But a monkey is a monkey.

Although there was no time to reverse direction and make effective defense in mid-air before, its flexibility and so on are not covered.

Hardly resisting the blow of the big needle bee, after landing, it jumped out directly with hands and feet.

It's also impossible for the Big Needle Bee to keep driving. Because of the smoke and dust, the Big Needle Bee did not see it jump out, and the spear directly hit the place where the Flame Monkey in memory fell.

However, the Flame Monkey just jumped out. Although it was not far away, the attack of the Big Sting Bee was also skewed.

But it does not matter if it is crooked.

The powerful attack force broke the ground again, rock fragments splashed, and the sharp rock flew directly towards the flame monkey.

There is no time for the flame monkey to react, this is almost an instant.

It jumped out, the big needle bee hit it, and the rock fragments collapsed and flew, which happened in an instant.


Three or four sharp gravels hit the unsuspecting back, and it screamed in pain.

If you are prepared, it won’t be like this. After all, you can get to this level and you will have to suffer a lot of beatings. Even if it hurts no matter how much it hurts, it’s probably just a hum, but the key is that it is not prepared. Under the circumstances, it can be imagined.

There is more than this effect if there is no defense against the back.

Caught off guard, it was instantly unbalanced when it was running, and its upper body dumped toward the ground.

Fortunately, it reacted quickly. After a donkey rolled on the spot, it got up and ran again.

It dare not stop now.

From the previous contact and collision, it knew that the strength of the Big Sting Bee was not weak, and the lowest was comparable to it.

At this time, if it stops and is entangled and attacked by the Big Needle Bee, it is likely to be dragged by the Big Needle Bee, and then fall into a whirlpool unable to get out.

If the elves of the same level play against each other and everything else is similar, once one of the elves is caught in a disadvantaged position and then dragged into the vortex, then it is very likely that the winner will be divided.

The Flame Monkey felt that it could be close to the Big Needle Bee. It was only a momentary carelessness, but now, it doesn't want to continue to be passive.

The big needle bee did not catch up.

It's not that it didn't want to chase it, but that the Flame Monkey sprayed flames and blocked it.

Although it can be avoided or disperse, if it catches up like that, it is no longer safe and it is likely to be countered.

The best time to pursue has been lost!

But it doesn't matter, some of the big needle bees slowly consume time.

It is absolutely suppressing the opposite, and now it is intact, but the flame monkey is injured. Although it does not have a big impact, it is always beneficial to the big needle bee who has no injuries.

In this state, the flame monkey will slowly reduce its physical strength even if it does not move. It is the flame monkey that drags it down. The big needle bee only needs to slowly find the opportunity to start.

The Flame Monkey successfully escaped from the chase of the Big Needle Bee, but after the Big Needle Bee adjusted its direction, it slowly circled the Flame Monkey.

After seeing that the Flame Monkey was safe, Huang Bingqi no longer planned to take it back, and silently put the Elf Ball back on the dribble around his waist.

After the two sides confronted each other for a while, Huang Bingqi couldn't stand it first, and shouted: "Flaming Monkey, Flashing Flame Charge!"


The Flame Monkey had long been impatient, but because of the previous losses and the lack of the trainer's orders, some were afraid to step forward. Now Huang Bingqi issued the order, it rushed forward without any haste!

Flash Charge can be said to be the ultimate skill of the Fire Element. Exclusive skills are not included. Except for overheating, fire-breathing, and burst burning, it is the most powerful skill in the Fire Element.

Although some damage will bounce back after the attack, it is a trick that hurts the enemy 1,000 and hurts 800, but this trick is still very powerful and very popular among players.

If Flash Charge will reduce physical strength once it is used, it is not good, but it does not reduce physical strength if it does not hit the target!

After hitting the opponent, even if it rebounds a little damage, there is no problem. After all, the damage index is as high as "120", the power is definitely not low, and with good luck, it can also make the opponent burn.

The flame above the head of the blazing monkey jumped quickly, and almost instantly, the flame covered its whole body.


It rushed towards the Big Needle Bee faster than before with a sonic fist, carrying a fiery flame.

This is the revenge of the Flame Monkey!

The flame is like the anger of a flaming monkey, burning more and more!

Seeing that the offensive of the flame monkey was so fierce, the needle bee "counseled" directly.

It didn't follow it rigidly, and flew up into the sky with a rapid pull.

Before the game, the size of the playing field was stipulated, and there were some rules to judge the sky above the playing field, and now the big needle bee is not out of the range, so it is not a foul.

As for you, the Flame Monkey can't hit anyone with a big move?

Does that have anything to do with me?

Is it possible that I will stand up and give you a fight...Isn't it your own problem to fail to fight? shame? Cavaliers generally play fair? Could it be Shabi?

Anyway, Zhou Jiang would not be ashamed of this.

Fairy battle, how practical and how to come, who would play the knight game with you, if you chop me, I will give you a blow...

The big needle bee flew up. It was a high enough position. With the ability of the flame monkey, although it could jump to it, it became a living target if it jumped up...

The Flame Monkey stared at the big needle bee flying in the sky with a bit of a daze.

How to play this?


The fire elves have a violent temper, and the big needle bee gave it such a shot. In an instant, the flame monkey puffed up and opened its mouth to be a fiery flame.

As soon as the big needle bee saw and heard the color opened, it steadily avoided the three or four pillars of fire attacked by the flame monkey.


Huang Bingqi was a little anxious, suddenly raised his head and stared at Zhou Jiang, but said nothing.

Although a little shameless, there is no foul.

He climbed to the level of the king of heaven, and he has experienced countless battles. This kind of reliance can fly, and the opponent can't fly. When the opponent uses big moves to fly to the highest point to avoid, he has naturally experienced it, even he Have played like this.

But that was before!

That was when the strength was still low!

Now it's the king of heaven, who is still playing like this, how about face?

Is it so shameless!

He was a little depressed, and he really encountered a strange flower. This was really the first time he saw a trainer at the level of the king who dared to play this way.

He has also fought a lot at the level of the King of Heaven. Other people are all face and skin. Especially in this kind of battle where many people are watching, everyone is relatively "gentleman", how could such a "rogue"... …

However, a rogue is a rogue, but it is indeed a good way.

Often many effective methods are extremely rogues. For example, when hitting flying spirits, they drill a hole to hide and then probe out to attack from time to time...

Is this rogue?


But is it foul?

This is not foul!

While not fouling, it is also very easy to use. After all, the flying elves are not earthquake-proof...

Of course, it can also be used in the face of other elves that don't have earthquakes or are weak, but you need to be careful, like a big needle bee...

On the surface, it doesn't quake...well, indeed, it can’t learn earthquakes, but it can do similar effects.

Directly smashed the strange force on the ground, even the hall owner, this specially made, heaven-level elf battle field can be smashed, what an earthquake is.

Although there is no ground attribute energy contained in it, the damage caused is not comparable to the real earthquake skills, but there is still twice the damage to the elves under the ground, even if there is no ground attribute energy in it, it can cause considerable damage. Up.

"Flaming Monkey, calm down, don't be impulsive!"

Huang Bingqi calmed down and reminded the Flame Monkey.

The strength of his heavenly king was not given in vain, and his mood was naturally there.

It's impossible for the big needle bee to hide in the sky for a lifetime, it will always come down, and what's the use of being impatient? It is better to calm down and wait slowly.

At Huang Bingqi's reminder, the Flame Monkey immediately calmed down. Although he still grinned and roared at the Big Needle Bee, he didn't use any skills.

Its previous flashing charge has also dissipated, after all, it consumes energy to drive...

Seeing that the other side calmed down, Zhou Jiang didn't have much room for manipulation. After thinking about it, he said, "Forget it, Big Needle Bee, go on."

At this time, he can't think of any awesome tactics, he is just a little clever, he usually has some small ideas.

He could think of some trivial tactics, but he couldn't carry the banner at this time.

Zhou Jiang, who didn't know how to make it, could only let it play freely.

After all, compared to his command, the elves' combat intuition was actually more acute.

The big needle bee nodded, its wings flicked, and it accelerated in an instant to perform "acrobatics" in the air.

Seeing the big needle bee moved, the flame monkey's eyes lit up instantly, staring at the big needle bee flying above.

The big needle bee got closer and closer to the flaming monkey. Although the flaming monkey fired several jets of flame during the period, they were all avoided by the strange and disorderly flight of the big needle bee. After a few attempts, the flaming monkey gave up It's a long attack, ready to wait until it's put in.


A muffled noise and a cloud burst flashed past, and the Big Needle Bee attacked straight towards the Flame Monkey.

The big needle bee was on top of the flame monkey at this time, and the spear was pointed straight at the flame monkey below, rushing towards it like an awl.

The Flame Monkey grinned.

The big needle bee has been flying on it, making it very upset, it can't hit it, it's slippery like a mud loach, it will predict and hide after the skill is hit, it's just snake skin!

To give vent to depression, the flame monkey opened his mouth and a thick flame flew towards the big needle bee.

The fact that the flame monkey escaped without opening the sight and hearing color before, so now the big needle bee turned on the sight and hearing color directly.

The flame monkey's every move was under its gaze, and when it raised its head and opened its mouth to gather energy, the Big Needle Bee had discovered it.

After driving on seeing and hearing colors, its brain is abnormally active. After concentrating, watching the flame monkey is like watching slow playback. With this big advantage, how can it hit the big needle bee?

Of course, the purpose of the Flame Monkey is not to attack the Big Sting Bee, it can hit the best, and it doesn't care if it can't be hit. Fire breathing is just a way for it to vent its boredom and increase its fighting spirit.

After the flames sprayed out, the worries and other negative emotions also dissipated. The Flame Monkey looked at the big needle bee that struck in battle, without any fear, shouted, and then shook his fist!

Flame fist!

The skill used by Big Needle Bee refers to the gun, which breaks the surface with a point. In comparison, the Big Needle Bee has the advantage.

In the case of a collision, if the strength between the two is similar or the needle bee side is stronger, then the fist of the flame monkey is likely to be directly pierced by the spear of the needle bee!

If one is bad, the bones can break it.

Of course, Big Needle Bee will be merciful, and the weight-carrying training of the gravity ring is not a joke. Even Zhou Jiang can't describe the degree of control of Big Needle Bee.

Although he hadn't tried it, Zhou Jiang felt that it should be easy to poke a hole in the egg shell with a finger gun without puncturing the film inside.

Zhou Jiang let it do it on its own, and Big Needle Bee's understanding is a quick fight.

That's why it started "flurrying" directly after Zhou Jiang finished speaking.

It liked the "assault" tactics that Zhou Jiang taught it.

The so-called "assault tactics", literally understood, are tactics of sudden attacks.

Just like before, slowly and irregularly flying on it, when the opponent has adapted to its speed ~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly an accelerated attack, which can often hit the opponent by surprise.

Although it may only be a moment, but the speed of the Big Needle Bee and the full shave can determine the outcome even in that moment!

Not afraid of the thief stealing, I am afraid that the thief is thinking.

Only the thief the day before yesterday, there is no anti-thief a thousand days.

Secretly accumulating energy suddenly violently attacks, it is naturally impossible for the opposite side to keep accumulating energy and preparing, and once the reaction is slow, the accumulating energy is slow, then when the two sides collide, the big needle bee has the advantage!

Of course, this tactic requires some conditions.

For example, it is facing an elf that can't fly, and it needs to learn to be domineering and cultivate to a certain extent, and the opponent also does not want to attack far because of various reasons, so it plans to stop after a few attacks...

Although it seems that the conditions are a bit harsh, but that's actually the case. Big Needle Bee only needs to make sure that the opponent meets the third condition.

Of course, tactics are not always successful.

Like this time, the Flame Monkey obviously missed the move, but although it didn't, the Big Needle Bee is not bad.

Its power is stronger than that of the Flame Monkey.

At most, it is just a little more effort when attacking.

The Flame Monkey did not jump up and attack.

It's been fought before, and it can't exert its power in mid-air, so this time it's better to attack directly on the ground!

Within a second, the spear of the Big Needle Bee collided with the flame-flaming fist of the Flame Monkey.

With this blow, the Flame Monkey was obviously going all out. It is estimated that it will be a trick to determine the victory or defeat. The color of the flame on its fist has turned into a golden orange color, which is obviously compressed...


It's cold, the code can't move... I can't get out after hiding in the quilt...

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