Zhou Jiang didn't let Shanaiduo directly help, she only needed to save her own elves at a critical moment, so that they could not lose their fighting ability.

As long as the elves have not lost their fighting ability, the elves can continue to fight, and there are not many others but many potions.

Shanaiduo won't take it lightly, mainly because Zhou Jiang wants to see how they can cope.

After all, it seems that they haven't experienced group fighting yet, right? He didn't know when he left the team, at least he didn't watch them play when he was with them.

He didn't know if Lu Ran and the others wanted to see their combat ability or simply lazy, anyway, he wanted to see it, and didn't know why, he always felt that he might have to go with the Rockets in the future.

Of course, this is just his guess, not a premonition. He is not so illusory... After all, in novels, those crossing texts don’t always show up after the protagonist travels through the past, and it will not take long for something big to happen. The plot?

What kind of terrorist attacks, invasions from other worlds, cosmic attacks, etc...

Anyway, with the protagonist, there will be no peace in the world...

And the precursor to something big is that the protagonist and his generation are born in large numbers...

Although Zhou Jiang met very few people, even if he met passers-by trainers in the field, they were all of the very ordinary kind. Zhou Jiang would at most walk with them for a certain distance, and then he would be separated. Although I haven't encountered the so-called genius, there are those talented elf trainers who have met once in a hundred years, elf coordinators who have met once in a thousand years, and beautiful girls who are rare in ten thousand years...

Ahem, something strange has been mixed in, but this is just a trivial matter, don't care.

The point is that this era seems to... there are so many so-called geniuses!

This is not a good phenomenon.

Although all the stories in the novel are ridiculous, but he has gone through it, or through the animation...Well, there are only parallel worlds set by elves, so what else is impossible?

Perhaps one day he got up and saw that the city had been captured by aliens.

And even if it’s not an alien, but what about the Rockets?

He has read a lot of elven novels and he remembers that many of them wrote about the Rockets and the Alliance, but they still put it on the bright side...

He accidentally entered the prosecutor’s pit. If he really fights with the Rockets, then he must be forced to fight the Rockets. What? Are you not going? !

Are you a spy? Grab and torture!

Well, although his contacts will not be arrested and tortured to search for memory, it is also uncomfortable.

Weighing the pros and cons, it is natural to fight the Rockets well. After all, there are additional points and rewards to obtain, but fighting the Rockets is not a joke.

If you fight with those little guys, and destroy some small bases with the big forces, it's okay. I'm afraid he will be sent to fight against the Rockets.

If he comes to a championship-level trainer, he will be so cool...

The Rockets will naturally not lack high-level combat power, otherwise, how can they be able to jump in China.

Although there are also moths in the league, this is not the main reason. After all, the moths are not the moths at the beginning, but they start to decay after contact with the Rockets, and the Rockets can contact those high-levels and drive out. The price tag that can make their heart beat is certainly not simple.

And the most important thing is...does the Rockets have a super dream? !

Chaomeng is also a kind of elves, and it can even be said to be the "pro son" of the official veteran. In this world, will Chaomeng still appear?

Will there be something similar to the law that will make Chaomeng inevitably appear in this world, and the name of the Rockets... is really that, it won’t work if he doesn’t care, if there are not many things in this world, such as The evolution of the ugly fish, the evolution of Ibrahimovic, he must suspect that there are still traversers.

Zhou Jiang always felt that certain conflicts would occur, so he started to pay attention to the people around him, as if he had previously imagined crossing the world of swords and magic and then forming a mercenary group to fight against Warcraft. He wanted to let the people around him People become stronger.

If some kind of crisis really broke out, these people would be his "little brothers", and they would live with him in the crisis!

Well, so the search for the elves of the super power department can't be given up. Parents still need to take care of them. If something happens, other people are okay. As parents of ordinary people, things are easy to happen. This is not what he wants to see. When he arrives, he has a system, and he does not need his parents to sacrifice to the sky to obtain boundless mana.

Back to the battlefield.

Zhou Jiang let Bibi Bird fly into the air and used a fierce wind. The power of the skills used at high levels was still very powerful. The elves that were blowing almost couldn't stand still and were blown away.

But after all, they have many elves, shoulder to shoulder, and work hard together, Bibi can't help it. After all, it hasn't evolved. The gap between Bibi Bird and Bi Diao is still very large, and its size is not comparable.

But Zhou Jiang didn't expect Bibi Niao to stop him.

The gun hit the bird, although the speed of the opposite side slowed down, but after standing firm, the bird began to bombard the bird.

Those skills such as the rock blade, the freezing light, and the hundred thousand volts, don't want money to smash towards Bibi Niao, and Bibi Niao can only flee in a hurry.

But Bibi Niao's mission was finished, and after intercepting them for a while, it was time to counterattack.

The Qingteng Snake was the first to attack. The sunlight flames that had been prepared for a long time were launched directly, and Tian Zhengjie was the second to attack. After all, he had experienced a lot, so he was the first to let himself be when Bibi Bird blocked the opponent. The elves were ready to attack, and then Zhou Nan and the others reacted. This is the gap.

The consciousness is not very good, but it is inevitable. After all, he is a newcomer. After a long time of travel and battle, he will be familiar with these things a lot.

Of course, Zhou Jiang is actually not qualified to talk about them. It's just that he is the initiator of this small plan, so he doesn't need to worry so much. Others need to think about his tactics, and he only needs to think about it.

It's a bit messy to say that, to put it simply, one is thinking about problems by oneself, and the other is thinking about other people's problems. The difficulty comparison between the two can be imagined.

If the position is changed, if he changes to Zhou Nan's position, he might do worse...

After all, he himself is a person who is not good at trying to figure out other people, and is not good at observing words and opinions.

Zhou Jiang and the others took advantage of the gap of the counterattack after the opponent carried Bibiiao’s attack, and the opponent did not give it in vain. They attacked Bibiiao not all of them attacked the past, so the rest of the elves also attacked. Hit back.

Since the elves on their side are relatively high overall, and many elves on Zhou Jiang's side were also dragged behind by the elves on the opposite side, so the number of elves who are right on the front is not much worse.

Among these elves, Zhou Jiang’s Qingteng Snake and Bibi Bird, and Tian Zhengjie’s Gentleman Crow can carry the banner.

The opponent hurriedly launched an attack to block Zhou Jiang's offensive, and then the elves that had attacked Bibiniao slowed down and also launched their attacks. There was no frontal attack on the place where the skills of the two sides could meet, but they attacked in another direction. It was the same as the previous sneak attack by the Qingteng snake.


Xanadu's arm lifted slightly, and an invisible shock wave flew out.


The surrounding branches and leaves and grass all bend under the blow of Xanadu. After the strong air current surging, the strong wind next to it did not blow. The movement of the branches was very large, and it was allowed to eat melons behind. Xue Lu in the play was startled, and only after seeing Zhou Jiang that none of them reacted, she continued to eat melons with a little relief.


Shanaiduo's attack and the attack from the opposite side collided head-on. After an instant explosion, the energies canceled each other out, causing the branches and bushes that had been a little quieter to shake.

"Sun, Sure enough, that Sanaido is very strong. You are so strong. What are you doing here to participate in this kind of activity? It doesn't leave a way for the newcomers. Gan, I curse that he can only eat instant noodles. No seasoning package!"

"Wow~ It's so vicious, I actually cursed him for eating instant noodles, and there is no seasoning package, you are so bad..."

"..." The ordinary man rolled his eyes and didn't want to speak.

Zhou Jiang and the others, Zhou Nan and the others were relieved after seeing the crisis resolved.

They almost let the elves evade, after all, if they don't evade, they can only use their skills.

As for interception?

They are a little low in level and can't stop them... If more power is allocated to intercept, then the frontal battle will be penetrated by the opposite side. If the two cannot be stopped together, the other will come over. So it can only be avoided.

Although the consequence is that the team will be dispersed directly, it will be difficult to organize an offensive afterwards, but it is better than attacking from the opposite side for no reason.

They can still play guerrilla once the formation is scattered. If they insist on skills, they will have no chance.

People are there, the country is; people die, the country is destroyed.

Two meanings.

One meaning is to resolutely never retreat, and never retreat until death.

Another meaning is that talent is fundamental. As long as the person is still there, the country will still be "present" even if it is lost, and once the person is dead, even if the country is still there, it is no different.

If they make a choice, Zhou Jiang and the others will naturally choose to stay in the mountains without fear of firewood, but fortunately the problem is solved.

Zhou Nan turned around and gave a thumbs up to Shanaido, then turned his head back, "Okay, Nitorino, you can't lose anymore. Use Super Horn Attack!"

Well, although it's a super corner hit, it's actually an ordinary corner hit...

It's just that Nitorino has some strange power, so the power is greater than the ordinary corner hit. As for the real super corner hit, it is far behind.

Zhou Nan yelled like this only for being handsome, but if he yelled like this, he could also deter the enemy, and perhaps it could have unexpected effects sometimes?

Zhou Nan’s Nidolino is on the side of the blocked melee team, and has already begun to break through there. After all, there are not many elves on the opposite side to block them, just want to hold it for a while and then desperately "destroy" with the elves behind. That's it.

Although Zhou Jiang went down and dispelled the other party's arrogance, it was still difficult here. If it weren't for Shanaido, they would definitely issue one or two elves here. After all, there is still a gap between Wang Qingyan and their elves and the opposite. Once If you are hit by a combination attack from the opposite side, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die.

The elves on the opposite side were even more desperate. Several of them had already rushed to the front of Zhou Jiang and their elves. They will all blast on them, but even so, they still survived, although scarred.

Their desperate actions were not ineffective, Shanaido didn't give much effort, and Zhou Jiang let the elves paddle again, it would be strange if Zhou Nan and the others could hold on.

Zhou Jiang's elves were all washed away, and there was no flying elves on the opposite side, so Bibi Bird flying in the sky was very safe, as long as he avoided the opposite long-range attack.

Zhou Jiang and the others here also only have a Bibi bird, a gentleman crow, and Duo Duo Bing San who can only fly, so the other side will not put too much energy on them. After all, it is still a bit troublesome to hit them if they can fly~www .ltnovel.com~There are so many elves on the ground who don’t beat the sky, so how can you say it is a loss...

However, although they will not put too much energy on them, they will not let it go. If the two elves have been recklessly on fire, they can still be suppressed to prevent them from harassing and attacking.

It's just that the effect is not very good. After all, the mobility of the flying elves is there, how can it be suppressed so easily?

At least the firepower of four or five elves can be suppressed, but now that they are in a state of full firepower, they can be suppressed in a short time, but after a while, after a lot of their physical strength is lost, Bibi The birds are free.

But at that time, I guess I don’t need them much...

The few elves that intercepted had to consume enough physical strength to support them, and it would take at least two or three minutes. At that time, the melee units of Nitorino who were blocked in front had already broken through.

Seeing his own elves who were scattered and fleeing, and then began to fight guerrillas, Zhou Jiang suddenly had some different ideas.

Do you want to...try the tactics in the game?

Although he has never played those and used tactics, he has never eaten pork, have he not seen a pig run, and he has also seen some in some game novels, those tactics of the Raiders copy.

If the elves are divided into tanks and sub-tanks, long-range physical output, long-range spell output, priest, assassin, control, summon...

Well, although there is no summon in this world, there are others!

In the past, when he chose the elves he wanted, he also followed this reference to a certain extent, but now he hasn't turned a bit when playing team battles, and has forgotten many things. It seems that this configuration is based on team battles. Was born?

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