Being curious about the quasi-god, watching and touching, it's okay, she understands, after all, she...she...hehe!

After all, the owner of Kira agreed, but this matter must have a degree. They are still playing, and the little magnetic monsters on their heads have already started shooting. These should all be spread through the lens and in front of the lens. , At least be reserved, right?

   It’s okay if it’s not broadcast. If it’s broadcast, it would be a bit embarrassing. Even if it’s a quasi god, it doesn’t have to be so unrecognizable. Didn’t even Zhou Jiang be indifferent?

   Lu Ran didn’t know, their current situation has really been broadcast by the little magnetic monster on their heads...

   Twenty minutes ago...


   At this time, a large number of tourists have gathered on the square. They are ordinary people. They came here naturally to watch the live broadcast on the big screen in front.

   Due to regulations, except for the reporters who have already reported, the rest cannot use their mobile phones to take pictures, so everyone watched quietly.

   Standing in front of the big screen is a male host in a tuxedo. He is the narrator.

"Hello, good afternoon everyone, I’m the host Fire Spirit, you can call me A Huo~ It’s the exciting Gufu Paradise event again. Today, our Gufu Paradise is hosting a elves melee event. Some old friends may ask,

  ‘Oh, didn’t it happen last time? Why is this event still? ’

Okay, Ahuo is not going to sell it anymore. After all, I am afraid of being beaten to death by the audience's grandpas. So now, Ahuo tells everyone about this event, although it is also called the elves melee, but it is different from the previous events~ "

"What? What's the difference? Haha, it seems that some of the audience grandpas are already impatient, okay, okay, Ahuo is not too long-winded, let's just introduce this event, after all, if it goes on like this, it will be handsome A Huo may also be beaten~"

  "We are very sincere about this event. Not only did the venue use the forest park that was only open to the annual insect catching contest, but the model of this competition is not simple!

   In the past, the elves melee used to stipulate the number of people, and then put them on the ring for melee, but now this event has no venue restrictions!

   Yes, you heard it right, and Ah Huo didn’t say it wrong. For this event, we opened more than two hundred hectares of forest park, so it can be said that the entire forest park is a competition venue! "

"What? How will the trainers find each other then? Haha, this is a good question. Let Ahuo tell you. We have a small locator and a small speaker on the little magnet photographer. , We will randomly select a few groups of players, and then inform them of the location of the trainer closest to them, so we don’t have to worry about finding them."

"Okay, okay, I know you still have a lot of questions. Although Ahuo wants to continue talking with you, but the situation does not allow it, I secretly tell everyone that Ahuo's boss, the water spirit, was fierce just now. Huhhhhh~"

   "Eh~ don't do it, don't do it, Ahuo is wrong, cough cough... Then what, please look at the big screen, let's take a look at the wonderful performance of each player!"

   Under the persuasion (physical) of an impatient man, the host Ahuo ended the long talk and asked the backstage staff to open the big screen live broadcast.

   "Let's take a look first, which lucky little guy was the first to get our help prompt." Ahuo turned and looked at the big screen.

"Ah, by the way" Suddenly remembered something, Huo turned slightly to look at the audience in the audience, "Quietly tell you, actually, this time the reminder was given by Huo on purpose~ I originally wanted one. It’s a reminder of how young it is to open it, but for the audience, Ahuo risked being killed~ If such a handsome Ahuo is killed by the man of A Shui, everyone can't bear it, right? Here? Without the camera, my headsets are also turned off, so the man-in-law will not know, so please keep it secret for Ahuo~ Oh, yes, yes, and ah, this month’s best employee vote... "

Suddenly, Ahuo heard a dry cough from an acquaintance in the audience, and then his facial muscles crazily twisted, a weird and a little surprised: "Huh? What's wrong with Lin, your face cramps? Oh~ I know, Uncle Lin, shouldn't you be caught by Aunt Lin~hehehehe~"

   Talking, Ah Huo showed a wretched smile that everyone knows.

   It went well, the audience laughed, and they didn't know who was laughing.


   The middle-aged man in the audience called Uncle Lin twitched his mouth and shook his head reluctantly. It was a sin in heaven, and you can live; if you commit sin, you can’t live!

   Just when Ah Huo wanted to say something, suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and for an instant, he stuck in place, dripping with cold sweat.

   A cold voice came from behind him, "Oh~mama? Change the rules without authorization? Voting for the best employee?"

   Although there is no anger in the voice, Ah Huo is still scared to death. No anger does not mean anything. It can even be said that this is the most terrifying. This tone does not contain any emotion!


A Huo Pestle is on the spot, stiffly able to act like a sculpture. The old audience in the audience raised their mouths and looked at A Huo on the stage with pity. They knew that it would be a week for A Huo to get out of bed. Up.

   Although some new viewers understand the situation, they are puzzled by the relationship between the two. Some familiar and active people directly start to hook up with people who look like old people next to them.

   As for the newcomer’s inquiry, the old people are naturally aware of it. Under such circumstances, it is inexplicably cool to say it!

   Although there are not many people who ask, it is not only the people who can hear the question. As long as the ears are pointed, it is not a problem to hear clearly.

"I'm telling you, Ah Huo, the boy, I really don’t know what to do in the blessing. Do you think Ah Shui is pretty? What? Is the name A Shui a title? Of course it’s a title, what? What's her name? Of course her original name is... Bah! Is it time to say what her name is? I said you kid still can't listen, if you don't listen, I'll leave, uncle."

   After receiving the young man’s apology and flattering, the old man died of anger, touched his beard and continued with a smile, "By the way, where is it?"

   oh oh, do you think Ah Shui is pretty?

  呸! Don't drool, that girl is the fiancee of that boy Ahuo, you have no chance!

  呸! What kind of **** is not a hoe, old man, I still don’t know you, really love? ! I bother! You are greedy for her body, you are mean!

what? I don't greedy my eunuch? Who said that my father is too old? I think I was also... ahem, jerk, don’t interrupt, what a mess, what are you thinking about, you young, young people who don’t learn well, just think These ones. Don't interrupt, uncle, I want to continue talking!

By the way, Ah Shui is the fiancée of Ah Huo’s stinky boy. Hey, it’s really a flower on the cow dung. I don’t know how much **** the kid ate in his last life. Such a beautiful lady is a fiancee, if my stupid son had such a beautiful lady, then I...

   ahem, jerk, look at what I'm doing this way, I'm a decent man, old man! Don't interrupt!

   There is such a beautiful lady who is a fiancee, but the boy Ahuo is still not satisfied. It's a goddamn! A violent thing! If you don't want it, give it to my old man...'s grandson! My poor grandson, now..." As he said, the old man burst into tears for a moment.


  The melon-eating people who are around the old man who are going to listen to the story are all looking at me and I see you. So, what did your old man say?

For a long time, they didn’t say anything, they were drunk. All the young people looked at the old man who was constantly sighing, shaking their heads and leaving here, they were going to listen to the other seniors, this old man, Always driving, the key is to drive without a license, and keep turning over. It's almost a children's toy car! Bah, it should be called an elderly disabled car! Otherwise they will be able to stay for a while...

   After the young people left, the old man stood up slowly, reached out his hand to wipe the remaining tears on his face, and shook his head helplessly.

   "Senior, you are really sao!"

   A helpless sigh came from the old man's side. The voice was very soft, and it drifted into the old man's ears and then disappeared into the air.

   The old man shrugged slightly, and said softly to the empty back: "Yours is also very big~"


The old people who come here often talk about things quickly. They tell the story. After the introduction, the "drama" on the stage continues. Anyway, it is not them that are uncomfortable, so the new and old audiences eat with relish. Started melon.

   Not to mention, this melon is really sweet, at least it’s more interesting than Ah Huo’s slightly funny performance on stage.

   Since Ah Huo was facing the audience below, he did not see the woman in uniform like him who came up from the steps.

   But he didn't see it. The audience did. The old audience also knew who this woman was, so Uncle Lin reminded him before. As a result, the kid skipped his head and fell straight.

   "Why, there is nothing to say?" Ah Shui smiled coldly.

   Ahuo turned around tremblingly, crying in mourning, "I was wrong..."

"Ha ha!"

"That..." A staff member came over with a little embarrassment, "Miss A Shui, that... You see, activities are still being held now, or else, you can bear it for a while, and then teach this kid when it is over? "

   "Yes, yes, forbearance, I have to hold the event!" A Huo instantly nodded as if he had grabbed the straw.

"Don't, A Shui, teach this kid A Huo, this kid is owed to clean up, even uncle I dare to make a joke! Man, if you don't clean up, sooner or later the tail will be up to the sky, trust uncle, listen Uncle's, that's right!" As soon as A Huo finished speaking, Uncle Lin in the audience yelled. After shouting, he raised his eyebrows at A Huo, who turned his head to look at him with a bitter face.

   Ahuo now has the heart to die.

He also knew that Uncle Lin was reminding him that Ah Shui was coming over, but he didn't respond and didn't say anything. He went to "mouse" Uncle Lin. It's all right now. He was a brother with two ribs. He became the "enemy" of the two swords of the brothers, and Uncle Lin was even more ruthless. After the knife was inserted, he sprinkled salt on the wound...

   He just wants to cry now... cry out loud...

A Shui glanced at Uncle Lin, and then at A Huo, "I'm still working now, let me spare you, and wait for you to go back...hehehe~ Also, after the event, you are not allowed to go anywhere, just go to the office. Find me, if...hehehe~"

   A Shui put down the cruel words and turned around to leave.

   Seeing that Ah Shui was not going to pursue it now, Ah Huo and the staff nearby were relieved.

   Suddenly, Ah Huo's whole body tightened again. The reason was that Ah Shui, who turned and left, went back and returned, and walked back!

   ", what are you doing, didn't you say..."

   Before Ahuo finished speaking, A Shui glared at her, then raised his hand, and a small bag flew over.

   Ahuo subconsciously caught it, lowered his head and opened the palm of his hand to see, it was a pack of throat lozenges...

   When he raised his head, Ah Shui had already turned and left, leaving only a beautiful back.

"Hehe, Ahuo, what good stuff did A Shui give you, my brother, Kangkang? You see, I helped you out just now, do you think you should..." After seeing A Shui left, before The staff who came up to rescue Ah Huo came over and whispered Ah Huo avoided with a look of disgust, "Don't even think about it, you still owe me three favors, even if it is offset this time. Once, there are two more. Go while you are. Don’t disturb Master Ahuo hosting. If you are so delayed, the competition will start for a while."


   The staff member who was pushed down the steps curled his lips, gave him a middle finger, and went to his studio.

   So, quarreling between young couples is the most troublesome... It's no good if you help. If you don't help wrong, then finish playing.

"Okay, okay, the farce has passed, everyone, please focus your attention on the handsome face of A Huo, of course, if you are infatuated with A Huo, you can also introduce your girl to Ah Huo~ Ah Huo is a good man besides his famous name, so I found someone like A Huo..."

"Come on, Ahuo, don't be fussy. Keep talking, be careful A Shui comes back to find you to settle the account. You escaped this time, and you want to have another time? If you are caught by A Shui again, you will be over! "An old acquaintance in the audience shouted.

   "That's right, and Ah Huo, just like you, still want us to introduce a girl? You are afraid of peach!"

   "Ahuo, you guys, don't let the waves go, let's start playing, the activity will start for a while!"

   "Little thief Ahuo, shit~!"


   I like to be an elf trainer in a parallel world, please collect it: Be an elf trainer in a parallel world and update it the fastest.

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