengeance is forged...

Shawarang is a fighting spirit with the title of "Kicking Ghost". Its two legs and hands can stretch like springs. With proper training, its legs can hit a long distance, and it can change at will. .

Although Huang Bingqi's Sawarang can't do that level, the weakened version is still possible.

As a fighting spirit, the most important thing is not other, that is dynamic vision!

The elves of the melee system must have excellent dynamic vision, otherwise there will be embarrassing situations such as being unable to hit the enemy and being unable to avoid attacks.

After all, they are melee-type elves, so they always rush to attack...

Of course, this is not to say that those elves who attack from a long distance don't need dynamic vision, it just requires elves who are not melee high.

Although the Big Needle Bee is not full, but its strength is there, its speed is not slow, and it still uses a shave, even if it is not full, no one can react.

Shawarang just barely saw the movement of the big needle bee.

It knew it could not defend it and counterattacked, so it immediately thought of running away and avoiding it at the beginning.

It must be too late to dodge it by a large margin, so you can only take a gamble, spot the opponent's attacking part and avoid it before attacking!

Its spring-like legs can stretch quickly, and the speed is very fast.

After all, it's not about running itself, but quickly stretching the knees to cause changes and displacements in the body.

When the Big Needle Bee appeared in front of Shawaran, its body "jumped" out.

Seeing that the knee like a rubber tube suddenly stretched, Shawarang's body flew directly up.

The big needle bee's spear was sent forward, and Shawarang's knee bent and circled flexibly, directly avoiding the big needle bee's attack.

The Big Needle Bee hit the air with a single blow. The force did not contain it and he wanted to continue to rush forward. Shawarang saw this as an opportunity and wanted to take this opportunity to counterattack it, so he did not retract his leg and stayed away from here, but controlled the big The long legs swept over the big needle bee.

However it is still too naive.

Do you really think that Zhoujiang's big needle bee is at the same level as those in the wild?

It’s just that it hasn’t seen Shawarang before, so how can it be known that it can play like this! So the little one suffered a dark loss, and now it wants to attack the big needle bee?

That's really boring.

If it leaves, the Needle Bee will really have no way to use it this time, and if it attacks...

As soon as Big Needle Bee's heart opened, it directly avoided its attack, and then suddenly applied force, the strange force was directly lifted and then smashed against its spring knee.


Shawarang screamed, and his body in the sky was torn down directly.

The big needle bee smashed against Shawarang’s rubber legs with a strange force. The place where it was hit, it flew straight ahead under the force of a huge force, while Shawarang in the sky did not prepare for the rubber legs. There was no stretching over there, so I was taken directly down.

It's like a sweeping leg from behind, the legs fly forward, the center of gravity disappears, and then the body above will naturally fall backward.

Shawarang is also pathetic.

Originally, its rubber legs are difficult to fly out like this. After all, long and tough, it can withstand a large part of the power, plus the power of its own leg muscles. If you change it to other elves , Even if it is a strange power etc., it won't make it like this, but it encounters a big needle bee that is higher than its strength and has an instant burst of strange power...


Seeing this change, Huang Bingqi's face changed, and he shouted loudly.

Seriously, Zhou Jiang can’t understand, what good is it for you to shout at this time...

Is it possible that Shawarang could not fly again?


However, the "miracle" did not happen, and Shawarang smashed the ground firmly.

The site made of advanced materials and reinforced with such a blow was directly smashed out of a big hole, and Shawarang also convulsed to the ground...

As for its legs that had been smashed by the needle bee before, it did not continue to fly forward.

It was dropped by its body, it can't fly if it wants to fly...

Shawarang lay motionless on the ground, if it weren't for this twitching from time to time, Zhou Jiang would have thought it was dead...

Huang Bingqi kept calling Shawarang's name, and Mr. Fei was also staring at Shawarang.

In combat, you don’t have to beat the opponent into circles, unless you are hit by hypnosis or you use sleep, otherwise, as long as the opponent is “not moving,” whether it’s frozen or being beaten into a coma, he doesn’t wake up within the specified time. If there is any sign, then you will be sentenced to lose.

After all, "lost the ability to fight" and can no longer move. Isn't this also a loss of ability to fight?

When the silly thing fought the first alliance, the fire-breathing dragon was still sentenced to lose because of the loss of the will to fight...

Suddenly, the big needle bee moved and flashed a distance to the side. At the moment it moved, Shawarang, who was lying on the ground as if dead before, moved suddenly.

The long legs lying on the ground directly flicked towards the location where the big needle bee was before.

However, because the Needle Bee flew a certain distance before, Shawarang made a direct hit.

Although it is empty, Shawarang has no extra thoughts about anything else, because the big needle bee is flying towards it!

The sneak attack was unsuccessful, and he had to be beaten back. Shawarang was immediately stunned, and quickly retracted his long legs and got up to fight.

It is not to fight for the frontal rigidity of the needle bee, but to find a chance to survive the attack of the needle bee...

There is no way to hide, and the preparation is not enough. It's just luck...

When the flightless elves face the chase of the flying elves, the non-flying elves basically can't run away if the gap is small, and now the gap between the two...tsk.

"Shawarang, kick with a million tons!"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang looked at Huang Bingqi in surprise.

At this time, give the order to attack? Could it be that my brain was drawn...

The power gap between Shawarang and Stylus was so wide, and this was obviously a prepared attack by Stitch bee, and Shawarang got up hastily.

If you don't let Shawarang take any tricks and evade, it's fine, you want to attack?


Zhou Jiang feels fascinated. Anyway, he doesn't know what the other party thinks...

But... speaking of it.

He doesn't seem to understand Big Needle Bee, right?

So far, Big Needle Bee has only made some strange attacks, but maybe he thinks this is just an accident or coincidence?

In other words, he doesn't know that Big Needle Bee is actually much better than his Shawarang, but he just thinks that the two are just between them?

If you think about it this way, it's very possible!

It is estimated that he incorrectly estimated the strength of both sides, so he gave this order.

When Zhou Jiang thought about it, the Big Needle Bee had already arrived in front of Shawarang, and Shawarang chose to obey the orders of his trainer and kicked the Big Needle Bee towards the Big Needle Bee using a million-ton flying kick.

Unfortunately, however.

Attack at this time is completely out of time!

In a normal state, the Big Needle Bee can hardly hit it in close combat!

Although the Big Needle Bee is also using skills to prepare for an attack, after training, it can also draw on paper while using skills.

Fortunately, it can fly. It is considered a "flying department". It has some talents in this area. Although it is still difficult to continue exercising after learning paper painting, it is not too difficult to learn.

And even without paper painting, Shawarang's power is not as strong as that of Big Sting Bee, and it is the one who suffers from the fight.

As soon as the paper painting was opened, Shawarang's legs swept across and flew the Big Needle Bee. The Big Needle Bee slightly changed its direction. While avoiding the attack of Shawarang, it continued to fly towards it at an unabated speed. go with.

The speed of the big needle bee is very fast.

Shawarang had only one chance to attack, or to prepare to defend against the attack of the Needle Bee, but it chose to attack...

And it's a pity that the offensive has failed. Needle Bee hides in the past, and the speed hasn't decreased much.

It can be said that the opportunity for Shawarang to persist in the end was also lost by it.

If you choose to defend, you can continue to sustain it, not to mention defeating the Sting Bee, at least it can consume its physical strength, and now...

With the legs still keeping the kicking motion, the Big Needle Bee has already arrived in front of it, and Shawarang, who opened the empty door, directly ate the strange power of the Big Needle Bee.

The Big Needle Bee spear was held high and hit it directly.


With a loud noise, smoke and dust rose in an instant.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the extra letters in the system email, his mouth slightly cocked

"Shawaran loses the ability to fight. Please change the elf."

The smoke and dust fell, revealing the deep pit and the shawarang who was braving in circles.


After recovering, Huang Bingqi slapped his tongue and took back Shawarang.

Similar to what Zhou Jiang guessed.

Huang Bingqi was aware of the original strength of the needle bee, so he felt that the needle bee should be of the same level as his Shawarang, which allowed it to attack directly, but unexpectedly, the needle bee escaped inexplicably !

Obviously using skills...

When maintaining the skills with mind and mind~www.ltnovel.com~ evasion inevitability will be reduced, he has spotted this, and he believed in his own Sawarang, so he let it attack, but he still avoided it. !

Just avoid it. Originally, if the Big Needle Bee and Shawarang were the same as he guessed, then even if Big Needle Bee was close, Shawarang could use his source to defend.

Moreover, Shawarang would be able to fight in close quarters, and he could wait for the chance to give Big Needle Bee a chance to do so.

All thoughts were good, but... As a result, after this time, Shawarang was gone!

All the plans after and after, all died...

"Niang Xipi, this thief must have hidden the aura of Big Needle Bee, otherwise, how could it be so much worse!" Huang Bingqi muttered.

"Challengers please release the elves as soon as possible." Mr. Fei yelled at Huang Bingqi, seeing that Huang Bingqi had not released the elves after taking back Shawaran.

Hearing the referee's reminder, Huang Bingqi recovered his mind, and then took a poke ball from his waist and threw it out.

"Flaming Monkey, you go!"

A monkey who looked like "Wukong" braving flames and wearing armor appeared on the field.

Zhou Jiang looked at it, good guy, his level is close to the high-ranking king.

Although not reached, it is not far away.

Zhou Jiang estimated that this should be his trump card.

But Flaming Monkey? It's not that I haven't played it.

Had a fight with Lu Fei, the master of the fire department gymnasium who was playing with fire, and the Big Needle Bee hit his flame monkey. Now it can be said that he is experienced.

When playing with fire, Zhou Jiang believes that Lu Fei is absolutely complete with Huang Bingqi in this regard.

The mere flaming monkey is nothing to worry about!


Zhou Jiang has some doubts, is this really a test?

Is it really just a simple challenger...

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