I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 619: Lao Yin forced Zhou Jiang

Everything is proceeding according to Zhou Jiang's plan.

Have a meal while discussing, and rest after the meal. When the rest is over, the time has come to 1:20 in the afternoon, which is smoother than he expected!

Considering the time required to go there to register, they can only play one event, and Zhou Jiang recommended trampoline!

The trampoline is so good that it bounces, jumps, rises and falls.

As long as you don't die, you won't fly too high, and there will be no danger. Of course, if there is any danger, the trampoline is broken as a crisis point, but he does not consider this thing now.

Compared with the collapse of the trampoline, it was more dangerous for other facilities to break down midway, and he was carrying Shanaido.

Although he has never eaten the fruits of face, he consciously still has some face.

As for Zhou Jiang's suggestion of going to the trampoline hall, everyone was stunned and agreed.

According to what they said, it was exciting and occasionally played "light".

People, you always have to change your taste, right?

It took five minutes to get to the trampoline hall, where they bounced for more than ten minutes. After forty minutes, they set off to sign up.

Ten of them, not only Zhou Jiang and others participated in the event, but also Lu Ran and others.

When I arrived at the registration site based on the map, there were already a bunch of people gathered there. At a glance, there were hundreds of people. In the end, it is estimated that there will be hundreds of people participating, right?

If it was really attended by hundreds of people, then this event can be said to be the biggest event Zhou Jiang has ever participated in.

Among the activities he had participated in before, the one that held the title of "largest scale activity" was the first fishing activity he participated in, but that time it was only more than a hundred people.

That was an official event organized by the government. I didn’t expect that an event held in the amusement park here had more people than the fishing event...

After signing up, they followed the staff's guidance and followed other passers-by to the next place for the competition.

Some of the rules of the game were announced in the official announcement that Zhou Jiang and the others had read before, and they had already read it.

The name of the event held this time is "Lan Dou Wushuang".

It can be seen from the name that this is not the same as a regular game, it is a lot of elves gathering together and fighting.

The contestants can use a total of six elves, but you don't have six?

I'm sorry, even if you are unlucky, you can only use six at most anyway.

When entering the competition venue, you must first search your body and enter the security inspection machine, just like taking a train or plane in your previous life.

The thing to check is naturally the pokeball.

Elf ball is not easy to hide, there is a special machine, it can be detected at once.

However, although the elves are restricted to carry, there are no restrictions on potions. As long as you want, you can bring a mountain of potions and herbs without any problem.

The competition was held in a large forest in Guffland. The forest was like the wild forest, which was specially cultivated to imitate the outside forest.

Fortunately, Gufu Paradise is not in the center of the city, but at the edge. Otherwise, the land is estimated to be unaffordable, but maybe the forest is not bought, but borrowed or something?

As for why the forest is set up, who knows...

But it seems that the forest has held many insect-catching contests, so it is not useless to make the forest.

At least it can also serve as an event venue~ Or is it the original plan to serve as an event venue?

The game time has not yet started, they can only stay near a square.

When they got there, there were already a lot of people there, men and women, in short, a bunch of people.

Their arrival did not arouse the slightest attention of others, after all, it was not Long Aotian, who had been domineering sideways.

This is a large square with a pretty big fountain in the middle, but it's already crowded with people, so they didn't go there, Zhou Jiang just glanced from a distance.

They randomly found a step and sat down, quietly waiting for the start of the activity.

Of course, the men sitting on the steps were Zhou Jiang and the others. As for Wang Qingyan and other girls, they did not sit.

In the wild, they can sit on the grass or on the rocks at will, but in cities it is different and they must be kept clean at all times.

It’s not just Zhou Jiang and the others sitting on the steps. There are also many passers-by sitting here, some who know them, and some who do not. Even if people who don’t know sit here for a long time, Start chatting and making friends.

Especially a passerby trainer for one or two people.

They are busy making friends right now!

Don't say what will happen in the future, at least we have to build a good relationship now, and then we can pull up a bunch of people after the game starts.

They have naturally seen the rules of the game.

It has not been said that gangs cannot be formed, so they are all socializing now.

Although the team is made up of strangers, it will definitely fall apart in the end, but it is better than a person who can barely even enter the end, right?

Looking at the trainers eager to form cliques, Zhou Jiang suddenly thought of an idea...

Ten of them, if they really form a clique, maybe they can make a big one?

First, ten people are divided into five people, divided into two groups, and then each go to pull people to team up, or directly start the show operation.

As for what Sao operation is? That is "big fish eat small fish"!

For example, if there are five of them, first send one person out to join the team of other people, such as two people, three people, in short, it is less than their number!

As for not letting in?

The probability is very small. Everyone is busy pulling people... I came across a trainer who was walking alone and a group of people came up to pull people into the group. As for them now?

That's because ten of them are together, so no one else is here.

Zhou Jiang was very puzzled, why not just swallow the multi-player team but just pull people in trouble?

Following the above, after sending out people to penetrate into the enemy, the remaining four people will pull the people from that squad into the group, and then let the "internal response" who have joined it come together to persuade the benefits of large numbers of people and the like.

In this way, as long as it is not a team composed of people who originally knew it, as long as it is a team composed of passersby, it will fall apart under the tongue of "internal response" and then join their team.

After all, is it not good to team up with strangers, and team up with more people?

If there is no "internal response", the success rate may not be high, but if someone sets an example, plus the truth is the truth, then it is impossible for them not to be impressed.

After all, many times, people follow the crowd.

In the same way, the other five people who were separated also came in this way. If no accidents happen, they can form two big gangs. Even if other people see them doing this and want to follow, they can also be killed by the two gang members. Opponents, after all, cannot have an organization that can compete with them, otherwise there will be danger.

There are two gangs, and then they deliberately make the people on both sides quarrel and hostile each other. In this way, after the enemy, the team has a short-term goal and it is not easy to collapse.

After the start of the game, their two big gangs are naturally the most eye-catching. Some teams that are made up of people they know may be attracted or eliminated. In the end, only the two big gangs are left.

If there is only one big gang left, then there will be internal problems, and now there are common enemies that are not weak, plus the conflicts that have been deliberately raised before, then the possibility of infighting is much lower.

In the end, there is a fight between the two gangs, so that these useless trainers can be effectively consumed. As long as they are intent, the two sides can be eliminated at the same time, and the strength is not imbalanced. Less, it's almost time to watch, decisively attack your companions!

In the early stage of the water draw, coupled with the unintentional sneak attack with mental arithmetic, can this still lose? !

It's a seamless plan!

Zhou Jiang thought so and laughed directly, but if they really did it, they might make headlines the next day...

"What's the matter? You laughed like a chicken thief." Suddenly, Zhou Jiang was awakened by a voice from the side. Zhou Jiang quickly sat down, making his expression look normal.

I guess he showed a wretched smile just now?

Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked around and found that Zhou Nan was looking at himself with surprise.

Yes, after all, just sitting here and laughing there, anyone would think that person is weird, there is a problem.

If it weren’t for the long face, it’s pretty good-looking, and Zhou Nan and the others are familiar with him. Maybe his behavior just now would be rated as abnormal...

Following Zhou Nan's question, Chen Yongan next to them all looked over.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yongan asked curiously.


"Hello~ can you bother me?"

Just as Zhou Jiang was about to answer, another strange voice came from behind them.

Zhou Jiang didn't say anything when he was interrupted. He looked back with Zhou Nan and the others.

I saw a pretty short-haired girl in the back, bending over to look at them.

"Sorry, can you bother me?" The girl asked them with her hands folded in a plea.

Zhou Jiang and the others looked at each other, and then Zhou Nan nodded, "It's okay, it's okay, but what's the matter?"

The girl was overjoyed and said with a smile: "You guys are also here to participate in the competition."

Although the girl said something like a question, what she said was affirmative. After all, the trainer must have come here to participate...There is no display screen here. If the audience wants to watch it, they are in other places. .

"Well, do you want to team up together?"

"Huh? Teaming up?" Jiang Shui asked, "You said teaming is to participate in this competition together?"

The girl chick generally nodded violently, "Yes, yes, you look at other people, they are all pulling people together. If we don't unite, we will probably be eliminated. You don't want a round trip, right?"

Xu Feng and the others did not speak. Zhou Nan looked at her and asked, "Are you alone?"

"Yeah~" The girl showed a helpless expression, "Because I am alone, I want to team up with others, or I will be eliminated at once."

Zhou Nan nodded, but there was nothing to say. They have a great **** here, and they can all lose. Then it is useless to form a team, but he did not refuse, looking back at the other people, after all, teaming is not forming a team. He can't decide alone.

Zhou Jiang looked at the girl a little speechless.

He also imagined that they would go to team up and set up a set of traps, but he didn't expect someone to find them first.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang's heart shook for a while.

The brows were slightly furrowed, and she squinted her eyes carefully to look at the girl's face, hoping to find something in it.

He suddenly remembered his previous YY. Is it possible that this girl was sent by another "gang"?

He can think of this kind of yin plan, and others can definitely think of it. He never thinks that he is smarter than others, and even he always feels that he is far inferior to many people, so he is always in awe, whether it is for people or things, He kept a certain degree of caution.

Have to guard!

Everyone has different thoughts and ideas. What he thinks of is to separate spies into the enemy and divide the enemy, but maybe others have different ideas?

Everyone's brain circuits are different, who knows what the other person thinks...

Zhou Jiang's mind turned quickly, but before he could think of anything, Zhou Nan's words interrupted his thoughts.

"Zhou Jiang, what do you think, what do you think?"


Zhou Jiang returned to his senses and found that Zhou Nan and the others were staring at him.

"Um..." Zhou Jiang scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Sorry, sorry, just lost focus, what are you talking about?"


Everyone was speechless, but Zhou Nan repeated what he said before.

It turned out that they felt that girls could be added to the team. After all, a girl who had no teammates would really be eliminated by a round.

It would be okay if she didn't meet her, but now she has come up to ask to join, so they are all moved with compassion and think they can take her with her.

The most important thing is that they are ten people, and the other party is one person, and they also have Zhou Jiang and the four big bosses. In the end, even if she quarreled with them, she couldn't grab the rankings with them.

Okay, to be honest, it's actually Chen Yongan's kid who sees the beauty of the parents and thinks that he can be put in to seductive...

Although Jiang Shui and others are also beautiful, one has the master, the two teachers dare not move, and the two girls are acquaintances that are not easy to start...

It just happened to be delivered to the door, don't do it for nothing.

Although I can't pursue her directly, it's not bad to just take a look. After all, Wang Qingyan and the others have seen a lot and are familiar with it, and the girl is also pretty, and it's pretty eye-catching to see.

After listening to Zhou Nan's words, Zhou Jiang had a headache.

He hasn't thought of ~www.ltnovel.com~ and now he needs to respond...

It's a pit.


Some are not good, after all, the other party may really be a spy sent by someone else. If there is any conspiracy, it will be bad if it is cheated. Even if there is no loss of life, it is still a bit uncomfortable.

And he has been thinking about this now, and then as long as he sees her, he can’t help but think about their conspiracy. The key may not be able to think of it. When the time comes, his mind will be muddled and it will be very uncomfortable.

Rejecting, this is not good, after all, although Zhou Nan and the others did not say, but since they have to ask him, then they must think they can bring her.

He also has no clear reason to refuse. Could it be that she may be a spy or spy?

Forget it, he won't talk nonsense about things without evidence.

Zhou Jiang looked up at the girl, only to see a trace of tension on the girl's face?

This is to see that Zhou Jiang is the speaker, so worried that Zhou Jiang would refuse?

"Um... also fine!"

Zhou Jiang thought for a while, but agreed.

If you refuse, it's hard to find a reason, and you won't necessarily suffer if you accept it.

If it's not the same as he thinks, it's okay if it's just an ordinary passerby, but if it's really the same as he thinks, then after accepting it, he can numb the opponent.

The other party didn't know that he was suspicious, so it was inevitable that he would not pay too much attention to them, so the enemy is bright, I am dark, as long as you stare at this girl, you can definitely find any clues and the like.

If you find that she is making a signal or making any strange behavior, then you can directly identify her as a spy, and then focus on observation!

Even later, you can find a trap or something, and then invite you to enter the urn!

Just do you want to talk to Zhou Nan and others about your own ideas?

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