"Let it all out? How about that?" Mazi face was a little surprised.

He also didn't expect that this was actually said by the captain of the three, a steady think tank.

After such a wave, they might be cold...

He still had some expectations, as Xanadu couldn't control the little Magneto after he slowly consumed it, so they ran away after being rescued. This is their plan just now. Although they didn't say it, they grew up together, and they could understand their thoughts with a glance.

Although many elves may lose their combat ability in the end, at least they still have the qualifications to participate.

If you climb up a little, maybe the reward is better?

And if all the elves were released, it would indicate that this was a total attack, and in a rally, they would definitely not be able to beat the opponent, and they knew the consequences.

But now, they want to attack?

"Yes, look at that Shanaido, the level of Jedi is not low, and he has been controlling the little magnetic monsters and can also intervene in the battle of Mengge Naia from time to time, and now there is no reaction at all. Just for a while, Two elves are gone, a total of eighteen elves will be consumed by them in a few clicks, and how many people have they shot?"

With that said, the little handsome man looked at Zhou Nan and the others, "And they want to use us as experience babies, anyway, they all lose. Do you want to achieve their expectations?"

"..." The ordinary man was silent.

Mazi looked angry, "Gan! Of course I don't want to, okay, just do it! They want to experience babies, then give them a big one!"

The two looked at the ordinary man, who sighed and nodded.

At this time, while they were talking, Bibi Bird and Kabi Beast had joined Zhou Nan and their battlefield.

Not to mention Bibi Niao, with the addition of the hair ball before, the battle is no longer one-sided. There is an extra support that can play a very important role in the battle. Even if it does not enter the field, it will distract Meng Ge Na Yahe Poison Skull Frog’s attention, after all, who knows when the fur ball will suddenly shoot?

With the addition of Mao Qiu, the battle situation has gradually stabilized, and now Bibi Niao and Kirby Beast have also joined in. Now, the opponent can't hold it.

Mao Qiu and Zhou Nan's Nidolino entangled the poisonous skull frog together, and Bibi Niao and Kabi beast attacked and directly killed Mengge Naia, and then it was a tragic five-on-one...

Poison Skull Frog and Mengge Naia are about the same strength, but Mengge Naia can't stand the besle of three elves, let alone five elves now.

Fortunately, on weekdays, everyone trains and fights together, so there is a tacit understanding, otherwise the five elves may not be as powerful as the previous two.

After all, this is reality, and there is no situation where the skills that appear in online games are immune to teammates or even pass through.

If it hits a teammate, it really needs to be eaten.

It may even be more serious. After all, when fighting, everyone is facing the enemy, and the person in front faces their teammates. If they accidentally eat the skills of the teammates behind, they will eat it unsuspectingly. This is not a joke...

And it's not just melee units that eat the skills of long-range teammates, there are also many oolongs such as melee units crashing into the target, and then letting the remote units' attacks fail, and the skills of two long-range attacking units colliding.

It's like a bird. They cooperate well. Although it is not a tacit understanding, it is still possible. At least there will be no Oolong attacking oneself. At most, it is a little cringe when attacking, but the problem is not big.

The poisonous skull frog eventually fell, and after it fell, the "war" between the two sides broke out!

Mazilian and the three of them released all their elves and took back the elves who fell on the ground.

They won't stop the recovery of the wizard Zhou Jiang. After all, they said before that this is just an activity, and it won't make the elves that have lost the ability to fight won't be put away by the opponent.

But after seeing a bunch of elves being released from the opposite side, Zhou Jiang and the others couldn't sit still.

Zhou Jiang threw the fairy ball of the Qingteng snake, Xu Feng and Zhou Nan also threw all the elves they brought out, but they had fewer elves, so although they were all elves, they were actually Not much.

There were fourteen elves on the opposite side, but Zhou Jiang and the others had eleven.

"Do you need our help?" Wang Qingyan and the others were a little excited, they started a group!

"Well, let's put one or two. Although you can beat them, you can't lose in numbers!" Zhou Jiang nodded solemnly.

That’s right, although the number of elves coming out now is that they have a small number and Bibi bird’s physical strength is not much, but Zhou Jiang is not empty at all. After all, Shanaido is still standing on the side, and she can fight the other side alone group!

If the difference in level is too large, it cannot be compensated by the number. Of course, you have to say to fight tens of thousands of elves... Then Zhou Jiang did not say it, tens of thousands, this special What can someone fight?

It is estimated that only when the sacred beasts can resist and fight back, this level.

Wang Qingyan and the others released the elves. Although Wang Qingyan and others are not very active, the elves of her and Li Linghui are not weak. The highest level is the same as Zhou Nan and others, reaching level 30.

The river water is real water. Although the elves also eat a lot of energy cubes, they can't go up without training. How can her elves lie on the side and sleep well every day?

Wang Qingyan and the others released the elves, and Tian Zhengjie also released his elves, Gentleman Crow.

This gentleman crow is only fifty-first level, and belongs to the ranks of the high-level elite who has just stepped into the ranks of the elite. Although it is not very high compared to the others, it is already very high for this battle. After all, the highest elf on the opposite side is also It's just an elite mid-level.

Although he released such an elf, it was enough.

Tian Zhengjie released the elf, and Zhou Jiang glanced at him.

Before Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan rushed over, and he followed behind, but when the fight came later, he held back and did not go to fight.

Zhou Jiang didn't know what he thought. He ran up on impulse before, and calmed down after a while, or did he feel that he didn't need to take action later, leaving it to Zhou Nan and the others for a trial.

If you don't understand, you don't want to. After all, you don't have to know. Although he is curious, he can also restrain some unnecessary curiosity.

"Bibi bird, use the tailwind, and the vine snake uses the sun and flame!"

"Gentleman Crow, Shadow Ball!"


"Furry Ball, Kabimon..."


Zhou Jiang and the others launched an offensive here, and the three people who took the lead in sending out the elves over there would naturally not wait. They had already ordered the elves to attack.

The fourteen elves are not repeated types, water, fire, rocks, thunder, poison, steel...

The attributes are quite complete, and the strengths are all of the same level.

Fifteen elves VS 14 elves, so many elves team battles, it can be said that a small-scale group fight broke out, and the total number is almost 30 elves. In fact, this scale of battle actually requires the most cooperation Of it.

If the number of elves is small, then it may not be obvious. With more elves, the power of various skills may increase greatly after mixing, or the power after mixing may be reduced or even offset.

This requires the elves' tacit understanding of their companions.

In team battles, the more the number of elves, the more obvious the difference in the degree of tacit understanding. After all, the more the number, the more difficult operations such as the integration of skills. Isn't this obvious?

But if the gap is really revealed, it will be a little troublesome.

The above are all ideal situations, and other external factors are not considered. In the real world, it is different. There are many things to consider.

For example, the attributes of both elves.

There are more elves, and the attributes become more messy, and each attribute has different characteristics and tolerance conditions, and each elves uses different strengths of skills, and tolerance will be different. These are more than that. This is just the strength of the skill, and the direction of the skill, the average level of energy, the supply situation...

And what is the difference in the strength of each elf?

It's all trouble.

Every elf thinks about the past, it is really troublesome.

Of course, in reality, no one is so idle and doing nothing. For fighting, just let the elves come. Anyway, they are just trainers who are responsible for proposing training plans for the elves. How to practice is their business. If it is a trainer If you can, you can teach it, if you can't, they can find it on their own.

However... depending on how well the elves control the skills, it is estimated that this is not that difficult. After all, humans are not elves and cannot activate skills so they find it difficult. If it is the elves themselves, it might feel normal.

Back to reality.

The fighting situation went smoothly, and Zhou Jiang and the others had the upper hand.

In the first wave of the previous fight, it was the opponent who overwhelmed Zhou Jiang and the others, or Shanaido was out to help, so he could barely resist. Otherwise, the opponent's skills would be directly in their side of the elves. The inside exploded.

The reason for the loss in the previous matchup was still Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang's two are the main elves here. He didn't let them fight head-on. Bibi Niao used the tailwind of the auxiliary system to accelerate his teammates, while the Qingteng Snake let it directly hit the opposite side with the sun and flames!

Although it is the afternoon and the sun is still fierce, but now this is a place where the sun is blocked by trees, so its sunlight and flames are launching a bit late.

When it was launched, the long-range attack skills of the two sides had already blasted together, and the melee units also rushed over and fought in the middle.

Although the skills here were suppressed, Zhou Jiang didn't let it help intercept, instead let Shanaido help. If Qingteng Snake, directly bombard the opponent's elf body with the sun and flames!

It’s not that the opposite party insists on fighting with Zhou Jiang and the others, but even if they have open skills, they will be intercepted by other elves or scattered with thought force by Shanaido. It is useless. They will naturally stop doing this, but concentrate their firepower. Attacked frontally.

The Sunshine Flame skill on Qingteng Snake's attack was just right, and it happened to attack when the opposite was fighting with this side.

After being discovered, two or three elves had no time to cut off their skills and reopened. They could only continue to blast their skills and prepare to intercept them. However, by doing so, not only did they consume more energy, but also more likely to accidentally injure friendly melee units fighting in the front row.

The melee units fighting in the front place are all facing their backs, so they can't see the attack, but Zhou Jiang and the others can naturally see it, so the melee units over there are unlucky...

Although the sun and flames of the Ivy Snake were blocked, the melee unit was torn apart. Not to mention, the stamina of the intercepted elves was also severely depleted, and they suddenly changed their skills. They have also caused a little pressure, and their physical strength will naturally be consumed.

All in all, this wave is down, the opposite is blood loss!

"Gan, I will lose if this continues...what should I do, boss?" Mazi asked, looking at the handsome man.

"We couldn't beat it at all, so what's the panic." The handsome man said indifferently.

"Eh~ it seems right..."

"..." The ordinary man looked at the two, and sighed helplessly.

"Let's concentrate on attacking, we lose, they don't think about it, at least they have to eliminate some of their elves."

"Yeah." The two nodded, a flash of light flashed in their eyes.

Zhou Jiang and the others, Zhou Jiang and the others also walked over and stood with Zhou Nan and others.

"If you have you, I actually succeeded." Zhou Nan hammered Zhou Jiang's arm and said excitedly.

Zhou Jiang hit him back and hammered him again, "If you want to say this, you should go and command your elves. The other side has launched a general attack." Zhou Jiang made a stubborn mouth and motioned him to look ahead.

The elves on the opposite side have already rushed towards this side, not only the melee elves, but also the elves from the distant attack that were in the distance before. Although they took advantage of the chaos to kill the two melee elves on the opposite side, they are still left. Twelve were dropped, and the number is quite large. Although the number of elves is more here~www.ltnovel.com~, the average level is still high on the opposite side...

The opposite seemed to be rushing up with the idea of ​​dying together. The skills they used to fight over here could be blocked if they were able to block them.

The first few elves of the melee type ignored them. After rushing over and directly dispersing them, leaving two entangled them, and then the rest continued to rush forward.

Not to mention, this aura is indeed scary and powerful. Even the Kirby Beast could not rush back to support it immediately, and was stopped by an elf...

"Fuck, what are they doing, so crazy!"

Zhou Nan was frightened by their aura, it was like a zombie coming out of the cage... His eyes were red and he didn't even blink his eyes when he hit him. It was indeed a bit scary.

Zhou Nan still has time to complain, Xu Feng and the others are busy, constantly issuing instructions to let the elves attack the opposite side, and start thinking about tactics and cooperating with teammates.

Although they have many elves, they are all of the long-range attack type at the back. They have five melee elves rushing over. If they rush into the elves group, there will be the opposite remote output elves as cover, although it is not a wolf into a sheep. Group, but it is also bad.

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