"Hello, hello everyone~" Just when Lu Ran was about to speak, a strange voice suddenly came from around, and the eleven people present started to move reflexively with fright.


Zhou Nan yelled, and then he leaned against Xu Feng and the others. Others leaned against each other with their backs to each other. Those with more people formed a circle, and those with fewer people or separated slightly bowed slightly. Going down, his left hand is slightly blocking his chest, and his right hand is stretched to the back waist, fingers pinching the elf ball, which can be thrown at any time.

  The Bibi Bird released by Zhou Jiang also flew high above the sky, looking for suspicious characters.

  Everyone was taken aback, but they looked around and found that there was no one around, which made them even more nervous, especially Zhou Jiang, his palms sweated a lot.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Xue Lu subconsciously, thinking that she had asked someone to prepare to serve them. This was also why he was nervous and confused. He didn't even think carefully about the sound that came out before, and even the sound did not enter. In his brain, it just went in and out of his ears.

  This time Zhou Jiang was a little out of state, but other people were still very powerful, and soon found the source of the sound.

  Up...Magnetic monster?

  Sure enough, soon, there was another voice from the magnet they were staring at: "Ah, don’t worry, I’m the organizer, and I’m talking with you through the microphone on the magnet."

Everyone looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. After standing straight, everyone gathered together and looked at the magnetic monster. Although the vigilance was put down a lot, not all of them were put down to chat. Their right hand on the poke ball on their waist still stopped. Over there, if there is any danger, they will throw the pokeball.

  In fact, they are also nervous.

  It’s okay even if they don’t hold the poke ball. After all, the elves can feel the situation outside. Once they detect danger, they will jump out. This is much faster than they throw the poke ball.

  In fact, the elves are the safest to be outside, after all, it takes a while for the elves to break free from the poke ball.

  It’s easy for people with such strengths as the Big Needle Bee, and they can come out all at once, but it also takes a certain amount of time all at once. I guess... less than a second?

  Ahem, although it is very short, sometimes in that short moment, people may disappear.

Like a pistol, the most common pistol, the bullet's flying speed is estimated to be 100M per second, that is, this is only the most common. There are a lot of black technologies in the world. Although Zhou Jiang hasn't seen any powerful pistols. Yes, but it is estimated that there will be no less secretly.

  That is, it is very likely that people will die before the elf comes out!

But now I’m just participating in an activity competition, not in a wild place. Everyone is a regular trainer, and no one knows how to use it. If you want to use a gun, you have to have channels to get it. This is China. Although for many people, the gun ban is the same as none, but most people cannot escape.

  Although the trainer’s elves are more terrifying than firearms, guns can be banned, can elves?

  Do you still want the trainer not to enter the city?

  And besides running away, the elves will stop hurting people at other times. They are not stupid than people. They know what they might face after killing.

  And the gun?

  It is just a tool without feelings and thoughts. It will collapse when it is broken. It will not show mercy.

  Moreover, the elves have reached the point where they cannot be stopped, but the gun can still stop them. Having one source of danger is not enough. Should we put another one in?

   Pulled away, back to the original place.

  Zhou Jiang and others looked at the magnetic monster, somewhat puzzled, "People of the organizer? Why did the organizer ask us for it, right now?"

  A voice came from Magneto again, "Huh? Don’t you know? Didn’t the staff who brought you in give you the rest of the rules?"

  "..." Zhou Jiang and others were silent as they listened to the puzzled tone.

  Damn it, so sure enough, that guy is not over yet!



   "What's wrong, have a cold?"

   "Ah, no, no, no Sakura" The man waved his hand quickly, rubbed his nose, and smiled: "It's probably who is scolding me, hahaha~"

  The middle-aged Ru, who was opposite the man, nodded, “It’s fine if you don’t have a cold. There is not enough manpower, but there are no more people to fill the vacancies here. Okay, Captain Fireworks has already started, let’s start too!”



   "Ahem, our group has a zero condition, but can you trouble you to give it to us?" Lu Ran stood up and said strangely to the magnetic.

"..." There was silence for a while before he said again, "No problem, then I'll follow you again, but before I want to tell you, other trainers have already come to your side~ Don’t be prepared to confirm Do you want to listen?"

   "Come here? What do you mean?!"

   "Literally, we reported your position to other players. They are coming towards you. Of course, we will also report to you the unknown where they are."


   Zhou Jiang several people were silent, nothing.

   Although a little unhappy, this should be one of the rules they don’t know.

  After all, it’s a huge venue. If you go to Voldemort, it will be really difficult for others to find them, and if you are all Voldemort, when will the game be played...

   "By the way, can you ask how many trainers are here?" Zhou Jiang stepped forward and asked.

   "But we can't, but we didn't tell the other party the number of people on your side." "Magnetic monster" replied.

  Zhou Jiang nodded and returned to the team.

  Although I don’t know the number of people on the other side, it shouldn’t be more than them, but to be on the safe side, it’s better to lay ambush.

   Zhou Jiang's brain turned frantically, and began to observe the surrounding terrain.

  As for the next rules for "magnetism"?

  He is not very interested.

  Just let Zhou Nan and the others listen. The "Magnetic Monster" is also coming. Someone is coming. For him, the next encounter will be interesting.

  Elf melee...

  In fact, compared to regular games, he prefers this kind of irregular melee. Many of his show operations are not used in regular games. Even if they can be used, the effect is greatly reduced.

  And this kind of melee is different, which reminds him of what happened to the Rockets before.

  Dangerous and exciting!

Especially when he sent Ghost Stone to the "decapitation operation", he was very happy when he saw the opponent who was panicked after the leader fell. After all, in the team battle, he directly stole the opponent's house. , The kind of satisfaction is beyond words.

  Compared with it, it is more troublesome for a regular game.

  Sometimes it's okay that there are not many rules. Sometimes there are a lot of rules and it's very annoying. Moreover, the regular game is played after the two sides stand and shout to start, which makes him a little unhappy.

  He doesn't like to fight with each other openly, he likes sneak attacks!

  Compared to swordsmen, he prefers assassins with one blow!

  Maybe this is due to his character?

  After all, he is the kind of person who hates trouble. Assassins are the kind of people who hide, then jump out and kill you directly and then flee thousands of miles away. Doesn’t it look more relaxed than the frontal?

  And assassin, killer, doesn’t it sound cool?

  Zhou Jiang looked around and quickly found a good hiding place.

In fact, it’s not bad, but it’s just a thick bush, but there are a few big trees behind. The bush is not on the side of the main road, so if you hide there, as long as you don’t know in advance , Is basically found not to chat.

  It seems that the place can hide two or three people. As long as the opponent enters the strike range, the elves they ambush over there can completely attack directly!

   is indeed a good place to ambush sneak attacks.

  However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. The reason why an accident is called an accident is that it means unexpected. Zhou Jiang was not happy for a long time, when a loud cry of Bibi Bird came from a distance, followed by the sounds of birdsong one after another, from Bibi Bird to Toucan.

  Although Bibibird’s calls sounded similar, Zhou Jiang could still recognize the Bibibird’s voice at home.

Zhou Jiang raised his head and frowned and looked towards the side where the sound was made. As the dense forest and trees blocked him, nothing could be seen, but the rest of the movement could still be seen, such as the strong wind brought by the aftermath of the battle. The bushes shattered by hunting.

   "What's the matter? The elves are doing it? Isn't Zhou Jiang your Bibi Bird over there?" Zhou Nan asked.

  "Wild Toucan?" Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jiang and asked.

"No, if it is a wild big-billed sparrow, the fighting will not be so dynamic, and there are no powerful elves here. If it is wild, the battle should be over now, and they are still fighting now." Zhou Jiang smashed He slapped his tongue, a little unhappy, "They are here!"

  I didn’t expect to come so quickly, he was not ready to ambush...

"Let's go, since it's here, let's fight! It's been a long time since I've been fighting with others, I've been fighting with Zhou Jiang, I almost don't know my strength!" Zhou Nan shook his right wrist with his left hand. He grinned, dissatisfied with the honesty of the past.

   "Haha, so am I. I was tortured to death by the elves of Zhou Jiang. This time I want to be liberated. I want to fight ten!" Chen Yongan also laughed and shouted.


  Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan looked at each other, "Go!"

   "Hey, don't rush so fast!" Zhou Jiang was a little speechless as he looked at the two fat guys who ran toward there while holding the poke ball, but he hadn't waited for him to finish...

  Looking at Tian Zhengjie who also ran forward, Zhou Jiang held his forehead.

What's wrong? So impulsive... Forget about Zhou Nan and the others, even Tian Zhengjie... And he glanced at Xu Feng and found that he was also a little bit eager to move... Didn't he beat them to autism before practicing with them and wanted to vent?

  Yes, Zhou Jiang is there. Although they don't usually go to the gym or the like, they will pester Zhou Jiang and let Zhou Jiang fight against them.

Zhou Jiang’s strength really crushed them. Even if Lucario, who joined Tian Zhengjie behind, was not an opponent of Zhoujiang Elves. Whether it was Big Needle Bee or Xanadu, they could crush it, even if it was behind it. Accumulated and made a breakthrough in the battle and became a middle-ranked king, that was not their opponent.

   just powerless to resist it enough to hold it.

  As for resistance?

Melee is not effective against Big Needle Bee, unless it can attack without generating strong wind, but this is very difficult, and it doesn't know the principle of Big Needle Bee Paper Painting, so it didn't work hard in this direction, as long as it is not a big needle The bee fights against it deliberately, unless it runs out of energy, otherwise it will be difficult to hit it.

  And what about Xanadu.

Although the power of mind is not good enough to trap it, it is also uncomfortable if it flies on and keeps attacking with long-range attacks such as the shadow ball. The only long-range attack skill wave missile, against the shadow ball on the sandy ground, still It's hard to hold on.

  Even if a shadow ball cannot reach a wave of missiles, how about two or three?

  Of course, since it is a training partner, unless it is deliberately let it train this kind of combat method against flying, otherwise it will not be so ridiculous, otherwise, the training will be useless, it is purely to give Zhou Jiang points?

   But even if they are not bad, Lucario can't beat them. Yes, in the training, the status of Zhoujiang Demon King is indeed fulfilled.

   has been pressed and beaten, no wonder they are excited now.

  One is the pleasure of stress release, and the other is also the time to test your current strength.

  After all, facing Zhou Jiang, no matter how much the improvement was, Zhou Nan and the others would just give away food.

  After all, their current elves are not one or two points worse, even their level is far worse.

  Although they have been fighting against Zhou Jiang’s "high-level" elves, they have gained much more experience than ordinary ones, but they can't fight, and they can gain much less experience.

Zhou Jiang’s elves have won the battle with those extremely high-level elves, and they have only risen so quickly. Otherwise, his elves’ level has not risen so terribly, even those big family children can’t compare with them. After all, they are just Like Zhou Nan and the others, they have high-level elves to train with, and they can't beat those elves.

"Hey...Is it really a child? They, I have taken them too..." Jiang Shui sighed helplessly. She didn't want to be on the road of trainer, nor did she partner with Zhou Jiang Elf, so she didn't understand Zhou Nan. Their mood at this time, other things like Lu Ran's skirts are all understood, so no.

"Okay, okay, don't, let's catch up too. If there are too many people on the other side, they will be caught in a siege. It won't be good." Seeing Zhou Nan and their backs who are about to disappear behind the bushes in the distance~www.ltnovel.com ~ Zhou Jiang sighed.

  Really served...

Even if Bibi Niao was exposed, they could also avoid the yin and humiliation nearby. Although their vigilance was strengthened, but if they were careful, they could always gain something with their strength, and if they didn’t do it, they would just wait in place. It's better than rushing over like this, what if the other person hides and waits for them to enter and then engages in a sneak attack...

  Although their elves are very strong, they are not necessarily magnetic monsters!

   Zhou Jiang shook his head, glanced at the magnetic monster flying above his head, and released Xanadu.

   "Sanaduo, the safety of the magnetic monster is left to you to protect. By the way, now spread the Nianli net and pay attention to your surroundings at any time, and don't be ambush."

   "Sanaduo~!" Sanaduo nodded, his expression solemn.

   The protection of the magnetic monster was handed over to Shanaido, Zhou Jiang was very relieved that no elves in his hand were as versatile as Shanaido. With her protection, they would be able to fight with peace of mind afterwards without being distracted.


  Zhou Jiang glanced at the flashing shadows in the nearby bushes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

  No matter what, there is no reason to lose in this battle!

  Be an elf trainer in a parallel world ww.50538/

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