I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 622: misunderstanding? Still have another purpose


  After getting excited, Zhou Jiang calmed down.

  After all, he doesn’t really have too much worship and admiration for quasi-gods.

The power of quasi gods lies in their own strength and generally not low quality.

  The more trash the elves, the more low-quality ones, such as green caterpillars and unicorns. Out of a hundred, it is considered good to have a blue one.

  And what about quasi gods?

  Basically, the lowest quality is also purple, and there are many orange and silver ones, but gold is as rare as other elves, and the number of quasi gods themselves is small, and the golden quality that you see is basically gone.

  Basically, among ten quasi-god elves, there will be five purple, three orange, two silver, and gold? The whole world doesn't add up to much. Although the quasi gods are rare, there are also many quasi gods in the world. There are always tens of thousands, right?

  Zhou Jiang guessed that the golden quality is probably the "king" of the elves, the patriarch and the like. Anyway, it is the birth leader. Otherwise, the golden quality of the quasi-god elves should not be so rare.

Zhou Jiang calmed down and looked at Xue Lu.

   looks good. Although she is not a beautiful girl, she is also a rare beautiful girl. If she dresses up and puts on her makeup, she will definitely turn her head after going out.

  But the appearance is nothing, Wang Qingyan, Jiang Shui, Li Linghui, Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen, which one of them is ugly?

  The most important thing is that she has a quasi god!

  It’s not that she talks about how she has a quasi-god, but a quasi-god can almost be a status symbol. Except for those who are very lucky to step on the shit, the other who have a quasi-god are the children of the rich and high-ranking officials.

  Furthermore, being rich is not ordinary rich, and the official rank is not ordinary high.

  Zhou Jiang glanced at the rest of her elves, the lowest quality was also blue.

  Six elves, except for Yu Kira, one of the five is silver, two are orange, one is purple and the other is blue.

  The key is not the common garbage bug elves. Is this what luck can have?

That is, her family is really awesome, although she went to school at the Noble Academy before (Zhou Jiang didn’t know that there were ordinary people with a little money in school), but he felt that the other party might be a lie, in order to let They let their guard down, so they didn't believe it much.

  And now, he really believes, and the most important thing is that she may not really be a spy...

  Zhou Jiang doesn’t believe it anymore. Who can direct her to be a spy with someone of her background?

  The person who can command her needs to be divided by spies, should the inside and outside attack together?

  Although they may not be able to beat Zhou Jiang and the others, they don't know Zhou Jiang's strength, so why did they send someone over to be a spy.

  Really are the children of high-ranking officials and wealthy families. They must be proud of them. This kind of activity still requires conspiracy?

  Can’t just push it straight over...

  Of course, the premise is that the person really exists and is stronger than Xue Lu, who is accurate and quasi-king.

  Xue Lu’s elves, two are quasi-king-level strengths, two are high-level elites, and one is mid-level. As for Yu Kira?

  It is still the first stage. Where can it be so strong? It's not that Zhou Jiang has this cheat device.

  So... In fact, she is really just a lone wolf trainer. She just came to team up with Zhou Jiang because she was afraid of being beaten up?

  But this is not right...

  If you are afraid of being besieged, you shouldn’t find a team like them.

  It can be seen clearly that Zhou Jiang and the ten people knew each other. They were in a group and teamed up with them. Even in the end, those who can get the first few rewards will definitely not be her turn.

  The key is that when she came to ask if she could join the team, she didn't ask how the final reward was divided, whether it was the value of the money and then divided equally, or whoever got the top prizes.

  So this is not right...

  Thinking about it this way, she didn’t mean to be rewarded at all, but why did she still come to this event? Why join their team?

  Why exactly...

   is not a spy sent by others, but the reason she wants to team up with them is definitely not that simple!

  While Zhou Jiang thought, Zhou Nan and the others, even Xu Feng and others, directly surrounded them.

  Six people squeezed to surround Xue Lu, and even the elves such as the circle bear beside her were squeezed out by them.

Of course, Yu Kira didn’t have it. He was stared at by a pair of fiery eyes, so scared to death, he quickly hugged Xue Lu’s long legs tightly, because Zhou Nan and the others formed a circle. Therefore, Yu Kira couldn't hide behind Xue Lu, he could only hide between Xue Lu's legs, holding her long legs trembling.

   "Hey, this is Kira, this is Kira, right!"

   "Quasi God...want to touch! I want to touch!"

   "Can you touch it? Can you touch it?!"


  Yu Kira shrank and shivered under Xue Lu, and they had no choice but to get in directly, so they could only “apply pressure” on Xue Lu.

  I saw them staring, looking at Xue Lu fieryly, and several people were slowly approaching her, with a fanatical look.

   "Ah...ah..." Xue Lu raised both hands slightly in a gesture of surrender.

  Looking at Jiangshui and others approaching, Xue Lu smiled bitterly, then looked down at Yukira who was holding her thigh...

   "Okay, please!"

  In an instant, Kira was sold by the owner it trusted, and before it recovered, Xue Lu hurried out when it was still in a daze.

  Fortunately, at this time, Yu Kira was shocked, so she didn't hold her thigh with her hands, otherwise her trousers would be a disaster.

  Jiangshui and others saw Yu Kira staying in place, and they didn't care about Xue Lu, who was about to run out to fight. They stared at Yu Kira with their eyes bright.

  With Xue Lu's permission, everyone didn't hold onto the chat, so they rushed forward.

   Yu Kira panicked around in a circle, but it was surrounded at this time, how could it find an exit or something?

  In an instant, it was caught by Jiang Shui.

  Although it is not light, they can’t hold it, but it’s good to just push it down and touch it!

  Quasi god...maybe luck if you touch it?

  Sometimes, people are both superstitious and non-superstitious. Otherwise, how did the so-called "xuan not save the evil" come from?

   was hugged by Kira, and Zhou Nan and the others stroked it all over his body one by one, so scared that it could only tighten its body and did not dare to move.

  They should also be fortunate that the child Yu Kira was hatched from an egg and was close to humans from the beginning. Otherwise, if it is wild and then conquered, it will still be like this, and it may be inaccurate for them in a panic.

  Poor Yu Kira was being ravaged by Zhou Nan and others, while Xue Lu was standing aside with the elves such as the circle bear, looking at You Kira, who was stroked up and down in the crowd with some pity.

  The circle bear standing behind Xue Lu touched his head, shivered inexplicably, and a trace of fear appeared on his fierce face.

  It still clearly remembers the scene when he was touched by the Lord's partner for the first time.

   is obviously a vicious, great circle bear, but under the Lord’s order, it can only lie on the ground and let a girl as big as its master touch it.

  Obviously...It's just touching, but...but it's shameful...

  Thinking about what the owner took out the camera behind...Quan Wan Xiong shuddered again.

   "Hey...like a child." Lu Ran sighed helplessly as he looked at the people who touched You Ji La Zhenghuan.

   "Actually you want to go too~" Chen Qizhen smiled slightly.

"Wh... it's not! It's just Kira, it's too ugly, it's not a mini-dragon." Lu Ran curled his lips and looked disdainful, but Zhou Jiang clearly saw her body stiff when she was talking with Chen Qizhen. a bit.

  Sure enough, you don’t want to put your mouth on it, but the body...

"Hey... from Kira... It's a pity that Bangira is not my favorite style of elf. Compared to that, I prefer to bite the shark!" Tian Zhengjie shook his head and said helplessly: "It's a pity, if you don't go back. I can't get such a rare elves by myself."

   "Go back? Teacher Tian, ​​haven't you been back before?" Zhou Jiang turned to look at him and asked.

   "Hehe, how can he go back? His return is to go home to inherit the fighting dojo, not simply to go home." Lu Ran on the side said.

  Chen Qizhen did not interrupt. Among the four vacancies here, she is the lowest in "status".

  Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie are more powerful than her, their family background is more terrifying, she can't afford to provoke them, and Zhou Jiang's words, although only a student, but their strength is even more terrifying, and their future achievements are definitely not under Lu Ran and the others.

  Moreover, he found the space ring from the ruins, the automatic energy cube maker, and other magical props that he had never heard of before. His future is much better than hers.

She is an ordinary person, but she is a smart person, so she should hug her thighs. Although she should not be too obvious, like licking a dog or a dog's leg, she should not be too presumptuous when she can be quiet. Listen quietly, nothing!

  As for the previous complaints about Lu Ran, it was only one of her means. After so many travels, she didn't know all about Lu Ran's preferences, but at least she knew a lot.

  When you get along with Lu Ran, as long as you treat her like a friend and make trouble with each other, your "favorite degree" will naturally rise.

  Traveling with everyone did make her develop friendship with them, but this is not her goal or ambition. She wants to have a good relationship with them, and then climb up!

Her ideal was to be a powerful elf trainer, but the conditions in her family were average. At the age of twenty-nine, she hadn't found any way out. When she was about to give up, one of her elf reached Elite intermediate!

At that time, it was not like now, the elites were everywhere. Now the technology has exploded in the past few years, and the cognition of elves has also exploded. Therefore, the strength of the middle class is obviously easier to go up, and the elites have become no longer " Elite",

  At that time, for many people, the elite mid-level was already very powerful, and it could be the peak and apex of a lifetime.

  With an elf breakthrough, she was somewhat extinguished and the fire of chatting desire began to burn again.

  She knows that the resources she can obtain are limited. If this continues, she will eventually have to do this. Even if she manages to break through the chat wizard, she may fall into an unstable state.

  She wanted to find a backer, but there was no way out, because she was traveling and developing by herself at first, and she had only participated in the league competition once and didn't know anyone.

  There is no way out, and her vision is high. Of course, she didn't find any backers. Until one time, when she was on a mission, she met a teacher and student surrounded by a group of big needle bees in the forest.

  The four teachers and students had just come out for a school trip, but unfortunately they accidentally annoyed Big Needle Bee, so they attracted an attack.

Although the teacher’s elves are not weak, there are too many needle bees. In addition, they are not outside the forest, but a little deeper, so the strength of the needle bees is not low, under the siege of the large needle bees. , The teacher's elves can only do defense, as for counterattack and breakthrough? Don't even think about it.

  Once one is unwilling, then the big needle bee may rush in and kill the four teachers and students randomly.

  This is not a joke. The elves are **** to ordinary humans, just like a lion killing a rabbit.

  She went up to rescue them, of course not because of her kindness, but purely because she was accidentally discovered by the big needle bee when she was watching...

You can't run away, and once you run, you may still have a fatal weakness. The four teachers and students are almost unable to hold on. She was discovered at this time. If she ran away, she would definitely not be able to run far. When the teachers and students are killed, it will be her turn!

  Understanding her situation, she took a decisive move, joined forces with the teacher to resist and worked hard to unite and then began to counterattack.

In the end, they were better. The locust-like bees retreated after leaving a place. After that, it was easy. They can all be friends of life and death. After talking with them and talking with them , She thought of her own way out.

  Go to the wizard school to be a teacher!

The reason that made her decide to do this was because she discovered the strength of the teacher who led the team. The highest elves in his team were only the elementary elite. According to him, his four elite elementary elves can also be used in ordinary high schools. For a good position, the monthly salary is not low, and it is also possible to know other great teachers or foreign aid.

Without hesitation, after returning to hand in the task, she went directly to the school to be a teacher. At the beginning, she did not teach at Shuguang School. She was looking for an ordinary, somewhat inconspicuous school. After all, she would rather be a chicken. Don't be a phoenix tail. She, an elf with elite mid-level strength, was already very powerful at the time. In ordinary schools, she felt that she could get more benefits.

  But after working for a year, she gave up. What she didn't want was ordinary salary, what she needed was the opportunity to climb!

  She quit her job and went to apply for those large and well-known schools. In the end, after two interviews, she became a teacher of Suguang as she wished~www.ltnovel.com~ to return to the topic.

  To Lu Ran's answer, Zhou Jiang just nodded, nothing more.

  Tian Zhengjie probably does not want to go back and inherit the family business, but what does this have to do with him?

  Zhou Jiang always doesn't like to take care of the family affairs. If you manage it well, it will be no good. If something bad happens, then his trouble will arise.

The five stopped and watched Zhou Nan and they were facing Yu Kira. Xue Lu had retracted the elves except Yu Kira and stood with them. She didn't feel anything about Yu Kira being ravaged by them, even I wish it.

Although Yukira is only in its infancy, the first stage, but he is too lazy to die, he is not moving at all, and he is not as domineering as Benjra, he can be a little afraid of life, this is not good, it will become a king's spirit in the future , How can we not make changes?

  It happened to be ravaged by Zhou Nan and others, and there may be unexpected results.

"Okay, okay, you guys, it's enough, you are still participating in the activity now, you can touch it." Lu Ran shouted to stop them, it is because they have been playing for too long. It has been ten minutes. , I haven’t played enough yet, isn’t it just a Yu Kira, just a Kira, a quasi god...

  Be an elf trainer in a parallel world ww.50538/

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