Getting out of the car and stepping on the solid ground made Zhou Jiang feel a little unreal. He almost knelt directly when he stepped on the ground before.

After touching my face, I was hung up by the oncoming wind before, and now I still have some hot feelings, it is probably bruised...

Sure enough, you can't get out in the winter. Isn't it good to stay in the room and hide in the quilt...

Rubbing his nose to ventilate the nose that almost got frozen, after standing up, he looked at Zhou Nan and the others, who was walking outside with a big laugh. Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly.

There were more than 20 people on the train, Zhou Jiang had "something went wrong". After the other people played a trip, nothing happened. Instead, they all became excited...

As for him, even with Shanaido and the others, he still seemed to have walked through a ghost gate.

He swears that he will be a dog when he does a roller coaster in the future!

He stomped his feet to restore a bit of his soft thighs, and then ran towards Zhou Nan and the others.

When he got out of the car before, his legs were soft and almost kneeled. In order not to make a fool of himself, he squatted down and pretended to tie his shoes...

Although it may have been a steal, but at least he felt much better.

Seeing Zhou Nan and other passers-by who were talking, laughing and laughing, they were all up, Zhou Jiang felt a little mixed.

After taking the backpack and walking out from the "behind", the second batch of tourists were also put in.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang some wanted to stay here to see if he was really so unbearable alone. In the first wave of more than 20 people, only one of them had problems. To be honest, he was really unwilling.

But no way, he didn't come to play alone.

Since there is no way to solve it, it is estimated that I will not encounter it in the future, so I simply forgot.

Well, this is Zhou Jiang.

He can’t do other things. “Left ear goes in and right ear goes out” first.

In less than five minutes, he had forgotten the feeling and unhappiness of riding a roller coaster before, and was affected by the emotionally high rivers and others, and joined them in the heated discussion.

The first roller coaster has also been played, and the subsequent itinerary needs everyone to continue discussing.

They had a discussion before they came, and they went to play the carousel after the roller coaster, but now after riding the roller coaster, they are directly "addicted"!

Just remove the merry-go-round, and then go play exciting...

All of them, except Zhou Jiang, agreed to modify the order of play. The current dispute is whether they are going to play the jumping machine or the pendulum.

There were six of them, three of them wanted to play the pendulum first, and three of them wanted to play the jumping machine first. Because of the same number of people, they couldn't make it down. Then they focused on Zhou Jiang who was walking behind...

As for Teacher Lu Ran and others, they said it didn't matter, let Zhou Nan decide for themselves.

Zhou Jiang actually wanted to talk about going to play bumper cars, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

But the jumping machine and the pendulum...

The jumping machine is obviously scarier than the pendulum, and both have to be played, but you need to choose one to play first, which is somewhat difficult to choose.

If you only choose one to play, and if you don't choose one later, you won't play, then Zhou Jiang must have chosen the pendulum!

Jumping machine...It was too exciting, not to mention that he sat on it, but he was shocked just watching others play.

But now I have to play both...

Is it "bitter first and then sweet" or "sweet first and bitter later"?

If you change to other things, he naturally chooses to be bitter first, then sweet, but this...

If the roller coaster, the pendulum and the jumping machine are divided into three grades, Zhou Jiang thinks that the jumping machine is definitely the most difficult. As for the pendulum, he has played it once, and almost forgot, but It should be pretty scary, right?

Think of it as a higher level of existence than a roller coaster.

In other words, the jumping machine is higher than the pendulum and higher than the roller coaster.

And directly from the lowest difficulty roller coaster to the highest difficulty jumper?

He is very worried that he will be embarrassed when he comes to such a big one...

Others are good to say, if you get scared, then...

Cough cough, although he has not been scared to pee, but when he thinks about the scene of falling directly from a place more than 100 meters high, his legs tremble with fright.

So if you say "sweet first, then bitter", first sit on the pendulum to get used to it?

After all, logically speaking, a transition period should be better.

"How about... the pendulum first?"

Zhou Jiang reluctantly answered with a smile.

"Aha, have you seen it? It's really fun compared to the jumping machine or the pendulum. Now you have nothing to say?" As soon as Zhou Jiang's voice fell, Chen Yongan looked at Zhou Nan and the others with a smug look.

Zhou Nan, Xu Feng, and Jiang Shui chose the jumping machine, while the other three were big pendulums. Chen Yongan was naturally happy to see Zhou Jiang supporting him.

Of course, compared to Chen Yongan, Zhou Nan and the others are uncomfortable.

I saw him looking at Zhou Jiang with a grievance, as if betrayed by the most trusted person, "I... Zhou Jiang, I misunderstood you. You actually betrayed our sacred friendship and did not choose to jump off the building. , Friends! From now on, we will be enemies!"

"Yeah, Youjin, this friend is not appropriate!" Jiang Shui also nodded, and united with Zhou Nan.

Zhou Jiang looked at the two jokes, his facial muscles twitched slightly, if he didn't feel that his legs were still a little soft, he really wanted to kick it up.

Of course, to kick Zhou Nan this guy is also kicking.

"Okay, okay, the minority obey the majority, go, go to the pendulum!"

Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly. Hearing Wang Qingyan's excited words, he felt his legs start to soften again...

Sure enough, you shouldn't have come to this amusement park. It's good now. The play is all excitement, all heartbeat, it's really uncomfortable...

What he is here is not an amusement park, but a "range hood"!


Until noon, the number of people in the amusement park gradually increased. Even in the winter, unexpectedly many people came here to play.

Even Zhou Jiang saw many people queuing at the "Rapid Current"...

Obviously it was very cold, and he dared to play this. Zhou Jiang really didn't know what to say.

This "Rapid Advance" is a small car like a roller coaster, slowly driving from some artificially excavated caves to a height, and then flying down the **** fiercely.

As the car drove all the way down, the water on both sides splashed up, especially when it reached the bottom of the lake, a water curtain several meters high would rise directly. When the water curtain fell, it would definitely be poured on. On their heads...

Although today's temperature has not reached below zero, it is almost the same, only a mere degree.

When the clothes get wet, they will definitely be cold to death.

Although there are thin disposable raincoats for sale, which can avoid water in the clothes as much as possible, but the shoes...

In many cases, it is not clothes that get water, but shoes that get water. It is really uncomfortable if shoes get water. Cold and wet socks will take away a lot of temperature.

Don't ask how Zhou Jiang knew it, it was a bad night...


Now Zhou Jiang and the others are sitting in a burger shop inside instead of elsewhere.

It's twelve o'clock, and they have played a roller coaster twice, two pendulums, one jumper, three pirate ships...

Of course, except for the first time Zhou Jiang participated in these projects, he didn't touch them for the second or even the third time.

If you didn’t think you bought all the tickets, you would be wasted if you don’t play, and it’s still hard to come out with Zhou Nan and the others. If you don’t, you’ll look maverick. He didn’t want to sit there for the first time...

As for the second time?

Don't even think about it, he still stayed and watched the bag with Lu Ran and others.

Fortunately, the two teachers, Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen, only played once, and had no interest in the second and third brushes, so he stayed behind and was not obtrusive.

But that's all in the past tense, I've already said it, play together in the morning, and separate in the afternoon.

After they have finished their meal, they can be separated.


However, it seems that even if it can be separated, it is useless.

Several of them like exciting projects, and no one is like him, and he can't play alone. In the end, 80% also followed Zhou Nan and the others...


So in the afternoon we still have to play those exciting projects? !

No, look for something interesting and not exciting, or if this continues, he might not even see the moon tonight.


It seems that he can't find anything interesting. If there is anything that attracts him, how could he have been there three times in the previous life?

Of those three times, two were autumn outings organized by the school...

By the way, is there a game hall inside?

In his previous life, he went to the amusement park for an autumn trip. He and a few friends played arcade games in the game hall inside and stayed for the whole morning...

If there is a game hall, maybe they can be caught there to play?

What a great game, what roller coaster to play!

Zhou Nan and the others were talking while they were eating. Zhou Jiang didn’t know why they talked endlessly. Fortunately, his elves were strong, so he wouldn’t be forgotten. Otherwise, he would talk less like him, definitely a small team. Figures on the edge.

Or there is no team, so you can only go alone...

They were talking, Zhou Jiang took out his cell phone to check the facilities inside.

However, after looking through it for a long time, I didn't find anything about the game hall, but I found a good thing.

When choosing this amusement park, of course they will carefully search for information about this amusement park on the Internet.

In this amusement park, some elves-related activities are sometimes held on weekends, such as elves melee, elves races, elves...

And the prizes for the first, second and third place in each competition are very generous.

They chose this amusement park without considering the event. After all, the time of the event is random. The ghost knows when to open it, basically every two or three months, and the previous one was a month ago, so they Did not take this activity into consideration.

When he checked the official website of the amusement park just now, he found an announcement that had just been issued.

The content of the announcement is the announcement of the event. At two o'clock in the afternoon, there will be an elf melee event in the forest park. Every trainer with a ticket can sign up for this event!

It's 12:10 noon, that is to say, there are about two hours left!

When eating, they just started to eat. After eating and taking a break, it is estimated that it will be around one o'clock, and there will be an hour left when the time comes. They will recommend a few more non-exciting but interesting activities. Then they will probably To sell face, just use energy for the past two hours!

What a genius!

Zhou Jiang felt that he was really too smart, and a crisis was lifted!

As for them not participating in activities?

is it possible?

Participating in activities with a lot of cards will increase the final exam score, which can increase their college entrance examination scores!

And if you participate, you will get rewards. If the top ranking rewards are also very good, who will miss this kind of activity?

Compared with activities that can add points, these facilities in amusement parks are not attractive at all.

After all, it is the world where the elves are thriving.

Do whatever you want, Zhou Jiang directly handed over the phone and let them see it when they were talking.

As for letting him say?

Well, his eloquence is not good, the more he talks, the more chaotic, let them see for themselves.

Zhou Jiang handed the phone to Zhou Nan and let him see it, which instantly attracted the attention of Zhou Nan and others.

"What is it, Let me see..." Zhou Nan took the phone and looked at it.

"What is it?" Chen Yongan, who was sitting next to him, leaned over, and Xu Feng, Jiang Shui and others also leaned over.

"Fuck! There is activity? So good luck!"

"Huh? Activity? What activity, fat man, take your face away and block us." Listening to Zhou Nan's excited tone, Chen Yongan, who was calmly and somewhat curious, instantly came in interest, his head Past desperately, and Zhou Nan stood up to each other.

Not only did he become curious, Xu Feng and the others also came and leaned over with interest.

"Eh, eh, don't squeeze, take them one by one, and the phone won't run away...Fuck, Old Chen, don't squeeze, the coke spilled!"

In the end, the farce came to an end with Teacher Lu Ran.

The only victim of the farce was Zhou Nan's Coke. He hadn't taken a few sips before, and he had been talking to them almost all the time. Now he has scattered all of them. Fortunately, the pants are not wet, otherwise it will be even worse.

Finally, Zhou Nan glanced at Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan, who was looking at Zhou Jiang's phone, and then got up to buy another glass.

Zhou Jiang shrugged helplessly at Zhou Nan's faintly resentful eyes. Is this to blame me?

After Zhou Nan came back from buying Coke, Xu Feng and the others counted as Teacher Lu Ran and the eight of them had read the news, and now the mobile phone is back in front of Zhou Jiang.

"How about it, do you do it?" Zhou Nan pulled a chair away and sat down. Zhou Nan took a coke and looked at the crowd and asked.

"Nonsense, don't be a fool! Anyway, there is no registration fee, and there are souvenirs for participation." Chen Yongan, who was eating chicken legs, said with a blank look.

"Are you stupid?" Others nodded, wondering if Zhou Nan, who asked such a question, had his brain broken when he played the jumper in the morning.

Need to ask?

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