I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 630: End and mutation!

What is their style of play now?

Although there was some division of labor at the beginning, it was not a honeycomb, but the division of labor was not too clear.

For example, control and output are all mixed together, and they are treated. Although the number of wild elves is small and rare, they are not equipped.

The current battle is divided into two parts. The melee unit and the melee unit fight in the middle, while the long-range team fights against the long-range team at a distance.

What both sides fight is which side has more people, which side is more manpower, which side has a high comprehensive level and so on.

It can be said to be a brutal battle. But no wonder, after all, the most important thing here is one-to-one fair duels and many-to-many. It was also done in the past, and it is not popular now, so that's it.

If it’s a two-on-two, there is a regular game, so there is a special training for doubles, and there are six of them, there is no game, and training is troublesome, laborious, and even a lot of effort is not useful for training, so there is no People think and train.

As for the game... In this world, where even the elves could even watch the blissful situation before, what good games can they expect?

The best now is also the recently emerging "Elf GO" and the renamed "Elf".

The others? There is nothing interesting at all, they are all for young children. After all, these children are looking forward to elves. The operation of the game does not need to be too difficult or complicated. There is a market for anything you can do, and even older ones such as high school and university. Girls are all playing, and the girls are playing, which also motivates the boys... As for some old people?

Old people also like elves, and those with energy will naturally play.

It can be said that simply adding modules on the basis of Lianliankan can increase the market. If someone buys it, who will develop a new game?

Unless... be crowded with no way out...

In reality, almost no one pays attention to it. The game has not been developed to that height, and naturally there will be no such things as tactics. Of course, everyone does not think about how to fight team battles.

Wouldn't it be over if Mang passed?


I didn't separate the elves and let them perform their duties. What tactics are there?

Without a copy of the game, it is difficult to derive a specialized profession that controls this, and they are still compiled in the remote output lineup.

The tank has only been developed a little, and a new system has not yet been fully formed.

Control is a weaker wizard, and tanks are melee fighters.

Even the game "Elf GO" now does not have complete auxiliary control, and there is no fleshy flying tank.

Zhou Jiang felt that maybe he could be the founder of the mountain?


Recalling the previous time when we teamed up with the prosecutors to attack the base of the Galaxy regiment, that time, the prosecutors and those Galaxy regiments had no problem fighting against each other.

Although the melee elves and the far attack elves are divided into two teams, the responsibility has gradually become clear.

For example, in the melee group, they didn't mess around. The big defensive elves and the thin body, high attack and weak defensive elves will be bound in a group, and the two elves will fight together.

As for the far-attack elves, not all elves attacked.

For example, those of super power elves and ghosts.

While they are wary of being stolen by others, they also need to support them in a pinpoint manner. Whether it is close combat or long-range attack, their skills appear from time to time.

Well, it can only be said to be an organization that has always been in need of fighting. Team battles have also developed. It is estimated that the team battle lineup will be more perfect in the near future, and even specialized assistance will be independent. This is when there is demand. Development...

When Zhou Jiang was thinking, the situation of the battle had gradually become clear.

Zhou Jiang and the others won here. This is a matter of course. If they can lose, there will be ghosts.

As for the three people on the opposite side's initial plan to make Zhou Jiang's elves lose their fighting ability, their plan was frustrated. Not a single elves on Zhou Jiang's side lost their fighting ability.

Shanaiduo looked at the overall situation, she would directly rescue the elf with her mind if she could not hold it, and then attack the opposite elf to weaken their physical strength. After all, there is one missing here, so don’t weaken the other side. If it is, it is easy to snowball.

Balance is king!

After being dragged for a while, many elves were hungry, and after being judged to be eliminated by Shanaido, their dragged melee troops also returned. Under the two-sided attack, the opposite elves who had spent a lot of energy were naturally unable to resistance.

"Hey... I lost..."

"Hmm... failed..."

"I was eliminated from the beginning..."

The three of them looked at each other and sighed helplessly.


All the elves on the opposite side lost their fighting ability, and the numbers on the display boards hung on the three little magnetic monsters became zero. There is no doubt that the opposite side was eliminated.

Zhou Nan and the others won the battle. Although Shanaiduo was still able to exert great effort, but at any rate they also won the battle. They were naturally happy, and all of them happily hugged the elves to celebrate.

Shanaiduo let go of his thought power. Except for using too much skill and being very weak, the little magnetic monster with no damage slowly floated down. Then, Ahuo's voice fell from one of the three little magnetic monsters. Only sent out.

"On the forty-seventh, forty-nine, and fifty, all the elves lost their combat ability and were eliminated. Please stay in place and wait for our staff to pick them up."

"Hey...yes~" the three of them replied feebly, after all, it was given off at the beginning, who is in a good mood?

"Thank you~ Congratulations on winning the game. It is really a very exciting game~ Our audience friends are very satisfied with this game. Do you have anything to say to the audience? Ah Huo can convey it on your behalf~"

"Haha~" Zhou Jiang smiled softly in the distance, ignoring the funny commentator.

Negotiating things, let Lu Ran and the others handle it, anyway, he is not interested, and he is dying of trouble.

He is more interested in the emails from the system than this.

After winning the battle, he opened an email and found that in addition to the points obtained after winning the elves, there were also "task" rewards. The rewards were also very common, only one hundred points. However, Zhou Jiang was not disappointed. It is estimated that this event is again a mission. There is a reward for winning a team. It may be low at first, but it will definitely rise later.

And even if he doesn't increase the reward, he is satisfied with 100 points. After the whole event, it is estimated that he can get about a thousand points?

Of course, this is just his ideal situation. After all, he doesn't know how to complete the task, even if he wins the game? Or to win a certain size team? If it is a team, will the number of people who meet the conditions later increase? Or is it directly fixed, for example, a team of three people can only get it once, a team of four people, and so on?

Zhou Jiang sat aside and checked the emails. Lu Ran, Chen Qizhen and Tian Zhengjie talked to the official Ahuo. Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan went to communicate with the three of Mazimian, saying that they didn’t know each other and wanted to make contact. Friends...

The five remaining Xu Feng thought about it and sat down beside Zhou Jiang to rest.

When Zhou Jiang recovered, Lu Ran and the others were still talking, but Tian Zhengjie came back and sat down beside them. Zhou Nan and the others were still communicating with the three people on the other side, but they were talking and laughing. , It is estimated that I have made friends and integrated into it.

Seeing Zhou Jiang's recovery, Xu Feng and the others didn't have any questions to ask him. After all, Zhou Jiang was inexplicable. This situation was not once or twice, but Xue Lu was a little surprised and wanted to look at him from time to time.

After Zhou Jiang recovered, the two looked at each other, Xue Lu smiled at him, and then turned her head to talk to Wang Qingyan and others.

There is still some distance between Zhou Jiang and Wang Qingyan and the others. They can't hear what they are talking about. They can only see how happy they are.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Xue Lu and looked at Xu Feng and Tian Zhengjie beside him.

"Now, Teacher Tian, ​​what do you think of Xue Lu?" Zhou Jiang leaned over and asked in a low voice.


Xu Feng and Tian Zhengjie looked over in surprise, looked at Xue Lu and others in the distance, and then looked at Zhou Jiang.

"Do you like her?" Xu Feng asked directly, but the voice was very small, only the three of them could hear it.

Tian Zhengjie nodded, "I think it's okay, but if you really want to pursue it, you still need to get in touch again. It's hard to get a full understanding of a person with temporary contact. She looks good, and we understand if you like it, but You’ve been staring at people before, some are too explicit, it’s better to be restrained, otherwise it will be defined as frivolous."

"Well, Teacher Tian is right, Zhou Jiang, your performance is too obvious, even if you want to see it, don't be so obvious. You have been staring at others before."


Zhou Jiang stared blankly at the dam that had broken the embankment. The two people who were talking endlessly had their heads down.

What? I like her? !

Recovered, Zhou Jiang quickly blocked their strange remarks.

In this way, it is hard to tell if you really jumped into the Yellow River. Although Xue Lu is indeed pretty long, it may be preconceived thinking, and he just can't like her.

And is it time to talk about these?

After interrupting their speech, Zhou Jiang looked at the side slightly, and saw that they were still doing their own business, and no one came back here, so he whispered his guess to them.

He had thought about it. He alone cannot think comprehensively and deal with it. With so many people, there are nine people who don't know. If you don't pay attention, it is very likely that something will happen.

At this moment, they are all busy with themselves. The two people here, whether it is Tian Zhengjie or Xu Feng, are calm and reliable people.

The two of them are very reliable, so he needs them to help him share it. One person's power is limited, especially for ordinary people like him who are not smart.

With their help, the ratio of the number of people who knew and did not know was three to seven, and Tian Zhengjie and their three teachers were often in one group. Later, if they had the opportunity, they could still bring Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen in, so it was five to five.

And now is a great opportunity!

If I missed the present, if I regret later, I don't know when I will find the opportunity.

If one person stares at one person, nothing will happen, right?

Zhou Jiang can't do it alone, so find more!

Of course, Zhou Nan's hot-blooded fools or people who are not calm can't and know these things.

They knew that bad things would happen later.

The fewer people know, the higher the security, but fewer people know. For example, Zhou Jiang alone knows, and the considerations, ideas, etc. are not comprehensive. If Zhou Jiang is intelligent, not to mention the top advisers, he is smart Ordered, but he is just an ordinary person...

Ordinary people will inevitably have many shortcomings, but he can recognize his ordinaryness, in a sense, he is no longer ordinary.

"Really!" Xu Feng frowned.

"I said it was my guess. You also asked me if I was true or false, how could I know the true or false." Zhou Jiang said helplessly.

"...Well, it's my fault." Xu Feng pushed his glasses, "Teacher, what do you think."

Zhou Jiang also looked at Tian Zhengjie, wanting to hear his opinion.

Tian Zhengjie nodded, "We have already noticed this, but we are not sure whether she approached us purposefully or really wanted to find a team, so we didn't say anything at the beginning."

Zhou Jiang nodded, "Ms. Lu Ran and Ms. Chen Qizhen also know about them, right?"

Tian Zhengjie pushed his glasses and nodded~www.ltnovel.com~Well, we do know it. Before, I created a discussion group with a mobile phone to discuss it. "

"Huh? Discussion group? When did you create it, and I didn't see you using your mobile phone along the way..." Zhou Jiang looked at him with some surprise. He really didn't see them used before, even if he paid a lot of attention. Focused on Xue Lu, but shouldn't you not even notice the three of them looking at the phone together?

Zhou Jiang looked at Xu Feng, and he also shook his head, indicating that he hadn't paid attention.

"Forget it, it's not important. Teacher, what do you think will be done afterwards, just continue like this?" Zhou Jiang looked at Tian Zhengjie, "If this continues, I feel very passive..."

Tian Zhengjie sighed, "What can be done, now she hasn't leaked any flaws, and can't tell what her intentions are, so she can only wait like this, but now the five people know it, it's time to pay more attention. Our strength, even if she wants to do tricks, it would be difficult to not be discovered by us, let alone be wary of us now."

Xu Feng nodded, "It is true, but if it really goes so smoothly..."



The sharp metallic sound suddenly spread into the ears, and Zhou Jiang and the others couldn't help covering their ears with their hands. The sound was like a metal scratching a blackboard, which made people get goose bumps.


Before everyone had time to say anything, the explosion sounded, and a wave of air swept towards Zhou Jiang and the others. Xanadu directly jumped out of the wizard ball and made a light wall in front of Zhou Jiang and the others.

As the explosion sounded, the harsh sound disappeared.

The bird that had just fallen back into the forest, which had been startled by the previous battle, was startled again, and Xu Feng and others all rubbed their ears and stood up, pinching the wizard ball with their right hand and looking at the sound.

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