Soon, Zhou Jiang and others caught up with Zhou Nan and the others. At this time, they had reached the place where Bibi and Toucan were fighting. In the jungle opposite, there were three trainers standing. The trainer of the finches.

When Zhou Jiang and the others passed by, Bibi and Toucan were still fighting. The two elves could be the kind of mortal enemies. Now they are in the camp of both sides. They won’t be scolded by their masters even if they fight or die. The elves are fighting fiercely, so why are their fathers and enemies just like that? .

   "Fuck! So many people, let's withdraw." One of the three training homes opposite saw Zhou Jiang and others who came later, his face turned green.

  I thought there were only three people, then they were the same, so I didn’t feel much, but now...

   Seeing Zhou Jiang and others who came here afterwards, there was no quarrel with Zhou Nan. They are not brainless, they must know that they are a group...

  So... three dozen eleven?


   "Hmm...really absolutely, there is actually a team of eleven Rao, Gan! After we ran this time, we will recruit people or join other teams, eleven people, how can we fight!"

  The other two nodded in agreement, and then the three of them looked at each other and silently retreated back.

  The big-billed finches are not worried, this is nothing else, this is an active competition, can they kill their big-billed finches?

As long as they reach a certain distance, and then use the poke ball to recover it remotely, even if it can’t be recovered, at most sacrifice it, it’s better than group destruction. They don’t think they can win by one person, they haven’t. So arrogant.

  It's Zhou Jiang and they are looking up at the fight between Toucan and Bibi Niao. They can still run while they are not paying attention. If they hesitate any more, when they see it, it will be too late!

  It’s troublesome to run, exposing the back to the enemy, it is easy to be killed, but now the number of people on the opposite side is more than three times that of them, almost four times!

  Although they should not attack the trainer, their magnets can’t hold them.

   Then they will send out elves, and a bunch of long-range attacks will come. How can they be able to prevent it?

  Their strength is not strong, otherwise they can make a few bold words one by one, but now...they are too late to run, and they still have a fart~

  ‘They are going to run, master, what should I do, shall I take action? ’

   "Huh?" Hearing Shanaiduo's voice, Zhou Jiang put his head down and looked at where the three trainers were originally standing, and saw that they were bending over and quietly preparing to drive away.

  Watching their movements, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

  He can guess what they think, but it’s a pity that Shanaido is here on their side!

  Before, in order to avoid an ambush sneak attack, Zhou Jiang asked Shanaiduo to monitor his mind all the time. This is also the reason why he watched the battle between Bibi Niao and the Toucan so casually and ignored them.

  Because even if they chose to attack at that time and Shanaido was there, they would end up in failure.

  But even if you run away, it’s the same. You can even die faster if you run away!

  Zhou Jiang winked at Shanaido, Shanaido smiled slightly, and then lifted his right hand slightly, and suddenly a purple coat appeared on the body of the magnetic monster flying on the heads of the three people who quietly moved backwards.

  The three magnetic monsters are shocked. Although they will not attack actively, they can still counterattack autonomously after being attacked.

  In an instant, they began to exert force, using one hundred thousand volts.

  Magnetic monsters are controlled by thought power. Although they used one hundred thousand volts, they were controlled by Xanadu, and their attacks could not break through the thought power film.

   After all, level suppression is too harsh, Shanaido is considered to be powerful among kings, but what about Magneto? They are generally only a dozen or more than twenty levels. With such a big gap, if they attack with thought power, this is simply unreasonable crushing!

   However, although the attack can't break through Shanaido's thought power, their movement has also attracted the attention of everyone.

  Bibi Bird, they were fighting on the top, completely ignoring the situation below, still fighting for life, but Zhou Nan and others looked over there at the same time.

  Zhou Nan and they all heard the sound, let alone the trio of passersby who were very close.

  They looked back abruptly, and their complexions changed suddenly when they saw the magnetic monsters surrounded by Nian Li.

   "Damn, they have super-power elves!"

   "Hang pull, go and save the magnet monsters!"

   "Moon Elf, go too!"

   "Poison Skull Frog, Meng Ge Naia, go and stop them!"

  The three people who reacted quickly sent out the elves.

  Magnetic monsters are the most important thing. If they are killed, even if they run away, what will happen, they still lose the qualification for the game.

  They might have seen that Magneto didn’t lose their fighting ability all at once, so they felt they could resist, but even if they knew Shanaiduo’s strength, they probably couldn’t surrender obediently.

  After all, if they obediently surrendered and gave up resistance, they would be eliminated directly, and maybe they could escape if they resisted?

  Hangla and the moon elves rushed to the three magnetized monsters that were trapped and talked about, while the poisonous skeleton frog rushed towards Zhou Jiang and the others with Mengge Naia.

   "It just happened, Nitorino, kill them!"

   "Haha, leave the other one to me, Heracross, you too!"

  Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan saw the elves on the opposite side rushing over and threw the Elf Ball excitedly.

   Zhou Jiang shook his head.

  Really... Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

  They thought they were Zhou Jiang?

  The people on the opposite side are probably trainers who have graduated for about two years.

  As for Zhou Nan and the others, although they have advanced sparring partners and eat energy cubes at every meal, they are just rookie trainers and they are not open after all.

  Even if they have a good foundation, but the time to get the elves is only so little, and for such a long time, Zhou Jiang and them don't have much time together. The energy cubes were only recently eaten when they traveled to the gym.

  More than five years of cultivation time, it is not so simple to bring it back, and the effect of energy cubes is mainly manifested in a long time. Now with such a little time, the increase in the wizard is not very large, in fact.

With the development of the times, the "laws" of the level of elves are also known to the world. At the same time as the development of science and technology, the technology related to elves, whether it is healing or elves food, is developing rapidly. Long ago, in Chen Qizhen's era, there were very few mid-level elites.

   And the elves on the opposite side are all around forty-six-seventh, the standard elite middle-level, but what about Zhou Nan and others?

  I haven't reached the elementary level of the elite yet. It is the most difficult to break through from one stage to another. A long time ago, their elves have reached 28th and ninth level, but they are still stuck at 30th level.

  As for Xu Feng? His Kami Turtle broke through, reaching level 33, but if he rushed up, it would still not be enough to tear the other side.

  Fortunately, he is not an impulsive type, so he moved forward without clamoring.

  ‘Do you need my help, Master, they don’t seem to be able to fight. ’

  Sanaiduo has been training with them, and naturally knows Zhou Nan's strength. Although she does not have a system to intuitively see the strength of the elves on the opposite side, she can still feel that those elves are stronger than Zhou Nan and theirs.

  As for Xanadu...then it is nothing compared to each other, neither side is of the same level.

  ‘Forget it, let them bump into it. I think it’s about the same age as me. Then I have been training with you so I feel that I’m great. Let them hit a rock to understand their strength more clearly. ’

'Ok. ’

  ‘By the way, you should pay attention to them too, don’t let their elves be can lose, don’t be stunned, otherwise the blow may be a bit big. ’


  ‘Well, leave it to you. ’

  "Aren't you going to help?" Xue Lu looked at Zhou Nan and the others, then looked at the few people who stayed there and asked.

  Jiangshui and the three girls also looked at Lu Ran and Zhou Jiang, wanting to know their thoughts.

"Let them try. With Shanaido, they will be fine." Zhou Jiang didn't turn his head to look at them, he kept looking at Zhou Nan and the others. Although it might be a bit bad, he really wanted to see it. Their expressions when they were "fried".

  Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Lu Ran and the others nodded in silence, while Wang Qingyan and the others were relieved and relaxed.

   "Hmm~" Xue Lu glanced at the flying Xanadu, slightly puzzled.

  Is it possible that this Xanadu is very powerful?

  I can’t...isn’t it just a new trainer who just came out to travel...

  And this does it feel weird...

   Feel the breath, and the level is not very high, it is estimated that it is an elite mid-level? Such a high level, she is the elder of the family, it’s just a little strange, how do you feel that she has the original aura...Is it an illusion, but it's not like it, but it does have a breath like that fellow's violent salamander...

   is really... an illusion?

   Xue Lu glanced at Xanadu from time to time, feeling a bit dazed, and the battle in front officially broke out.

  Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan ran to zero in order to get closer.

  Two poke **** exploded in mid-air, and after releasing two groups of white light, the poke **** bounce back in the original direction under the effect of the ejection device.

  Heracross and Nitorino fell from midair, stopping the poisonous skull frog and Meng Song Naia.

  They met here, and over there, Moon Elf and Xuan La had already reached the trapped magnetic monster.

Thanks to Zhou Jiang’s instructions, Shanaiduo did not directly kill the Magnetos, but the evil spirits’ restraint on the superpowers is not a game of play. When the superpowers meet the evil spirits, they will be invisible. To "absorb" is like a black hole specializing in absorbing superpowers.

  In order to avoid trouble, Xanadu can only lift three magnetic monsters high.

   Lifted up, although their long-range skills are still sufficient, their bodies with evil attributes cannot directly touch that layer of thought force membrane.

And they don’t dare to attack directly. After all, the level of the magnetic monsters is very low. Moon elves’ attack power is weak, so they can’t break through the thought power set by Xanadu, but if it becomes stronger... If Xanadu suddenly gives up What about mind power?

  Although the thought power traps them, it also protects them. There is thought power wrapped on their surface. Unless the attack exceeds the upper limit of the attack that the thought power can withstand, the magnetic monsters will only feel some "bumps" at most.

  If their attacks are fierce and Shanaido directly revokes his thought power at a critical time, the magnetic monsters that are not fast will definitely eat those attacks head-on.

  Even magnetic monsters of similar level will not feel good after eating those attacks, and even due to lack of physical strength, it may be killed after that, not to mention that these magnetic monsters are now low-level.

  "Hey, what should I do?" Seeing this, the trainer of Yanla looked angrily at the trainer of the moon elf.

  Well, it’s worth mentioning that the trainer of Xuan La is a middle-point man wearing a plaid shirt, with a lot of obvious pockmarks on his face, which is slightly ugly.

The trainer of the Moon Elf is a handsome guy with long brown hair and wearing a black T-shirt. Well, even though he is a handsome guy, he is only able to see it. After all, compared with the pockmarked face next to him, that’s true. Pleasing to the eye a lot.

In addition to them, there is also a trainer who sent the poisonous skull frog and Meng Ge Naia to attack Zhou Nan and the others. He just has a normal face, and his hair is normal cut, nothing prominent. The face and hair have not been dyed, and if you use one sentence to describe it, it is very ordinary.

Mazi face and the handsome man’s elves rushed over, but the magnetic monsters were pulled up. If they were lower, they could jump up and smash into them, using the "characteristic" that the super power system had no effect on the evil system. Come to rescue the Magnetos, but now they are raised high by Shanaido, they can't jump up at all!

   "Hey, trouble, I only have the big-billed finches in the flying genie, but now the big-billed finches are all on the head, even if I call it, it is useless."

  The handsome man analyzed it calmly, but he suddenly turned his head and looked at Mazi's face, "Where is your coconut tree? Let it use superpowers against superpowers!"

   "Uh..." Mazi's face was a little embarrassed and scratched his head, "My coconut tree thought power is still not well If you don't mind, maybe the magnetic monster just hangs up..."

   "..." The handsome man covered his face, "You shit, it's not useful at critical times!"

"Okay, stop arguing between you two. Since Magneto is okay and there is no way, then just attack it directly. I think they deliberately didn't solve Magneto directly. They probably treat us as experience babies!" The ordinary man kicked them lightly to make them come back to their senses and stop "infighting".

   Hearing the words of the ordinary man, Mazimian and the handsome man turned their gazes and looked at the opposite side, and found that the only people who were fighting against the ordinary man’s poisonous skull frog and Meng Song Naia were Heracros and Nidolino!

  And they are still pressing the opposite Heracles and Nidolino!

  Looking into the distance again, there were only two of their gangs facing them, and there were only two people who stood up, and each of them had an elf to fight against his companion ordinary man? !

  Two people come out to fight with them if they miss eleven? Look at that Shanaido's level should not be low. It is easy to control the three magnetic monsters, and there is no expression of fatigue at all.

  In an instant, they were angry. Does this really treat us as experience babies?

  Uncle can bear it, aunt can’t bear it!

  I am gonna!

  Be an elf trainer in a parallel world ww.50538/

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