I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 606: Physical attacks and special attacks

Flame fist.

This trick is physical damage in the game, but...

The flame attached to that fist, isn't it considered "magic" damage?

This is the biggest difference between the real world and the game.

Many skills cannot be summed up with a single physics or magic.

Many of them are mixed damage!

It is considered both physical damage and magic damage.

It's like the trick that Zhou Jiang said a long time ago.

Is it physical damage or magical damage?

In the game, it is physical damage, but what about the real world?

Well... also physical damage.

Analyze what counts as physical damage and what counts as magic damage.

According to Zhou Jiang's understanding, physical damage is a pure power attack, while magic damage is a pure energy attack.

Of course, he doesn't know if this is right, but the world is obviously different.

Any skill activation needs to inject energy into it, otherwise, the damage caused is extremely limited.

In this way, it means that there is no physical attack, only magical attack and a mixed attack of both physical and magic?

Of course it cannot be.

For example, the most common [impact] skill, since it is a skill, it must be distinguished from the ordinary impact.

Ordinary impact is simply a collision, while the skill's [impact] requires luck energy, which simply fills the body with energy, and then impacts it out.

It is a simplified version of the sacrificial impact, which means that more energy is injected and the impact speed is faster.

Are impact and body impact "special skills" for magic damage?

Of course not, they are serious physical skills!

So back to the first question, what are physical skills?

Zhou Jiang felt that physical skills were contact skills, but energy was not released.

Of course, contact skills are not necessarily physical skills, and non-contact skills are not necessarily physical skills.

All in all, the classification of skills is a somewhat complicated matter and cannot be figured out simply.

Of course, there is absolutely no way to do it.

Take the skill 怼鬼斯......

Ghosts are immune to physical moves, such as those that hit.

But what about Flame Fist?

Although the game also shows physical moves, ghosts are not immune, because the flames on the fists can attack it.

In the same way, the ones that can't attack it are pure physical skills, and the ones that can be hit are a mix of physical and special.


Back on the court, at this time, the Big Needle Bee and the Flame Monkey finally faced each other head-on again and collided with each other.

This time, the momentum was much greater than the previous collision.

Because it was close to the ground, the shock waves generated by the collision spread toward the surroundings, directly raising the dust on the ground in the air, and instantly covering the big needle bee and the flame monkey.

Of course, the continuous blast of air currents from the smoke and the sound of fighting indicate that their previous fight is not over yet!

Although the collision inside produced airflow from time to time to blow away the surrounding smoke and dust, the fighting inside would also blow up the dust on the ground again, so after a long time, everyone could only hear the sound of fighting inside. As for the result, they Can't see...

After a tense and exciting minute, the voice of the battle gradually became lower until it disappeared.

Everyone's hearts are raised, who won?

Of course, it is also possible that the two elves separated and did not continue to fight. After all, they only fought for a minute, but everyone is more inclined to win or lose.

Zhou Jiang looked at the smoke and dust in the field and smiled slightly.

The email from the system has been sent.

Although it was only one minute, the Big Needle Bee was hitting the Flaming Monkey. This is still not full. Once the full force is used, after the Flaming Monkey has adapted to the power used by the Big Needle Bee, the Big Needle Bee suddenly exerts its strength. It will inevitably be hit hard, and then the winner will be determined immediately.

One minute.

As everyone was eager to see through, the smoke and dust gradually fell, revealing the large needle bees and flame monkeys that were covered in the field.

In the middle of the field, the Big Needle Bee slowly flew in the air. Although there were some burnt marks on its body, especially the spear, it was still standing there!

And the flame monkey, it was lying down on the pitted ground.

The surrounding fields of the Flame Monkey are all potholes, which are caused by the battle of its big needle bees. Although the field is special, it can only appear in the battle of two elves above the middle level of the king. , Its quality is already very good.

Of course, this is because the Big Needle Bee didn't use a strange force to smash it down.

If its strange power goes down, it will definitely be a big hole!


Mr. Fei announced the result of the game, Huang Bingqi took a deep breath and retracted the Flame Monkey.

He was a little confused at this moment.

The flame monkey was defeated, but what about the big needle bee?

It's just that there is an injury on the body and I start to gasp...

Is the gap so big?

Is there another chance...

He didn't know that the stamina of the big needle bee, the flame monkey can beat it to gasp, is already very strong, although it is quick to fight and take the initiative to fight, but it is also very powerful, before it and the elves of other museum owners During the battle, he only started to gasp when he reached the second one.


You say Shawarang?

Shawarang gave that for nothing...

In that battle, Shawarang hardly consumed the stamina of Big Needle Bee to tell the truth, and it was no different from Bai Ge.

The Big Needle Bee flew back to Zhou Jiang, quietly waiting for Huang Bingqi to release the third elf.

Zhou Jiang didn't say anything about the behavior of Big Needle Bee, which consumes a lot of physical strength.

Shanaiduo is already strong now, and Big Needle Bee doesn't need to be as cautious as before. It doesn't matter if he waves.

And now it still has more than half of its stamina, and it won't be a problem to kill another mid-level Heavenly King.

If there is only the first level of the heavenly king on the opposite side, it would be even simpler. It may be possible to kill two or even three.

Of course, the premise is that the big needle bee is not hit.

If you don't get hit, you can still do it with its strong physical strength.

Huang Bingqi's third elf is a three-in-one magnetic monster.

Don't look at the triad of Magneto's race value is only 465, it is only one of the most common elves.

In fact, the three-in-one magnetic monster is also very strong.

First of all, the racial value of its evolutionary self-explosive Magneto is not low, as high as 535!

You know, the racial value of the Yusanjia is also counted. In the Yusanjia circle, the giant marsh monster with the highest racial value is 535!

Moreover, with the attributes of the electric system and the steel system, fighting, ground and fire systems can cause more damage, and the others are basically half the damage!

This is already very awesome, there is nothing else as strong as it...

And it can float in the air. Many ground-based skills can’t hit the sky. For example, large-scale earthquakes and practical digging can’t use it. Fighting systems can’t hit it as long as it flies high. , Almost only the Fire Element and some long-range attacks can be restrained.

It's just against the sky!

Of course, this world seems to have not come out of the self-detonating Magneto, so it is not used by many people if it is a lot weaker.

Although the attributes are strong, the race value is not very good, and the distribution is assigned to the special attack, the defense is not much, and the blood is even less.

Because it is electromagnetically floating, its flying speed is not fast, which makes it easy to become a target. If it does not work hard to train, it will basically kneel in seconds when it encounters a fire spirit.

And its characteristics are truly for nothing.

In addition to the powerful "analysis" of hidden features, the two common features are simply rubbish.

The magnetic force of steel attributes that cannot escape and the solidity that cannot be killed by a single blow...

The magnetism is really nothing, a batch of rubbish, and if it is strong, it will be okay. In the game, it will not be spiked, and the real world will add a little physical defense...

However, the special defense is still rubbish, and the fire elves are still free.

Of course, it has many shortcomings and its advantages are also very good, otherwise no one will practice it.

Common means that the chance of catching rare qualities is high, and the special attack is also popular with many trainers who like recklessness, so its reputation among civilian players is still very good, after all, this guy only needs electricity to eat... …

Although it is also expensive, it is much better than other elves.


"Three in one magnetic monster, lock it!"

As soon as the three-in-one magnetic monster was guarded, Huang Bingqi gave the order.

[Lock], lock the opponent, the skill that can make the next skill must be hit.

Of course, it is said to be a must, but it is not so mysterious, it just increases its vision and thinking ability in a short time.

It can also be blocked with skills, and as long as the speed is fast and the distance is long enough, then the skills of the three-in-one magnetic monster thrown can not control the turn.

Zhou Jiang is also true. At the speed of the Big Needle Bee, even if the three-in-one magnetic monster is locked, it will fail after launching the skill.

It's no joke to see and hear the investigation and shaved running.

"Big Needle Bee, use weird force!"

Although Big Needle Bee is not for fighting, ground, or fire, it can use fighting skills!

Weird power, finger spear and lan are all fighting skills, double restraint, tsk tsk tsk tsk, good news.

Of course, with double restraint, Big Sting Bee will have to restrain its strength even more.

If this is not well controlled, it may really kill the elves...

It itself is made of steel, and if it goes down, it may directly become a pile of scrap iron. How can this be saved...

But...maybe it can be broken into three little magnetic monsters, and then the little magnetic monsters will evolve...

Keke, back to the topic.

"Three in one magnetic monster, triangle attack!"

Speaking of it, the triangle attack is also funny.

This trick should be a fusion attack of one hundred thousand volts, jet flames and freezing rays, but the power has been reduced...

Regardless of whether it is one hundred thousand volts or spraying flames, the value of the skill power is "90", but the triangle attack is only "80"...

Of course, although the damage has been weakened, the probability of a medium state has increased. The probability of a negative state in the original single skill is 10%, while the triangle attack is 20%.

Of course, regardless of the probability, it is the same.

Ninety-nine percent of non-chiefs can't make it, and European emperor can make one percent.

After all, it depends on the face. If the face is not good, all probability is bullshit.

If you are unlucky, drinking water can choke to death...

The three small magnetic monsters of the three-in-one magnetic monster, whose outer magnet part is generally composed of small magnetic monsters, emit light **** of red, yellow and blue. Then, with the aid of the lock, the three color **** of light burst out instantly, a pillar of fire and lightning, Ice line.

Three attacks flew straight towards the Big Needle Bee, extremely fast!

Of course, the attack is naturally unable to escape the sight of the big needle bee.

As long as there are no other factors to interfere with the direction of the attack, then the Big Needle Bee dodge skill is easy.

The three-in-one magnetic monster on the opposite side is locked and can "watch" the Big Needle Bee. If the Big Needle Bee just rushes over and dodges slightly, the three-in-one magnetic monster will definitely change the direction of the skill.

To be on the safe side, the Big Needle Bee didn't play tricks anymore, and directly opened it up. After seeing the short future, it rushed forward.

Locking and seeing the cutting, naturally seeing the cutting is more powerful, and seeing the cutting is launched from behind, it is easy to avoid its attack.

"Three in one magnetic monster, use electromagnetic waves!"

Seeing that the attack failed, Huang Bingqi was not too surprised, and directly asked the three-in-one Magneto to give up the current attack conversion skills.

Compared with the triangle attack, electromagnetic waves are more difficult to dodge~www.ltnovel.com~ Its attack range is very large, even the big needle bee is not easy to hide. Of course, you don’t need to hide, but you need to blast it away. There are some difficulties. Most of the abilities of the Big Needle Bee are melee combat. At that time, if the skills are scattered, it will be paralyzed.

And the only long-range attack skill of Big Needle Bee is just Lan.

The key point is that the habitually used haze is not a crescent blade formed by chopping, but a drill-like attack formed by directly stabbing it out.

Although the lethality is stronger, the attack range is smaller.


Who said it can only attack by stabbing it out?

System skills, after learning Lan, isn’t it the use of skills?

Therefore, the Big Needle Bee will actually activate the Crescent Blade!

It's just that compared to Crescent Blade's Lan, the attack cost is a little less when you click it out.

Zhou Jiang knew this, so he didn't hesitate, and shouted at him: "Big Needle Bee, use Lan to tear up the electromagnetic waves!"


Big Needle Bee understood Zhou Jiang's meaning, nodded, the speed of its forward flight was greatly slowed down, the right spear was raised high, and then with a sharp wave!


A transparent air blade flew towards the three-in-one magnetic monster.

Although the air blade is invisible, you can see the smoke and dust that have been avoided on the field.

The tail-dragging electromagnetic wave and Lan met halfway, no accident, Lan tore up the electromagnetic wave without any hindrance, and then continued to fly towards the three-in-one magnetic monster!


The three-in-one Magneto felt the air blade coming towards him, a little panicked, and it was too late to rest and directly expended his physical strength to break the "stiffness", and sent a hundred thousand volts towards the air blade.


The air blade collided with one hundred thousand volts. After a stalemate for three seconds, a big explosion occurred directly, and the black smoke produced also blocked their sight.

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