After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang felt that he still didn't tell them.

One is that this is a suspicion for no reason after all, and the other is that the secret is naturally only a person knows it is a secret. Zhou Jiang is afraid that they will not act well when they know it, and they will be over if they are exposed. It may be that he used a small set of them, but they already knew that they would use a big set to set his small set.

The premise that the enemy is in the light and I am in the dark is that the other party does not know Zhou Jiang and they have doubted it. If they know, the form will be completely changed.

Looking at the girl who talked with Jiang Shui and others and laughed happily, Zhou Jiang's mouth was slightly tilted.

No matter what kind of monster you are, if you dare to fool me, you definitely want you to look good!

The girl's social skills are very strong, not only have a good relationship with Jiang Shui and others, but also can talk and laugh with Zhou Nan and others.

When she was sitting with Jiang Shui and others talking and laughing, let alone outsiders, even he couldn't tell that she was a stranger who had just entered the team.

It doesn’t matter if you have a good relationship with Jiangshui and other girls. After all, the girls have a lot of topics, and Jiangshui and the others have just graduated from high school. Although they have traveled for a period of time, their knowledge has increased a lot, but they have not been trapped along the way. It's still a blank sheet of paper now, and I rarely doubt others.

She leaned over to chat with Jiang Shui and others about cosmetics, celebrities, elves, and she was close.

This is not the strongest, the strongest is that she can still chat with Zhou Nan and the others!

Obediently, let’s forget about the "Elves League". There are a few games with **** that Zhou Nan and they have said. She can also come together and talk about it. Zhou Nan embarrassed them!

Zhou Jiang glanced at her deeply, his heart full of jealousy.


In this way, the girl integrated into their team without any disharmony.

With the contact, both parties have a good understanding of each other.

The girl’s name is Xue Lu and she is from Q City. She just graduated this year. The school she graduated from is a famous aristocratic college. The name of the college is a bit strange, it is called Skadi College.

Of course, it's only Zhou Jiang's feeling that it feels strange. After all, he always feels a little bit unaware of such foreign names.

I just don’t know why, I always think where I’ve heard this strange name...

Those who can go to the Noble Academy must be the eldest, this is their idea, and this is the reason why Xue Lu joined their team so quickly.

Because Jiang Shui and other three girls seem to have an inexplicable admiration and obsession with the eldest lady. They always feel that she (the eldest lady) is a bit mysterious and tall. They asked her what her previous life was like and what she wanted to do every day, right? To learn flower arranging, tasting tea embroidery, etc...

As for why you think that going to the Noble Academy is the eldest?

That's because in this world, the aristocratic academy is really an academy that only aristocrats can go to (previously), and the name is not nice (previously).

Going to school?

First of all, you must have a certain background (previously).

At least it should be the boss of a medium and large enterprise, and not all enterprises can do it. It depends on what you do. The directors of large private hospitals and high-level government departments are even better. Of course, this is a requirement. The higher the level and scale of the college, the requirements for the background are also different.

Of course, these are all past tense.

Up to now, the noble academy has also fallen, and it will become the tears of the times.

The college enrollment standards are high, but the resources they can give are not enough for the families they want to recruit, and there are not many families with large backgrounds in the country. Many of them will not choose aristocratic colleges, and they will let their elders at home. Or specially invited teachers to guide.

They don't need to follow the rules of the alliance to be considered a trainer after going to school. These rules are only for civilians. They only need to say anything.

Like Lu Ran, she hasn't been to school much. She was taught by her elders at home. Didn't she become a trainer in the end?

school? The teachers in the school have specially invited teachers who are good, and are there elders in the family who are good?

So at the beginning, there were people who tried to save face, but afterwards, most people stopped going to the so-called noble school.

As for the communication of juniors between families?

They are not closed, and the families also communicate with each other, and there will even be gatherings every year, so the role of the school is even more dispensable.

So gradually, the talented people above will not come.

And they are not coming, and many of them are not coming just for people who have a relationship with their family.

Everyone is gone?

How can it be done? If people don’t come to study, how can they eat at school and build relationships? And they are also thinking about expanding the college, expanding the enrollment, what if they don't come to study.

But they can't do anything about them, it's them now.

Can't you come?

There is no other way but to look elsewhere.

In the original words, those families with no background and wealthy people would not look down upon them. After all, could they have a simple background for opening aristocratic schools in the first place?

Although not top, but not weak.

One of them is to make money and the other is to make a relationship. Now those powerful bosses look down on their school. He can't all offend him when his younger brothers betrayed collectively, and they don't want to give up the cake they got. What should I do?

Find another way out, such as relaxing admissions requirements.

When this proposal was first put forward, many people did not want to compromise. After all, if the requirements were relaxed, then they could only make money. Their original purpose of running this aristocratic college was to build relationships and make money at the end. .

But as they get to the back, they become more anxious and have fewer and fewer students. Because of the large number of students in ordinary colleges, there will always be good luck and talented trainers, and more people will rise up.

Competitive pressure from peers is too great, and there is no alternative. They can only make changes and let go of admission standards.

After all, if they don't change, they will be swept into the trash heap of history, and they won't even be able to make any money then.

After the lack of energy, they actually feel that it is not bad to be able to make money. After all, if they are rich, they can engage in other relationships with others.

Although money is not a panacea, it can solve a lot of things!

After relaxing the admission requirements, upstarts who were not in their consideration can also be admitted.

With the progress of the times, there are more wealthy upstarts. If they are allowed to choose, it will naturally be necessary for their children to attend schools such as aristocratic colleges. One is to meet more powerful people, and the other is aristocratic colleges. It is indeed better than ordinary schools. Although the fees are dozens of times that of ordinary schools, ordinary families cannot afford it. The wealthy nouveau riche still have no problem.

Compared to what they can get, this investment is nothing.

In China, the situation of nouveau riche is very embarrassing. China is a society of human relations, and human relations are everything! It doesn't matter if you have money, then in the eyes of others you are just a bun, a nouveau riche, and no one else will take you to play.

Although the aristocratic academy that opened up admission standards in the future is not as good as before and has fallen a lot, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and it is still better than the ordinary academy.

Facilities, teachers, activities, elves, what is better than ordinary schools?

After spending so much money, not all of it is swallowed, it will always be used where it should be used, and those homes have gone a lot, but there are still many left, so the nouveau riche come in. It's not a loss, even as long as it's connected, it's blood gain.

All in all, the current aristocratic colleges are basically the children of nouveau riche or high-level bosses of small companies. As long as they have money, they can enter. It is no longer like the first aristocratic young masters at the top of the real city society. Missy.

But they don’t know about these rivers. After all, they haven’t learned about it, and there’s no rumors. After all, no one dares to die to report on these. Although the Noble Academy has not been known for a while, the image of the lady in it has always been Stay in their memory.

It can be said that because of this first impression, the Noble Academy did not close down.

When the noble academy began to change, that was when they were the weakest. At that time, regardless of whether the family had money or not, they were basically studying in ordinary schools. At that time, the noble academy was really going to close down. On the edge.

Although they are beginning to change, if they don't have the fame they have played out before, how could those upstarts simply swarm into the arms of the noble school?

At that time, there was actually not much difference between aristocratic schools and ordinary schools, except for that layer of skin and a few little aristocrats, there was nothing special. To be honest, the noble schools were actually saved by the upstarts who they had looked down upon before, which is indeed a bit ironic.


The staff came over at about two o'clock.

More than a dozen uniformed staff gathered around a man in a suit. Zhou Jiang estimated that he was either the boss or the secretary or the minister of other departments.

But no matter what his identity is, it has nothing to do with them, but the only thing that matters is that he comes, then it means the event is about to begin!

A group of staff with stereo microphones and other things, followed the way the trainers waiting here gave way to the fountain in the center of the square, and then the man in a suit stood on the edge of the fountain. Then began to speak.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others were sitting at a distance, there was a microphone and no one was talking, so they could hear clearly.

After listening for a while, Zhou Jiang decisively shifted his attention and did not continue listening.

What the man said was the rules of some activities, which they had seen before, so he was not interested.

And even if he didn't hear it, wouldn't there be Zhou Nan and others...

But even though he didn't have the option to listen, the sound would still float into his ears, which was not his choice.

I heard a little bit of what he said, and I knew it in my heart. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with it, there was nothing more than the rules.

But there are indeed some things that were not in the previous announcement.

For example, after the game begins to enter the forest, each of them will be equipped with a small magnetic monster.

The little magnetic monster is coated with anti-reflective paint, and he will carry a camera on his body, which will follow them in time.

Small magnetic monsters are not only used for cameras, but also a criterion for whether they are eliminated.

The levels of these little magnetic monsters are all the same, they are all more than ten levels. Once the little magnetic monster is shot down and loses the ability to fight, then the trainer represented by the little magnetic monster will also be eliminated, even if his elves still fight again. force.

Of course, once the elves of the trainer lose their fighting ability, even if the little magnetic monster is still well, it will be eliminated.

The number of elves of each trainer will be displayed on a small display screen carried by the little magnetic monster. This allows everyone to see the number of elves of each contestant and avoid defeat, but there is also the last elven of the elves, but After pretending that there is no elf, he waited for the other party to sneak attack.

The rules are those rules. After speaking, it’s time to enter the arena. After that, the staff will take them to the security check and put a special tag on the poke ball. After that, they can go to various fences. The entrance to the forest is waiting.

Soon, thinking that the staff came to Zhou Jiang and the others, the male staff member needed to bring twenty or thirty people from Zhou Jiang to search.

The searched place was a large room. There was a machine similar to security check and other machines that Zhou Jiang did not recognize. There were already two staff waiting for them. After Zhou Jiang and the others arrived, the security check started directly. Up.

Zhou Jiang and the others conducted security checks at the back, but you can see how the people in front check.

I saw the first person follow the instructions of the staff who brought them here to take the Poke Ball out and put it in the prepared basket aside, then walked to the middle of the machine similar to the security inspection machine, and then the staff used it The thing like a metal detector swept over him.

That thing should detect the pokeball.

There was nothing unusual, and soon the trainer walked down, went to the other staff to fill in the form and set up the pokeball.

After the first trainer left, the second one was picked up. One round went down like this, and it hadn’t been three minutes, and the people in the back row took the basket directly and waited, eliminating the need to put the pokeball at the beginning. Time, so it will be faster later.

The inspection went well, except for an episode in the middle.

With so many people, Zhou Jiang alone took out eleven pokeballs, ten of him, and Li Ruobing one.

Seeing Zhou Jiang's so many pokeballs, the staff was stunned for a moment, and then the other trainers also noticed the situation on his side and talked in a low voice.

Fortunately, the episode was a episode in the end, and it passed quickly. After all, it was just a few elves. Although eleven were indeed exaggerated, they were not exaggerated to the extent that they kept talking about it~www.mtlnovel. com~ And even if it’s eleven, why don’t you only bring six?

However, the others stopped and were discussing the event with acquaintances, but Xue Lu was still staring at Zhou Jiang curiously, a flash of light flashed in her eyes from time to time, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

There are eleven elves in Zhoujiang, so there are some troubles. Others are only six at most. You only need to fill out a simple form, such as a few elves, and then paste the elves. The device will do.

And Zhou Jiang?

Since he can only bring six elves at most, he needs to choose the six elves he carries, and then give them the remaining seven elves for safekeeping. Of course, in order to avoid trouble, if you want to keep them, you need to fill in a series of forms. , Take pictures, and sign again...

So although he was not the last one to go in and check, he was the last one to finish.

After finishing, they walked towards the activity venue and the wooded area under the leadership of the staff who brought them before.

Zhou Jiang didn't know how big the forest was. After all, he didn't see any information about it. Even if it did, it was just something irrelevant, and there was no introduction about its area.

It took about six or seven minutes for them to reach their destination, but the place they were going to fight could be seen from far away.

Behind the tall iron fence is a dense forest. Looking to the side, within the horizontal line, there are other things besides the forest.

The staff stood still, turned to look at Zhou Jiang and them, then opened the big box, revealing the pokeball inside.

If Zhou Jiang didn't guess wrong, the elves inside should be little magnetic monsters.

Sure enough, the staff threw all the elf **** out, and a bunch of small magnetic monsters with small cameras appeared in the air in an instant.

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