I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 617: Staying up late will cause sudden death, so let's stay overnight

When Zhou Jiang and the others rushed to the roller coaster ticket gate, there were already many people waiting there, but it may be because of winter, so there are not too many people, at least they must be able to catch up to the first place. By shuttle.

"Huh~ That's great, I didn't expect it to work." Wang Qingyan patted the slightly bulging breast and took a long breath.

The others were also relieved.

Zhou Jiang was no exception, but he was complained by Wang Qingyan and others just because he was afraid of not catching up by that time, and everyone came out to play happily today, and the door was not open, which was really bad.

"There are still five minutes, everyone go to the queue, don't let people grab it." Lu Ran looked at everyone and said.

They have not passed yet, the ticket gate is still in front, here is just the ticket gate of the roller coaster that just happened to be seen there. They ran all the way from the gate to here, even with their magical physique, they felt a little tired.

When they lined up over there, there were people who really went to the line first, a little earlier than them. They were two people, a man and a woman. It was probably a couple.

However, they just glanced slightly and didn't pay attention. After all, they were just two people, not enough to squeeze them out of the first train, but their journey accelerated.

The roller coaster can make more than 20 people at a time. Zhou Jiang counted them, and now only 19 people are counted. Although it is more than enough now, if there is another small team, it is estimated that they will be squeezed out. .

Said it was a queue, in fact, before they passed, those people were just standing there in twos and threes. After all, there were not many people, and it didn't matter whether they were in a row or not, but after Zhou Jiang and the others came...

In an instant, they started to move. None of the nine people were as many as Zhou Jiang's group, but the speed of their movement was not slow. Before Zhou Jiang and the others passed, they had quickly lined up, just like The group of elementary school students who saw the teacher coming over were average and sparse.

"Eh, is it on?"

Seeing them lined up all at once, Chen Yongan was surprised.

Zhou Jiang shook his head, "I don't know, I guess I'll drive it, I can sit right after I come here, it's okay, luck is good."

"Walk, I want to sit in the first row!" Jiang Shui ran over as he said, and Zhou Jiang and the others could only ran along.

After ten people passed, they felt a lot more in an instant, too, after all, it doubled...Can there be more...

However, they used to be behind them for a minute, and someone came in line behind them, and the team moved without seeing them...

The three girls lined up in front, Zhou Jiang and the others were behind. At this time, Chen Yongan glanced slightly at the line of people in front, and whispered: "It's not open yet? Why did they suddenly line up before..."

Zhou Jiang also tilted slightly to look ahead, and saw that the men and women in line in front were chatting with their companions happily.

"I guess it's because so many of us are coming here, afraid that we will be squeezed out of the first car." Xu Feng groaned and replied.

Zhou Nan smiled and nodded, "Ahaha, after all, ten people are really scary. Every time they walk together, they can attract a lot of people's attention."

Zhou Jiang nodded in agreement, "It is true, especially when you are talking loudly."

As he said, Zhou Jiang took a few steps back, and then picked his eyes to the side, motioning them to look aside.

Looking in the direction indicated by Zhou Jiang, I found that there were really a bunch of people looking here. There was no way, who made Zhou Nan's words so loud...

Obviously Chen Yongan spoke very quietly, but Zhou Nan suddenly became louder after he took the conversation, but Zhou Jiang and the others are already used to it. This guy is a loud voice, and sometimes he yells without thinking. come out.

Several people looked at Zhou Nan, and Zhou Nan smiled wryly, indicating that he would pay attention later.

There was nothing wrong with Zhou Jiang and the others. Those people were just attracted by Zhou Nan’s loud voice. After all, there are so many people here, and there are really no loud talking, even if they talk and laugh with their companions, they are still suppressed. Vocal.

Of course, this so-called lowering of the voice does not mean that they can lower their voice and suppress their own volume, but that they speak with their smallest voice.

Although the results are similar, there are still differences between the two.

One is to lower the sound consciously, and the other is to lower the sound instinctively.

But no matter what kind, this is the embodiment of quality.

Of course, it does not mean that people who speak in a low voice in public are qualified people, but at least a qualified person can speak in a low voice in public, at least not to disturb others.

But like Zhou Nan, you can’t say that he has no quality. After all, whether a person has quality is not something that can be determined. Moreover, his ability to lower his voice after he understands his mistakes is also an expression of quality. It's so careless, I didn't pay attention before.

Moreover, in many cases, it is difficult to clarify the question of "is there any quality?"

Most situations are judged by the individual's impression of other people, and each person's "standard" is different, so it is difficult to make clear what a person's "quality" label is attached to.

After that, with Zhou Nan as a chestnut, even if they were not paying attention, they would subconsciously lower their voices, even though they were not talking loudly before...

After chatting, Zhou Jiang and the others stopped talking and looked forward to the front.

I saw that the staff did not know when they had come to the front, standing by the iron fence locked by chains and big locks.

"Well, the roller coaster pavilion is open, please line up to check the tickets!" After opening the lock, two staff members stood on both sides of the door and shouted to them.

"I'm gone, so we can take the first class, right?" Zhou Nan asked.

"The ghost knows, you can sit and sit, you can't separate, and don't force it." Zhou Jiang replied.

"Yeah." Chen Yongan nodded in agreement, "It doesn't matter if it is divided into two batches. Anyway, you can play all day today. There is plenty of time, but it feels better to be together."

"Yes." Zhou Nan nodded, then did not speak, and turned around. He was in front of the boys. If he was in line, it would be better to look ahead. It would be troublesome if he ran into the person in front of them. Wang Qingyan and others, but they will also be embarrassed.

The ticket check was very fast, almost every two seconds, and it was Zhou Jiang's turn soon.

Wang Qingyan and the three girls have already entered, so they are here.

Zhou Jiang handed out the small ticket that he had taken from the guard at the gate when he came in. The staff picked it up and found the roller coaster among the jealousies above, and then hit it.

After the ticket is bought, all the facilities in the amusement park can be used for free. If you want to play the second time, you need to pay for it. Of course, if you can find anyone who doesn’t want to play this project and can ask him for the ticket , It is also available, the staff will not stop even if they see it, after all, this is a trivial matter, and this amusement park is not opened by the staff...

This is a hidden unspoken rule.

It went well, and Mrs. Lu Ran at the back also walked in.

It's just some "drama". After the three of Lu Ran and the others, it was full after three people came in, and the four people behind them were also together, so I hope Tian Zhengjie, who is at the bottom, can change with them. position.

If he is alone, maybe he will change, but unfortunately, Zhou Jiang and the others are a larger team of ten...

How could it be possible to break up their ten-man team for the sake of their four-man team?

Before, the four Zhou Jiang, Wang Qingyan, and Tian Zhengjie all separated some distances and formed a small team to talk and chat, so they didn’t know they were together. When they learned that ten of them were together, not only The four people were surprised, and even the staff looked at them more.

Of course, after just a glance, the staff stopped paying attention. Although it is not common for ten people to play together, it is not uncommon. The student party organizes groups to play in the amusement park during specific holidays. There are still some medium and large teams. of.

There is no way, knowing that Zhou Jiang and the group of ten people are impossible to separate, and the passers-by in front of Zhou Jiang and others have already got on the car, and the seat belts are being fastened under the guidance of the staff.

Helpless, they can only let the people behind go first, and they wait for the next wave.

Zhou Jiang and the ten of them were all together, gratifying and gratifying, but unfortunately, the front row was gone.

Those who entered in the front sat down in order from front to back.

It's a pity that the front row is gone, but the back is empty, so everyone can sit together.

Looking at the yellow painted roller coaster on the rails, Zhou Jiang was a little imaginary...

Speaking of it, this is his first roller coaster ride. Yes, he hasn't played a roller coaster yet!

He had played the pendulum, pirate ship and the like in his previous life. In the case of roller coasters, he went to the amusement park twice because there were too many people, so he didn't bother to row.

I don’t know if the stimulation is or not, but I heard that the talents sitting in the first row and the last row are stimulating. Now he is sitting in the back of the middle, should he be fine?

There is no doubt that two people can sit in a row on the roller coaster. Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan are a group.

After sitting in and fastened his seat belt, Zhou Jiang looked around.

However, his main observation object is still the railroad tracks that extend far in front, circle after circle.

Touching the elf ball in his pants pocket, Zhou Jiang felt relieved slightly.

The backpacks were all placed on the open space in front of the car. The staff watched and played with these things. The places to sit were a little tight, so the pokeballs were not easy to hang on the waistband, so they all put the pokeballs Put it in the backpack.

Zhou Jiang was a little frightened, so he took the Elf Balls of Shanaido and Big Needle Bee. Among them, Shanaid’s Elf Ball was placed in his trouser pocket, and Big Needle Bee’s Elf Ball was used by him with a special suction cup strap. Hanging on the neck, blocked by the blue silk scarf.

This thing was temporarily changed before he came, and the two main elves were there, not to mention the roller coaster, even if it was a jumping machine, he dared to touch it.

He has a fear of heights.

But the main reason for his fear of heights is that humans can't fly, and if they fall from a height, they must die.

But this is a world where magical creatures like elves can be seen everywhere.

In Zhou Jiang’s hands, whether it’s Big Needle Bee or Xanadu, they can bring Zhou Jiangfei away. They are still extremely powerful. Even if they encounter an enemy attack, there are two elves, one to defend him, and the other to protect him. Can no longer be safe.

Now, even if there is an accident with the amusement park equipment, but Shanaido is there, he will be fine.

He believes they will protect him!

Zhou Jiang felt that he had delusions of persecution.

Maybe he was too cautious?

Anyway, he can find a bunch of death possibilities.

This was not something he only had after he came to this world, he had this problem in his previous life.

So he didn't dare to ride in the plane or drive the car.

He died when he fell off in a plane, and he couldn't afford to pay if he encountered bumpers while driving.

Although knowing that these odds are very small, and even small and impossible, he still minded and did not dare to try.

Think about the fire evacuation drills conducted by the school every year, and the notice that you can't go to the wild to play in the water during summer vacation.

Is this probability high? Do you think you might be recruited?

But the school is still going on every year. After all, when it happens to you, the probability is not a few tenths of a percent, but a hundred percent!

But he is just an ordinary person, in this civilized society, he can not cut off the use of all tools.

So even if he is afraid that he will not escape death after the car rolls over, he still sits on it to go to school in other cities; even if he eats, he may choke to death, but in order to live, he still has to eat; even if he is charging and playing on the phone, he will be killed, but He still can't help but want to play...

Well, the last one is that he really couldn't help it. Originally, he didn't want to do it, but it was so fragrant, it made him forget the fear of disfigurement and death...

Man is actually a strange animal.

Let’s not talk about being touched. There are too many things, but the chance of an airplane accident is really small. However, he was still afraid and refused to take the airplane.

And play with the phone while charging.

The danger of this is much higher than the probability of an airplane accident, but he doesn't care about it, as if it's okay to die...

But he obviously didn't dare to take the plane because he was afraid of death...

If your phone blows up, you don’t necessarily die?

Broken hands and disfigured, in this age of looking at money and looking at your face~www.ltnovel.com~ Which one is not more painful than death?

At that time, it might be better to live than to die. If you are disfigured, it will be difficult to find a job. Although it is said that people cannot be judged by their appearance, everyone is equal, but can it be done?

Who believes who is an idiot!

Sudden death staying up late?

Breaking news about this stuff is often heard. Even in his previous life, a child with relatives in his family died suddenly due to staying up late, and he was as old as him...

But, did he change it?


But when it comes to change, it is indeed a change.

Originally slept at one o'clock and fell asleep at two o'clock...

But speaking of it, staying up late is prone to sudden death, and he has already gone to bed at two anyway, or just stay overnight?

Staying up late will lead to sudden death, not all night, right?

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